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> My dance teacher says that look will always be with me after I


> dance, that it will give me confidence. I already feel it after

> only one class.


> marta

> who is feeling the burn! lol


You ALL know that Marta is going to be our entertainment during the

pool party don't ya????LOL


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  • 4 years later...

Hi - I'll be interested to know how Doxepin works for you. As

with all meds, some work great for some people but not others. I am

feeling better these past 2 weeks with the med change my doc made (low

dose Seroquel, plus some zolpidem). He said if I got my sleep

disorder under control, a lot of other problems would resolve. I have

heard pros and cons about Doxepin (Sinequan). A pro I read recently

was that it even helped someone with allergies, as well as with their

sleep and depression. Hope you get good results. When changing meds,

I always use the very least possible - I have worn out pill

splitters...ha. But I don't like to take too much at first without

knowing how it will affect me. - All the best, Dom

-- In dominie , Brecker <davidbrecker@...> wrote:


> saw the doc today the psych and he was toally upset with the way

things were being handled with my pain management and the pills i am

on and he changed a few things

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Wow, you're sounding just like me. I have an appt with a psych next week and the same thing is happening. No sleep, depressed, wrong meds with nothing working, in pain 24/7.I'm actually looking forward to going. On so many different meds for so many things related to the FMS & CFS but nothing works. Thanks for that information, it has lifted me a great deal. Couldn't get out of bed all weekend and again today. Thanks again and good luck

From: Brecker <davidbrecker@...>Subject: DOCdominie , Fibromyalgia-Crochet Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 8:28 PM

saw the doc today the psych and he was toally upset with the way things were being handled with my pain management and the pills i am on and he changed a few things

took me off effexor xr and change to doxepin ( sinequin) and no longer wants me to use zanaflex and i was diagnosed with manic depressive disorder. With the lack of sleep and being depressed he was so upset and this change has to be done quickly he is just shocked and is going to take care of a few of my docs. he says that the doxepin will help with pain sleep and depression. well we will see how it goes. is nyone one doxepin and what does it do for you


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Hi Dom, any advice for me going to the psych next week as I just stated to ? This is still new to me having been diagnosed within this year, but having had it since the 80's. Still learning lots, but feel like I'm going backwards. One would think that being on so much medication for various things that something would work. As I said looking forward to seeing the psych. Thanks >> saw the doc today the psych and

he was toally upset with the waythings were being handled with my pain management and the pills i amon and he changed a few things__________________________________________________

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> Dom and anyone else on Sinequan. It comes in a liquid form so you

can start on a very low dose and adjust it according to need and

response. Your doc can write a script specifying liquid form. It

comes generic and cheap.


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Good suggestion. With all the side effects from meds, adjusting the

dosage to fit your needs is verrrry important. Has anyone else tried

Sinequan (Doxepin) for sleep?

I am doing much better these past few weeks with a low dose (12.5 mg)

of Seroquel in addition to 10 mg Ambien (zolpidem) - 5 mg at bedtime

and 5 mg in the middle of the night. I have been sleeping more

restoratively and my nervous system doesn't feel as stressed out, even

with preparing 25 students for a recital Saturday, which usually gets

my adrenaline pumping, as well as my new role as church organist with

a LOT of challenging music to learn. I am so thankful for this calm


It seems to take awhile to find what helps us, and sometimes a change

is needed, as well. A (long) list of things I've tried for sleep is at


Strange how some things work for others, but not for me and vice

versa. It sure helps to have a sympathetic doc who is willing to

change your meds when things aren't working. I love my doc!

(internal medicine) - very smart and caring and willing to work with me.




> > Dom and anyone else on Sinequan.

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My Dr's start me out on low dose everything then work the way up. To

find out what dosage works for me just right. I also bring all my over

counter vitamins, supplements and even the antacids and sleep aids,

aspirin etc too.

That way they know everything you take. I have mine down in Microsoft

word . All I do then is print it out and bring ti with me.

