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Re: TRT side effects: toothache, eye irritation

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Sorry your having to go through this crap but it's your Dam Dr. he is not up on

TRT. And is making you feel worse doing low dose's of T will not make you feel

better you need your Total and Free T levels up into the upper 1/3 of your labs

range. And you need to keep your Estradiol levels down to about 20 pg/ml.


All your Dr. is doing is giving you enough T to shut down your brain from

telling your Testis to make T so your ending up lower at times then you started.

Yes your on a roller coaster ride up after the shot only to fall very low by the

next one. And if he would listen to you he would have seen this.

You need about 100 mgs in a shot every week to start if your levels don't get up

to about the 800's and your not feeling better go up to 125 mgs every week. If

still then do 150 but break up the shot into 2x's a week.

We all feel bed in a diff. way with levels going up and down like yours. Yes

some of us feel depressed and have bad brain fog. I my self get sore and joints

and muscles and all kinds of akes and pains.

Read the AACE Guidelines on page 11 it states to do shots every 7 to 10 days

better we have found to go with every 7 days.


Do the shots your self I use a small 27g 1ml x 1/2 " lg needle and shoot into my

thigh. The oil comes out of the vial slow so I just pull back on the plunger

and hold it until I get my dose.

Have your Dr. show you how to do this and get your Test C in a 10ml. vial that

is 200mgs/ml. this way your shot for 100 mgs is only .5 mls or .5 cc.

As for you eyes I had this problem for a dam long time going on TRT found out it

is the Testosterone making my face oily and the oil would get into my eyes my

Eye Dr. has me wipe my eyes with a baby wipe 3 to 4 x's a day this stopped it.

Read this link I found it the other day it's full of info about low T.


Here is a link on doing shots.




> From: hopein4change <hopein4change@...>

> Subject: TRT side effects: toothache, eye irritation


> Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:17 PM

> Hello everyone,

> Does trt just not work for everyone?

> I am 47 year old male reasonably fit, no major medical

> problems, taking meds for high cholestrol and blood

> pressure, maintaining good numbers.


> In Sept. 09 doctor suggested testosterone therapy for low

> libido, ed, tiredness, low energy ,and all the other ususal

> symptoms. My test numbers from blood work at Labcorp before

> starting:

> testosterone , serum         

>   333 ng/dL

> free test.(direct)           

>       10.3 pg/mL


> Started on compounded gel, not sure if was 1 gram or .5

> gram. Things started off well and then the two biggest side

> effects were extreme exhaustion, i think i rarely fell into

> a deep sleep, and eye redness and soreness. The inside

> corners of my eyes were deep red as well as the blood

> vessels running thru them. They were itchy, felt strained,

> and watery. I tried visine and opcon drops but the relief

> didn't last long. I looked a wreck.

> Dr. reduced daily dose but after couple of months i

> couldn't take it anymore and quit. Informed Dr. and blood

> was retested 5 days after stopping gel, Oct. 30. Doc

> explained in detail how my body was hypersensitve to this

> method of delivery.


> test serum         

>    300 ng/dL

> free test (direct)     7.0 pg/mL


> I believe 7 to 12 days after stopping gel he started me on

> IM testosterone cyp/lido in oil 75mg/5...1cc every two

> weeks. Roller coaster ride all the way to date. The

> constant: more assertiveness and energy when working out and

> was getting stronger,and the eye redness was back, only

> difference was it wasn't all the blood vessels in the eye,

> drops still only offered short relief. When I was up:

> assertive, feeling of confidence, libido up, better

> attitude. The downside: lack of energy, negative, sluggish,

> brain fog, headaches, unbalanced, lack of focus mentally

> sometimes trouble focus in evening with eyes, toothache that

> hurt like hell, felt like i needed a root canal. Dentist x

> rayed nerve okay. Doc suggested changing frequency and

> amount of test. Before changing new blood work on Dec14.

> test serum            446

> ng/dL

> free test (direct)    11.5 pg/mL


> The toothache went away and prior I was no longer getting

> the brain fog and headaches so i stayed on the initial

> regimen. Several weeks ago toothache started again so on Jan

> 17 when it was time for another bimonthly 1cc shot i did

> .5cc, week later another .5cc, toothache much better but

> losing any signs of the sometimes positive effects. Red eyes

> still as bad.

> Thinking about pulling the plug on treatment and maybe

> trying to startup cpap therapy again that was prescribed

> about 1.5 years ago. That too caused eye irritation, doc

> says nasal passage not allowing all the air thru so

> something about air traveling through tubes to my eyes. Says

> there is nasal drops that may open passageway, but that is

> another story.

> So does anyone think there is still hope for trt or is it

> just not for everybody?


> Thank you for any advice




> ------------------------------------



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Your T is too low - I agree with Phil - Since you have a tooth ache and red eyes

- these sound symptomatic of a sinus infection or infection in general. I have

never heard of or seen this listed as a side affect.


I would get my T up to a minimum of 500-700 and watch your E2 as Phil discussed.

Also take Vit. C to help with the possible infection. The other option is an

allergy to something - new pet or detergent?



From: hopein4change <hopein4change@...>

Subject: TRT side effects: toothache, eye irritation

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 12:17 PM


Hello everyone,

Does trt just not work for everyone?

I am 47 year old male reasonably fit, no major medical problems, taking meds for

high cholestrol and blood pressure, maintaining good numbers.

In Sept. 09 doctor suggested testosterone therapy for low libido, ed, tiredness,

low energy ,and all the other ususal symptoms. My test numbers from blood work

at Labcorp before starting:

testosterone , serum 333 ng/dL

free test.(direct) 10.3 pg/mL

Started on compounded gel, not sure if was 1 gram or .5 gram. Things started off

well and then the two biggest side effects were extreme exhaustion, i think i

rarely fell into a deep sleep, and eye redness and soreness. The inside corners

of my eyes were deep red as well as the blood vessels running thru them. They

were itchy, felt strained, and watery. I tried visine and opcon drops but the

relief didn't last long. I looked a wreck.

