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she is so week she cannot get out of bed, somebody

> help!

hi dear andreea,

does your sister have internet access? ask her to navigate to this

group and to read bee's article on how to overcome candida.

i'm sure you will find great advice here and a lot of support.

it sounds like she has some knowledge of good therapies (coconut oil,

etc.) so there is hope that she can adopt a more complete approach and

begin to regain her health. she's lucky to have a caring sister who is

so concerned. she may need to start with a more mild approach (working

in small increments so as not to overload her body's mechanisms) until

she begins to feel stronger. keep in touch, you've found a good place

here for help.

best to you ~ suz

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p.s. andreea

hi again, sorry, i'm distracted. my husband has the news on about the

attacks in the subways & buses in london, and i have to go take the

subway here in nyc in half an hour to go to work! eek.

your sister could start by cutting out the dairy from her diet (except

for butter), have her focus on eggs & fish for protein. lots of

vegetables with butter or coconut oil melted on top (look in the files

for the lowest carb vegetables, less carbs feed less candida!

there is lots of info in the files. look for " candida diet in a

nutshell " as well as the article " how to overcome candida " .

also look at a post from yesterday regarding u.t.i., how to treat

naturally - 100% cranberry juice - no sweeteners. bee gave

instructions on doseage in that post.

keep in touch ~ suz

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Dear Andreea,

Welcome to our group my friend! You've come to the right place. I'm

short on time this morning, but please do refer your sister to this

group and both of you would be well advised to read the article sent

to you upon joining " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " . You will

be pleasantly surprised and glad that you've found us. More than

likely your sister is trying to make too many changes at once, which

is overwhelming her body. She should do the candida program one step

at a time; starting with the diet. At the right time she would add

antifungals, in additon to coconut oil which is added at the

beginning. Also you might want to read " Bee's Candida Story " . At

one point during my candida cure I could only eat 9 foods in the

whole world. I got through it all and was cured of candida.

Get back to us after you and your sister have read the article.

We're here for you!!

The best in health,


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  • 1 month later...

I think you are referring to Midazolan (also known as Versed in the USA.) We

have been using it since January, and it's been working better than Diastat.We

spray it in the nose, have not tried to put it in between cheek and gum,

although a lot of articles recommend that method. Nasal route works and do not

want to change anything.

Hope this helps.


ayoung816 <angie_816@...> wrote:


In the last month I have read, and I think it was on this list, of a

new delivery method for diastat. Whatever I read said there was a new

method of a spray or sublingual tablet to be between the cheek and the

gums instead of using diastat. Obviously this would be so much better

for aborting seizures in adolescents and adults. Unfortunately I was

very busy and did not write it down, when I asked my neurologist at my

appointment he had not heard of it. Has anyone heard of this and

possibly have some information on it? Thanks so much.


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  • 3 weeks later...

In what way is it better than Diastat and what are the side effects?

Does it work quicker? Does it knock you out for hours? Thanks!


> Hello,

> In the last month I have read, and I think it was on this list, of


> new delivery method for diastat. Whatever I read said there was a


> method of a spray or sublingual tablet to be between the cheek and


> gums instead of using diastat. Obviously this would be so much


> for aborting seizures in adolescents and adults. Unfortunately I


> very busy and did not write it down, when I asked my neurologist at


> appointment he had not heard of it. Has anyone heard of this and

> possibly have some information on it? Thanks so much.


> Angie







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Midazolan has the same side effects as Diastat, but in our daughter's case, it

stops the seizure about twice faster. It also knocks her out for hours, but she

wakes up in a better state.


lwm311962 <lwm31@...> wrote:

In what way is it better than Diastat and what are the side effects?

Does it work quicker? Does it knock you out for hours? Thanks!


