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If you mean " facet " injection, they are much easier, faster, and most

importunely, less painful. You could probably resume your normal activities


the same day. These injections don't affect me nearly as bad as the Epidural

steroid injections. The ESI's usually increase my pain levels for at least 4-5

days. I always take the shot hoping that they will one day provide some


Enjoy your tour of Italy and God Bless,

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Are they epidural or nerve root injections? i had sedation for both,

and had no problems. Sedation is a MUST for nerve root injections; I

understand epidurals aren't that bad even without.

On May 30, 2005, at 4:10 PM, wrote:

> i had facet joint injections from L3 to S1 and i didn't think they

> were a big deal

> at all. my doctor gave me iv sedation and numbed the area

> completely. it

> wasn't what i would call painful. it was very uncomfortable. but

> i walked out of

> there just fine. didn't use ice or anything. and wasn't too sore

> afterward.


> -melanie



> > I'm going to be having shots in my lumbar area, but I was

> wondering how

> much it hurts? or do they deaden the area? I had cortisone

> injections in my

> thumb joints and it hurt a lot.

> > meg

> >

> >

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i don't even know what mine were. they were for arthritis at the facet joints.


don't think they were epidural though.

i'm scheduled for cervical injections on the 10th for bulging discs and those

will be nerve root injections. ouch. but he's using the flouroscope, iv


and lots and lots of lidocaine, before he even starts with the cortisone. i'm

much more freaked out about neck injections than i am about lumbar

injections. yuck. it shouldn't be too big a deal though. i've got a skilled


and it went smooth with the lumbar shots...


> > > I'm going to be having shots in my lumbar area, but I was

> > wondering how

> > much it hurts? or do they deaden the area? I had cortisone

> > injections in my

> > thumb joints and it hurt a lot.

> > > meg

> > >

> > >

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thank you brian. the facet shots are four shots of cortizone and novacaine

into the facet (joints? muscles? not sure). what is your experience with this?

i find the facet to be so much more painful than the epidural which i breeze

thru. so i get shot of calm down stuff prior to facet shots and then feel

very little during shots or maybe i just don't care. marsha

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In a message dated 5/30/2005 3:54:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jlynn000@... writes:

> Found out that the injections need to be done

> extremely slowly and the guy doing mine was running behind (got to me

> more than 2 hrs late) and injected quickly. As it was, my back was

> some doctors really suck and they ama needs to be notified when they mess up.

actually i need to follow my own advice. i had a hearing doctor give me huge

amounts of oral cortizone for a hearing infection. (wrong!!!) and as a

result i developed avascular necrosis of the knees and hips and it was too late


sue the bastard once i was finally diagnosed. oh well. it just makes me

more cautious around doctors. they need to respond to me.

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I had only one facet injection he recorded in his notes as a

" Fluoroscopically guided lumbar transformational Epidural steroid injection. " It


of shots in 2 sperate locations around the facet @ L4/5 and L5/S1. Reading my

pain log indicated what you had mentioned about being painful. I remember now

as I drove home from the appointment that the slightest rotation of my hips

caused severe localized pain accompanied by the total loss of feeling in my

left leg. I had elevated pain levels for about 4 days after the injection with

many sleepless night during this timeframe. Unfortunately, the injections

only made slight improvements in pain levels and discomfort.

The lumbar ESI was still a more painful but that's just the way I react to

all the ESI regardless of the locations. I will say that lumbar ESIs are much

less painful than the thoracic ESIs. My doc doesn't use any sedatives/relaxers

before/during the procedure but I think that's a definite plus if yours

does. Even the myelogram I had, they hospital didn't provide any sedatives to

make the procedure easier to deal with. That myelogram was a bear and I hope I

don't need another one for quite some time. I think if I get closer to have

surgery, a discogram would be the next " painful test I have " because I have

some many problems in my thoracic spine that could be causing much of my pain.

It was the sacro-iliac injections that were a breeze to deal with. I think

it was simply a cortisone shot given on the area although there may have been a

little more involved. Sorry if I confused anyone.

God Bless,

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Many kids on the list have had joint injections. Sometimes the kids are

put out, sometimes not. I guess it would depend on the child and/or the

dr. I am sure someone with more experience in this will chime in soon.

Of the kids who have had them, it seems they get good results that can

last for awhile. Sorry I can't help more than that, Michele ( 20,



From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of gzimmerman76

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 8:05 PM

Subject: Injections

Has anyone ever had to have their childs joints injected?? The dr was

talking about doing that to her ankles. I am not sure what to do. on

one hand it it helps her be able to walk and run better then it would

be benifical. Do they put them to sleep, or are the y wake when they

do it? I don't want her to have any more pain than what she already

has. She wakes up every morning and can't walk. I don't know what to


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I am still rather new to the Arthritis department. So far Grace never had to

have joints drained or injected. What would be a reason to do these things? I am

very curious. Trying to learn as much ahead of time. She was just to the rheumy

last week for swollen ankles and has to start physical therapy tomorrow morning.

