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Annie and Jim.

My name is and I am 25. I live in NJ and got bitten at 15. I was

also on home instruction. I had to first go to community college since I was

too ill to go away. That was no big deal, I was just excited to be going to

school. I did get well enough to transfer to a four year college. I would

like to tell you both how I made it through. I graduated Dec 1996. When I

first transferred to a four year college I was studying all the time. I was

still not keeping up. I was failing my first semester at school. Frightened

( If I can't maintain a c average I get kicked out) I sought some help at the

school. It was a service to help students that are having problems with

school. The women in charge told me that I had a learning disability because

of the lyme. (poor concentration, short term memory loss) I took advantage

of the services offered to me. I had tutors in the classes that gave me the

most trouble. This helped a lot. I also saw a neurologist and he thought my

problems were related to the lyme. He put me on ritilan. The combination of

the ritlian, tutors, and sleeping as much as I could really helped me. I did

a lot less parting and much more studying than my friends, but it was a small

price to pay. I had a positive college experience and happy that help was out

there. I don't know if this will help you guys, but I thought I would share.

Annie if your not ready to go away then community college is a great

alternative. You will be ready if not next year, then the year after. If

either of you would like to talk please feel to.

Take care,

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My name is Annie, I live in CA and have had Lyme now for 11 years, I

got bit when I was 6 and am now 17. Although I have always managed to keep

on treatment since I was diagnosed, I went undiagnosed for 6 years and

therefore untreated. This is my 4th year of high school and I have only

made it through one full year, the rest have been home school. I know what

you mean about feeling 80, but I have decided that if I have all the

illnesses that a 80 year old has now then by the time I am 80 I should feel

like a teenager again. I know it is hard, especially when you are trying to

get an education.

I am going down hill at this point, it always seems to work that

way. I get treated and then feel better for a few months and then go down

hill again. I am hoping to go off to college next fall but unless I feel

better, it isn't going to happen. My worst symptom right now is severe pain

throughout my body. My Doc proscribed pain pills but I seem to be allergic

to all of them. I also have insomnia. Its not horrible right now, I manage

to sleep at least a few hours every night, but I have had it bad in the

past. It is a horrible feeling because your mind and body are so worn out

and you want to sleep desperatly but you can't. I don't know what to

suggest to make this go away unless you can see a Dr. and have him proscribe

some sleeping pills. I would be glad to talk to you, it helps to have

someone that understands to talk to, especially if they are closer in age.

I wish you the best of luck.


Annie hughes@...

>At the age of 16, I was forced to drop out of my high scholl because,

>without the Dr.'s notes that cost so much, I could no longer get home

>instruction, everyday since then has been a battle for me, at 24 yrs old

>I feel like I am 80! I am in college now, and my lymes complicates my

>education something drastic. Its been a good 6 yrs since I have even

>been to the Dr.'s, and it seems like everyday I notice more and more

>things wrong with me, Medicaid turned me down, along with social

>security dissablilty because they said that I make too much money, which

>is a news flash to me..lol.


>Sorry I dont want to ramble, Right now my biggest complaint is insomnia,

>there are time when I do not sleep for 48+ hrs, Depression has entered

>my life due to lymes, and it without treatment for that, this whole

>fight seems like a losing battle anymore.


>I am glad I found a group like this, I just hope that this posting gets

>entered properly..lol




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Hi Jim,

You are posting just fine! I'm sorry to hear your story, a sad but familiar

one. Be proud of yourself for all you have accomplished, despite this

disease. I wish you the best of luck with your health and your education.

Welcome to this group. I'm sure you will find some wonderful people here and

lots of support and understanding!

Take care,


Chrissy Ü

<< I hope I am posting this properly : ) My name is Jim and I live in NJ, I

just signed up for this list because I have had Lyme disease for 8 yrs

now. I got bitten by the tick when I was just 16 yrs old, had the

bullseye rash and all. I got treatment in the begining when my family

had insurance, but about 7 yrs ago, my family lost our health coverage.

At the age of 16, I was forced to drop out of my high scholl because,

without the Dr.'s notes that cost so much, I could no longer get home

instruction, everyday since then has been a battle for me, at 24 yrs old

I feel like I am 80! I am in college now, and my lymes complicates my

education something drastic. Its been a good 6 yrs since I have even

been to the Dr.'s, and it seems like everyday I notice more and more

things wrong with me, Medicaid turned me down, along with social

security dissablilty because they said that I make too much money, which

is a news flash to me..lol.

