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Hello - I'm new

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> I found this group when looking up information on candida on the

> internet. I hope to learn a lot here!

==>Hi. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?


> I've had candida twice - once 6 years ago, and then recently last

> year. I'm not exactly sure my bout from last year is quite gone. I'm

> suffering continual sinus blockage. Additionally I've been

> experiencing high blood pressure since the last bout in autumn of

last year. I wonder if my high bp is a result of candida, the herbs

I took for it (I read Pau d'arco can tease your bp to become high) or

if it's just a matter of other issues.

==>There's some treatments to help alleviate your sinus problems; do

a site search on my website http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com

==>Blood pressure problems can be caused by an imbalance in minerals

and particularly if you have avoided a good natural salt which

contains sodium and chloride (2 macrominerals required by the body).

Many of our members have been able to normalize their blood pressure

on this diet and by drinking my electrolyte drink (see my article

sent to you when you joined " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " ,

or do a search for the Candida Section on my website which has a lot

of helpful information, food lists, help for die-off symptoms, etc.).


> The first time I followed a restricted diet, and took tea

recommended by a naturopath. I was ok until I stopped the diet+teas,

then shortly after it came back. I then found Renew Life's

CandidaGone and that flat out killed it.

==>Killed what?

> I tried it again in the autumn (I had a UTI at the same time, was

fighting a lot of stuff!) and it seems to have helped it again. I

take probiotics on a semi-regular basis. However, I'm just not

convinced the candida is completely gone because of my sinus and

high bp. Now I'm afraid to take Pau d'Arco at all - that herb I know

> helped tremendously.

==>Diet and supplements are the most important factors in curing

candida, and you must stay on it long enough to build up your immune

system; natural healing takes 1 month for every year you've been

unhealthy, which starts when you are completely on the diet and

taking all supplements. There are no quick fixes unfortunately.


> Anyway I'd like to hear your comments and will be reading this

group's posts with interest. Also have any of you heard of

's book on Yeast Infection cures?

> (http://www.yeastinfectionnomore.com/?hop=chetday) -- Does anyone

know about her methods and are they much different from the natural

> approaches I've been following with the herbs? I'm really curious

> about her book but $40...kind of a lot to pay for the information.

==>We've recently discussed her book, and one member who bought it

says it is not worth the money. My program is the best because it

works and many people have had miraculous results; see the Success

Stories on my website. But it does take time, patience and

persistence, particularly with the diet. When you give your body the

nutrients it needs it will heal itself.

I wish you the best, Bee

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  • 1 year later...
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Hello Everyone!

I look forward to getting to know you all. Unfortunately, I have

gotten to know PsA very well. I had a sausage toe for 2 1/2 years

before the other joints (knees, ankles, shoulders, low back, neck,

wrists, hips, hands and feet) went nuts in December. It hit me like

a Mack Truck. I saw a Rheumatologist in February and started Enbrel

in March. After three weeks, I saw improvement and got SO excited.

Then, about three weeks ago, the PsA broke through again and now I'm

on MTX, a large amount of Prednisone and Enbrel. I'm having a tough

time accepting this and cannot find solid pain management. I really

want to work to accomodate this disease in a way that allows me to

live better and to do the things I need and want to do. However, I

live in a smaller community with limited resources and feel that I am

pretty much on my own. As of now, I can't sit for more than 10

minutes and can't stand or walk for more than 5. I've always been a

person who would just bulldoze through things. I can't bulldoze my

way through this and am at a loss. I know many of you have been

through this and I would love any advice or practical tips. For

example, I can't do stairs and I live in a 2story house and

have to go up stairs to get in = that's a problem and I've always

thought that where there is a problem there is solution. I know that

eventually we will hit on the combination of meds that will help -

but that seems far away. Thanks for listening - again, I look

forward to getting to know you.

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  • 1 year later...
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> Hello Bee and others,


> In a way I feel new as I haven't 'introduced' myself yet, even though I have

been lurking in cyberspace since September last year.

+++Hello to you too . Welcome posting on this group!


> Like many of you I have also been disppointed by traditional Western,

medicine; this has lead me on my own journey in the search for good health.

Since about the age of 15, (some 20 years ago), I have been dealing with

allergies in some form or another. I have juggled the breadth of 'dietry

fix-its' such as eliminating eggs, wheat, milk and soy etc, but with limited

success. Whilst I had heard of Candida in the past, since I wasn't suffering

from 'the usual' female symptoms, I brushed it aside. However, I am convinced

that I suffer from Candida, especially in the sinus and my head. I used to

suffer from dreadful sinus, but have since got this under control, but I have

terrible brain fog and it the past couple of months a white'ish tongue which is

often covered with blisters along the side and almost lesion-like looking marks

on top.

+++Your health issues are very common for most people who have candida.


> Twice late last year, and once early this year I was fully on the program, up

to 4 tbl spoons of CO, but had such bad die off, that I had to take a huge step

backwards and start again. So here I am, I have been SLOWLY eliminating the

no-no foods (almost there), and am up to taking 3 tsp of CO a day. I get up an

hour earlier each morning for a dry skin brush followed by a salt bath. I have

most of the vitamins although I can't locate a fish liver oil aside from the

Cod liver, here in Germany (I am unable to import from outside the EU - German

law, but maybe other members in Europe can help me?)

