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Hi Diane,

I have some of the symptoms you describe also. I am 8 months post op.

I hear and feeling a lot of movement and popping mostly in the lower back

and I am not even allowed to bend yet. I recently had xrays and a CAT scan

so I know nothing is a miss as far as fusing goes. My doc says that

things are settling and I am probably experiencing movement in the muscle

wall. I said it wasn't normal and he said define " normal " . He said, the last

time the medical profession did this to you they threw you on a striker for

4 months and in a body cast for 7. You could not move so how would you

know if this movement is part of a " normal " healing process. He then went

into layman terms to once again describe what he did to me. I didn't think

8 months of healing was a long time when he was done. He said lot of

his patients have heard or felt movement, popping, grinding or other similar

symptoms while healing. It may take a year or two to stop. So, I know

longer worry about it. I still hear it but I am less anxious about it now.

I hope this helps.

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Hi Diane B!

I am very glad to hear from you and hope you will come meet with us

in Carolina. It is looking like a fun time for all!

I haven't had any of the symtoms you describe as far as noise or

popping, but after a long day I notice that I can be trying

to " balance " myself more using my upper spine than my core

muscles...leading to a bit of a forward lean from the top of my

fusion. It is one of those things that I assume will be a lifelong

challenge....keeping good postural alignment with the core muscles

so that the discs above the fusion do not take undue wear...a very

real possiblity for us.

If it is a change in pain or how it " feels " I would strongly

recommend you contact DrB's office and talk to them and then

schedule a follow up appt to make sure that none of the implants

have move or come loose...which I suppose, is another possibility.

Stay in touch,


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HI Diane,

I'm looking forward to meeting you in North Carolina. I live less than two hours away from the Trinity Center, so if you have any questions about logistics, please feel free to contact me. That goes for everyone else, too. Also, as Cam mentioned, I've seen the Trinity Center, so if you have any questions about that, too, please ask.

As for post revision pain, I've had my share. You may remember from posts that my surgery was nine years ago, with Dr. Boachie. From his viewpoint as a surgeon, the surgery was super successful. But neither he nor Dr. Bridwell, who I saw just once a few months ago, seem to know exactly what's causing my discomfort, though it's clear to them that my sacroiliac joints have in big part in what bothers me. Also, some nerve damage, scar tissue and arachnoiditis and who knows what else. I've had some symptoms similar to yours, particularly in the neck and shoulder area. That seems to come and go. Stretching exercises and the correct pillow help a great deal and keep that in check. As for leaning forward, I did that for years and years. And the more pain I had, the more I leaned forward. My latest physical therapist has changed that and I now stand up straight. Sometimes, if I'm hurting, I find myself leaning over, but as soon as I stand straight, I feel better. Bad habits are hard to break. But most times I do stand straight. The physical therapist has done acupressure and cranial sacral therapy and has given me some new exercises. She had me use a hand mirror for me to check on my posture throughout the day. When we're at Trinity Center, I would love to see the exercises other people do and will be happy to show mine. Not to suggest that what's good for me is necessarily good for anyone else, but if I see anything that I like, I could discuss it with my therapist.


[ ] Hi Everyone

Hi Group,It has been a long while since I have had time to check in. I have been really busy helping my 33yr old son raise his 2 sons. One is age 5, the other is 2. He has been a single parent for about a year. I saw the e mail from Cam regarding the trip & thought I would drop by to say hello. The meeting place sounds wonderful, and very reasonable. North Carolia is not too far from PA, at least it is alot closer than Las Vegas. I was checking out the posts to see if anyone else that has had the revision surgery has the problems I am now experiencing. My surgery was done on June 8th, 2005 by Dr Boachie. I am fused to the sacrum with rods going from T11 to my sacrum. I have had a really good result. I am now straight and have a good deal less pain than I had before. I have noticed though that when I do alot of walking and standing that I bend over from my upper back. Kind of looks like if I could not straighten up I would have a hunch back. I also hear or feel all kinds of popping sounds and feelings in my back when I bend over. It is very hard to describe. The last couple of days the muscles in my upper back have gotten very sore. In fact it feels like I have a stiff neck right above my left shoulder blade. when I try and turn my head I get a real shot of pain in that area. This is really the most pain I have had since recovering from the surgery.If anyone is experiencing anything like this could you please let me know. I am due to see Dr Boachie for another post op check up so I will ask him about this but in the meantime I wanted to ask the group.I am going to really try and make it to the groups meeting so I can meet everyone. It will really be delightful meeting some of you that I have known for years, face to face.Thanks for any input you can give me.Diane B

