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Re: Low T Questions

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I'm kinda new to this thing also but, The one thing i've learned is make sure

they put you on HCG as well so you don't loose your testicles or the overall

good feeling that hcg give you. I've felt better just since I've been on the

hcg than just the t.

that's my 2 cents.



> I'm meeting with urologist next week to discuss my low T. I'm 36 yrs old with

a 270 T reading. I've had anxiety issues the last few years and have had every

test under the sun done with all blood work coming back normal. I even had a

brain MRI done at one point. I never had my testosterone levels checked through

that whole process until recently. My Dr wants to start me on Testim but I want

to make sure I know what I'm getting into before I start treatment. Are there

any specific questions I should ask. I'm sure if I had something wrong like a

Pituitary Tumor it would have been found considering all the tests I've had done

over the years. Thanks for any input. Also, are there any other supplements I

should take along with the Testim if I decide to go that route.


> Thanks


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You know the more I read of stories like this one . . . Why isn't low T the

first thing doctors check? Maybe someday! Just glad to see your getting

treatment instead of suffering with it for 20 years like I did while blaming

my problems on everything else but low T.


Low T Questions

> I'm meeting with urologist next week to discuss my low T. I'm 36 yrs old

> with a 270 T reading. I've had anxiety issues the last few years and have

> had every test under the sun done with all blood work coming back normal.

> I even had a brain MRI done at one point. I never had my testosterone

> levels checked through that whole process until recently. My Dr wants to

> start me on Testim but I want to make sure I know what I'm getting into

> before I start treatment. Are there any specific questions I should ask.

> I'm sure if I had something wrong like a Pituitary Tumor it would have

> been found considering all the tests I've had done over the years. Thanks

> for any input. Also, are there any other supplements I should take along

> with the Testim if I decide to go that route.


> Thanks

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Gee I wish you would have posted your labs there are a lot of things that can

make your T levels low Stress is a big one. A low grade infection high Iron,

low Cortisol or Adrenal Fatigue, A low or high Thyroid, a liver problem, over

doing it exercising and a poor diet. By poor I mean them diets men go on to

lose there % of body fat that work out in the gym a lot.

What I am trying to say here is you need to know why your low if you have high

Estradiol levels this can make your T levels low or even drinking a lot of SOY

MILK or eating a lot of it.

Here are most things that can do this from this link.


If you go on Testosterone meds your not going to figure this out. When I first

got tested the Dr. was a Uro he was great that he found me to have low T but he

still got it wrong. He told me I am Primary my testis don't work right. After

being on TRT 23 yrs not not doing all the great. I got my new Dr. to let me add

HCG to my TRT my levels doubled on this and this told us I am not Primary but I

am Secondary meaning I am Hypopituitary from a head injury some 28 yrs ago. So

after this my new Dr. started to treat all my low normal hormones and now I am

much better.

So all I am saying is find out why your low if it can be treated your T levels

will come back up and you will not need to be on TRT for life.


As you will see on the following site, as many as 50% of all men may

have low levers of testosterone.

According to the Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab, these are the causes of


chronic/systemic illness




premature aging

testicular trauma


Kleinfelter's syndrome

autoimmune damage

tobacco and alcohol

sleep apnea

excessive heat






?Subtle clinical signs of hypogonadism may include slight gynecomastia

and soft small testes. However, researchers have noted that " the

findings of physical examination in men with adult-onset hypogonadism

are often normal.?

Secondary hypogonadism can develop as a result of hypothalamic or

pituitary disease, obesity, hypothyroidism or other causes. Some

conditions, such as hypercortisolemia, AIDS and severe systemic

illnesses, can trigger hypogonadism through a combination of both

primary and secondary mechanisms.?



> From: surfingmedicman22 <no_reply >

> Subject: Low T Questions


> Date: Friday, April 30, 2010, 4:32 PM

> I'm meeting with urologist next week

> to discuss my low T. I'm 36 yrs old with a 270 T reading.

> I've had anxiety issues the last few years and have had

> every test under the sun done with all blood work coming

> back normal. I even had a brain MRI done at one point. I

> never had my testosterone levels checked through that whole

> process until recently. My Dr wants to start me on Testim

> but I want to make sure I know what I'm getting into before

> I start treatment. Are there any specific questions I should

> ask. I'm sure if I had something wrong like a Pituitary

> Tumor it would have been found considering all the tests

> I've had done over the years. Thanks for any input. Also,

> are there any other supplements I should take along with the

> Testim if I decide to go that route.


> Thanks




> ------------------------------------



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Good point here is a copy of a post to me from Dr. to help me get my Dr. to

let me try HCG.


He probably feels that since you suffer primary hypogonadism (I am guessing)

there is no use in adding HCG to your protocol. There are several reasons why

this is not so. First, you have not lost all Leydig cells, so any HCG you take

will stimulate those who still function to produce endogenous testosterone.

This will support testicular size. We should not ignore this aesthetic


Next, if he reads my work, he will learn that HPTA-suppressed (as all TRT

patients are to some extent) also suffer decreased pregenenolone levels, which

is the first step after CHOL in all three hormonal pathways which begin with

CHOL. HCG increases pregnenolone production, and therefore restores a more

natural balance of our hormones.

Next, nearly all TRT patients who add in HCG to their regimens report an

increased sense of well-being and also libido. These are genuine quality of life


Finally, I just instinctively do not want all those LH receptors (including

those we have yet to discover and appreciate) unstimulated.



> From: greytax <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: Low T Questions


> Date: Friday, April 30, 2010, 4:49 PM


> Hello,


> I'm kinda new to this thing also but, The one thing i've

> learned is make sure they put you on HCG as well so you

> don't loose your testicles or the overall good feeling that

> hcg give you.  I've felt better just since I've been on

> the hcg than just the t.


> that's my 2 cents.


> Randy



> >

> > I'm meeting with urologist next week to discuss my low

> T. I'm 36 yrs old with a 270 T reading. I've had anxiety

> issues the last few years and have had every test under the

> sun done with all blood work coming back normal. I even had

> a brain MRI done at one point. I never had my testosterone

> levels checked through that whole process until recently. My

> Dr wants to start me on Testim but I want to make sure I

> know what I'm getting into before I start treatment. Are

> there any specific questions I should ask. I'm sure if I had

> something wrong like a Pituitary Tumor it would have been

> found considering all the tests I've had done over the

> years. Thanks for any input. Also, are there any other

> supplements I should take along with the Testim if I decide

> to go that route.

> >

> > Thanks

> >





> ------------------------------------



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