I also have another page in Microsoft word of things they have tried

that didn't work on me. example elavil gave me bad weight gain &

Heart palpitations. Tramdol gave me dizziness heart a racing and kept

me awake most of the night. are just to name a few. But that way I

have it handy to print up ahead of time too.

If I remember


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Heidi: What a GREAT idea! Especially the records of meds that you

took that you had problems with! With our memories the way they can be,

that is an excellent suggestion!


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Hi! That is a fabulous idea!! It would be soooo much easier for me,and I'm sure a lot of you,to keep track of all our meds on the computer,especially the ones we already took & had problems with! A doctor might ask me,"Well,what about this med.?" I'll say,"Well,I've taken that before but I can't remember now why I had to quit taking it?" And,of course,I get the hairy eye ball of disbelief! But then I think later on,"Wouldn't it be in my records or did he even bother to open my records?" haha! So,I think it is VERY important "WE" stay on top of what we take & have taken & what it did to us,God only knows if the doctors will take time to investigate all this?! I would say,"Doubtful!" Thanks for the Great idea!!! Take care all,Pam.S

Check out my store for MANY Fibromyalgia

Awareness Items at= http://www.zazzle.com/pammys*

Lets Spread Awareness Together! Thanks! Pam

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hi for all of those keeping track of meds on your computer i do that but i also makee sure that i can cramp it into small part of the page to print out and laminate it and carry it with me in case i ever end up in the hospital they would find that in my purse. one time i ended uop into the hospital for a serious migraine and they needed to know the meds that i was on and i said i had to mad a laminated card and it was in my purse and the doctor was so pleased when you are in emergency it really helps


Re: Re: DOC

Hi! That is a fabulous idea!! It would be soooo much easier for me,and I'm sure a lot of you,to keep track of all our meds on the computer,especially the ones we already took & had problems with! A doctor might ask me,"Well,what about this med.?" I'll say,"Well,I' ve taken that before but I can't remember now why I had to quit taking it?" And,of course,I get the hairy eye ball of disbelief! But then I think later on,"Wouldn't it be in my records or did he even bother to open my records?" haha! So,I think it is VERY important "WE" stay on top of what we take & have taken & what it did to us,God only knows if the doctors will take time to investigate all this?! I would say,"Doubtful! " Thanks for the Great idea!!! Take care all,Pam.S

Check out my store for MANY Fibromyalgia

Awareness Items at= http://www.zazzle. com/pammys*

Lets Spread Awareness Together! Thanks! Pam

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Excellent idea! I think I will do that now. - Dom


> hi for all of those keeping track of meds on your computer i do that

but i also makee sure that i can cramp it into small part of the page

to print out and laminate it and carry it with me in case i ever end

up in the hospital they would find that in my purse. one time i ended

uop into the hospital for a serious migraine and they needed to know

the meds that i was on and i said i had to mad a laminated card and it

was in my purse and the doctor was so pleased when you are in

emergency it really helps


> shelly

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I also list my syndromes and conditions on the reverse side of the med list



Excellent idea! I think I will do that now. - Dom>> hi for all of those keeping track of meds on your computer i do thatbut i also makee sure that i can cramp it into small part of the pageto print out and laminate it and carry it with me in case i ever endup in the hospital they would find that in my purse. one time i endeduop into the hospital for a serious migraine and they needed to knowthe meds that i was on and i said i had to mad a laminated card and itwas in my purse and the doctor was so pleased when you are inemergency it really helps> > shelly

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also be sure to include your name addy phone nunber

doc names etc



Excellent idea! I think I will do that now. - Dom>> hi for all of those keeping track of meds on your computer i do thatbut i also makee sure that i can cramp it into small part of the pageto print out and laminate it and carry it with me in case i ever endup in the hospital they would find that in my purse. one time i endeduop into the hospital for a serious migraine and they needed to knowthe meds that i was on and i said i had to mad a laminated card and itwas in my purse and the doctor was so pleased when you are inemergency it really helps> > shelly

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I've been doing this also for a very long time and have found the doctor's really do appreciate this, this way they're not giving you meds that you've already tried and they know exactly what you're taking so as not to give you anything that will contradict what you're taking. There is no way I could have remembered over 30 meds that I've tried and can't tolerate or over the 10 meds that I'm on now. Thanks for sharing your stories.