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Hi ,

Yes, it does help. Thanks very much. I guess with the amount of

work we have had done it takes a very long time to totally heal. I

also was put in a Stryker & was in a body cast for 3 months in 85. I

did not have the surgery for Scoliosis though. I had an

Anterior/Posterior Fusion for Spondylolisthesis that occured after 2

laminectomys without being fused. The 1st was in 76 & the 2nd was in

80. I am a nurse & went bk to wk both times after only a short time.

They say I got Fl Bk from the Harrington Rods used in the 85 surgery

even though I made him remove them after 18 months.

I am still straight so I did not really think anything was amiss but

I get really scared. I guess thats normal. After going through the

kinds of surgeries we've had, who wouldn't be??? I am always afraid

of hurting myself again or of something happening to the Revision.

The very thought of ever having to have another Revision terrifies

me. I love the results but will gladly skip on the operation


Thanks again for the info,



> Hi Diane,

> I have some of the symptoms you describe also. I am 8 months post


> I hear and feeling a lot of movement and popping mostly in the

lower back

> and I am not even allowed to bend yet. I recently had xrays and a

CAT scan

> so I know nothing is a miss as far as fusing goes. My doc says that

> things are settling and I am probably experiencing movement in the


> wall. I said it wasn't normal and he said define " normal " . He said,

the last

> time the medical profession did this to you they threw you on a

striker for

> 4 months and in a body cast for 7. You could not move so how would


> know if this movement is part of a " normal " healing process. He

then went

> into layman terms to once again describe what he did to me. I

didn't think

> 8 months of healing was a long time when he was done. He said lot of

> his patients have heard or felt movement, popping, grinding or

other similar

> symptoms while healing. It may take a year or two to stop. So, I


> longer worry about it. I still hear it but I am less anxious about

it now.

> I hope this helps.


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Hi Cam,

Thanks for the info. I will try very hard to be at the meeting. I

would love to finally meet everyone and share our " war " stories.

The new pain I am feeling is not anything to do with the Revision.

It is in my mid-trapezius muscle on the left side and I know what

caused it. I was baking Christmas cookies on Sunday morning & spent

2 hrs standing in the kitchen bending over my kitchen table. You can

be sure I won't do that again. I have a check-up with Dr. Boachie

coming up soon & will be sure to ask him about it. As far as bending

forward at the end of the day, I believe it has alot to do with

being tired. We use the muscles in our upper back alot more since we

have all that hardware from the thoracic region down to the sacrum

It stands to reason our upper back would get tired.

Thanks again Cam,



> Hi Diane B!


> I am very glad to hear from you and hope you will come meet with us

> in Carolina. It is looking like a fun time for all!


> I haven't had any of the symtoms you describe as far as noise or

> popping, but after a long day I notice that I can be trying

> to " balance " myself more using my upper spine than my core

> muscles...leading to a bit of a forward lean from the top of my

> fusion. It is one of those things that I assume will be a lifelong

> challenge....keeping good postural alignment with the core muscles

> so that the discs above the fusion do not take undue wear...a very

> real possiblity for us.


> If it is a change in pain or how it " feels " I would strongly

> recommend you contact DrB's office and talk to them and then

> schedule a follow up appt to make sure that none of the implants

> have move or come loose...which I suppose, is another possibility.


