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I did check out that site and you were right. Besides the products, Karma

was so helpful and prompt in assisting me with my inquiries. I just want to

know specifically what I need to order.

Re: Help


Check out Karma's site at http://www.loaves-n-fishes.com. She has great

prices and loads of info, plus is very helpful if you have any questions.

Kate :~)



> I would like to order something to do the parasite cleanse. Is there

> something? If so, where can it be ordered? Thanks




Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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Thank you and Kzall, I appreciate your kind words. I do try to provide a helpful service. I spend quite a bit of time yesterday updating the page with new products and information. I still have a long way to go to get all products on the page. :-)

~Karma karma@...http://loaves-n-fishes.com

Help>> I would like to order something to do the parasite cleanse. Is there> something? If so, where can it be ordered? Thanks>>>Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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  • 4 weeks later...


Has Cyndi been to a rheumatologist? I was referred to one by my

gastro. I started having big problems with hand, wrist, elbow and

shoulder pain a couple of months ago. The rheumatologist ran blood

tests and the rheumatoid level was a little high but not alarming.

She said that the pain is attributed to autoimmune disease. I take

25mgs of VIOXX every day and it seems to help. Also, I have more

problems when the weather changes. I hope she can find relief

because pain can really wear you down!

Kathi - Moline

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Hi Kathi- Yes, she's been there, done that. They said she doesn't have

Rheumatoid Arthritis, but definitely something is going on, they just

haven't been able to pin point it yet. To make matters worse, her Dr. was

out of the country for 3 weeks, so she had to go with his stand-in and

doesn't really consult much with him except on her blood work-up. Her Dr.

got back just this last week so she's going in Mon. for her blood tests and

hopefully can get in to see him. Talked to her just awhile ago and she

still hurts, but said maybe not quite as much. Hope it's letting up.

Thanks again for keeping in touch!! Hope you " re doing better!! Pat

(Cyndi's Mom)

[ ] Re: HELP



>Has Cyndi been to a rheumatologist? I was referred to one by my

>gastro. I started having big problems with hand, wrist, elbow and

>shoulder pain a couple of months ago. The rheumatologist ran blood

>tests and the rheumatoid level was a little high but not alarming.

>She said that the pain is attributed to autoimmune disease. I take

>25mgs of VIOXX every day and it seems to help. Also, I have more

>problems when the weather changes. I hope she can find relief

>because pain can really wear you down!


>Kathi - Moline





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I can see that Kathi has answered your question about Cyndi's pain..Ty also

sees a Rhuematologist...was already seeing him before he was diagnosed with

PSC and AIH...He takes 200mgs of Celebrex 2x aday....without it he is in alot

of pain and has trouble walking....he was also on Remicade infusions which is

for Rhuematoid Arthritis and Crohns....Since his bad reaction to his last

infusion(went into shock) they will not give him the infusions any more...We

are now waiting to get word from the NIH...National Institute of Health in

DC...his doctors in Childrens Hosp of Phila. feel that he should be seen

there....they do alot of research with auto-immune...So we are waiting to

hear if they will accept him....

Always waiting....I hope Cyndi gets some relief....

Luanne Ty's mom

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How are the remicade infusions better than or more help than the typical

arther medicine? After 4 years I finally get to see rhuematologist and am

looking forward to it. I have been taking Diclofenac and Baclofen. These have

helped dull the pain so I can function. Recently there was a mix up in the

pharmacy and they refused to refill my Diclofenac, I went through 2 weeks of

sheer pain to where I couldn't even think. I am so happy that I will now be

addressing the correct problem that caused the transplant in the first place.