Sorry I dont want to ramble, Right now my biggest complaint is insomnia,

there are time when I do not sleep for 48+ hrs, Depression has entered

my life due to lymes, and it without treatment for that, this whole

fight seems like a losing battle anymore.

I am glad I found a group like this, I just hope that this posting gets

entered properly..lol



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Dear Jim, I felt so compelled to write t you. I have lyme, as well as my 18

yr old son and my mother. Its been awful...and my husband died 2 years ago,

and we are on our own, I have a wonderful lawyer here who fought for my

disability for lyme disease.

But he is here in Pennsylvania. I also know that there are physicians who

would probably help you with samples meds etc. if they could.

I don't know if this is legal....but I would take a name of every lyme

literate doctor within a 3 hour drive from you, and make copies of your letter

and mail them to them. I know they always have samples, and most have true

compassion. You need medical help. Perhaps the ER r0om, when things are very

bad, and if they do blood workup and see how sick you are, maybe they can get

help for you also. Write me if I can be of assistance to you in any way.

God Bless,


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Jim, I forgot to mention that the symptoms you have from lyme disease should

be addresed as well. My dr has me on antidepressents, as well as an evening

dose of klonopin, helps me sleep and takes away muscle spasms. YOU NEED TO



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Hi Jim, my name is I am 24 too and have had this since I was 18. I

have been I IV twice shots and everything else and always seem to relapse

after a while. I was just interested in finding out if you are on meds now and

what has worked best for you. I know what you mean about the learning

challenge and trying to be abitious in life with such a chronic illness. it is

really difficult. Please write me when you get a chance.

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From: Prinny328@...

Annie and Jim.

My name is and I am 25. I live in NJ and got bitten at 15. I was

also on home instruction. I had to first go to community college since I was

too ill to go away. That was no big deal, I was just excited to be going to

school. I did get well enough to transfer to a four year college. I would

like to tell you both how I made it through. I graduated Dec 1996. When I

first transferred to a four year college I was studying all the time. I was

still not keeping up. I was failing my first semester at school. Frightened

( If I can't maintain a c average I get kicked out) I sought some help at the

school. It was a service to help students that are having problems with

school. The women in charge told me that I had a learning disability because

of the lyme. (poor concentration, short term memory loss) I took advantage

of the services offered to me. I had tutors in the classes that gave me the

most trouble. This helped a lot. I also saw a neurologist and he thought my

problems were related to the lyme. He put me on ritilan. The combination of

the ritlian, tutors, and sleeping as much as I could really helped me. I did

a lot less parting and much more studying than my friends, but it was a small

price to pay. I had a positive college experience and happy that help was out

there. I don't know if this will help you guys, but I thought I would share.

Annie if your not ready to go away then community college is a great

alternative. You will be ready if not next year, then the year after. If

either of you would like to talk please feel to.

Take care,


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hello all,

Sorry haven't posted much. Not feeling too good, Too many birthday parties,

too much lyme stuff to do, AND AOL HAS BEEN A BEAR, I SIT AND WAIT FOREVER

FOR MESSAGES. Tonight I am up to 85. I even tried at 2am and it was slow.

Any way I appreciate readint all your posts and thanks for all your support.

Hugs to all,


PS. Doing lyme education in a couple of classes in my middle school. In

June she is going to have a Lyme day and I get to teach all day. OH Boy.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi kathy, I go to Mayo and Dr. Czaja was my gastro in 1996 but i have had

transplant. My sister has been having some problems and so she goes to the

clinic in Fairmont MN and they are Mayo affiliated and they have docs come

down from Rochester to Fairmont, and if I believe right I think that is who

she saw and said he was a very thorough doc. They are nice at Mayo, but most

times it is hurry up and wait. Lori C.

[ ] Hi everyone

>I'm sorry that I haven't been contributing lately. My life is very

>hectic right now and on top of it all, I have been feeling lousy.

>Lots of pain everywhere. Our midwest weather has been changing a lot

>and I'm guessing that's the problem. My husband and I will be

>traveling to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN on Monday the 13th. My

>Gastro is sending me up there to get some answers as she is treating

>me but is not very familiar with the disease. I will be seeing Dr.

