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Androgel and Shrinking Gonads

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I've been on Androgel for a little over a year. T levels, very good! All is

well, one problem! My balls are shrinking, feeling less intense ejaculation and

less sensation overall in gonads.

I'd hate to take myself off of Androgel, yet I'm in my 40's, single, and like to

date women. Yes,very self conscience about this.

Besides slowly cutting back on # of dispenses, what can be done about this? Any

natural supplements?


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Most men today add HCG to there TRT to keep there testis working the best they

can. When you go on TRT your brain sees the T in your blood and slows down

sending the LH and FSH messages to your Testis that tells them to make more T.

So they stop working and get smaller. I was on TRT for 23 yrs my testis were

the size of small grapes. I have been told I am Primary all them yrs. So I had

a hard time getting my Dr. to let me try HCG. Dr. Johh at www.allthingsmale.com

sent me a post to show my Dr. get help get me on HCG. When I went on it my Dr.

put me on 500 IU's 3x's a week in a shot. After the 15th. shot we did labs and

my Total T levels doubled. This is how we found out I am not Primary but I am

Secondary. Now my testis are back to there normal size took about 4 months.

Go to Dr. 's site and read TRT: A Recipe for Success and his HCG Update.

Here is a cut and paste of the post he sent me.


He probably feels that since you suffer primary hypogonadism (I am guessing)

there is no use in adding HCG to your protocol. There are several reasons why

this is not so. First, you have not lost all Leydig cells, so any HCG you take

will stimulate those who still function to produce endogenous testosterone.

This will support testicular size. We should not ignore this aesthetic


Next, if he reads my work, he will learn that HPTA-suppressed (as all TRT

patients are to some extent) also suffer decreased pregenenolone levels, which

is the first step after CHOL in all three hormonal pathways which begin with

CHOL. HCG increases pregnenolone production, and therefore restores a more

natural balance of our hormones.

Next, nearly all TRT patients who add in HCG to their regimens report an

increased sense of well-being and also libido. These are genuine quality of life


Finally, I just instinctively do not want all those LH receptors (including

those we have yet to discover and appreciate) unstimulated.


This link supports what he dose.


On Androgel do an HCG shot 250 IU's every 3 days.



> From: ganggreen54 <ganggreen54@...>

> Subject: Androgel and Shrinking Gonads


> Date: Sunday, August 15, 2010, 10:20 AM

> I've been on Androgel for a little

> over a year.  T levels, very good!  All is well,

> one problem!  My balls are shrinking, feeling less

> intense ejaculation and less sensation overall in gonads.


> I'd hate to take myself off of Androgel, yet I'm in my

> 40's, single, and like to date women. Yes,very self

> conscience about this.


> Besides slowly cutting back on # of dispenses, what can be

> done about this? Any natural supplements?


> Thanks




> ------------------------------------



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