> Stay in touch,

> Cam


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Dear Bonnie, I did not forget u yesterday but I ran out of

time..........we have my 2yr old grandson here & he woke up so I had

to get off my pc. Thank u for your post. I believe I read your

story in Files & if u r the same Bonnie, u had Dr Boachie too. I

believe that man is a living Saint & a true Miracle Worker. What he

has done for me well words fail me, he really has given me back my

life. I just have to be so careful though because I tend to overdo

it alot. My husband Jim is always reminding me what life was like

for the last 20 yrs before the Revision. I worked as an RN before &

have a super Type A personality, there is no rest in my rear

especially now that I feel so much better. It is so hard to take it

easy, I feel like I have to make-up for lost time.

I live in PA not too far from Philly but closer to u than

Philly............I guess I am in SE PA. I want very much to come to

the meeting but have alot of questions b4 I can commit. I need to

know when it will be & if I can bring my husband as we would drive &

there is no way he will let me drive myself all the way to NC. ( even

though I would attempt it )

I see you saw Dr Bridwell, I did too. I went to him before I saw Dr

Boachie but I did not like him. He was very rude to me & made me

feel like s__t by what he said to me. Now he may be the most skilled

dr in the world, and I know alot of the members like him, but I

could never let anyone who treated me like that operate on me. What

did you think of him?

I was very interested in what you had to say regarding physical

therapy. I have not been to PT for quite some time. After my

surgery & a stay in in-pt rehab, I had a therapist make home visits

for about 6 wks. At the time I really could see no need for it. I

was thrilled I was abel to walk again and anything else was too

strenuous. Now I need something to help build up the muscles in my

upper back. I plan to look into it as soon as the holidays are behind

us. Thank you so much for sharing that. I also feel alot better

when I stand up straight. I have even taken to wearing the Milaukee

Brace Dr Boachie prescribed after surgery. I find it really helps me

even now. Without it I tend to bend too much doing chores & I do

things I shouldn't. The brace reminds me to be very careful & to

watch the way I move & bend. I know PT really depends on the skill

of the therapist. I need a therapist that understands why I am going

and who will work with me. Sounds like you have found a really good


I hope I can get to the meeting in the spring. I would really like

to meet you.

Have a very merry Christmas,




> HI Diane,


> I'm looking forward to meeting you in North Carolina. I live less

than two hours away from the Trinity Center, so if you have any

questions about logistics, please feel free to contact me. That goes

for everyone else, too. Also, as Cam mentioned, I've seen the

Trinity Center, so if you have any questions about that, too, please



> As for post revision pain, I've had my share. You may remember

from posts that my surgery was nine years ago, with Dr. Boachie.

From his viewpoint as a surgeon, the surgery was super successful.

But neither he nor Dr. Bridwell, who I saw just once a few months

ago, seem to know exactly what's causing my discomfort, though it's

clear to them that my sacroiliac joints have in big part in what

bothers me. Also, some nerve damage, scar tissue and arachnoiditis

and who knows what else. I've had some symptoms similar to yours,

particularly in the neck and shoulder area. That seems to come and

go. Stretching exercises and the correct pillow help a great deal

and keep that in check. As for leaning forward, I did that for years

and years. And the more pain I had, the more I leaned forward. My

latest physical therapist has changed that and I now stand up

straight. Sometimes, if I'm hurting, I find myself leaning over, but

as soon as I stand straight, I feel better. Bad habits are hard to

break. But most times I do stand straight. The physical therapist

has done acupressure and cranial sacral therapy and has given me some

new exercises. She had me use a hand mirror for me to check on my

posture throughout the day. When we're at Trinity Center, I would

love to see the exercises other people do and will be happy to show

mine. Not to suggest that what's good for me is necessarily good for

anyone else, but if I see anything that I like, I could discuss it

with my therapist.


> Bonnie



> [ ] Hi Everyone



> Hi Group,

> It has been a long while since I have had time to check in. I


> been really busy helping my 33yr old son raise his 2 sons. One is

> age 5, the other is 2. He has been a single parent for about a

> year. I saw the e mail from Cam regarding the trip & thought I


> drop by to say hello. The meeting place sounds wonderful, and


> reasonable. North Carolia is not too far from PA, at least it is

> alot closer than Las Vegas.

