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TRT was feeling great now back to crap......please help.

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I havenow been of TRT for approximately 8 months….and was feeling

much much better! My labs have all been done monthly and are solid.

That said, there are acouple areas of concern. My hope in posting today

is that you allcan help get me on the right track with my therapy.

Regrettably my GP'slack of knowledge on the subject has left me in a

bit of a predicament.

A little about me andmy TRT history…… sorry all Labs are in metric

(I'm Canadian)

I am a 44 year old male who ispresently taking Testosterone through my

GP. I have been on the " therapy " (can't really call it therapy as it

very basic in nature -no HCG or anti aromatase being taken until last

month) for approximately 8 months. Iam very good health otherwise but

was suffering from text book low testosteronesymptoms. My physical and

woodwork done by my GP all came inA-OK. I am 5'11 " 185 lbs and in good


I started with the patch ( Androderm 5mg/24 hrs) but that didn'twork

because of my active lifestyle, switched to the cream (50 mg/0.5ml) but

thatdid nothing to raise my levels and I didn't like the potential for

transfer tomy child or spouse. I finally started Testosterone

injections(Depo Testosterone 150mg/week) about 4 months ago and was

feeling muchbetter...........more energy, better sleep, improved libido,

less agitated,overall sense of well being has improved considerably.

Lately though the improvements have disappeared and I'm back to being

less than energetic, libido is not as high and sense of well being is


I have had monthly follow up blood work done. My my totaltestosterone

came in initially (first tests) at 16. Subsequent testcame in at 31 and

finally 40 (my most resent test). My Doc says it's toohigh now and has

lowered my dose to 125mg/wk with blood work again in1 month. From my

research, my present levels are actually optimal. I have asked to have

my E2 levels and free testosterone checked as perhaps myestrogen levels

may be out of whack and although GP's don't feel free testlevels are

important, my research suggests otherwise.

My recentlabs came back and my GP is still concerned about my

Testosteronelevels as well as my Estradiol levels. From my research and

in speakingwith several authorities in the US about TRT, my Testosterone

levels are justfine, in fact they are close to optimal. I was pleased

to see my free testosterone results as I was concerned that with my

higher estrogenlevels, the testosterone I was taking wasn't being

utilized. I also switched from a shot once a week to doing every other

day with ½ " 29 gauge insulin needle IM in the quad. So much easier

than the 1 ½ deepIM in the glutes!

Lab results

All within rangeexcept for: (normal ranges in brackets)

Estradiol was withinrange but I think high 172 (<220 pmol/L)

Hemoglobin 179 (133-165 g/L)

Hematocrit .51 (.38-.50)

RBC 5.86 (4.20-5.40 tera/L)

Testosterone Total34.2 (10-30 nmol/L)

Testosterone Free1025 (200-800 pmol/L)

BioavailableTestosterone 25.1 (5-20 nmol/L)

I had 2concerns though, even though my estradiol levels are within

range, optimalaccording to studies and Dr's in the US are about half

of what I presently sitat or 80.74 pmol/L Every Dr and patient I have

corresponded withand all the reports/papers/books I have read on TRT

Therapy indicate use of anaromatase inhibitor in conjunction with

Testosterone. Anastrozole is whatis generally prescribed. I've since

started Arimidex 1mg/wk .25mg on Mon, Wed, Fri and Sun. hoping that

lowering my E levels would make me feel better.........no such luck :(

Tests came back, E levels down to close to optimal range but I still

feel lousy. I am also down to 125mg/wk of test cypionate.

I want to add HCG and my Doc is receptive....will the addition of HCG

help me?

Should I consider DHEA as well?

*DHEA was 6.0 umol/L.... on the low side (5.2 - 14.2) normal range

HELP! I went from feeling awesome to crap.....what up with that?


PS most I have spoken with are doing their TRT therapy this way:

250 iu HGCevery other day

Testosterone IM or SCevery other day

Anastrozole 1mg/wkevery other day (work up to 1.5mg/wk)

DHEA is alsoprescribed

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