From: Brecker <davidbrecker@...>Subject: Re: Re: DOCdominie Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 10:36 AM

hi for all of those keeping track of meds on your computer i do that but i also makee sure that i can cramp it into small part of the page to print out and laminate it and carry it with me in case i ever end up in the hospital they would find that in my purse. one time i ended uop into the hospital for a serious migraine and they needed to know the meds that i was on and i said i had to mad a laminated card and it was in my purse and the doctor was so pleased when you are in emergency it really helps


Re: Re: DOC

Hi! That is a fabulous idea!! It would be soooo much easier for me,and I'm sure a lot of you,to keep track of all our meds on the computer,especially the ones we already took & had problems with! A doctor might ask me,"Well,what about this med.?" I'll say,"Well,I' ve taken that before but I can't remember now why I had to quit taking it?" And,of course,I get the hairy eye ball of disbelief! But then I think later on,"Wouldn't it be in my records or did he even bother to open my records?" haha! So,I think it is VERY important "WE" stay on top of what we take & have taken & what it did to us,God only knows if the doctors will take time to investigate all this?! I would say,"Doubtful! " Thanks for the Great idea!!! Take care all,Pam.S

Check out my store for MANY Fibromyalgia

Awareness Items at= http://www.zazzle. com/pammys*

Lets Spread Awareness Together! Thanks! Pam

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, I do the same thing. I also print out small cards for all my surgery information and all my current doctor information. I laminate all of them and keep them with me in my purse.


Re: Re: DOC

Hi! That is a fabulous idea!! It would be soooo much easier for me,and I'm sure a lot of you,to keep track of all our meds on the computer,especially the ones we already took & had problems with! A doctor might ask me,"Well,what about this med.?" I'll say,"Well,I' ve taken that before but I can't remember now why I had to quit taking it?" And,of course,I get the hairy eye ball of disbelief! But then I think later on,"Wouldn't it be in my records or did he even bother to open my records?" haha! So,I think it is VERY important "WE" stay on top of what we take & have taken & what it did to us,God only knows if the doctors will take time to investigate all this?! I would say,"Doubtful! " Thanks for the Great idea!!! Take care all,Pam.S

Check out my store for MANY Fibromyalgia

Awareness Items at= http://www.zazzle. com/pammys*

Lets Spread Awareness Together! Thanks! Pam

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HI I think that it makes it so much easier for all of us then our brain does not have work so much


Re: Re: DOC

Hi! That is a fabulous idea!! It would be soooo much easier for me,and I'm sure a lot of you,to keep track of all our meds on the computer,especially the ones we already took & had problems with! A doctor might ask me,"Well,what about this med.?" I'll say,"Well,I' ve taken that before but I can't remember now why I had to quit taking it?" And,of course,I get the hairy eye ball of disbelief! But then I think later on,"Wouldn't it be in my records or did he even bother to open my records?" haha! So,I think it is VERY important "WE" stay on top of what we take & have taken & what it did to us,God only knows if the doctors will take time to investigate all this?! I would say,"Doubtful! " Thanks for the Great idea!!! Take care all,Pam.S