> I was checking out the posts to see if anyone else that has had


> revision surgery has the problems I am now experiencing. My


> was done on June 8th, 2005 by Dr Boachie. I am fused to the


> with rods going from T11 to my sacrum. I have had a really good

> result. I am now straight and have a good deal less pain than I


> before. I have noticed though that when I do alot of walking and

> standing that I bend over from my upper back. Kind of looks like


> I could not straighten up I would have a hunch back. I also hear


> feel all kinds of popping sounds and feelings in my back when I


> over. It is very hard to describe. The last couple of days the

> muscles in my upper back have gotten very sore. In fact it feels

> like I have a stiff neck right above my left shoulder blade. when


> try and turn my head I get a real shot of pain in that area. This


> really the most pain I have had since recovering from the surgery.

> If anyone is experiencing anything like this could you please let


> know. I am due to see Dr Boachie for another post op check up so


> will ask him about this but in the meantime I wanted to ask the


> I am going to really try and make it to the groups meeting so I


> meet everyone. It will really be delightful meeting some of you


> I have known for years, face to face.

> Thanks for any input you can give me.

> Diane B


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  • 1 month later...


Ther you are!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been posting too much on the site but I

appreciate every one here and certainly have missed you....glad your'e connected

again! How are you feeling?

With love, and Makayla

loveandlight1111 <loveandlight1111@...> wrote:

A sweet Angel got my computer up and running. I feel so blessed and am

in Greatfulness to him.

I sure missed all of you. Thanks so much for the messages that were

relayed to me through the grapevine. I really appreciated the messages

and calls and loving support. Blessing of love,light and healing to

all of you. Namaste' Joyce

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Its great to have you back Joyce - we really missed you too. Sorry I

kept missing you at home. Hope and pray all is well with you my special



> A sweet Angel got my computer up and running. I feel so blessed and am

> in Greatfulness to him.

> I sure missed all of you. Thanks so much for the messages that were

> relayed to me through the grapevine. I really appreciated the messages

> and calls and loving support. Blessing of love,light and healing to

> all of you. Namaste' Joyce


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Sam, Just want to be sure you received my e-mail. Thanks for the prayers and

thoughts. It's so nice to have these special conections with people like you.

Blessings to you being healed soon. Namaste' Joyce

Sam <dudehorner@...> wrote: Its great

to have you back Joyce - we really missed you too. Sorry I

kept missing you at home. Hope and pray all is well with you my special



> A sweet Angel got my computer up and running. I feel so blessed and am

> in Greatfulness to him.

> I sure missed all of you. Thanks so much for the messages that were

> relayed to me through the grapevine. I really appreciated the messages

> and calls and loving support. Blessing of love,light and healing to

> all of you. Namaste' Joyce



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Hi all,

==Hi . Welcome to our group.


> I joined here a few weeks ago and have been reading everything so

far. Maybe someone here can help me make sense of what has been

going on the last few years.


> I have been very sick the last few years, and finally got most of

it traced to celiac, food allergies and many complications of

those. I had a lot of symptoms I thought were candida and over the

years have done many cleanses, including regular zapping, garlic,

cloves, anti-fungal/bacterial teas and supplements, strong

probiotics and a very low carb natural diet. It is pretty close the

diet recommended on this site. But I continue to have symptoms

after eating. It feels like any food or drink feeds whatever is



> I just came off a 3 day fasting cleanse where I felt amazing, and

after the first few bites of food the symptoms came back so easily –

stomach feels so full I frequently can't eat for days at a time,

swollen and blackened tongue, brain fog, disorientation, loss of

concentration and short term memory, dizzy and nauseous, pee my

pants under any type of pressure, wet gas, stomach knots up, eyes

turn red and itchy, dehydration but water only makes the symptoms

worse, and bubbling or fermenting in my stomach and liver. I have

been told my breathe sometimes smells like something fermenting. I

did a live cell microscopy and saw many little things swimming

there, but all medical lab tests to identify it show nothing present.


