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Re: Digest Number 5207

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Dear Jim,

I have the same problems you do. I have PA and then developed diabetes,

mainly from the use of prednisone due to my arthritis and my lung

conditions. Anyway, I have had related infections, and many more of them

since I developed diabetes. For one thing my skin itches more, and I¹m not

sure if that is from the diabetes or from the medication I¹m on to treat

everything. I¹ve had boils pop up out of the blue, when I never had them

ever before in my life. Infections in my gums have been the hardest and the

most troublesome to treat. I¹ve lost teeth from the tooth dying just from

the infection in the gums. I don¹t really feel that much pain from it, but

I do seem to get more tired when I notice the infection is back. Any little

place where moisture can develop on my skin can go into an infection if I¹m

not careful or if I itch my psoriasis too much it can get infected. I¹ve

found the Destitin helps on the skin folds or under my arms or anywhere

moisture can build up. It has a fungal preventative in it similar to what

you would use for athletes feet or anything similar. It helps the most. If

an infection does pop up, I use first a first aid cream that has several

types of infection fighter in it, and then after it seems to have healed I

make sure I use powder in the area for several days.

I try to use a bacterial soap with all my showers, but my arthritis has

gotten so bad that just getting a shower in everyday is almost impossible

now. I finally understand why older people so often just don¹t want to take

showers or a bath. It¹s just too much for them to deal with at the time. I

feel that way every time I force myself into the shower. I usually feel

cleaner, but I ache all over by the time I get out. I have a bench to sit

on too, so it shouldn¹t be that big of a deal. I recently fell and broke my

pelvis in 2 places plus my tailbone, so I¹m really still getting over that

as well. I think that¹s half the problem right now.

I don¹t know if I answered your question that well, but my doctor has also

given me a really strong antibiotic cream to use if I can¹t get a regular

infection to clear up and has put me on antibiotics on and off to help me

when one gets bad or I get several at the same time. You know so much

attention is given to people with diabetes and their feet, but luckily I

haven¹t had any problems in that area. I always put a lotion on my feet

when I get out of the shower and that seems to help them from drying out so

much. I also wear socks all the time, which probably helps too.

I hope this helps. I do the best I can with the diabetic meals too, but it

isn¹t easy when you are cooking for 2 and even though my husband is diabetic

he refuses to eat accordingly. Lately, he cooks dinner since I broke my

pelvis and believe me there isn¹t anything diabetic about his

cooking....lol. I have a pretty strict routine on my meals for the rest of

the day though, so that helps a lot.

Anyway, I hope you are doing ok Jim and your diabetes stays under control.

I managed to get my AIC down 1.5 points last month so I feel pretty good

about that right now. Take care and write me anytime, ok?

Fran trying to stay cool in Florida.

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