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Re: Re: hairy vs not hairy

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Why r some men more hairy than others? Some men have a hairy chest cock and

balls and others don't. Why is that?

On Mon Nov 8th, 2010 2:08 PM EST james wrote:

>Is this a rhetorical question?


>From a fertility standpoint, I don't think the size of either matters. Guys

with short penises and small balls can still impregnate.


>From a psychological standpoint, the size may matter to the owner of said

equipment. Many men wish they had bigger equipment.


>From a sexual standpoint, many men believe that women want men with bigger

equipment. This is true to a point, but most women are more concerned with the

personality of a guy and how he treats her. Most women are more concerned with

how big a guy's HEART is.


>From a spiritual standpoint, it doesn't matter.


>From an ecological standpoint, bigger equipment means an increased emission of

CO2, and as such, big-dicked guys contribute to Global Warming.


>From a political point of view - all politicians have small penises and very

large anuses. Small pricked butt-holes. Can't stand any of 'em.


>Hope that helps. Was just kidding about the global warming stuff.




>> Does the size of balls really matter? Does the size of a mans dick matter?




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