>McGill at Mayo. Anyone heard of him? I know that several of you go

>there and would enjoy your input.


>I'm thinking of you all. Especially those of you who are having

>problems right now. Let's hope that there are brighter days ahead.


>Hugs, Kathi - Moline





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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 1/30/01 7:01:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, bluupoint@... writes:

I have been immersed in the PSC world but I do think of you guys and remember all the support you gave me.

I hope you'll check in again soon. Take care, have fun.


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Hello, may be this is the first time writting to you, but i feel that you'r

old member.

any way i hope you'r feeling well.

I missed all the group because i was away form my pc, I think thay are all

nice and kind people or as you say guys.

hope you are all feel beter.

see you


>From: bluupoint@...



>Subject: [ ] Hi everyone

>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 02:40:23 -0000


>Hope you guys are feeling well. Hang in there!. I have been immersed

>in the PSC world but I do think of you guys and remember all the

>support you gave me. Joanne will be there and of course dear Ginger

>too(if shes feeling well)posting great article links for you guys to

>read. Joan if your there?? hope you are feeling well. Joanne I got

>your email...and replyed. Not sure if my Outlook Express is

>functioning properly. You should have gotton the email. Debra...how

>are you?. Harper...How interesting...Landscape Architecture. I love

>all the new skateparks being built in California. The one in Modesto

>was designed by Perkiss Rose(Steve Rose). Wourmhoudt is another firm

>that comes to mind. Genny...Hope everything is progressing as it

>should with the docs in Miami. Glad Jodi is feeling well. Lori how

>are you?. Such a survivor. You give me hope!. Luanne glad you are

>back. Sounds like you have a great team of docs there looking after

>Ty. We missed you!. Rosemary...Bless Hunt. Glad he is stable now with

>his meds. Jerry...Thanks for your perspective on dealing the hand

>that has been dealt us(via email). Iam trying to get out and just








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Andi .. I just know you will get thru this. You are a strong person and

I admire you. (Glad you shook it off!) keep on keeping on . Write any

time and often.

Love and serenity


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bluupoint@... wrote:

> Hope you guys are feeling well. Hang in there!. I have been immersed

> in the PSC world but I do think of you guys and remember all the

> support you gave me. Joanne will be there and of course dear Ginger

> too(if shes feeling well)posting great article links for you guys to

> read. Joan if your there?? hope you are feeling well. Joanne I got

> your email...and replyed. Not sure if my Outlook Express is

> functioning properly. You should have gotton the email. Debra...how

> are you?. Harper...How interesting...Landscape Architecture. I love

> all the new skateparks being built in California. The one in Modesto

> was designed by Perkiss Rose(Steve Rose). Wourmhoudt is another firm

> that comes to mind. Genny...Hope everything is progressing as it

> should with the docs in Miami. Glad Jodi is feeling well. Lori how

> are you?. Such a survivor. You give me hope!. Luanne glad you are

> back. Sounds like you have a great team of docs there looking after

> Ty. We missed you!. Rosemary...Bless Hunt. Glad he is stable now with

> his meds. Jerry...Thanks for your perspective on dealing the hand

> that has been dealt us(via email). Iam trying to get out and just



> (((((HUGS))))))


> Andi




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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Loes,

I'm so happy you are feeling good these days, and congratulations on

the new job. I wish you the best of luck with it! I visited the

Netherlands (mainly Amsterdam) a couple of years ago. I just loved

the people there...if only I knew what they were saying, lol.

Houston, Texas

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Hi All

We are doing fine. had to go to Orlando on a business trip and I had to go with him of course. It was a wonderful trip. The weather in Florida last week was out of this world. Anyway we are back to the real world now. Hunt is doing OK i think. He has a cold and his white count is up a little (probably due to the cold) but his lft's are all normal. He just found out he is on academic probation at school and is very upset about that. He has really been trying hard but I am afraid that having the focusing problem and just having to deal with the disease is just too much for him right now. I am not sure how he does as good as he does. I am just trying not to put amy more stress on him.