> Hello,

> In the last month I have read, and I think it was on this list, of


> new delivery method for diastat. Whatever I read said there was a


> method of a spray or sublingual tablet to be between the cheek and


> gums instead of using diastat. Obviously this would be so much


> for aborting seizures in adolescents and adults. Unfortunately I


> very busy and did not write it down, when I asked my neurologist at


> appointment he had not heard of it. Has anyone heard of this and

> possibly have some information on it? Thanks so much.


> Angie







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wrote " I just need someone to tell me look have this and that

will be all "


The statement above tells me there may be a problem with your

approach to healing yourself. We all hate being told what to do. So,

giving you a week's worth of recipes for foods which you're not used

to would not be helpful.

So I'm going to try and help you another way.

The only way to control Candida and loose weight is to make a

concious decision to take responsibility for your health. If you rely

on other people to give you drugs, recipes, etc. you will not

succeed. You need to do the reading and the research required to make

yourself better. There is more than enough information/recipes in the

files of this forum to get you started. You probably have heaps of

recipe books at home and there are millions of recipes on the web.

Once you know which foods you shouldn't be eating (by reading Bee's

article on how to overcome candida), you can find recipes that

include foods you can eat.

It may all seem too much at the moment and there is no denying that

this is really tough. There will be a lot of trial and error until

you work out your daily food plans, but You have to do it.

Take it easy and start the reading and reseach as soon as possible.


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  • 3 months later...

Why did the doc put her on amoxocillian for a runny nose??? She needs to get

on some enzymes and pro-biotics to get some balance back into her bowels.

ALso take her off all dairy if you have not already and that might help.

-- help

hi, i have been researching, I have a 5 year old child who has been

sick for about 2 years now, most of it is sinus problems, she had her

adnoids removed, still sick!! now they say she has GERD, she has had a

test done and she does have reflex, she has been on prevacet and is

better, but still has the runny nose, she is on amoxicillian and the

runny nose is worse, anyway, I am thinking that she has candidia...

how can i test her? the doctor will think i am nuts!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

> Well, I've taken the plunge

> and am on Bee's diet, as of yesterday. But it's really hard for me. I

> can't eat most vegetables. They taste VERY bitter and make me gag. I try

> to force myself, but they really make me sick to my stomach.

You might do some research on indiginous eskimo diets. They don't

include vegetables.


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> Hello everyone. I've only posted once or twice a couple of months

ago.> Since then I've been researching and thinking. Well, I've

taken the plunge and am on Bee's diet, as of yesterday. But it's

really hard for me. I can't eat most vegetables. They taste VERY

bitter and make me gag. I try to force myself, but they really make

me sick to my stomach. The only salad I can eat is the kind drenched

in sugary dressing (I know, that's a no-no.)

==>That's great you are on the diet, however do take it one step at a

time and don't try to change everything at one time. It is too

overwhelming for the body and yourself. Give your body time to

adjust to each change. You'd do better having steamed veggies rather

than any that are raw, which you can smother in butter, ocean sea

salt and other spices to make them tasty. Or make your own salad

dressings or maye - there are many in the files which are very easy.

> I like meat, but enough is enough. What can I do? I'm eating

steak and eggs for breakfast, chili for lunch, and some meat for

supper. I have boiled eggs in the afternoon. But I'm still always

hungry. This is not nearly enough calories (I estimate maybe 1200,

if that.)

==>Adding enough good saturated fats to your diet will satisfy you

more, and will give you better energy. AND they are so very

important for your health - butter, coconut oil, extra virgin olive

oil, etc., etc. They will give you enough calories as well and help

heal your intestines and give them strength, which you need. Try my

raw egg drink in the morning - in the recipe files - it's a way to

get more good fats as well.


> I have a whole list of problems, just like everyone else. My

hypothyroidism> led me to the book Hormones, Health, and Happiness by

Dr. Hotze. Wonderful> book. He strongly recommends getting rid of

Candida as part of the healing> process. So that's what I'm doing.

Or at least trying to do. I easily> stick to diets, but I must have

enough to eat because of the horrid> hypoglycemia.

