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Re: Started bout w doubts

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Jcm you can't wear out your welcome here as for your weight it's very hard to

lose weight with very low Testosterone levels get your levels up keep your

Estradiol levels down then work on your weight problem. There are very few men

on TRT that don't need to take something to keep there Estraidol levels down.

It's just a given and as for Endo's I can't say anything good about them.



> From: moody5521 <moody5521@...>

> Subject: Started bout w doubts


> Date: Sunday, November 7, 2010, 3:28 PM

> Thanks for all the help.


> My other lingering question now 2 shots in is that I did

> not really try to get my weight down and that should have

> been truly done to see if I would have gotten my scores out

> of the 250 area. And it is my fat coverting my natural T to

> Estrogen.  Now I am thinking before I keep going maybe

> I should REally do the right diet and lose the 30 pounds

> (not just 20 if honest).


> It is this thought that i am going down a for life thing

> and did not exhaust the natural course thouroughly. 

> And fearing it would not be as easy to stop later down the

> road and is may be now?  Despite my endo saying I could

> stop later on...


> Finding this forum with more honest user expereince...


> Thanks - will be last for a while.  Don't want to wear

> out my welcome.


> Jcm




> ------------------------------------



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I am 42 - and I guess I am really concerned about establishing a way of life

that is totally dependent on a T shot. And my wellness is almost hostage to a

shot for the next 40 years... So, I don't want to feel like crap either, but

maybe am just in denial that this is what I need.... forever! And I keep having

the fears that if the T helps me get the weight down - and a year from now I

want to stop to see if my lower weight helps me naturally generate more T - i

have harmed my natural system or it will be hell to stop and see how things are

naturally at a lower weight. Does this make sense?

Also - do numbers really go up if one loses 30 pounds.. does losing weight just

help marginally and maybe I get to 310 - but that still is relatively low, so i

would not really solve the problem?? Is the low T fundamentally a problem and

weight just moves the needle on the edges but rarely solves the problem whole?

Just many concerns.

Thanks again for any feedback,



From: philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>

Sent: Sun, November 7, 2010 3:33:12 PM

Subject: Re: Started bout w doubts

Jcm you can't wear out your welcome here as for your weight it's very hard to

lose weight with very low Testosterone levels get your levels up keep your

Estradiol levels down then work on your weight problem. There are very few men

on TRT that don't need to take something to keep there Estraidol levels down.

It's just a given and as for Endo's I can't say anything good about them.



> From: moody5521 <moody5521@...>

> Subject: Started bout w doubts


> Date: Sunday, November 7, 2010, 3:28 PM

> Thanks for all the help.


> My other lingering question now 2 shots in is that I did

> not really try to get my weight down and that should have

> been truly done to see if I would have gotten my scores out

> of the 250 area. And it is my fat coverting my natural T to

> Estrogen. Now I am thinking before I keep going maybe

> I should REally do the right diet and lose the 30 pounds

> (not just 20 if honest).


> It is this thought that i am going down a for life thing

> and did not exhaust the natural course thouroughly.

> And fearing it would not be as easy to stop later down the

> road and is may be now? Despite my endo saying I could

> stop later on...


> Finding this forum with more honest user expereince...


> Thanks - will be last for a while. Don't want to wear

> out my welcome.


> Jcm




> ------------------------------------



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I feel you pain and most men have this concern about being on TRT for life. But

I can tell you weight with your low levels is not the problem.

When I read about men with Total Testosterone levels below 300 and Dr.'s mostly

Endo's tell them to lose weight there levels will come back up this is Bull.

Men have low Testosterone as low as your levels are because they are Primary

meaning there testis don't work. Your labs for Total Testosterone will be low

with very high levels of LH and FSH this is your Pituitary telling your Testis

and body you need more Testosterone.

Or your Secondary this means your Total Testosterone will be low with good

levels of Estradiol say at 20 pg/ml and your LH and FSH levels are very low.

With this you need your Pituitary looked at with an MRI to rule out a tumor.

I have hard Dr.'s tell men get your low cortisol and thyroid levels up and your

Testosterone levels will come back up. I have yet to see this happen to most of

them men.

Low Testosterone will cause low Cortisol and Thyroid levels.

Here are some links for you to read.




I always tell men find out why your low before you go on TRT if you don't it is

very hard to figure this all out.

There are many things that can cause low T it's in the links above.

Once a man starts on TRT and Dr.'s are to quick to put men on it with out

finding out why they are low.

You will not state back up making T when you stop.

Some men that went on TRT with out finding out why they are low the problem gets

worse and adding Testosterone covers it up when you stop you crash big time.

Others can only make as much as they were making before they stopped.

There are a few Dr.'s that know how to jump start your body again Dr. is

one at www.allthingsmale.com and if you can get your Family Dr. to work with him

over the phone to test and treat you he is about the best there is.

If you go to Dr. 's site read his FAQ's and his paper on TRT: A Recipe for

Success also his HCG Update he puts this out there free for you and your Dr. in

this you will find the labs you needed and why before starting TRT.




> > From: moody5521 <moody5521@...>

> > Subject: Started bout w doubts

> >

> > Date: Sunday, November 7, 2010, 3:28 PM

> > Thanks for all the help.

> >

> > My other lingering question now 2 shots in is that I

> did

> > not really try to get my weight down and that should

> have

> > been truly done to see if I would have gotten my

> scores out

> > of the 250 area. And it is my fat coverting my natural

> T to

> > Estrogen.  Now I am thinking before I keep going

> maybe

> > I should REally do the right diet and lose the 30

> pounds

> > (not just 20 if honest).

> >

> > It is this thought that i am going down a for life

> thing

> > and did not exhaust the natural course thouroughly.

> > And fearing it would not be as easy to stop later down

> the

> > road and is may be now?  Despite my endo saying I

> could

> > stop later on...

> >

> > Finding this forum with more honest user

> expereince...

> >

> > Thanks - will be last for a while.  Don't want to

> wear

> > out my welcome.

> >

> > Jcm

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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