Sounds that some of you have had some great news this week. Joan's miracle and others normal lab tests. Things seem to be looking up for many right now. That is very encouraging. Jerry, I see you had good news also. I am happy for you. there were others i know, but i cannot remember off the top of my head.. forgive me

Luanne, I just feel so bad for Ty. I have no idea how you are dealing with this. You have to be a truly remarkable and strong woman. My heart breaks for Ty and his having to deal with all this but just as much for you. I know how much you want to be able to do something. It hurts suo bad. You are in my prayers.

Genny, sounds like your yard sale was a success. Congratulations. I am that you are getting more help from your friends now.

Gaye in Greensboro, did you ever decide if we are kin or not.

Aumesh, I wish that I could give you some feed back on the bone density but I don;t have a clue about any of it.

nne, how is the new DR doing?

Debbie, I have not forgotten you. Write me at mamacdoo @aol.com and tell me again what your hubby is actually trained for. I will forward it to my hubby at work and see if he knows of anything. Also ask him if he wants to apply at Revlon here in Oxford. I think that they are hiring. I am thinking of you and Tommy. I am glad that he has had a few good days lately.

Forgive me for all the things that I forgot to mention.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Wow, so much has been going on since I was late able to post. There have been anniversaries of transplants, good labs, good biopsies, seems like a lot of good, even a marriage. Congratulations Debra, you should have told us about this. Then there has been Jodi and Tyler with their hospital visits. I pray for all ya'll everyday. It sounds like God is answering many prayers. There are also a lot of new members. I tell you what, this disease seems to get less rare everyday. Welcome to all. You will come to rely on this group tremendously. There is a wealth of information if you only ask. There are 6 of us on this board from North Carolina alone. from Fayetteville, Debbie from Louisburg, Marci from Durham, nne and another woman from Greensboro (lost her name for the second, forgive me) and me with my son Hunt from Oxford. Now North Carolina is not a huge state. Well, Hunt seems to be doing fine right now. His lft's are normal but he is still on 30mgs of pred and 150 mgs of imuran. He had spring break last week and went to Panama City. Had a blast. I am so thankful that he is able to be as normal a college kid as possible. And , speaking a spring break and the sun, he did put on really high strength sunscreen but still got burned a little the first day but after that his skin turned brown and there was no trouble. BUT he hardly ever burns so I do believe there is increased sensitivity to the sun for sure. I am sure that he would have been better staying out of the sun but it is too late to worry about that. Other than that he really did behave himself it seems. He did mention to me tonight that he bruises much easier than he used to. Also wounds take longer to heal. I mentioned to him that once again they were side affects of prednisone. BUT his face did not look the least bit swollen. His acne was not bad at all either. He said that he had bumps everywhere else on his body and a rash between his legs. We will have to watch that.

Now he has a 8-10 page term paper to do on anything that has to do with biology. Well, since he needs to learn more about this disease I thought something in the liver field should be his choice. What do ya'll think that he should do it on that would not be too broad? Autoimmune diseases, liver diseases, hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis (I don't think there would enough info to be able to write a 8-10 pages on AIH, do you ?), some other thoughts would be appreciated. He had to have at least one book source and the two or more sources can be internet. We can give him plenty I am sure.

Well, here is hoping that everyone continues to have good reports. I will be praying for the continued good news. Cheryl, I will especially be praying for you. I truly admire you and all that you do.


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So glad to hear Hunt is doing well...especially those enzymes and

having fun, too!! Is his doc still going to keep him @ 30 mg pred?

My suggestion for his paper might be he do it on hepatitis ..the

various kinds... broad enough I think without being too broad. Course

he could just start researching AIH first, and if he finds enough

material, he could go with it!

Wish him luck (and a good grade) on that paper!


> Wow, so much has been going on since I was late able to post. There

have been

> anniversaries of transplants, good labs, good biopsies, seems like a

lot of

> good, even a marriage. Congratulations Debra, you should have told

us about

> this. Then there has been Jodi and Tyler with their hospital visits.

I pray

> for all ya'll everyday. It sounds like God is answering many

prayers. There

> are also a lot of new members. I tell you what, this disease seems

to get

> less rare everyday. Welcome to all. You will come to rely on this


> tremendously. There is a wealth of information if you only ask.

There are 6

> of us on this board from North Carolina alone. from


> Debbie from Louisburg, Marci from Durham, nne and another woman


> Greensboro (lost her name for the second, forgive me) and me with my

son Hunt

> from Oxford. Now North Carolina is not a huge state.