==>Adding enough good saturated fats will help a great deal with your

low blood sugar. Even take tablespoons of butter or other good

saturated fats - but do start on fats gradually because they will

cause die-off symptoms.


> Anyway, so suggestions for things I can eat? I like tomatoes, but

this time> of year they taste a little bitter. I can usually choke

them down though.> Any advice? By the way, I like to cook, but I

work 9 hour days and am> constantly exhausted. If a recipe has more

than a few ingredients, even> buying all of them overwhelm me, not to

mention trying to cook it.

==>Try my egg drink my friend. You can live on it if you need to,

and it is easy and extremely nutritious.


> Also, my sinuses are giving me horrible headaches. What can I do

for the> headache. And doesn't spraying the sea salt solution into

your nose hurt?

==>No the spraying of sea salt doesn't hurt at all. See our Sinus

file for more help with them, which will also help headaches.

> Oh and I get a bad headache within an hour of eating anything with

the sea> salt (I have Celtic Sea Salt.) Why? Is this normal? I was

in severe pain> after trying the lemon/salt/water drink thing.

==>When your body gets nutrients it needs it goes into action

healing, which causes healing symptoms, so you could get more

headaches at first. Start with less at a time to begin with and

gradually increase to minimize the healing reactions.


> Thank you for your support. I have been reading and even the posts

that> don't have anything to do with me motivate me. I can do this.

And I need> to do this. So I will.

==>You can do it!! We are here for you.

Luv & hugs, Bee

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi ,

Welcome to our group. You will find a LOT of help here.

There are a couple of self-tests you can take to help determine

whether or not you might have a Candida overgrowth. One is called the

" spit " test (you will spit in some water) and the other is a

questionare put together by Dr. Crook (he wrote the book " The

Yeast Connection " . Links to both of these tests is in our files or you

may use this direct link to the file:



There is also TONS of information contained in the " Files " section of

your Group site. You may want to start wading through some of

the files and articles there.

I also suggest you definitely take some time to read the information

that was sent to you when you signed up for the group. It will get you

going and hopefully help alleviate some of the anxiety you are feeling

as you begin this journey of natural healing.


> How can I determine if my heath issues are candida or

> something else?? It sure sounds like everything I am feeling is

> Candida. I just need some freindship and advise because I am tired of

> feeling life crap every day!! thank u so much!! in CT


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Hi . Welcome to our group. We have many members who have

similar health issues that they are correcting. All of your symptoms

point to candida for sure! So you've come to the right place to regain

your health. Even if you do not have candida you will learn why proper

nutrients are so important for health, and why certain foods have been

damaging your health. You can't go wrong following the principles of

the diet we recommend, so like Jackie said start reading and you will

be pleasantly surprised. Education is the first step! Hang in there.

You can get well again, and maintain your health for life!

We are here to answer any questions after you've finished getting

educated. We totally understand how awful you feel too. It's scarey

to feel so bad, but Michale do " know " that something can be done about


The best in health,


wrote: Hi, I am a persoanl trainer who is 35 yers old. The past

2 years my health has slowly gone down the tube. I am so tired aall the

time..I have severe acid reflux...I have headakes allot...I get bloated

> often...feel like I have the flu every day...I just feel horrible.

> Recenly I noticed I have bad sour mouth and worse headakes. There are

> in conjunction with bumps on my toung and the begining of a hive on

my face. I am nevrous and a little scared so I went on the internet and

> saw this. My diet is very inconsistant an d for the most past I eat

> like crap. How can I determine if my heath issues are candida or

> something else?? It sure sounds like everything I am feeling is

> Candida. I just need some freindship and advise because I am tired of

> feeling life crap every day!! thank u so much!! in CT


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I'm new at this, and certainly others on this listserve will offer their

veteran expertise, but the following comes to mind:

1. Did the orthoped or any other dr. take x-rays of the effected areas that

are hurting your son? (Our rheum. showed me our daughter's xrays and

explained how the results were also a factor in the diagnosis of arthritis.


instance, in the wrists, there were several small clusters of bones rather than

a lesser number. And in her knees, she happens to have bony growth on the

inside of her knees which are another indicator of arthritis).