Does one get ankles drained if they are swollen? Grace crawls instead of walking

when it gets bad. And will refuse to leave the house to avoid " having " to walk

at say the grocery store for example. She will request to stay home to lay with

the heating pad and recliner proped up. I am wondering if something like this is

in her future. Thanks for any info.

Jen in Pen

Grace - almost 9 - PA

- 4 1/2- unofficially diagnosed PA


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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When my then 4 year old was first diagnosed, she had injections in both

ankles and one knee. They gave her some drugs to calm her down, and then

something else that was supposed to make her go to sleep. She never

actually went to sleep, but doesn't remember the injections. She was pretty

loopy. The injections were wonderful for her, within 24 hours she was

wanting to run and play like she used to. It's a year later now and she's

still doing great. She is also on Methotrexate, so the combo of the

injections and the Methotrexate seem to be working for her. I do know that

sometimes the injections don't work for very long on some kids. Good luck

with your decision.



Has anyone ever had to have their childs joints injected?? The dr was

talking about doing that to her ankles. I am not sure what to do. on

one hand it it helps her be able to walk and run better then it would

be benifical. Do they put them to sleep, or are the y wake when they

do it? I don't want her to have any more pain than what she already

has. She wakes up every morning and can't walk. I don't know what to


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  • 1 year later...


I take that medication as well. I was told to take 2-4 mg three times per day

(every 8 hours). Therefore, I usually take it at 6-7 am, 2-3 pm, and 10-11 pm.

I always take 4 mg for the before bed dose, but usually only take 2 mg for the

other two doses because taking more will almost always cause me to fall asleep

at my computer at work.


From: cathy mccarthy <bbhorsetack@...>

Have to go see my new nuerologist again soon (if he wants to see me). The meds

he gave me, Zanaflex (on top of the pain meds from the pain clinic...etc. ) sure

do make me sleep but almost too well. I used to toss and turn all night, which I

am beginning to think was not such a bad thing. Now when I wake up after 3 or 4

hours of not moving, I feel like concrete. I think I want to back off them...

Anybody have any problems with that medication?

in NH

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Steroids are the only medication currently used for injection therapy in the


If steroids are successsful after 2-3 trials, then a technique can be used to

" burn " the nerve to get long lasting relief...this is called a few different

names...(RFL) Radio Frequency Lesioning..(RFA) Radio Frequency Ablation.

 --- Babbitt


From: cathy mccarthy <bbhorsetack@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 8:59:43 PM

Subject: injections


Some have been talking about injections lately, but only " steroids " are

mentioned?? There are alot of other options out there besides just steroids,

anybody try them with any success?? And what were they? I have decided to try

the injections. But curious as to why only " steroids " are ever mentioned??? They

might not be my first choice if I had an option. But... well lets just see...

Have to go see my new nuerologist again soon (if he wants to see me). The meds

he gave me, Zanaflex (on top of the pain meds from the pain clinic...etc. ) sure

do make me sleep but almost too well. I used to toss and turn all night, which I

am beginning to think was not such a bad thing. Now when I wake up after 3 or 4

hours of not moving, I feel like concrete. I think I want to back off them...

Anybody have any problems with that medication?

in NH

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> ,


> Steroids are the only medication currently used for injection therapy in the


> If steroids are successsful after 2-3 trials, then a technique can be used to

" burn " the nerve to get long lasting relief...this is called a few different

names...(RFL) Radio Frequency Lesioning..(RFA) Radio Frequency Ablation.

>  --- Babbitt





> ________________________________

> From: cathy mccarthy <bbhorsetack@...>

> spinal problems

> Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 8:59:43 PM

> Subject: injections



> Some have been talking about injections lately, but only " steroids " are

mentioned?? There are alot of other options out there besides just steroids,

anybody try them with any success?? And what were they? I have decided to try

the injections. But curious as to why only " steroids " are ever mentioned??? They

might not be my first choice if I had an option. But... well lets just see...


> Have to go see my new nuerologist again soon (if he wants to see me). The meds

he gave me, Zanaflex (on top of the pain meds from the pain clinic...etc. ) sure

do make me sleep but almost too well. I used to toss and turn all night, which I

am beginning to think was not such a bad thing. Now when I wake up after 3 or 4

hours of not moving, I feel like concrete. I think I want to back off them...

Anybody have any problems with that medication?


> in NH

> I have had about 4 of the " Epidural steroid injections " but they put me out to

do them. Some times they last a week and some times they last months. I have a

Morphine pain pump that is implanted in my belly and the tubes run up my spine

to the middle of my back. This really helps with the pain. The only draw back I

have is that it needs to be refilled every month. So I can't go to far. But with

a back like mine I don't go far anyway. As far as sleep I can't find any way to

get a good 6-8 hours. The pain wakes me up every hour or less and if I do get

lucky to get more I wake up like a board. I have tried sleeping pills but with

the pain I would just end up sleep walking. Good luck with your injection.


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The nerve burning procedure is called a " rhizotomy. " I've had it done and it

does offer some relief. There is, however, always the chance that the nerve

will grow back in time.

Kathy T.

