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Re: Antidepressants (was Re: Intro ()

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Is your Dr crazy or something?? Do you go to a iver Dr? Mine gives me what I need except for pain meds he only gives me Ultram..He said I could take Aleve or Tylenol..Now they won't do anything for my neck and back but for headaches and such he does..You need to either see another Dr. or have a long talk with that one..When is your next appt?

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I agree the more doctors involved the more chance the ball gets dropped somewhere along the line. I would think a Hepatologist or Gastroenterologist needs to be in charge of your care. So many things you cannot do or must consider ..... Re: [ ] Antidepressants (was Re: Intro () Machelle, Is your Dr crazy or something?? Do you go to a iver Dr? Mine gives me what I need except for pain meds he only gives me Ultram..He said I could take Aleve or Tylenol..Now they won't do anything for my neck and back but for headaches and such he does..You need to either see another Dr. or have a long talk with that one..When is your next appt?

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My liver Dr. is one of those who is all business and hard to talk to. The last time I talked to him on the phone, all he told me was "you have Hep C. with two contributing factors, fatty liver tissue and damage due to the use of Advil" He didn't explain much else except when I asked about treatment he did say it would be a rough year of treatment. I mean hell (excuse me here) he just told me some life changing news and was only on the phone with me for a total of 6 (SIX) Minutes. But had to throw in the fact that I would not be able to reach him because he was going on vacation....

My next appointment isn't scheduled yet but will be in a month. I met this dr. in Dec. when I was in the hospital for diabetes. He came round to see me because my liver enzymes were like 3000. He made me an appointment a week after I got out of the hospital. So say the least I didn't keep the appt. but had my cancer dr. test my liver enzymes instead of having to drive 70 miles just for the same test. Well they were normal. So I figured I was okay. Then a month later I went back to my cancer dr. and they were elevated again, this time around 1000. He begged me to reschedule my appointment with the liver dr. Then a week later I received a certified letter from the liver dr. saying to please call and make an appointment...the whole time knowing that I had Hep C. So what I don't understand is why is he waiting a month from now to schedule starting treatment if I've had it since Dec. or before???

I'll probably have to change dr. anyway. I just can't afford to keep going to see this dr.

My insurance only covers like 80% and all prescriptions are out of pocket with reimbursements. If this treatment is as expensive as I've heard there is no way I will be able to afford it. We do have a medical college here that charges you based on your income (one income family here, I'm on disability from the cancer for the next 1 1/2 years). And the prescriptions are $5 regardless of price. Maybe the new dr. will be a little more easier to talk to. Because the dr. I have now acts like if it's not about the liver he doesn't want to hear about it.

Whew...got a little long winded there...lol


Re: [ ] Antidepressants (was Re: Intro ()

Machelle, Is your Dr crazy or something?? Do you go to a iver Dr? Mine gives me what I need except for pain meds he only gives me Ultram..He said I could take Aleve or Tylenol..Now they won't do anything for my neck and back but for headaches and such he does..You need to either see another Dr. or have a long talk with that one..When is your next appt?

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Also it was my cancer dr. who finally prescribed me something for my headaches.

Re: [ ] Antidepressants (was Re: Intro ()

Machelle, Is your Dr crazy or something?? Do you go to a iver Dr? Mine gives me what I need except for pain meds he only gives me Ultram..He said I could take Aleve or Tylenol..Now they won't do anything for my neck and back but for headaches and such he does..You need to either see another Dr. or have a long talk with that one..When is your next appt?

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Jan if spelling counts, I'm in BIG TROUBLE! Because

I have never been a good speller. Heck when your

spelling is so bad that even spell check on the

computer can't figure out what your trying to say

that's BAD SPELLING! But that's me. So thank goodness

spelling doesn't count.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> LOL..I meant Liver Dr not iver Dr but spelling don't

> count here right Dave?