> Can this be candida for so many years that only responds for a few

days to any treatment? Is black tongue a symptom of candida or is it

something else?

==>Yes, you have all of the classic symptoms of candida, including

the black tongue. All medical tests for candida are inconclusive,

and the only real test is Dr. Crook's Candida Questionnaire which is

in my article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " - emailed to

you when you joined, and hopefully you have read it. The only thing

which helps candida in the long-run is building up your immune

system with diet and supplements, which is what my program is all

about. There are no quick fixes. It takes time, patience and

persistence. There is an article to help you " Curing Candida, How

to Get Started " on my website: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com

We are here to help you get through this and to answer your


The best in health, Bee


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I guess you would say, we are semi active. There is just a few of us posting. Your right most of the post are spam. But the few of us would be glad to help you. Terrykookaikoko <nangor@...> wrote: sorry for asking, but is the group still active? i am new and thelatest postings seem to be spams?i have a mother who has hep. C and i would like some help oninformation and suchthanks!

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Yes this group is still active..I hope I can be of some help but others in here are more helpful than I am but I have Hep C so I do know about it..


[ ] hi Everyone

sorry for asking, but is the group still active? i am new and thelatest postings seem to be spams?i have a mother who has hep. C and i would like some help oninformation and suchthanks!

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Hello all. I'm lurking but here. Please ask questions and they will be answered. Sharonkookaikoko <nangor@...> wrote: sorry for asking, but is the group still active? i am new and the latest postings seem to be spams? i have a mother who has hep. C and i would like some help on information and such thanks!

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Well it is high time I hear from ya Sharon..I wish the others would pop in and at least say hi ad let us know they are fine..I do worry about everyone!!



Re: [ ] hi Everyone

Hello all. I'm lurking but here. Please ask questions and they will be answered. Sharonkookaikoko <nangorgmail (DOT) com> wrote:

sorry for asking, but is the group still active? i am new and thelatest postings seem to be spams?i have a mother who has hep. C and i would like some help oninformation and suchthanks!

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> sorry for asking, but is the group still active? i am new and the

> latest postings seem to be spams?


> i have a mother who has hep. C and i would like some help on

> information and such


> thanks!







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How was Mardis Gras this year? Did you go? Sharonjanet williams <janet_williams23@...> wrote: Well it is high time I hear from ya Sharon..I wish the others would pop in and at least say hi ad let us know they are fine..I do worry about everyone!! FFFF, Jan Re: [ ] hi Everyone Hello all. I'm lurking but here. Please ask questions and they will be answered. Sharonkookaikoko <nangorgmail (DOT) com> wrote: sorry for asking, but is the group still active? i

am new and thelatest postings seem to be spams?i have a mother who has hep. C and i would like some help oninformation and suchthanks! The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Search Marketing. Get your own web

address. Have a HUGE year through Small Business.

TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV.

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Oh hell yea I went and had a BLAST!! My son ran in the parade and so did his g/f..They got tore up too..LOL..It was fun but it lasted from Friday till Tuesday so I was worn out bu tlooking forward to the next one!!I LOVE MARDI GARS AS MUCH AS I LOVE MY SHOES!!



Re: [hepatitis_c_ support] hi Everyone

Hello all. I'm lurking but here. Please ask questions and they will be answered. Sharonkookaikoko <nangorgmail (DOT) com> wrote:

sorry for asking, but is the group still active? i am new and thelatest postings seem to be spams?i have a mother who has hep. C and i would like some help oninformation and suchthanks!

The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Search Marketing.

Get your own web address.Have a HUGE year through Small Business.

TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV.

Looking for earth-friendly autos? Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Autos' Green Center.