Check out my store for MANY Fibromyalgia

Awareness Items at= http://www.zazzle. com/pammys*

Lets Spread Awareness Together! Thanks! Pam

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I have my complete medical history, illnesses, surgeries, family history. Meds and the reason I take them. My allergies on my computer. My husbands and both kids contact information. I update it as I have changes made. I carry a copy along with my living will and health care surrogate in an envelope in my purse. I did this when it became hard to come up with the money to renew my medic alert membership. Sandie -- Re: Re: DOC hi for all of those keeping track of meds on your computer i do that but i also makee sure that i can cramp it into small part of the page to print out and laminate it and carry it with me in case i ever end up in the hospital they would find that in my purse. one time i ended uop into the hospital for a serious migraine and they needed to know the meds that i was on and i said i had to mad a laminated card and it was in my purse and the doctor was so pleased when you are in emergency it really helps shelly Re: Re: DOC Hi! That is a fabulous idea!! It would be soooo much easier for me,and I'm sure a lot of you,to keep track of all our meds on the computer,especially the ones we already took & had problems with! A doctor might ask me,"Well,what about this med.?" I'll say,"Well,I' ve taken that before but I can't remember now why I had to quit taking it?" And,of course,I get the hairy eye ball of disbelief! But then I think later on,"Wouldn't it be in my records or did he even bother to open my records?" haha! So,I think it is VERY important "WE" stay on top of what we take & have taken & what it did to us,God only knows if the doctors will take time to investigate all this?! I would say,"Doubtful! " Thanks for the Great idea!!! Take care all,Pam.S Check out my store for MANY Fibromyalgia Awareness Items at= http://www.zazzle. com/pammys* Lets Spread Awareness Together! Thanks! Pam

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Besides my having fibro,osteoporosis,and osteoarthritis, herinated discs in

neck,and bungling disc in my back. The doc took 4 tubes of blood to check and

see if I have lupus and Rhemy arthritis. the fibro has been with me with a

vengence. the weather here is getting cooler. I havent heard anything from

allsup about my ssdi yet but we are only about 11 weeks out. so will let

everyone know what is going on when I find out. hugs Wanda

From: Dave Cruikshank <d.cruikshank@...>

Subject: Follow up on NYC Trip

neck pain

Date: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 10:57 PM

I was supposed to go with my family to a family function in NJ on

Friday and Saturday. I was excused from going by my wife who new I

was exhausted and in pain. I slept off and on all day

Friday. Despite every effort I never really woke up. I would try to

watch something on TV and fall asleep during the commercials and wake

up hours later. Because I slept so much during the day I didn't

sleep well during the night, but again on Saturday I slept off and on

most of the day. The all day torrential rain didn't help with either

pain or energy. So my body did catch up on it's sleep. One other

thing I don't know if it's depression or just a phase but I not

hungry. I eat breakfast and then one other meal later in the day. I

just have no appetite. I do drink plenty of fluids, eat an apple

during the day for my bowels, and snack on a few pretzels, thats

it. Oh well time to go. Thanks, Dave

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Besides my having fibro,osteoporosis,and osteoarthritis, herinated discs in

neck,and bungling disc in my back. The doc took 4 tubes of blood to check and

see if I have lupus and Rhemy arthritis. the fibro has been with me with a

vengence. the weather here is getting cooler. I havent heard anything from

allsup about my ssdi yet but we are only about 11 weeks out. so will let

everyone know what is going on when I find out. hugs Wanda

From: Dave Cruikshank <d.cruikshank@...>

Subject: Follow up on NYC Trip

neck pain

Date: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 10:57 PM

I was supposed to go with my family to a family function in NJ on

Friday and Saturday. I was excused from going by my wife who new I

was exhausted and in pain. I slept off and on all day

Friday. Despite every effort I never really woke up. I would try to

watch something on TV and fall asleep during the commercials and wake

up hours later. Because I slept so much during the day I didn't

sleep well during the night, but again on Saturday I slept off and on

most of the day. The all day torrential rain didn't help with either

pain or energy. So my body did catch up on it's sleep. One other

thing I don't know if it's depression or just a phase but I not

hungry. I eat breakfast and then one other meal later in the day. I

just have no appetite. I do drink plenty of fluids, eat an apple

during the day for my bowels, and snack on a few pretzels, thats

it. Oh well time to go. Thanks, Dave

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Besides my having fibro,osteoporosis,and osteoarthritis, herinated discs in