2. I don't understand why they are placing so much weight upon the negative

blood tests. Our rheum(and I've read this several times in my research of

the disease) tells me that 90% of kids with arthritis test NEGATIVE (which my

daughter did!). So blood tests are not the primary indicator in children.

Self-reports if the child is talkative(as is your son), observations of

limited movement, stiffness, and certainly inflammation are more telling


What would be the harm in adding a steroid to see if the inflammation is

reduced, and subsequently, the pain, as well? Obviously, the Naprosyn is not

doing enough, and your poor son sounds like he is in a ton of pain. And this

has been going on for over a year?

What about a second opinion if there is a second rheum in your area other

than the one you're seeing at Children's Hospital?

I wish you all the best. So sorry to hear of this struggle...it is

tremendously stressful to watch your child in so much pain and to see his


decrease. Please keep us posted!


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Hi ,

I am sorry to hear your son is in so much pain. Does he have much

noticeable swelling?

(poly 35)


It's been almost 3 months now of wait and see. We took our 8 year old

son to a ped. rhum. at childrens hosp. at the request of his

othopedist he sees for perthes disease because of continuous pain in

his joints. All of his blood work has come back normal, he's on

naproxene 1 in am 2 in pm and still having pain. It is mostly in his

rt. heel, knee, wrist and lower back, and constant stomach aches and

it is bad enough he is in tears and unable to walk at times. On our

first vist they told us they suspected spondyloarthropathy but have

now changed thier mind because of his blood work. This has been on

going now for almost a year . Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions

anything to possibly get a diagnosis?

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He doesn't have any noticeable swelling just severe pain. I'm at a

loss. He goes back to the Rhum. thursday but its the same thing

every time we go. They have been telling me for the last 3 months

lets see how things are in a month and its always the same. I don't

know if there is other testing that can be done other that blood

work but something has got to give.


> Hi ,

> I am sorry to hear your son is in so much pain. Does he have much

> noticeable swelling?

> (poly 35)





> It's been almost 3 months now of wait and see. We took our 8 year


> son to a ped. rhum. at childrens hosp. at the request of his

> othopedist he sees for perthes disease because of continuous pain


> his joints. All of his blood work has come back normal, he's on

> naproxene 1 in am 2 in pm and still having pain. It is mostly in


> rt. heel, knee, wrist and lower back, and constant stomach aches


> it is bad enough he is in tears and unable to walk at times. On


> first vist they told us they suspected spondyloarthropathy but have

> now changed thier mind because of his blood work. This has been on

> going now for almost a year . Does anyone have any ideas,


> anything to possibly get a diagnosis?









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It does sound like spondy to me. Very similar symptoms to what Chris

has/had. The stomach can be from the naproxen. With when he was

first diagnosed and needed an nsaid, he was put on Celebrex and that

helped that problem. I too am not sure what they mean about the blood

work. My son is HLAB27 negative, but that only means that he probably

won't have the organ involvement from spondy as kids who are positive

for that with spondy have more problems like that. Have you checked the

website www.spondylitis.org ? It might give you more info. My son does

not have a lot of swelling that is noticeable. The dr can usually feel

some with a physical exam. The most we saw was in his ankles when he was

first diagnosed. He has/had heel pain; back pain is still a factor,

swollen toes and fingers, lower back which was actually his pelvic rim

the dr said. I would really ask the dr what he/she means by the whole

blood work thing. Perhaps say that you know there is no actual test for

JRA/spondy but that you understand the SED rate might indicate

inflammation. I would ask for a very thorough explanation of the blood

work. Don't be intimidated. There is no shame in not knowing what it all

means and the dr should be able to explain it to you. Also, ask the dr

what the plan is to get your child pain free. Hopefully your dr won't

rely on tired excuse of " he's looking for attention and the pain isn't

real " UGH! I hate when I hear that some parent has been told that one.