Stupid doctors.


galye@... ^0^


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I am almost happy to hear Cyndi went to ER not that it is any fun. She was in

to much pain to not. I went to ER 4 times in a row and they finally smartened

up to realize I was in total liver failure. Now anything that happens I worry

and don't appreciate when they put me off. Did they keep her? What did they

decide and what did they do for her? I am with you these doctors need to get

their s**t together. Too many cooks in the pot.


galye@... ^0^


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Thank you for your concern. Cyndi ended up in the ER last night and is

pretty well out of it today. Unfortunately, they gave her morphine for the

pain and it made her even sicker. Boy, I wish these Dr.s could get with the

plan!! I follow your letters concerning Ty and my heart aches for you. I

know how hard it is to have someone you love in pain. I am so indebted to

this group for all their love and support and knowledge they are so willing

to share. I had never heard of AIH until Cyndi was diagnosed with it. I

have so much to learn, and Thank God we have such willing teachers in this

group. You are all in my prayers, and tell Ty I say " Hi " and wish him


days ahead. God Bless. Pat (Cyndi's Mom)

Re: [ ] Re: HELP


>I can see that Kathi has answered your question about Cyndi's pain..Ty


>sees a Rhuematologist...was already seeing him before he was diagnosed with

>PSC and AIH...He takes 200mgs of Celebrex 2x aday....without it he is in


>of pain and has trouble walking....he was also on Remicade infusions which


>for Rhuematoid Arthritis and Crohns....Since his bad reaction to his last

>infusion(went into shock) they will not give him the infusions any


>are now waiting to get word from the NIH...National Institute of Health in

>DC...his doctors in Childrens Hosp of Phila. feel that he should be seen

>there....they do alot of research with auto-immune...So we are waiting to

>hear if they will accept him....

>Always waiting....I hope Cyndi gets some relief....

>Luanne Ty's mom




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Hi Gayle,

Well University does do a thorough job at checking you. I talked to the

Hepatology Department and they told me to come down to the ER. They didn't


the pain was liver related though. They did chest x-rays, stomach x-rays, EKG's

and a VQ scan to see if there were any clots. The only tests that came back

weird were my white counts and my stomach x-ray. My bowels were inflammed and

they think that the auto-immune problems are affecting other parts of me. Was

there for 6 hours and am suppose to follow up with Trotter today. They also


me morphine. I was so sick and couldn't move on it. They sent me home with a

prescription for pain meds and I am hurting and trying not to take them.

Cyndi (Colorado)

galye@... wrote:

> Pat,

> I am almost happy to hear Cyndi went to ER not that it is any fun. She was in

> to much pain to not. I went to ER 4 times in a row and they finally smartened

> up to realize I was in total liver failure. Now anything that happens I worry

> and don't appreciate when they put me off. Did they keep her? What did they

> decide and what did they do for her? I am with you these doctors need to get

> their s**t together. Too many cooks in the pot.


> gayle/trans.6-99

> galye@... ^0^


> `









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  • 5 weeks later...


Your not a bum.....I have the same problem with sugar cravings and I try

everyday. I think what I need to do is wean myself off instead of going cold

turkey and maybe it would not feel so bad. I did it once and I KNOW that I

can do it again. You can to..I know that you will get a lot of support from

this list and I know there are those on the list that could share their

triumphs with you. Keep Looking Up. When I put all of this in Gods hands I

know that I will be able to do this and you can to. Some people don't realize

just sugar is addictive. That has been my biggest problem, but I will win.

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Sam, I failed for six years. I just never gave up. I started fasting with

smoothies in 1996. I blended up berries, yogurt, OJ and Honey. Eat this for

breakfast, eating nothing until lunch. From there you can have a favorite

smoothie for breakfast and lunch. Someday you will go for it and maybe fast

an entire day. Then two, then three ect...This is a good start.

Read Dr. 's book called " Cleanse and Purify Yourself "

Learn, Learn, Learn.