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The Ds seem to forget WE PAY THEM...They don't pay us.. I had one once that as soon as I got in his office he looked at me and said I have to hurry because I have to get my car out the shop before 5:00..I told him I understand you have problems but I have a few of my own and I'd appreciate it if you took a little time to hear me out...He did...I understand you are scared and want answers..How can he determine that the damage is due to Advil?? I am still undetermined how I got mine...I have had it for almost 20 yrs now and just found out about 2 yrs. ago now...I hope you have better luck with the next one..

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Hi Jan-- I got mine from a blood transfusion I had about 30 years ago &

I was first diagnosed with it(HepC) before it was actually named- way back

in '88 confirmed by biopsy in '89 then reconfirmed in '92 & in '94

I was told it'd given me cirrhosis too-- & I've been a

@ end stage liver disease since '96.... My liver is getting really

bad now but I've managed to keep Kickin' the dragon for this long - but

now I've had several different tests to rule out cancer(the very last stage)..

OHSU has been putting me off about a transplant-- something I eat shows

a false- positive for marijuana.. I'm to see a nutritionist in March &

then maybe I can find out which foods cause this.. as the docors up @ OHSU

have told me there are some foods that cause it too happen.. so Keep your

fingers crossed that I can find something out from the nutritionist.

Sending Prayers & hope for everyone who is suffering with this

awful disease,



Jannewilms42@... wrote:


The Ds seem to

forget WE PAY THEM...They don't pay us.. I had one once that as soon as

I got in his office he looked at me and said I have to hurry because I

have to get my car out the shop before 5:00..I told him I understand you

have problems but I have a few of my own and I'd appreciate it if you took

a little time to hear me out...He did...I understand you are scared and

want answers..How can he determine that the damage is due to Advil?? I

am still undetermined how I got mine...I have had it for almost 20 yrs

now and just found out about 2 yrs. ago now...I hope you have better luck

with the next one..

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I know Terry I watched the whole thing too..My guy had bad luck from the jump start almost..2 blowouts and then the wreck..At least Dale Jr. won the Bush race the night before..Where's everybody at today?? I haven't seen many messages at all..I hope your throat gets better soon..I am kinda neausated today..My son was here for the weekend and he was sick and I think he was kind enough to give it to me before he left..All I know is since last night I haven't been feeling up to par at all..Oh well I'll get over it..They scheduled my ultrasound for my liver for next month..We'll see what that says about it..I have been having discomfort there though..I'm still on my Paxil..Only been a few days since I'm on it so I don't see any change yet...

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Hi Machelle,

I'm Arlene from the west coast- Oregon.. & I'm very fortunate that

my husband has very good insurance & I always pay $5 for generic meds

or $7 for brand name.

Thank God for such great insurance & a devoted husband too.

On April 1st we will be celebrating our 18th anniversary & I been laid

up with this nasty virus for 14 of those years.

I feel very fortunate that my hubby is a union member & the union

pays for the very best medical tests & all that goes with it.. Last

year when I ended up in hospital 2 different times for a total of 18 days..

the insurance paid 100% as they do every year after they've spent up to

$5,000 then I have no copay not even the 10-20% we usually have to pay

with a $100 yearly deductible. This years I've already surpassed

the the $5,000 in tests so we have no copay for the rest of the year.

What a blessing this insurance has been for us ..I don't know how we'd

make it w/o it.

Love to all


Machelle wrote:


program? Are you talking about where I wrote : ".... We do have a medical

college here that charges you based on your income ...And the prescriptions

are $5 regardless of price."??Do

you have a medical college in your state? You may want to check there if

you do. I do know of

another program for help, not sure if it will help you, don't know what

tx you are doing. Go to www.bnatural.com/hepatitis-family/faq.htm

, look through the table of contents and scroll down to WHAT


you can go to another section called PART IV TREATMENT

(Alternative Medicine)This

web site is from the list hepatitis-family@...

, so I hope I don't get in trouble send it to this list.I

have my cancer nurse sending off for some more information from other sources,

so I will let you know what I find out. Have

a wonderful day...I plan to clean house.Machelle

Re: [ ]

Antidepressants (was Re: Intro ()

Machelle do you have an address

for that program or have any more info on it because I need help with all

mine too..