Does your dr do the test where your son bends over and they measure his

spine flexibility? It has a name I never remember. could not touch

his toes when he was first diagnosed and now can almost touch his palms

to the floor. So the meds and physical therapy he had at first and the

exercising he does have helped. Remember, educate yourself and ask that

dr questions. If you are not happy with the answers, keep at it. My

son's rheumy told us at the first visit that the goal is always to get

these kids pain free. I have lived by that ever since this has started.

Good luck to you and let us know how it goes, Michele ( 18,



It's been almost 3 months now of wait and see. We took our 8 year old

son to a ped. rhum. at childrens hosp. at the request of his

othopedist he sees for perthes disease because of continuous pain in

his joints. All of his blood work has come back normal, he's on

naproxene 1 in am 2 in pm and still having pain. It is mostly in his

rt. heel, knee, wrist and lower back, and constant stomach aches and

it is bad enough he is in tears and unable to walk at times. On our

first vist they told us they suspected spondyloarthropathy but have

now changed thier mind because of his blood work. This has been on

going now for almost a year . Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions

anything to possibly get a diagnosis?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I feel for you because this is a tough situation. I donated blood

regularly before I was diagnosed and I hope that no one is suffering

as a result.

Does the Red Cross screen for Lyme? If they don't, calling them won't

accomplish much. The last I knew, our local Red Cross didn't screen

for Lyme.

Your best bet is probably to work on your husband. You might try this

line of reasoning: There's anecdotal evidence that spouses can pass

Lyme to each other, so even though he doesn't have detectable Lyme, he

might have enough Lyme (from you) to pass it on through his blood




> Dh and I tested positve for Lyme. I started abx right away and he


> denial. He won't take any treatments for it, says he can't have it



> Well I am soooo worried. He is a regular blood donor, they even

use his

> bloods for the nicu, because he is cmv free.


> But Bowen says he is full of bugs.


> What do I do? Call our local red cross and tell them not to allow

this guy

> to donate? I get heartsick thinking he may pass spirochetes to

anyone else.


> I also think that they may test for Lyme, but with the old tests

that have

> the 70 or more false negative rate.




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If it were Me I would notified the Blood Bank. they would know what best and

tell his Dr. Bud

beaugeored@... wrote: Dh and I tested positve for Lyme. I started abx

right away and he started

denial. He won't take any treatments for it, says he can't have it etc.

Well I am soooo worried. He is a regular blood donor, they even use his

bloods for the nicu, because he is cmv free.

But Bowen says he is full of bugs.

What do I do? Call our local red cross and tell them not to allow this guy

to donate? I get heartsick thinking he may pass spirochetes to anyone else.

I also think that they may test for Lyme, but with the old tests that have

the 70 or more false negative rate.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Grace,

OmyGod, where do you live? I can't believe that specialist was so HORRIBLE,

and so wrong. The first line of treatment for hyperthyroidism is medication,

either PTU or Tapezole (the one you are taking), plus beta blockers for the

heart rate. If one med doesn't work for you, or gives you side effects, the

doctor can give you the other one.

You were SO RIGHT to refuse the RAI, the doctors push it, but it does not

treat the underlying cause, or imbalance, which can be addressed with

supplements, nutrition, and treatments like acupuncture. Please refer to our


site, iThyroid.com, for info on this.

I CAN'T BELIEVE the specialist didn't give you ATDs (anti-thryoid drugs) plus

a beta blocker, just bullied you about the RAI. This sounds like malpractice

to me. You can take the meds as long as you need them, don't worry, they are

usually totally safe. Meanwhile, you can address the underlying causes of

the illness by going to iThyroid.com.

Please keep us informed as to what is going on w/you, and ask us all the

questions you like. We have all been there.