Best Wishes,


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Hi Sam,

I had this seesaw battle with food for at least 3-4 years before I could get

serious. I could get serious for about a week, then I would binge and eat so

much comfort food and gain all the weight back that I lost. I would go for

weeks of purposefully eating fast foods and junk foods because my body craved

it, as well as my weak mind. But I kept thinking, someday I will be able to get

over this. It has taken determination and desire to keep going after those

really low periods. Also knowing a few people who have made it through helps

because they are like a

rock and a real support when you are low. I still have bad days, but not as bad

as before. It may take several years before you get things under control and

behind you. But keep trying and keep doing and reading about the good things as

well keep in contact with someone whom you respect. You will get there someday,

a little at a time. Lori

" sam.gron " wrote:

> I'm am feeling an absolute poor excuse for a human being. I desperately want

to be healthy and I buy the herbs and mixtures but I still cannot get my hands

to stop feeding my mouth comfort foods. There is all this talk about fasting

and I would dearly love to be able to say that I can do that but I am an

absolute failure. Is there anyone out there who once found it as difficult as I

am now but has won the battle. I am due to start a 21 day detox on Saturday in

readiness for Reiki training so PLease any help gratefully received even if it

is a good kick up

> the bum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> love sam

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In a message dated 11/15/2000 5:01:14 PM Central Standard Time,

sam.gron@... writes:

<< Thank you to all who have given me kind words, encouragement and

advice. I am definitely starting my new way of living tomorrow. So

expect to hear from me quite often as I am hoping that by being involved

with this list I will make it this time.

love sam >>



Chet Day has a 21 days to better health program. He carries a whole group

thru thatvia email if you are interested. Go to his site and see when it

will happen

again, or write him if you can't find the answer. www.chetday.com


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sam! you are so cool... i am the same way right now. i am trying to take it

one day at a time. YOU have the freedom and control over what you put in your

body. That is a huge honor! make the right choice once, and hold on to that

feeling of self control and accomplishment. i am getting over that hump too.

it is hard so lets give ourselves credit,huh? what do ya say?

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> i am trying to take it

> one day at a time. YOU have the freedom and control over what you put in your

> body. That is a huge honor! make the right choice once, and hold on to that

> feeling of self control and accomplishment. i am getting over that hump too.

> it is hard so lets give ourselves credit,huh? what do ya say?


> you are right, nobody forces us to eat junk. I haven't felt so good for a

very very long time. I went on 3 day fast, now I'm taking juice and living food

mixture. As you say, one day at a time. love sam

> ________________________________________________________________________

> ________________________________________________________________________


> Message: 8

> Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 18:35:43 EST

> From: sbooge@...

> Subject: colem board bacteria?


> I need an objective opinion....What are the negative side effects of bowel

> cleansing? How do i " replenish good bacteria " ? Will my digestion be easier?

> Will I destroy essential compounds in my gut? Help?


> ________________________________________________________________________

> ________________________________________________________________________


> Message: 9

> Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:05:52 -0500

> From: " KIM BROWN " <dreamcountry@...>

> Subject: Re: Ulcer


> Jules,


> Fresh lemon juice in water will help an ulcer. You can drink as much as you

> like.


> Best,

> Kim


> > I had an ulcer a few years ago and now I am afraid it may be

> > returning. I am hesitant to take too many supplements as they may

> > aggravate the ulcer.

> >

> > Does anyone know what supplements/herbs should be avoided if you have

> > an ulcer? Or anything I could take to help heal it?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Jules


> ________________________________________________________________________

> ________________________________________________________________________


> Message: 10

> Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 16:09:32 -0800

> From: " Sam Girouard " <samgir@...>

> Subject: Re: Grapes or Worms


> Hi Bernadeete,


> Thanks for your informative messages. From which site could I obtain " The

Cleanse CookBook " ?


> Sam

> Grapes or Worms


> I have broken my fast with fresh raw fruits. I am on day five of the fruits

after a 40-50 day juice fast. I am losing Pollywog type figures with the

homozon. Are they grape fragments or worms? They have a small dark tail like a

Pollywog would, and a jell like body.


> By the way, thanks for all you support on my fast. I am feeling so well! All

the excess weight is still coming off. I will eat vegetables on Tuesday.

