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Re: flair up questions

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I have the same symptoms. These symptoms are actually what caused me to go to

the doctor in the first place. I kept thinking I had the flu. It got to the

point that I was sick all the time with intense muscle aches, chills, and

extreme fatigue When he did blood work, my sed rate was sky high and he referred

me to a rheumatologist. I still have periods of symptoms. Sometimes they are so

intense it is scary. I feel like I should be in a hospital. The good news is

that the flairs are getting less severe and don't last long at all. My temp used

to average 95. It now averages 97. When I was really sick, it would fluctuate

between 95 and 102...sometimes several times in an hour.

Suzanne Woodring <agapesue@...>

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Hi ,

I would expect that there are as many different descriptions od a flare up as

there are different ways that this affects each of us.

For me a " flare " is characterized by either an abundance of skin lesions that

appear suddenly OR some random joint that swells and becomes painful.

For me flares that come on their own are rare. Usually I have brought on a flare

myself by overdoing, by stress, lack of sleep, or some other trigger.

I know my case of P & PA is relatively mild compared to many.

And I am extremely fortunate that I have been successfully managing my disease

with 12.5 mg of MTX a week for over 6 years.

**** Your results, mileage and experience may differ.

Stay Well,

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Those were also my initial symptoms as well. I kept thinking I had the flu but

finally went to the Dr. when it was happening every couple of weeks. I finally

admitted that something was really wrong as no one gets the flu that often. My

SED rate was off the charts. I was really in denial for a long time even though

my mom has PA.

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Hi ,

Ask the doctor about stills disease. Or again, virus discussion.

Viruses do that , they come and go. I know because I had it and it got

to the point where it affected the sac around my heart when I was a kid

.. It was not stills, but a virus. I had my sac removed . Now I have

PsA... Usually the symptoms of PsA, start out with one joint and then it

travels. It could be that your low back is affected SACROILOITIS..

another clue IT can affect the thighs, hips and sometimes be insidious

and have no symptoms in the beginning. But If you have problems getting

out of a chair( Stiffness) well that's a clue, traveling pain and

fever... that's a clue too. Feeling like your getting the Flu.. VERY

TIRED, sort throat, glands swollen, but never materializes into a

cold/flu. That's a clue , Eye issues, pain, and or redness . Traveling

pain.. you know you have a full blown case of something. Also check for

LYME. I do not get fevers, but I think my initial PsA attack started

with one. My psoriasis symptoms are limited and I had it mild. I have

chronic hives . You do not want this disease , so hopefully its a

temporary passing problem.

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We have a chronic disease. I tell people that basically means " sick all the

time. " Our immune system spends way too much time in hyperactive panic mode so

our bodies act like we're " sick " but it's not usually caused by an outside

bacteria or virus. My body can't even tolerate probiotics because my immune

system treats the good bacteria like bad bacteria and causes a flare. My body

goes into the worst flares when I do get an infection, especially strep which I

seem to be really susceptible to. I've had a strep throat go into full-blown

scarlet fever because the sore throat was so mild compared to the arthritis pain

I didn't even notice it.


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