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Yes, rhizotomy is another name for the procedure, but is uncommonly used as by

definition it is the " cutting " of the nerve...the in office techniques used do

not do this. They create a lesion on the nerve which blocks the nerve  pathway.

It is only temporary as the nerve will regenerate a new pathway. ---



From: Kathy <kathy.thun@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 11:55:44 PM

Subject: Re: injections


The nerve burning procedure is called a " rhizotomy. " I've had it done and it

does offer some relief. There is, however, always the chance that the nerve will

grow back in time.

Kathy T.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

What is the difference in peak levels from once a week and twice a week shots?

It seems to me that one a week would bring your t levels higher than twice a


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The difference between doing every 2 weeks and once a week is the dose. Every 2

weeks most Dr.'s have you do 200 mgs this peaks very high at 3 days and most of

it will convert into Estradiol and can make your blood thicker. Doing shots

every week your doing half the dose 100mgs this peaks at about the same time but

less will not peak as high. Still by day 8 your levels are falling big time.

Being on shots every 2 weeks is old and the dam Dr.'s know this. It puts you on

a roller coaster ride up after the shot only to fall very low by the next one

and it's the lower levels that make us feel bad.

Dr.'s like to put men on every 2 weeks and have them come in the office for the

shot more money in there pocket. Do your own shots and do them starting with

100 mgs every week. Have your Dr. show you how to do shots into your thigh and

do them your self.



> From: andrenym007 <no_reply >

> Subject: Injections


> Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 12:19 AM

> What is the difference in peak levels

> from once a week and twice a week shots? It seems to me that

> one a week would bring your t levels higher than twice a

> week?




> ------------------------------------



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Phil just got back my blood results and my total test was 1350 and free t was

250. You think I should lower my dose? I'm currently doing 100mg a week, should

I go to 80mg or do 100 but split into 50mg twice a week?


> > From: andrenym007 <no_reply >

> > Subject: Injections

> >

> > Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 12:19 AM

> > What is the difference in peak levels

> > from once a week and twice a week shots? It seems to me that

> > one a week would bring your t levels higher than twice a

> > week?

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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How many days after injection was blood drawn?


From: andrenym007 <no_reply >

Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 7:05:18 PM

Subject: Re: Injections

Phil just got back my blood results and my total test was 1350 and free t was

250. You think I should lower my dose? I'm currently doing 100mg a week, should

I go to 80mg or do 100 but split into 50mg twice a week?


> > From: andrenym007 <no_reply@group s.com>

> > Subject: Injections

> >

> > Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 12:19 AM

> > What is the difference in peak levels

> > from once a week and twice a week shots? It seems to me that

> > one a week would bring your t levels higher than twice a

> > week?

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- ------

> >

> >

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2 days. To be exact 51 hours.

> >

> > > From: andrenym007 <no_reply@group s.com>

> > > Subject: Injections

> > >

> > > Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 12:19 AM

> > > What is the difference in peak levels

> > > from once a week and twice a week shots? It seems to me that

> > > one a week would bring your t levels higher than twice a

> > > week?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------

> > >

> > >

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That is pretty much a peak value. It is pretty high for 100mg but wouldn't worry

about it.


From: andrenym007 <no_reply >

Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 7:10:54 PM

Subject: Re: Injections

2 days. To be exact 51 hours.

> >

> > > From: andrenym007 <no_reply@grou p s.com>

> > > Subject: Injections

> > >

> > > Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 12:19 AM

> > > What is the difference in peak levels

> > > from once a week and twice a week shots? It seems to me that

> > > one a week would bring your t levels higher than twice a

> > > week?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------

> > >

> > >

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If you just switched from doing a bigger shot every 2 weeks to once a week no I

would wait until my next set of labs. Do them in about 8 weeks going from 200

mgs every 2 weeks to 100 mgs / wk might be keeping you levels up a little. See

how you look on your next set of labs. Do your labs on the morning of your next

shot but before it. How long after your last shot did you do the labs this last




> From: andrenym007 <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: Injections


> Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 8:05 PM

> Phil just got back my blood results

> and my total test was 1350 and free t was 250. You think I

> should lower my dose? I'm currently doing 100mg a week,

> should I go to 80mg or do 100 but split into 50mg twice a

> week?



> >

> > > From: andrenym007 <no_reply >

> > > Subject: Injections

> > >

> > > Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 12:19 AM

> > > What is the difference in peak levels

> > > from once a week and twice a week shots? It seems

> to me that

> > > one a week would bring your t levels higher than

> twice a

> > > week?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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The by this I would say your levels are a lot lower by your next shot. You

tested a peak level and this is about right for a peak level.



> From: andrenym007 <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: Injections


> Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 8:10 PM

> 2 days. To be exact 51 hours.



> > >

> > > > From: andrenym007 <no_reply@group

> s.com>

> > > > Subject: Injections

> > > >

> > > > Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 12:19 AM

> > > > What is the difference in peak levels

> > > > from once a week and twice a week shots? It

> seems to me that

> > > > one a week would bring your t levels higher

> than twice a

> > > > week?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------

> > > >

> > > >

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