Thanksgiving I will eat cooked veggies for the first time. Then in December I

will go raw foods for the month.


> I am looking forward to a raw fuit pie with a ground fig crust, from " The

Cleanse Cookbook " for dessert on Thanksgiving.


> Bernadette


> eGroups Sponsor



> Subscription email:

> mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 12/13/00 3:46:33 PM Central Standard Time,

Sstuck@... writes:

<< a good book that talks alot about candidiasis? >>

The Candida-Related Complex. Sorry, I don't remember the author.




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  • 1 month later...

Kay... at the bottom of this should be a message telling you that

egroups changed to . There will be a URL there , click on it and

you will find fairly easy directions on how to change your account

over.. it should be no more than a click on a spot saying " convert my

egroups account " It wil also allow you access to the home page.

I hope you are doing well.


Help, I lost the message board, did it change to ? I cant find it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Fasting does wonders for the body if done right. It gives the body time and

resources to concentrate on healing, versus digesting food.

Also good for a tight budget: it's cheaper than eating!


str8barber@... wrote:

> Could someone offer suggestions? I believe totally in cleansing the gi

> tract. I can't order products online - no charge card, and beside the

> prices are prohibitive...I live on a very tight budget. For now I do enemas,

> take cascara sagrada, ceyenne, MSM, dandelion and psyllium. I have cut out

> a lot of meat, drink juices and veggie broths more often than I used to, and

> consume only abut 10% of the white flour products that I used to. I drink

> about 32 oz of water a day, which isn't enough, but is 200% more than I used

> to. Am I helping myself any? What can I add, cheaply, or start doing, that

> will enhance my efforts? I do pass some ropies with the enemas from time to

> time. Thanks for anyone's help.



> Subscription email:

> mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

amy - i pretty much follow the diet at www.candidadiet.com - and lately when I've been doing better... i'm able to add back more things.

I really feel for you - it is so tough feeling crummy



Hi Everyone,

I haven't written in quite some time. I am ready to be totally committed to killing off this Candida. I am pretty sure that I have another yeast infection, only 1 month after my last one. I haven't really had problems with them until lately. I have had a few but never in this close of a time frame. My question to everyone is , " What kind of diet are you following? " I have probably asked this before, but I would like to know how strict of a diet people are following. I know that there are many different diet out there. I guess some of the things I was wondering are: Are there any fruits that you can eat?, What about grains? I have heard some diets allow rice and some alternative grains, but I am not sure about the fruit thing. My biggest challenge is going to be finding a diet that I can follow and also one that works. I will be starting a new job in 3 weeks. I hope that will help. Hopefully I'll be happier, which will probably help.

Thanks for you help in advance,

AmySend blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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I think you surely should get another GI. there is something wrong if they only want to see you once a year. You need to be monitored more frequently.

my GI sees me every 3 months now that my condition is stable. He saw me a lot more when I was first diagnosed.


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Cherry, my answer may not be apt -- I'm really tired right now -- but when I was first diagnosed with AIH I had blood tests once or twice a week for more than six months. Now I have blood tests once a month, a year after diagnosis. I rarely actually saw a doctor, though. You must fight for what you think you need, if it isn't being provided. It's the only life you have. "Politeness" isn't appropriate if you think something is wrong, and it sounds as if it is.

Harper (AIH-5/00)

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I agree with you there. I feel like I should be paid for my care. Seems like

I am always leading through the nose especially through one of my clinics

that I despise. The horror stories just go on and on for me. Very important

new people the more you watch over your doctors shoulders the better. Ask

lots of questions ask for a print out of lab reports, procedure reports. Let

the docs know you are aware of everything. And research like crazy on the

net. What I have found on the net is wonderful and I know what the docs are

or are not doing then I ask for explanations. Docs hate it they know I am

paying attention.

gayle trans/6-99 ^oo^


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