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Re: Digest Number 760

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In response to comments made about why the list is so

important to all of us and the affect we can have with

one another! Why we NEED one another.

Just a " positive " note. . . laying in bed thinking

while the flu running its course with me. . . missing

all of you and anxious to get back to the list. . . .

I thought of the greatest contribution any person

makes in life whether disabled, ill or well!

" Our greatest contribution to this life and our

society around us, is the affect we have on others! "

We may never know how we've affected others, inspired

others, or give them courage to do something they

might not have otherwise done; so let us go through

life leaving a legacy and a trail of good affects in

the hearts and minds of others!

I recently wrote a song and within the lyrics this is

my biggest challenge in life; to write the notes of

" my " song in the hearts of others. . inpiring and

encouraging them in a good way;

To coin the phrase in a recent movie 98/99 (As Good As

It Gets) with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. . .he

told her " You make me want to be a better man "

That is what you on this list have inspired in me. . .

To be a better person! And I hope I live my life in

such a way I make others want to be and do better!

Isn't that what we are here for?

Thank you for being my mentors! Hugs Libby



AND MY GOD. " - Helen Keller


UP! "

Living w/CMT http://www.geocities.com/charcot_marie_tooth

CAMPAIGNING for CMT Awareness http://www..org


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Hi Libby!

I haven't posted much, due to my hands lately, but I do read the posts

everyday and look forward to it. When I read that comment from one of my all

time favorite movies, it was uncanny how it was one of the phrases that I

live by...to make somebody else want to be a better man (person) is to me,

one of the greatest gifts to give a friend. A few months ago while returning

from a Thanksgiving dinner with friends, my friend replied to me, " I wish I

could be like you, Kathy " . It brought tears to my eyes...I thought of all

the physical challenges that I've been dealing with lately...maybe I do bring

on a bit of laughter, hope, etc. to someone else in my life! It made me

rethink my whole perspective on my life...even if we make a tiny difference

in this world, we do make a difference, and to me, it is a significant


Kathy in Brooklyn

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


What town are you from that is near Ottumwa? That is so neat that there

are actually peple from Iowa on this list!!!!! I actually live in Eldon

which is 16 miles from Ottumwa....I work in the meat packing plant



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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Everyone,

When getting the tests done at great plains labs, do you need to have a dr

to interpret the results, or does great plains labs give you an

interpretation? And if so, are they reliable interpretstions or are they

schewed (sp?) to get someone to buy products?

'my son's

(6/AS/highly verbal) results from Great Plains Lab came back as horribly

high on a wide variety of yeast, bacteria and assorted other gut bugs.'




>Subject: [ ] Digest Number 760

>Date: 16 Mar 2002 01:18:37 -0000




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  • 2 months later...
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Hello everyone,

I have just joined the group and just wanted to give a

friendly Hi and Hello to everyone.

My name is Pat Armstrong and I am a soap addict (LOL).

I was introduced to the art of soapmaking almost 5

years ago, by Ela (current member of the list). I

started out with M & P for a long time and just last

year began working with CP (I love CP). I also make

lotion bars, bath salts etc. Currently I am trying to

elevate what was once a hobby into a strong part time

business and then down the road, possibly a full time.

I am happy to be on the list and I look forward to

participating in the group.




The Stylish Collection - Handcrafted Soaps and more....


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Not going just yet-Welcome to the group Pat!

Feel free to jump in anytime about anything. We're a

very informal bunch. Where do you live?

I make mp, cphp, and a bunch of different toiletries.

I live in Baldwinsville, NY (outside of Syracuse).


Listmom #2


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

To Joan,

It has been my experience that most orthopedic doctors are pretty ignorant

about people like us! I was in a car accident 3 months post surgery and I went

to the local hospital in No. Va. and they asked me what they were looking

at!!! This is a BIG, well-known suburban hospital. You need to find a

specialist and can tell you about that team in your area that is supposed


be so good.

I had Harrington Rod surgery in 1981, refused in 1983 with the large rod

removed and a smaller one put in to try to force fusion. I was in horrible


most of the time. In 1988, the disc between L5/S1 protruded onto the sciatic

nerve and that did me in. I ended up having the rod removed and the last

area there fused. Now, I walk 3 miles, swim, do the stairmaster, bike and do

water aerobics with NO pain. I teach but I do not stand for most of the day -

I use a stool and all is fine. The only problem I do have and it is a big

one is that because of the flatback, I lean very far forward. I have not

looked into further revision surgery because the pain level is so good. In


case, you should see a specialist and look into having the surgery. My

doctor would give me no guarantee that it would work - but he literally gave me


life back. Good luck.

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  • 1 year later...


This makes me so mad. They tried to do the same thing to me. Like you should

just lie down and die. I fought this. First hobbies are something you can

stop when you can't go any further or just miss a day, unlike work. Have a

talk with your doctor. Get him to write a report explaining what things you

can and can't do and for how long. Tell him to explain the psychological

effects of not working and that you have to do something. I know this is so

easy to say, but try not to get upset. They do this on purpose.


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