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Jan. I enjoyed the race except for the out come. My

driver went from first to ninth with three laps to go.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Terry,

> I know you saw that race yesterday!!! Wasn't

> that something??



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The BeInCharge program will sometimes help people who

can't afford their medication also. I know I couldn't

have paid 20%. I had a copay. Good luck with finding

better care from your physician. -dz-

--- Machelle <catkrazy@...> wrote:

> My liver Dr. is one of those who is all business and

> hard to talk to. The last time I talked to him on

> the phone, all he told me was " you have Hep C. with

> two contributing factors, fatty liver tissue and

> damage due to the use of Advil " He didn't explain

> much else except when I asked about treatment he did

> say it would be a rough year of treatment. I mean

> hell (excuse me here) he just told me some life

> changing news and was only on the phone with me for

> a total of 6 (SIX) Minutes. But had to throw in the

> fact that I would not be able to reach him because

> he was going on vacation....

> My next appointment isn't scheduled yet but will be

> in a month. I met this dr. in Dec. when I was in the

> hospital for diabetes. He came round to see me

> because my liver enzymes were like 3000. He made me

> an appointment a week after I got out of the

> hospital. So say the least I didn't keep the appt.

> but had my cancer dr. test my liver enzymes instead

> of having to drive 70 miles just for the same test.

> Well they were normal. So I figured I was okay. Then

> a month later I went back to my cancer dr. and they

> were elevated again, this time around 1000. He

> begged me to reschedule my appointment with the

> liver dr. Then a week later I received a certified

> letter from the liver dr. saying to please call and

> make an appointment...the whole time knowing that I

> had Hep C. So what I don't understand is why is he

> waiting a month from now to schedule starting

> treatment if I've had it since Dec. or before???

> I'll probably have to change dr. anyway. I just

> can't afford to keep going to see this dr.

> My insurance only covers like 80% and all

> prescriptions are out of pocket with reimbursements.

> If this treatment is as expensive as I've heard

> there is no way I will be able to afford it. We do

> have a medical college here that charges you based

> on your income (one income family here, I'm on

> disability from the cancer for the next 1 1/2

> years). And the prescriptions are $5 regardless of

> price. Maybe the new dr. will be a little more

> easier to talk to. Because the dr. I have now acts

> like if it's not about the liver he doesn't want to

> hear about it.

> Whew...got a little long winded there...lol


> Machelle


> Re: [ ] Antidepressants

> (was Re: Intro ()



> Machelle,

> Is your Dr crazy or something?? Do you go to

> a iver Dr? Mine gives me what I need except for pain

> meds he only gives me Ultram..He said I could take

> Aleve or Tylenol..Now they won't do anything for my

> neck and back but for headaches and such he

> does..You need to either see another Dr. or have a

> long talk with that one..When is your next appt?


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What program? Are you talking about where I wrote : ".... We do have a medical college here that charges you based on your income ...And the prescriptions are $5 regardless of price."??

Do you have a medical college in your state? You may want to check there if you do.

I do know of another program for help, not sure if it will help you, don't know what tx you are doing. Go to www.bnatural.com/hepatitis-family/faq.htm , look through the table of contents and scroll down to WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU CAN'T AFFORD THE INTERFERON

or you can go to another section called PART IV TREATMENT (Alternative Medicine)

This web site is from the list hepatitis-family@... , so I hope I don't get in trouble send it to this list.

I have my cancer nurse sending off for some more information from other sources, so I will let you know what I find out.

Have a wonderful day...I plan to clean house.


Re: [ ] Antidepressants (was Re: Intro ()

Machelle do you have an address for that program or have any more info on it because I need help with all mine too..

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Hi Arlene..I wonder what foods show that..Let me know when you find out ok? I wish you all the best..I go for an ultrasound next month on mine to see if there is any more damage since my biopsy 2 years ago..I also go on the 6th to see about scheduling female surgery..Hopefully that goes well too..You are in my thoughts and prayers Arlene and when you need to talk we are all here or if you need to talk more privately you are welcome to e-mail anyone of us..