> Well, Hunt seems to be doing fine right now. His lft's are


> but he is still on 30mgs of pred and 150 mgs of imuran. He had

spring break

> last week and went to Panama City. Had a blast. I am so thankful

that he is

> able to be as normal a college kid as possible. And , speaking

a spring

> break and the sun, he did put on really high strength sunscreen but

still got

> burned a little the first day but after that his skin turned brown

and there

> was no trouble. BUT he hardly ever burns so I do believe there is


> sensitivity to the sun for sure. I am sure that he would have been


> staying out of the sun but it is too late to worry about that. Other


> that he really did behave himself it seems. He did mention to me

tonight that

> he bruises much easier than he used to. Also wounds take longer to

heal. I

> mentioned to him that once again they were side affects of

prednisone. BUT

> his face did not look the least bit swollen. His acne was not bad at


> either. He said that he had bumps everywhere else on his body and a


> between his legs. We will have to watch that.


> Now he has a 8-10 page term paper to do on anything that has

to do

> with biology. Well, since he needs to learn more about this disease

I thought

> something in the liver field should be his choice. What do ya'll

think that

> he should do it on that would not be too broad? Autoimmune

diseases, liver

> diseases, hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis (I don't think there would


> info to be able to write a 8-10 pages on AIH, do you ?), some other


> would be appreciated. He had to have at least one book source and

the two or

> more sources can be internet. We can give him plenty I am sure.


> Well, here is hoping that everyone continues to have good


> I will be praying for the continued good news. Cheryl, I will

especially be

> praying for you. I truly admire you and all that you do.


> Rosemary

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Glad to hear kids bieng "good kids", and that Hunt enjoyed his break. I vote for AIH for a paper and would love to read it when he is done if he would attach it in a post. The more information the better & it might be a great way for him to take ownership of what has happened to him. My teen, Elyse has not done so much of this, I think she feels the less she focuses on this the better, although she is very responsible with the Meds, diet etc, so I guess that is all we can expect for a 15 yr old!!!! April

Re: [ ] Hi everyone

Wow, so much has been going on since I was late able to post. There have been anniversaries of transplants, good labs, good biopsies, seems like a lot of good, even a marriage. Congratulations Debra, you should have told us about this. Then there has been Jodi and Tyler with their hospital visits. I pray for all ya'll everyday. It sounds like God is answering many prayers. There are also a lot of new members. I tell you what, this disease seems to get less rare everyday. Welcome to all. You will come to rely on this group tremendously. There is a wealth of information if you only ask. There are 6 of us on this board from North Carolina alone. from Fayetteville, Debbie from Louisburg, Marci from Durham, nne and another woman from Greensboro (lost her name for the second, forgive me) and me with my son Hunt from Oxford. Now North Carolina is not a huge state. Well, Hunt seems to be doing fine right now. His lft's are normal but he is still on 30mgs of pred and 150 mgs of imuran. He had spring break last week and went to Panama City. Had a blast. I am so thankful that he is able to be as normal a college kid as possible. And , speaking a spring break and the sun, he did put on really high strength sunscreen but still got burned a little the first day but after that his skin turned brown and there was no trouble. BUT he hardly ever burns so I do believe there is increased sensitivity to the sun for sure. I am sure that he would have been better staying out of the sun but it is too late to worry about that. Other than that he really did behave himself it seems. He did mention to me tonight that he bruises much easier than he used to. Also wounds take longer to heal. I mentioned to him that once again they were side affects of prednisone. BUT his face did not look the least bit swollen. His acne was not bad at all either. He said that he had bumps everywhere else on his body and a rash between his legs. We will have to watch that. Now he has a 8-10 page term paper to do on anything that has to do with biology. Well, since he needs to learn more about this disease I thought something in the liver field should be his choice. What do ya'll think that he should do it on that would not be too broad? Autoimmune diseases, liver diseases, hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis (I don't think there would enough info to be able to write a 8-10 pages on AIH, do you ?), some other thoughts would be appreciated. He had to have at least one book source and the two or more sources can be internet. We can give him plenty I am sure. Well, here is hoping that everyone continues to have good reports. I will be praying for the continued good news. Cheryl, I will especially be praying for you. I truly admire you and all that you do. Rosemary

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

HI !