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Jan, how manny beads did you go home with? Terryjanet williams <janet_williams23@...> wrote: Oh hell yea I went and had a BLAST!! My son ran in the parade and so did his g/f..They got tore up too..LOL..It was fun but it lasted from Friday till Tuesday so I was worn out bu tlooking forward to the next one!!I LOVE MARDI GARS AS MUCH

AS I LOVE MY SHOES!! FFFF, Jan Re: [hepatitis_c_ support] hi Everyone Hello all. I'm

lurking but here. Please ask questions and they will be answered. Sharonkookaikoko <nangorgmail (DOT) com> wrote: sorry for asking, but is the group still active? i am new and thelatest postings seem to be spams?i have a mother who has hep. C and i would like some help oninformation and suchthanks! The fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using Search Marketing. Get your own web address.Have a HUGE year through Small Business. TV dinner still cooling?Check out "Tonight's Picks" on TV. Looking for earth-friendly autos? Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Autos' Green Center.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi :

Welcome. There will probably be a lot of different opinions. Some on this

list are NOT Buhner advocates, I am finding out. So the Name is

a little misleading, I am finding out.

Hopefully you have read Harrod Buhner's book on Healing Lyme. He

has the CORE protocol, plus a lot of others.

I firmly believe though, that you cannot expect your body to react to ANY

protocol though without " helping " your Lymph system which includes the liver. I

personally feel Red Root tincture is one of THE most important herbs to use as

it keeps your whole Lymph system working properly, including your liver. Milk

Thistle is cheap and easy to get, and it does help your liver. I take both.

Asside from them, I would think you would want the core protocol; especially

the WHOLE Cat's Claw and Hu Zhang (Knotweed, Resveratrol). Next choice for me

would be Andrographis and Sarsaparilla. Sarsaparilla is a good blood cleanser

AND is good for many Lyme symptoms also.

IF you can't handle Andrographis, try Stephania Root. I take both. I have

been on Stephania root for about 14 months now, in capsule form, but have a

tincture of it " cooking " now and should be done in about two weeks. I am

getting anxious to start it and see IF it is better than the capsule form.

Buhner recommends it.

Other than that, I take many other herbs that BUHNER recommends, but that

would get you way past your couple of bottles. IF you want to save about 75 to

80% on the cost of your herbs, Encapsulate your own. I do. I didn't at first,

but I could not afford all of them either.

Take care,


maria1675 <maria1675@...> wrote:

I'm new to this site so forgive me if this question has been asked

already. I'm wondering if I can only afford one bottle or two to start

the protocol, which ones would be most important in your opinions?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


> Hi all,

==>Hi Guy. Welcome to our group.


> I don't know if I have Candida, and was hoping someone could

recognise my symptom.


> My major symptom is a " body odor " that does not go away no matter

what I do. I put that in quotes because it doesn't really have a

smell (or it's very weak), but it makes people cough and (less often)

dribble from the nose. It is constant, 24/7, trivially made better by

bathing. Over time (say 15-30 minutes) it will fill a room, bus, train

carriage, etc. People all through the room start to cough and snort.

It is made worse by eating MEAT. My whole house has a thick air in it

> from me. It's destroying my life because I can't get a job anywhere

> indoors.

==>Body odours are caused by an imbalance of good to bad bacteria in

the digestive system and candida overgrowth can be a big contributing

factor. Candida puts out over 79 toxins, most of which are alcohol

which eeks out of all of the body's pores creating putrid odours. It

can also be caused by a poor diet and inadequate digestion. The

reason meat probably makes it worse is because you are not eating

enough good fats along with it, which is extremely important for

digestion. In fact meats, eggs and good fats like butter, coconut

oil, lard, fish oils, etc. are the very easiest foods for the human

body to digest compared to any carbs (any foods that aren't

classified as proteins or fats).


> I did Dr Cook's Candida test and scored 8%. I almost wish I scored

> higher so I could be more certain I've found the cause. Like many

> people with body odor, doctors deny that they can detect anything,

for whatever reason, so I have no leads there.