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Hang in there Arlene. We'll be praying for you. I

don't understand the problem about the false marijuana

reading, I understand that in Ca some dr's are

prescribing it to help combat the sides. Good luck,

I'm sure they'll get their act together here.


--- ACE <arken@...> wrote:

> Hi Jan-- I got mine from a blood transfusion I had

> about 30 years ago &

> I was first diagnosed with it(HepC) before it was

> actually named- way

> back in '88 confirmed by biopsy in '89 then

> reconfirmed in '92 & in '94

> I was told it'd given me cirrhosis too-- & I've been

> a

> @ end stage liver disease since '96.... My liver is

> getting really bad

> now but I've managed to keep Kickin' the dragon for

> this long - but now

> I've had several different tests to rule out

> cancer(the very last

> stage).. OHSU has been putting me off about a

> transplant-- something I

> eat shows a false- positive for marijuana.. I'm to

> see a nutritionist in

> March & then maybe I can find out which foods cause

> this.. as the docors

> up @ OHSU have told me there are some foods that

> cause it too happen..

> so Keep your fingers crossed that I can find

> something out from the

> nutritionist.

> Sending Prayers & hope for everyone who is suffering

> with this awful

> disease,

> Love

> arlene


> Jannewilms42@... wrote:


> > Machelle,

> > The Ds seem to forget WE PAY THEM...They don't

> pay us.. I had one

> > once that as soon as I got in his office he looked

> at me and said I

> > have to hurry because I have to get my car out the

> shop before 5:00..I

> > told him I understand you have problems but I have

> a few of my own and

> > I'd appreciate it if you took a little time to

> hear me out...He

> > did...I understand you are scared and want

> answers..How can he

> > determine that the damage is due to Advil?? I am

> still undetermined

> > how I got mine...I have had it for almost 20 yrs

> now and just found

> > out about 2 yrs. ago now...I hope you have better

> luck with the next

> > one..

> >

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I have been lucky also. I pay $20 co-pay for non

generics (which most of the new meds prescribed today

are). I was still paying over $100 a month for meds.

But I paid nothing for labwork or hospitalization over

the $10 copay for an office visit. Now we have a $200

deductible for hospital/doctor care on top of our

copay, but that's still not too bad. I pay $165 a

month for the insurance though... -dz-

--- ACE <arken@...> wrote:

> Hi Machelle,

> I'm Arlene from the west coast- Oregon.. & I'm very

> fortunate that my

> husband has very good insurance & I always pay $5

> for generic meds or $7

> for brand name.

> Thank God for such great insurance & a devoted

> husband too. On April

> 1st we will be celebrating our 18th anniversary & I

> been laid up with

> this nasty virus for 14 of those years.

> I feel very fortunate that my hubby is a union

> member & the union pays

> for the very best medical tests & all that goes with

> it.. Last year when

> I ended up in hospital 2 different times for a total

> of 18 days.. the

> insurance paid 100% as they do every year after

> they've spent up to

> $5,000 then I have no copay not even the 10-20% we

> usually have to pay

> with a $100 yearly deductible. This years I've

> already surpassed the

> the $5,000 in tests so we have no copay for the rest

> of the year. What

> a blessing this insurance has been for us ..I don't

> know how we'd make

> it w/o it.

> Love to all

> arlene


> Machelle wrote:


> > What program? Are you talking about where I wrote

> : " .... We do have a

> > medical college here that charges you based on

> your income ...And the

> > prescriptions are $5 regardless of price. " ??Do you

> have a medical

> > college in your state? You may want to check there

> if you do. I do

> > know of another program for help, not sure if it

> will help you, don't

> > know what tx you are doing. Go to

> > www.bnatural.com/hepatitis-family/faq.htm , look

> through the table of

> > contents and scroll down to WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU


> > INTERFERONor you can go to another section called


> > (Alternative Medicine)This web site is from the

> list

> > hepatitis-family@... , so I hope I don't get

> in trouble send it

> > to this list.I have my cancer nurse sending off

> for some more

> > information from other sources, so I will let you

> know what I find

> > out. Have a wonderful day...I plan to clean

> house.Machelle

> >

> > Re: [ ]

> Antidepressants (was Re:

> > Intro ()

> > Machelle do you have an address for that

> program or have

> > any more info on it because I need help with

> all mine too..