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Hi Grace,

Don't worry. All you can do now is probably go to

another doctor and seek more advice. Take control of

your illness by knowing all that is necessary to know.

The illness is not terminal nor will it affect your

life permanently, so long as you are necessary

treated. Do read back some of the archive post, there

are so many people with this illness, young and old,

caucasian or asian(like me). So don't worry, you're

not alone.

Read up on what it means to your body when you are

said to diagnose with hyperT. Basically, we have an

over-active thyroid gland. Everyone has a thyroid

gland located at the neck and it produces hormone

which they name it as T3 and T4 hormone. Now, when the

thyroid gland are overactive, these hormone are

produced in excess. When these hormone are produced in

excess, our metabolism increases. This means that most

of our organs in our body are being signaled to work

extra hard, for no reason! So you can observe that

your heart rate is increase ( just like when you are

exercising ), your appetite increases ( because your

body need fuel to run!) but yet you doesn't put on

weight (because your body burns faster that you can


And on top of that, you will always be tired, because

your body doesn't know how to rest. Which is also why

you have difficulty sleeping - how can you sleep when

your body is reacting as if you are running up a hill?


All these will reduce when the hormone reduces. And

these is what RAI and anti thyroid drug (ATD) does.

Anti thyroid drug surpresses the additional hormone

and RAI basically goes after the thyroid gland by

killing a portion(sometimes a huge portion) of the

thyroid gland. The pros and cons of that can be obtain

at so many site on the net. Check it out. The beta

blockers is use to stabilise your heart rate.

ok, feeling comfortable that you know what is going

on? By the way, some of the symptoms includes being

easily irritated, always feeling hot ( i mean warm,

actually) and also having a higher sex drive :P (guess

that is the one good thing, huh...)

ok, my case. I suffer from hyper since 3 years ago,

doctor prescribe Carbimazole, but it did not work and

i suffer from a thyroid storm. The doctor change the

medicine to PTU (Prophythiuoracil) and it works! Don't

worry there are a few more types...of anti thyroid


I took the medicine for that past 2 years and started

weaning off less than a year ago. I have been

completely off the med for a few months and guess

things are still ok.... but you will never know...

Anyway, learn to listen to your body, it will tell you

when the hormone are high and so on....

Try the antithyroid drug (ATD) first before

contemplating going for RAI. At least try for 2 years

because you may not need it at all.... of course, if

you are one of those rare case where ATD doesn't

helps, then you will have no other choice. Don't

worry, that is very rare.

Another advice, for the first 3 months, always check

(every 1 month?) your hormone level through blood test

to know that the ATD is effective. If not, change the

med! Learn to read the T3, T4 and TSH hormone level.

Another advice is that if your hormone level

stabilises after a few months, stop taking the beta

blocker (Propanolol). It is not meant to be taken for

long term, and it will affect the heart. But doctors

sometimes forget about it....mine did!

ok, last advice, don't worry, take a good rest, do not

be stressed up and always remember there are many

people with worse symptoms but yet recover and got

back their life (sort of... :) )

Take care and God bless....


--- weegraceodonnell <weegrace@...> wrote:

> Hello, I have been unwell for eight months now and

> progressively

> worse. Was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism eight

> weeks ago and to be

> honest it was a relief to know what was wrong. At

> the moment my

> resting heart rate is down to 120. Trouble is the

> Dr just referred

> me to a specialist who never even asked me to sit

> down, just asked

> me to sign a form for RAI. When I said I wanted to

> know more he

> just said he didn't have time! To come back in three

> months when I

> wanted it.

> Well needless to say I spent the next few days

> feeling desperately

> low and in tears (does everyone get this emotional?)

> and eventually

> went back to my Dr and asked her to explain what my

> thyroid was and

> did (I had no idea).

> So now I know it is a gland in my neck that controls

> my metabolism

> and boy do I feel ill. Shakes, weight loss, running

> to the toilet

> all the time, heart goes mad, tearful and eyes

> swollen etc etc.