==>It is certain you need to correct your diet and improve your

digestion, even if candida overgrowth is not that evident. This

program is definitely a healing program just as much as it is a

candida program. So many members of this group over the years have

been curing many body problems, even getting off drugs for all kinds

of ailments, that it became evident this program did more than just

cure candida. That's why I set up my website

http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com I suggest you read this article

too " Foods that Damage, Foods that Heal " :



> A couple more things. I've tried different diet patterns. One thing

I noticed is that when I eat lots of bread my saliva is a lot more

> sticky. This doesn't affect my odor though. Another thing is when I

> eat lots of fruit (like several bowls of grapes or a whole

watermelon) the cough-causing odor all but disappears until I have a

bowel movement. It seems like the cough-causing odor is coming from

inside me and it gets plugged up when I eat lots of fruit? Sorry it's

not a nice image but I thought it might help ring some bells. I do

have gas whilst eating that amount of fruit, too.

==>Wow, fruits and breads are very hard on the body. No wonder

you're having problems. Please read my article " How to Successfully

Overcome Candida " so you understand how candida occurs and what it

does in the body, and also about good and bad foods. Once you

understand about foods I believe you'll know why you have such bad

odors which are only a foretaste of much more serious problems in the

future. If I were you I wouldn't focus so much on eliminating the

body odour, instead focus on the cause.

There is a lot of false information out there about the importance of

certain foods, i.e. fruits, veggies and fibres, mainly because the

food industry has brainwashed us. Check out articles on my website

about carbs and fibres too. You will be pleasantly surprised and

happy to have discovered this information.

The best in health, Bee

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Thanks Bee,

I'm cutting down on carbs and eating meat now. Might as well try it.

Note that it wasn't fruit and bread that caused the odor; I've had the

BO for 6 years and the vege diet was only a recent attempt to fix it

and didn't seem to make it worse. I've had a " balanced and healthy "

diet (by the common definition) my whole life. I may be more

susceptible to Candida than most people, for whatever reason, and

perhaps it took hold on me.

Anyway, thanks. I'll see how the Candida diet goes. I sure hope it

works because I have no life at the moment and have been depressed for




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> Thanks Bee,

> I'm cutting down on carbs and eating meat now. Might as well try

it. Note that it wasn't fruit and bread that caused the odor; I've

had the BO for 6 years and the vege diet was only a recent attempt

to fix it and didn't seem to make it worse. I've had a " balanced and

healthy " diet (by the common definition) my whole life.

==>Unfortunately the common definition of a balanced healthy diet is

very damaging to the body, particularly sugars, including fruits,

and breads, and because they are lacking in enough proteins from

animals, seafoods and eggs and good saturated fats, i.e. butter,

lard, chicken fat, fish oil, coconut oil, etc. Man-made oils and

fats are very damaging because they are 1 molecule away from being

plastic which is toxic to the body, but unfortunately the body will

utilize them to make cell membranes which should be 50% saturated

fat (the lungs required 100% saturated fat). This makes the cells

weak so they take in more toxins and are less able to function

properly, including getting rid of waste.

==>Fructose is one of the worst sugars because it goes into the

bloodstream so quickly spiking up insulin to keep the blood sugar

regulated - Dr. Mercola writes about the dangers of fructose on his

website: www.mercola.com. Grains, seeds, nuts and beans must be

properly prepared in order to make them fit for human consumption

because they contain phytates that block mineral absorption in the

gut and they also contain enzymes that block protein digestion.

==>Think back to foods eaten before the industrialization of food

and agriculture and the drug industry which kept our ancestors alive

for eons. In fact prior to 1900 heart disease was rare. Dr. Weston

A. Price studied many primitive groups throughout the world and

found there were certain consistencies in foods eaten by those who

were the healthiest, which included all of the fat soluble vitamins

(A, D, E & K) as well as proteins from animals or seafood and fats

from animals or fish. See articles at www.westonaprice.org for more


> I may be more susceptible to Candida than most people, for

whatever reason, and perhaps it took hold on me.

==>The medical community reports that 70-80% of all people on this

planet have candida overgrowth, mainly due to poor diets and toxins,

so you are not much different.