> >

> >

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It is so good to hear from you..... How the heck are you????? You are

one tough cookie and I know you will keep fighting.... I thnk of you

often but I just can't seem to concentrate to sit and e-mail if you know

what I mean...... Hey Jan!!!!! If we have Arlene with us the guys don't

stand a snowballs chance in Hell..... I call her Arlene Oakley!!!!! She

don't play around.... LOL..... Enough said!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Dz, I pay $10 amonth for generic drugs, $15 for non

generic if there is no non generic avalable and $25

for non generic if there is a generic. I pay $10 copay

for Doctor, $0 for lab work & Hospital. My company

pays for all of my insurance.


--- imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:

> I have been lucky also. I pay $20 co-pay for non

> generics (which most of the new meds prescribed

> today

> are). I was still paying over $100 a month for meds.

> But I paid nothing for labwork or hospitalization

> over

> the $10 copay for an office visit. Now we have a

> $200

> deductible for hospital/doctor care on top of our

> copay, but that's still not too bad. I pay $165 a

> month for the insurance though... -dz-


> --- ACE <arken@...> wrote:

> > Hi Machelle,

> > I'm Arlene from the west coast- Oregon.. & I'm

> very

> > fortunate that my

> > husband has very good insurance & I always pay $5

> > for generic meds or $7

> > for brand name.

> > Thank God for such great insurance & a devoted

> > husband too. On April

> > 1st we will be celebrating our 18th anniversary &

> I

> > been laid up with

> > this nasty virus for 14 of those years.

> > I feel very fortunate that my hubby is a union

> > member & the union pays

> > for the very best medical tests & all that goes

> with

> > it.. Last year when

> > I ended up in hospital 2 different times for a

> total

> > of 18 days.. the

> > insurance paid 100% as they do every year after

> > they've spent up to

> > $5,000 then I have no copay not even the 10-20% we

> > usually have to pay

> > with a $100 yearly deductible. This years I've

> > already surpassed the

> > the $5,000 in tests so we have no copay for the

> rest

> > of the year. What

> > a blessing this insurance has been for us ..I

> don't

> > know how we'd make

> > it w/o it.

> > Love to all

> > arlene

> >

> > Machelle wrote:

> >

> > > What program? Are you talking about where I

> wrote

> > : " .... We do have a

> > > medical college here that charges you based on

> > your income ...And the

> > > prescriptions are $5 regardless of price. " ??Do

> you

> > have a medical

> > > college in your state? You may want to check

> there

> > if you do. I do

> > > know of another program for help, not sure if it

> > will help you, don't

> > > know what tx you are doing. Go to

> > > www.bnatural.com/hepatitis-family/faq.htm ,

> look

> > through the table of

> > > contents and scroll down to WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU


> > > INTERFERONor you can go to another section

> called


> > > (Alternative Medicine)This web site is from the

> > list

> > > hepatitis-family@... , so I hope I don't

> get

> > in trouble send it

> > > to this list.I have my cancer nurse sending off

> > for some more

> > > information from other sources, so I will let

> you

> > know what I find

> > > out. Have a wonderful day...I plan to clean

> > house.Machelle

> > >

> > > Re: [ ]

> > Antidepressants (was Re:

> > > Intro ()

> > > Machelle do you have an address for that

> > program or have

> > > any more info on it because I need help

> with

> > all mine too..

> > >

> > >

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Hi Everyone:

Just thought I'd let you all know I saw my liver Dr yesterday about

the MRI & possible cancer?