We remember you! Is that your new email addy? Or did I forget the other

one? I decided not to take the prescription RX's for FMS. I take Malic

Acid, MSM, Kava, Skullcap(when needed), and suffer through the rest. I just

don't want to start the pain meds...although I have came very close.

Let us know how your tests come out and we would love to hear from you on

(or off) the list!



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Moons - HOWDY! the address I gave was a support group for

candidiasis/fm/cfs/and removal from Rx meds....

candidiasis plays an important part in every illness!!! In fact, it

could be the base for alzheimers, prostate cancer, and ADD/ADHD....

Lots of new research....


love ya (SO GLAD you did NOT go with Rx meds!!!!!!!!!)


> HI !


> We remember you! Is that your new email addy? Or did I forget the


> one? I decided not to take the prescription RX's for FMS. I take


> Acid, MSM, Kava, Skullcap(when needed), and suffer through the

rest. I just

> don't want to start the pain meds...although I have came very close.


> Let us know how your tests come out and we would love to hear from

you on

> (or off) the list!


> moons




> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

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> Version: 6.0.265 / Virus Database: 137 - Release Date: 7/18/2001

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hey amber, my name is kelly and i am 19 also. I have been dealing

with the same thing for the past 8 months and i know exactly how you

feel. I am on prednisone and immuran and have hellish side effects.

neither of which are helping my lab results. i start a new medication

on monday that is supposed to do the trick or else its a liver

transplant i guess. its so funny how you said that about putting a

cast on your leg - bc i look healthy (esp. with this round ol face!!

lol) but i am so tired and feel so old. i have arthritis in my knees

and tremendous muscle soreness and i am so young!!! i wish that

sometimes i could just die in my sleep and not have to deal with this

anymore - but knowing that there are others out there that are going

threw this as well makes my thoughts silly. good luck to you- id like

to hear how things are going and what new medications they are

starting you on as well!

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  • 6 months later...

Debbie /FL aren't acupuncture treatments helpful? I have found them to be. I have not been in several weeks because I have needed to help with my Mom. Then, I got sick and have been housebound for the week, but I feel wonderful about staying home! It has been great...and today, for the first time since the 8th, I actually FEEL good! I went to church, went shopping for a book, went to see my Mom! WOW...it is good to be back to feeling decent! Once I got a nasal spray to help unplug my ears, things got better!

Now, I am going back to work on Tuedsay. I miss Valentine's Day with my kids, but I am grateful to have a job to return to! Blessings, and I hope things get better for you and that you hear from SSI!


[ ] Hi everyone

I seem to start a lot of my posts off with, Hi I haven't been here in a really long time. It's still true. I stop in, whine, and leave. Well, I'm going to start checking in on a regular bases again. I'm sure that those of you who know me have missed my invaluable information. :?) For those of you who don't know me. I'm 45yrs old. Was diagnosed with diabetes 2/14/75 (what a day to find out you're diabetic) and AIH 10/2000. I also have your basic thyroid condition. I started out on 60 mg prednisone, 50 mg imuran, and 1200 mg usodial. I also suffer from severe depression. I take Welbutrin and Effexor for that. I have an insulin pump which controls my diabetes (or doesn't). It's having a hard time dealing with my other sh*t. I'm currently on 5 mg prednisone, and the same amt. of imuran and usodial. It has been an extremely slow process getting me down on the prednison. My body hates it. Every time I drop my dosage 1 mg. it takes me a month to recover. I had another bone density done recently to find that I've lost some density and have osteopeinia. Not quite osteoporosis. I'm sure this is due to the prednisone. My bone density last year was excellent. I'm now on 70 mg. of Fosamax once a week. I also take 1200mg. of calcium every day and drink a lot of milk.I know the last time I wrote here I talked about my neck. I had just started going for adjustments. I had another MRI to find out that my disc problem has worsened. I had gotten to the point where my chiropractor could no longer keep my pain under control. I've since started acupuncture which is doing a lot better. I'ld like to say I'm pain free but atleast it's barable for now. I'm trying to put off surgery for as long as possible.I haven't worked since my AIH diagnoses. Most of my problems stem from the meds. and my diabetes. I have not been able to keep it regulated. I have applied for SSI and should hear soon what they're going to do. I'm very lucky that I have disability insurance. Normally I'm a teacher. That's not to say I'm a normal teacher! Anything but.Now I need info. from my old friends. How is Hunt, Tommy, Cheryl,Ty, Aumesh's son (can't remember his name), Patty O, Jerry... EVERYONE.I see that Harper's still up and about. Glad to see that. I'm glad Patty's back. We should get together some time. We really should meet. I have hear some from . I'm very worried about her.I forgot to tell you all that I live in West Palm Beach, FL. Home of the pregnant chad.Since there are so many Debbie's here I sign off -With much love,Debbie/FL