> Anyway, thanks. I'll see how the Candida diet goes. I sure hope it

> works because I have no life at the moment and have been depressed

for years.

==>This good diet will also cure your depression - see the Anxiety

and Depression article on my website. However, natural healing take

time so you must have patience and be persistence. It is also not a

steady uphill climb towards health because natural healing involves

healing crisises that appear to be diseases but they are not. Read

the many articles about Natural Healing on my website too.


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  • 3 months later...

How quickly did you increase the Armour? If you went too fast, that may be

one of the reasons for the hyper symptoms. 60 mg seems too low to me.

-- Hi Everyone

I'm Shirley, I am 42 y/o and have been suffering from candida for many

years. This has effected my thyroid glands seriously, I am hypo. I am

currently on a natural healing diet but I can not get my thyroid to

heal, my hair has been falling out for 6 years now. I started taking

Armour 7 weeks ago. I was taking 30mg at first and felt nothing so I

increased to 60mg, started sleeping through the night and also felt a

libido which has been absent since the start of my health problems but

still the hair shedds. I went up to 90mg of Armour and could not

tolerate the higher dose, I was crying all the time and barking

ferociously at everyone at work so I dropped back down to 60mg. Can

anyone tell me how long before this neck wierdness will go away and my

hair stops falling out. I honestly can't believe I have any left, not

much but some, after all these years. Thanks for any input.


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It would help to know what your lab results were; as well as the ranges

they use. Also, whether you have Hashimoto's. Have your adrenals been


Most main stream doctors would start you on Synthroid and titrate to a

higher dose over maybe 8 week intervals. Have you gone that route?

Some people do not seem to receive relief from T4 only [synthroid], but

prefer Armour, which also has T3.

60 mg may be a good starting dose of Armour [i don't take it]; but I

think that it is a very small dose. The T3 gets into your system almost

immediately, while the T4 may take weeks to reach its optimum level IMHO.

Also IMHO, there is no " healing diet " that is going to be effective

treatment for hypothyroidism.



> Hi Everyone








> Posted by: " candidasufferer " chickwbrains@...

> <mailto:chickwbrains@...?Subject=%20Re%3AHi%20Everyone>

> candidasufferer <candidasufferer>



> Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:06 pm (PST)


> I'm Shirley, I am 42 y/o and have been suffering from candida for many

> years. This has effected my thyroid glands seriously, I am hypo. I am

> currently on a natural healing diet but I can not get my thyroid to

> heal, my hair has been falling out for 6 years now. I started taking

> Armour 7 weeks ago. I was taking 30mg at first and felt nothing so I

> increased to 60mg, started sleeping through the night and also felt a

> libido which has been absent since the start of my health problems but

> still the hair shedds. I went up to 90mg of Armour and could not

> tolerate the higher dose, I was crying all the time and barking

> ferociously at everyone at work so I dropped back down to 60mg. Can

> anyone tell me how long before this neck wierdness will go away and my

> hair stops falling out. I honestly can't believe I have any left, not

> much but some, after all these years. Thanks for any input.


> Shirley

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Shirley the Armour dose is toot low to do you much good. If you really can't

tolerate more Armour then you will need adrenal meds. IMO enough

Armour/adrenal meds/iodine will restore your hair.


I'm Shirley, I am 42 y/o and have been suffering from candida for many

years. This has effected my thyroid glands seriously, I am hypo. I am

currently on a natural healing diet but I can not get my thyroid to

heal, my hair has been falling out for 6 years now. I started taking

Armour 7 weeks ago. I was taking 30mg at first and felt nothing so I

increased to 60mg, started sleeping through the night and also felt a

libido which has been absent since the start of my health problems but

still the hair shedds. I went up to 90mg of Armour and could not

tolerate the higher dose, I was crying all the time and barking

ferociously at everyone at work so I dropped back down to 60mg. Can

anyone tell me how long before this neck wierdness will go away and my

hair stops falling out. I honestly can't believe I have any left, not

much but some, after all these years. Thanks for any input.


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