+++You can search for past messages on our group that advise where to get the

correct fish liver oil in Europe - I suggest you try searching with the word

Europe or cod liver oil.

+++If you do not find what you need, post a separate message with a Subject line

that includes Europe and cod liver oil so other members will chime in to help



> Having read from other members how beneficial a consultation with Bee is :-),

I woud like to do this but thought I shoud say hello here first.

+++I do email consultation when you don't live in North America, unless you can

call me in Canada, Eastern Standard Time.

I do however have a quick question: For the past couple of days I have an almost

constant pain in the back of my head - at the top - could this be detoxing? I

have never had a head injury, so I wouldn't be retracing. I am also often

shaky, and my heart is racing, although I have read that these are symptoms of


+++It is possibly due to detoxing, since the head is one of the routes a body

can choose to get rid of toxins.

To help ease the pain I suggest you get someone to massage your head, and also

apply hot wet heat (not a heating pad which is electric) to that area of your


You can massage the back of your neck too, and do this exercise:

-Sit down and slowly move your shoulders UP and tighten all muscles in your

shoulders and neck at the same time and move your neck towards its base, like a

turtle pulling its head into its shell - this would also make the back of your

head go back too.

Once you get the muscles very tight and tensed up, then very slowly release them

until your head and shoulders are back in their usual position, and then

breathing deeply - do this 3-5 times in a row to get the most benefit. This

helps all of the muscles in the area and your head relax.

Yes, being shaky and a racing heart can be symptoms of die-ease, but they can

also be caused by toxins being released and/or stress that you or your body are

experiencing, that causes the body to run on its fight/flight nervous system

which produces other symptoms as well. So I suggest you do regular deep

breathing exercises, and review the list of symptoms:


I look forward to a consultation with you.

The best in health, Bee

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Hi Xenia,

You are quite right; The vitamin A was in a NOW multi-vitamin supplement which I

was trying to import.  


From: petrapickett <petrapickett@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: hello - I'm new

Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 2:31 PM


Hi and Tini,

it could be the high Vitamin A level in the fish oil, from what I've heard that

is considered a prescription drug in Germany.


> >

> > Hello Bee and others,

> >

> > In a way I feel new as I haven't 'introduced' myself yet, even though I have

been lurking in cyberspace since September last year.

> >

> > Like many of you I have also been disppointed by traditional Western,

medicine; this has lead me on my own journey in the search for good health.

Since about the age of 15, (some 20 years ago), I have been dealing with

allergies in some form or another. I have juggled the breadth of 'dietry

fix-its' such as eliminating eggs, wheat, milk and soy etc, but with limited

success. Whilst I had heard of Candida in the past, since I wasn't suffering

from 'the usual' female symptoms, I brushed it aside. However, I am convinced

that I suffer from Candida, especially in the sinus and my head. I used to

suffer from dreadful sinus, but have since got this under control, but I have

terrible brain fog and it the past couple of months a white'ish tongue which is

often covered with blisters along the side and almost lesion-like looking marks

on top.

> >

> > Twice late last year, and once early this year I was fully on the program,

up to 4 tbl spoons of CO, but had such bad die off, that I had to take a huge

step backwards and start again. So here I am, I have been SLOWLY eliminating the

no-no foods (almost there), and am up to taking 3 tsp of CO a day. I get up an

hour earlier each morning for a dry skin brush followed by a salt bath. I have

most of the vitamins although I can't locate a fish liver oil aside from the

Cod liver, here in Germany (I am unable to import from outside the EU - German

law, but maybe other members in Europe can help me?)

> >

> > Having read from other members how beneficial a consultation with Bee is

:-), I woud like to do this but thought I shoud say hello here first. I do

however have a quick question: For the past couple of days I have an almost

constant pain in the back of my head - at the top - could this be detoxing? I

have never had a head injury, so I wouldn't be retracing. I am also often

shaky, and my heart is racing, although I have read that these are symptoms of


> >

> > I would appreciate any feedback.

> >

> > Kind regards

> >

> >


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Hei ,

I order everything from iHerb, as its so much cheaper there, Finnland is so

pricey...I have read it up from the Zoll homepage, but they just say some

high-dosed vitaimns or supplements, which are declared as medicine



No clue but you would already save a lot if you could only order half of the

supplements, but I couldnt find a rea l list, but on the page is a contact, so

maybe they can give you the things which are declared to be medicine and the

rest is free to order...as I said, one ingredient of my B-vitamin is on the

medicine list too, but they allowed me to order it (haha and I do keep that

email for sure :D)

Most of the things I do get in my life-stores here too, but for priceswhich are

ridiculous...ewhen I was on holiday in Germany I bought some vitamins in the

pharmacy, but the prices were high too and it was not exactely what i needed,

most of the stuff had " -stuff :(

I have a friend who is going partly on the diet now, I will ask her and come

back to you!

BR Tini

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