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Hi Debby,

Yes, the acupuncture does help a lot. It's the only thing that helps

keep the pain to a point where I can live with it. My acupuncturist

said that my big problem is that I'm so stressed that my skin on my

back and neck is so tight I bend the needles sometimes. She has to

work to get me relaxed enough to do the acupuncture. It's just all

over stress. Not because I'm afraid of the procedure. It's not bad

at all. You would think that I wouldn't have any stress not

working. I'm a little " bass ackwards " .



> Debbie /FL aren't acupuncture treatments helpful? I have found

them to be. I have not been in several weeks because I have needed

to help with my Mom. Then, I got sick and have been housebound for

the week, but I feel wonderful about staying home! It has been

great...and today, for the first time since the 8th, I actually FEEL

good! I went to church, went shopping for a book, went to see my

Mom! WOW...it is good to be back to feeling decent! Once I got a

nasal spray to help unplug my ears, things got better!


> Now, I am going back to work on Tuedsay. I miss Valentine's Day

with my kids, but I am grateful to have a job to return to!

Blessings, and I hope things get better for you and that you hear

from SSI!

> debby

> [ ] Hi everyone



> I seem to start a lot of my posts off with, Hi I haven't been

here in

> a really long time. It's still true. I stop in, whine, and


> Well, I'm going to start checking in on a regular bases again.


> sure that those of you who know me have missed my invaluable

> information. :?)

> For those of you who don't know me. I'm 45yrs old. Was


> with diabetes 2/14/75 (what a day to find out you're diabetic)


> AIH 10/2000. I also have your basic thyroid condition. I


> out on 60 mg prednisone, 50 mg imuran, and 1200 mg usodial. I


> suffer from severe depression. I take Welbutrin and Effexor for

> that. I have an insulin pump which controls my diabetes (or

> doesn't). It's having a hard time dealing with my other sh*t.


> currently on 5 mg prednisone, and the same amt. of imuran and

> usodial. It has been an extremely slow process getting me down


> the prednison. My body hates it. Every time I drop my dosage 1


> it takes me a month to recover. I had another bone density done

> recently to find that I've lost some density and have


> Not quite osteoporosis. I'm sure this is due to the prednisone.


> bone density last year was excellent. I'm now on 70 mg. of


> once a week. I also take 1200mg. of calcium every day and drink


> lot of milk.

> I know the last time I wrote here I talked about my neck. I had


> started going for adjustments. I had another MRI to find out

that my

> disc problem has worsened. I had gotten to the point where my

> chiropractor could no longer keep my pain under control. I've


> started acupuncture which is doing a lot better. I'ld like to


> I'm pain free but atleast it's barable for now. I'm trying to


> off surgery for as long as possible.

> I haven't worked since my AIH diagnoses. Most of my problems


> from the meds. and my diabetes. I have not been able to keep it

> regulated. I have applied for SSI and should hear soon what


> going to do. I'm very lucky that I have disability insurance.

> Normally I'm a teacher. That's not to say I'm a normal teacher!

> Anything but.

> Now I need info. from my old friends. How is Hunt, Tommy,


> Aumesh's son (can't remember his name), Patty O, Jerry...


> I see that Harper's still up and about. Glad to see that. I'm


> Patty's back. We should get together some time. We really


> meet. I have hear some from . I'm very worried about her.

> I forgot to tell you all that I live in West Palm Beach, FL.

Home of

> the pregnant chad.


> Since there are so many Debbie's here I sign off -

> With much love,

> Debbie/FL




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I am very sorry to hear of your mother's condition, but I am very

pleased to hear that your relationship with her is intact. Enjoy the

remaining days with her. They will not be easy to handle

sometimes, but look for something positive in every day (like the

laughter in ER). God's peace to her and your family.

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