> The Doctor mentioned T3 and T4 but I have no idea

> exactly what that

> is and I can't seem to think straight. So Dr has

> put me on tablets

> (carbimazole, 2x5mg three times a day and it is

> calming me a bit but

> I feel so sick sometimes. This is temporary she says

> until I go back

> to that same specialist (oh no!!)

> So do I take this stuff or not? What is best?

> Please help,

> Grace






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Dear Grace,

It was quite gracious of you to respond to all of us! I guess your name is


I'm glad you're feeling better, sorry you can't take the beta blocker. I'm

also glad you went to iThyroid.

Graves disease is one form of hyperthyroidism, which is what I had. I went

on meds for a few months, but also used acupuncture, nutrition and supplements.

Soon I felt my thryoid going low, and told the endo I wanted to wean from

the meds. He refused to listen, but I insisted, and so he took more blood, and

agreed I was becoming slightly hypo. After that, I just listened to my body,

and weaned slowly off the meds. Had I listened to the endo, I would have had

RAI, or, while on the meds, he would have kept me on them until I was good and

sick (hypo). Doctors like to do this--make you hypo--for a variety of

reasons, but, as soon as I started to gain a few pounds, I insisted on coming


the meds. I am the only one on this list I know of who got totally better (I

have been off meds for about 8 years now, and am fine), so I think my method was

effective, at least for Graves.

It may be hard for you to think due to the illness, but you are not " stupid. "

We are all ignorant about this illness until we choose to inform ourselves

and learn.

So, you were very smart to seek out this group, and all the other information

you are pursuing, rather than listening to the doctors, who are uncaring, or


Keep us informed as to how you are.

Best of health,


P.S. I think you are our first group member from Scotland!

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Thank you Ant Joan,

Four people responded to my plea for help and it is so reassuring to know

there are people out there who understand. I have decided I am not going

back to that specialist and am going to ask for another.

I took your advice and looked at iThyroid and realised that the vitamins

I have been taking to try and help contain iodine so have cut them out and

have replaced tea and coffee with water. Small steps but as I learn will

do more. The eye problems are so annoying, lids sagging down and swollen

and huge bags under my eyes. Am glad that I refused the RAI until I find

out more. Just wish I knew if it was Graves or Hyper or whatever so I knew

what I was dealing with. I guess I will need to take control and learn all

I can to make decisions, just wish my mind would clear as I feel " stupid "

just now - cannot think straight or remember things.

The Carbimazole is helping to calm things a bit tho I had a bad spell at

weekend - why is it always at the weekend when I want to relax!!? About once

a day my heart does its flip flop then racing thing but Dr says no beta blockers

cos I am an asthmatic.

Thanks for your reply and hope you are well too. I have always taken health

for granted but am fast realising life is not much without it.



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Hello Carol,

Thank you for your reply, I got four replies and am so pleased there are

people out there who understand. You are right, I am not going back to that

specialist, I am going to ask to be sent to another. Here in Scotland we

have National Health contributions we pay from our wages to the state and

we are entitled to free health care, it is just not always what and where

you want.

I am starting to feel better on the carbimazole and glad it has worked for

you too. At the moment I am not sure what the next step is, just taking

one day at a time. Have a racing heart experience once a day at moment but

it is definately better than it was.

Hope you get to see your Specialist soon.



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Hi Pang,

Thanks for your reply, you explained it all so well and you are right, i

have to learn to understand this and take control. When I think about it

I never listen much to my body, just keep going regardless tho this HyperT

has changed that as all I want to do is sleep!

I did look online to find out more and when I looked at the list of symptoms

I have every one of them. Cannot understand why it was not picked up on

before as Doctor kept checking my sugar levels thinking it was that and have

been like this for a long time. It is good to know there are others out

there who understand. Four people replied to my message and it is so kind

to take time out their day as we are all busy people. Hopefully I will feel

better soon and be able to help others too:-)

Take care



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