Good news!! It isn't cancer- just that my liver grew a 4.2 nodule(mass)

of regenerated liver- but it's not enough & it looks like I'll still

need a transplant & then treatment- BTW this nodule or mass has

stayed the same for over a year now!!



Jannewilms42@... wrote:

Hi Arlene..I

wonder what foods show that..Let me know when you find out ok? I wish you

all the best..I go for an ultrasound next month on mine to see if there

is any more damage since my biopsy 2 years ago..I also go on the 6th to

see about scheduling female surgery..Hopefully that goes well too..You

are in my thoughts and prayers Arlene and when you need to talk we are

all here or if you need to talk more privately you are welcome to e-mail

anyone of us..

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Hi Jan-- Please refresh my memory about the food (what foods cause that?-- &

I'll be sure & let you know ....You'll have to excuse my rotten memory(liver-related)

Memory used to excellent - but no longer<g>


Jannewilms42@... wrote:

Hi Arlene..I

wonder what foods show that..Let me know when you find out ok? I wish you

all the best..I go for an ultrasound next month on mine to see if there

is any more damage since my biopsy 2 years ago..I also go on the 6th to

see about scheduling female surgery..Hopefully that goes well too..You

are in my thoughts and prayers Arlene and when you need to talk we are

all here or if you need to talk more privately you are welcome to e-mail

anyone of us..

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DZ-- Some Drs prescribe it here in Oregon too(I've got a prescription but am

unable to use it) Transplant Center is strictly " 0 tolerance " Even though

I've got the permit issued by the Oregon State Health Dept. My liver Dr(GI)

says that these transplant Drs are just too 'nit-picky' So I'm to see a

nutritionist in March to find out what I could possible be eating to cause

the positive reaction-- one of the transplant Dr's had told me that you can

get the false positive from some foods or seeds??

JAN- Is this possible the foods you wanted to know about....I promise when I

find-I'll post it to this list, OK??


imaganeer wrote:

> Hang in there Arlene. We'll be praying for you. I

> don't understand the problem about the false marijuana

> reading, I understand that in Ca some dr's are

> prescribing it to help combat the sides. Good luck,

> I'm sure they'll get their act together here.

> -dz-

> --- ACE <arken@...> wrote:

> > Hi Jan-- I got mine from a blood transfusion I had

> > about 30 years ago &

> > I was first diagnosed with it(HepC) before it was

> > actually named- way

> > back in '88 confirmed by biopsy in '89 then

> > reconfirmed in '92 & in '94

> > I was told it'd given me cirrhosis too-- & I've been

> > a

> > @ end stage liver disease since '96.... My liver is

> > getting really bad

> > now but I've managed to keep Kickin' the dragon for

> > this long - but now

> > I've had several different tests to rule out

> > cancer(the very last

> > stage).. OHSU has been putting me off about a

> > transplant-- something I

> > eat shows a false- positive for marijuana.. I'm to

> > see a nutritionist in

> > March & then maybe I can find out which foods cause

> > this.. as the docors

> > up @ OHSU have told me there are some foods that

> > cause it too happen..

> > so Keep your fingers crossed that I can find

> > something out from the

> > nutritionist.

> > Sending Prayers & hope for everyone who is suffering

> > with this awful

> > disease,

> > Love

> > arlene

> >

> > Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> >

> > > Machelle,

> > > The Ds seem to forget WE PAY THEM...They don't

> > pay us.. I had one

> > > once that as soon as I got in his office he looked

> > at me and said I

> > > have to hurry because I have to get my car out the

> > shop before 5:00..I

> > > told him I understand you have problems but I have

> > a few of my own and

> > > I'd appreciate it if you took a little time to

> > hear me out...He

> > > did...I understand you are scared and want

> > answers..How can he

> > > determine that the damage is due to Advil?? I am

> > still undetermined

> > > how I got mine...I have had it for almost 20 yrs

> > now and just found

> > > out about 2 yrs. ago now...I hope you have better

> > luck with the next

> > > one..

> > >

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