neck,and bungling disc in my back. The doc took 4 tubes of blood to check and

see if I have lupus and Rhemy arthritis. the fibro has been with me with a

vengence. the weather here is getting cooler. I havent heard anything from

allsup about my ssdi yet but we are only about 11 weeks out. so will let

everyone know what is going on when I find out. hugs Wanda

From: Dave Cruikshank <d.cruikshank@...>

Subject: Follow up on NYC Trip

neck pain

Date: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 10:57 PM

I was supposed to go with my family to a family function in NJ on

Friday and Saturday. I was excused from going by my wife who new I

was exhausted and in pain. I slept off and on all day

Friday. Despite every effort I never really woke up. I would try to

watch something on TV and fall asleep during the commercials and wake

up hours later. Because I slept so much during the day I didn't

sleep well during the night, but again on Saturday I slept off and on

most of the day. The all day torrential rain didn't help with either

pain or energy. So my body did catch up on it's sleep. One other

thing I don't know if it's depression or just a phase but I not

hungry. I eat breakfast and then one other meal later in the day. I

just have no appetite. I do drink plenty of fluids, eat an apple

during the day for my bowels, and snack on a few pretzels, thats

it. Oh well time to go. Thanks, Dave

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Besides my having fibro,osteoporosis,and osteoarthritis, herinated discs in

neck,and bungling disc in my back. The doc took 4 tubes of blood to check and

see if I have lupus and Rhemy arthritis. the fibro has been with me with a

vengence. the weather here is getting cooler. I havent heard anything from

allsup about my ssdi yet but we are only about 11 weeks out. so will let

everyone know what is going on when I find out. hugs Wanda

From: Dave Cruikshank <d.cruikshank@...>

Subject: Follow up on NYC Trip

neck pain

Date: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 10:57 PM

I was supposed to go with my family to a family function in NJ on

Friday and Saturday. I was excused from going by my wife who new I

was exhausted and in pain. I slept off and on all day

Friday. Despite every effort I never really woke up. I would try to

watch something on TV and fall asleep during the commercials and wake

up hours later. Because I slept so much during the day I didn't

sleep well during the night, but again on Saturday I slept off and on

most of the day. The all day torrential rain didn't help with either

pain or energy. So my body did catch up on it's sleep. One other

thing I don't know if it's depression or just a phase but I not

hungry. I eat breakfast and then one other meal later in the day. I

just have no appetite. I do drink plenty of fluids, eat an apple

during the day for my bowels, and snack on a few pretzels, thats

it. Oh well time to go. Thanks, Dave

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  • 2 years later...

Endo Dr suggests a Pituitary MRI..even though my LH and prolactin IGF1 are

normal.Is this going overboard?I hear a Pituitary tumor or problems come with a

host of symptoms which I don't have.

In other words how can one confirm if its the testes or the Pituitary that's the


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Thank you for your help..

Wow what a story you have..I have some more qs if you can share your experience

its greatly appreciated.

Your right about endos,what do you think about these rejuvenation centers like

the ones athletes use?

My cortisol is high 24.2

my FSH is 1.8 borderline low.

LH 1.7 borderline low.

Prolactin 9.2 mid range.

Estradiol 7 which is good and low.Probably because i took Nolvedex.

IGF 138 midrange

TSH 3rd generation 3.13 good high range.

Testosterone free and total ,Lc/ms/ms 70 low out of range

%free testosterone 1.52 in a range of - 1.5-2.2(quest)

testosterone free 10.6 low range 35.0-155.0 quest

what is your opinion on this?

I would like to feel good yet not have to rely on drugs to keep me alive and

well.Can I ever get my testes to work again?

Does androgel convert more DHT than shots?

What kind of shots for long term cipinate?proprionate?ethanate?

Thanks again..


> > From: globalresearch2001 <jbx10@...>

> > Subject: Doc

> >

> > Date: Friday, December 3, 2010, 11:12 AM

> > Endo Dr suggests a Pituitary

> > MRI..even though my LH and prolactin IGF1 are normal.Is this

> > going overboard?I hear a Pituitary tumor or problems come

> > with a host of symptoms which I don't have.

> > In other words how can one confirm if its the testes or the

> > Pituitary that's the problem?

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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