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Re: Finding the cause?

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Primary Hypogonadism means the mans testis don't work his Total T levels will

show low and his LH and FSH will show very high.

Seconday Hypogonadism means the mans Pituitary in his brain is not telling his

testis to make enough Testostreone so his labs will be low for Total T, and low

for LH and FSH but one needs to have good Estradiol levels at about 10 to 30

pg/ml best at 20.

If he tests like this with high levels of Estradiol the brain sees high

Estraidol levels as Testosterone because Estradoil is made from Testosterone and

when it sees high levels of Estradiol it thinks it's Testostreone and slows down

sending the LH and FSH messages to the testis.

So I tell men with levels like the above for Secondary to get the Estradiol

levels down the redo the labs. Men can go back up on testosterone labs some 200

to 300 points just getting Estradiol levels down.



> From: Marita <mcdaniel@...>

> Subject: Re: Re: Finding the cause?


> Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 4:20 PM

> >>  Now that my Dr. tell

> my BCBS I am Secondary they pay for things like

> >> Growth Hormones and HCG<<

> -------------------------------

> What does being Secondary mean, the low testosterone is

> secondary to another

> cause? Sorry if I sound ignorant, but I am, the subject of

> hormones is

> REALLY complicated to me, and I'm having a hard time

> understanding a lot of

> what I read.


> Marita





> ------------------------------------



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OK, I think I'm beginning to understand....

So being secondary means you have a damaged pituitary and are likely to have

thyroid and other problems?

Are these definately linked to the pituitary? Would all secondary hypogonadic

patients have these problems too, or is yours a special case?

I have a co-worker with cushings syndrome, which was probably a pituitary

problem. She eventually had to have her adrenals removed.



> My Dr.'s would never treat my low normal cortisol, thyroid and Growth

Hormones. Now that my Dr. tell my BCBS I am Secondary they pay for things like

Growth Hormones and HCG plus I am on cortef HC meds and Thyroid meds and

Florinef for low Aldosterone levels I was walking around dehydrated for yrs and

every time I did a urine test for bladder infections I would be told to drink

more water but all that did was make me more Dehydrated because my Adrenals were

dumping my sodium. When you have Dr.'s looking at your labs and telling you

your fine your labs are in range your in trouble.

> Co-Moderator

> Phil


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Most people that have Hypopituitary Problems have them from a tumor or a head

injury. Are men coming home from the war have Pituitary Problems a lot from

road side bombs going off. Football players have them from head butting more

and more everyday Dr.'s are finding this is a big problem.

The same of it when it happened to me after the accident I got sick about 3

months after I started to lose my balance and was falling down.

I told Dr.'s I had an auto accident where I hit my head into the roof of my car

stiff arming my steering wheel so I would not go through the windshield.

They all thought I had a low suet and told me this was not my problem I have

Meniere's disease.

Nothing they did for me helped then about a yr. later I had Pneumonia and lost

the feeling in my left side. I was then sent to see a brain Dr. he tested me

and told me from the head injury I had inflammation of the brain and due to the

Pneumonia my anti's were not able to keep the swelling down and it was good I

came to see him it would have killed me.

Still they did not check back then for a Pituitary Problem.

Most people with a tumor will have a low hormone but the Dr.'s keep an eye on it

so they can tell if it's growing. Still people with Pituitary Problems as they

get older it slows down and we can end up with more hormones being low. What

happens is it does not tell the body to make them.

In my case my Testis, Thyroid, Adrenals and Growth Hormones are all low they

don't get told to work they work fine just don't get told to work.

So if a Dr. knows you have a Pituitary Problem he knows to keep checking for

hormones to become low.



> From: k0cm <Randy@...>

> Subject: Re: Finding the cause?


> Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 5:49 PM

> OK, I think I'm beginning to

> understand....


> So being secondary means you have a damaged pituitary and

> are likely to have thyroid and other problems?


> Are these definately linked to the pituitary?  Would

> all secondary hypogonadic patients have these problems too,

> or is yours a special case?


> I have a co-worker with cushings syndrome, which was

> probably a pituitary problem.  She eventually had to

> have her adrenals removed.


> Randy



> >

> > My Dr.'s would never treat my low normal cortisol,

> thyroid and Growth Hormones.  Now that my Dr. tell my

> BCBS I am Secondary they pay for things like Growth Hormones

> and HCG plus I am on cortef HC meds and Thyroid meds and

> Florinef for low Aldosterone levels I was walking around

> dehydrated for yrs and every time I did a urine test for

> bladder infections I would be told to drink more water but

> all that did was make me more Dehydrated because my Adrenals

> were dumping my sodium.  When you have Dr.'s looking at

> your labs and telling you your fine your labs are in range

> your in trouble.

> > Co-Moderator

> > Phil

> >






> ------------------------------------



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>> Primary Hypogonadism means the mans testis don't work his Total T levels

>> will show low and his LH and FSH will show very high.

Seconday Hypogonadism means the mans Pituitary in his brain is not telling

his testis to make enough Testostreone so his labs will be low for Total T,

and low for LH and FSH but one needs to have good Estradiol levels at about

10 to 30 pg/ml best at 20. <<


I just left a message for the endo's nurse, asking whether Mark is primary

or secondary, I wonder if the nurse actually knows what that means.

In the meantime, he got an RX in the mail today for injections 200mg q 2

weeks IM. The fill-in compounding pharmacist told me that she thought the

short acting testosterone was taken off the market, but asked me to call

back on Monday and talk to her boss.

Mark has an appt. to establish care with a regular MD the beginning on

November, his wife is a D.O., so maybe he can start seeing her. They're a

young couple, so hopefully she is a little more knowledgeable.

I feel so overwhelmed by all this, I just want to help my husband feel

better, why is this so hard?

Marita in western MT

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If things don't work out with the DO Dr. ask if they will work with Dr. he

is a DO over the phone to test and treat him. A lot of men do this and there

Dr.'s learn about this on there dime.




> From: Marita <mcdaniel@...>

> Subject: Re: Re: Finding the cause?


> Date: Friday, October 22, 2010, 6:09 PM

> >> Primary Hypogonadism means

> the mans testis don't work his Total T levels

> >> will show low and his LH and FSH will show very

> high.

> Seconday Hypogonadism means the mans Pituitary in his brain

> is not telling

> his testis to make enough Testostreone so his labs will be

> low for Total T,

> and low for LH and FSH but one needs to have good Estradiol

> levels at about

> 10 to 30 pg/ml best at 20. <<

> -----------------------------------------

> I just left a message for the endo's nurse, asking whether

> Mark is primary

> or secondary, I wonder if the nurse actually knows what

> that means.

> In the meantime, he got an RX in the mail today for

> injections 200mg q 2

> weeks IM. The fill-in compounding pharmacist told me that

> she thought the

> short acting testosterone was taken off the market, but

> asked me to call

> back on Monday and talk to her boss.

> Mark has an appt. to establish care with a regular MD the

> beginning on

> November, his wife is a D.O., so maybe he can start seeing

> her. They're a

> young couple, so hopefully she is a little more

> knowledgeable.

> I feel so overwhelmed by all this, I just want to help my

> husband feel

> better, why is this so hard?


> Marita in western MT





> ------------------------------------



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