Dr. reduced daily dose but after couple of months i couldn't take it anymore and

quit. Informed Dr. and blood was retested 5 days after stopping gel, Oct. 30.

Doc explained in detail how my body was hypersensitve to this method of


test serum 300 ng/dL

free test (direct) 7.0 pg/mL

I believe 7 to 12 days after stopping gel he started me on IM testosterone

cyp/lido in oil 75mg/5...1cc every two weeks. Roller coaster ride all the way to

date. The constant: more assertiveness and energy when working out and was

getting stronger,and the eye redness was back, only difference was it wasn't all

the blood vessels in the eye, drops still only offered short relief. When I was

up: assertive, feeling of confidence, libido up, better attitude. The downside:

lack of energy, negative, sluggish, brain fog, headaches, unbalanced, lack of

focus mentally sometimes trouble focus in evening with eyes, toothache that hurt

like hell, felt like i needed a root canal. Dentist x rayed nerve okay. Doc

suggested changing frequency and amount of test. Before changing new blood work

on Dec14.

test serum 446 ng/dL

free test (direct) 11.5 pg/mL

The toothache went away and prior I was no longer getting the brain fog and

headaches so i stayed on the initial regimen. Several weeks ago toothache

started again so on Jan 17 when it was time for another bimonthly 1cc shot i did

..5cc, week later another .5cc, toothache much better but losing any signs of the

sometimes positive effects. Red eyes still as bad.

Thinking about pulling the plug on treatment and maybe trying to startup cpap

therapy again that was prescribed about 1.5 years ago. That too caused eye

irritation, doc says nasal passage not allowing all the air thru so something

about air traveling through tubes to my eyes. Says there is nasal drops that may

open passageway, but that is another story.

So does anyone think there is still hope for trt or is it just not for


Thank you for any advice

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I agree with Dan. My MRI to check my pituitary for a tumor prior to going

on Androgel showed a chronic sinus infection. I had tooth pain and pain in

my eyes, but not redness. I didn't realize it was a sinus infection until I

had the MRI. I had sinus surgery in November and the tooth and eye pain

went away along with the sinus infection. That doesn't mean that you have a

similar problem, but it is worth looking into.

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I have sleep apnea, have been using the cpap for the last 5 years, every night.

If you get your test up, it won't matter as long as you are not treating the

sleep apnea at the same time. The body simply doesn't heal right without it.

eyes watering and redness, along with feeling exhaustion are symptoms of

untreated sleep apnea.

If I wasn't on the cpap and had low T at the same time, I could imagine I

wouldn't notice a lot of the symptoms of the sleep apnea.

Also, if you are drinking any alchohol or taking any type of sleeping pill, or

pain med, that they can worsen the effects of sleep apnea. I would drink a lot

more when I had untreated sleep apnea, which would make everything worse.

The trick with the stupid machine is that you simply stay awake until you use

the machine, if you can't go to sleep with it, try again. eventually your sleep

deprived mind will accept the fact you are going to sleep with a hose attached

to your face for the rest of your life.

It probably seems like a lot of work right now, getting the right dosage of T,

learning to use a cpap, but its worth it at the end.

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> As for you eyes I had this problem for a dam long time going on TRT found out

it is the Testosterone making my face oily and the oil would get into my eyes my

Eye Dr. has me wipe my eyes with a baby wipe 3 to 4 x's a day this stopped it.



> Co-Moderator

> Phil




My skin is definitely more oily than before TRT. I will monitor this and thanks

for all the reference material.

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Thank you for info and encouragement.



> I have sleep apnea, have been using the cpap for the last 5 years, every



> If you get your test up, it won't matter as long as you are not treating the

sleep apnea at the same time. The body simply doesn't heal right without it.

eyes watering and redness, along with feeling exhaustion are symptoms of

untreated sleep apnea.


> If I wasn't on the cpap and had low T at the same time, I could imagine I

wouldn't notice a lot of the symptoms of the sleep apnea.


> Also, if you are drinking any alchohol or taking any type of sleeping pill, or

pain med, that they can worsen the effects of sleep apnea. I would drink a lot

more when I had untreated sleep apnea, which would make everything worse.


> The trick with the stupid machine is that you simply stay awake until you use

the machine, if you can't go to sleep with it, try again. eventually your sleep

deprived mind will accept the fact you are going to sleep with a hose attached

to your face for the rest of your life.



> It probably seems like a lot of work right now, getting the right dosage of T,

learning to use a cpap, but its worth it at the end.


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> I believe 7 to 12 days after stopping gel he started me on IM testosterone

cyp/lido in oil 75mg/5...1cc every two weeks. Roller coaster ride all the way to



75mg every 2 weeks is probably short dosing you... and 2 weeks is to long

between injections.

suggest something along the lines of 100mg weekly (self-injected into the thigh,

it's not hard and that way you don't have to make time for an office visit).

get tested after a month for both total and free test... AND a -sensitive- E2

test (not the standard for women test... you're looking for e2 (estradiol)

numbers in the 20s-30s ideally) and if you're high (say over 40) low doses of

arimidex (1/4mg (which is 1/4 tablet) every 3-4 days depending on your numbers)

I'd guess most of the people on the board are doing some variation of that...

some people's body just EAT test... I do 175mg/week and 1/4mg arimidex every 3

days with 250iu of HCG on days 5 and 6 (the 2 days before the testosterone


there are some good docs to print out in the files section to show the doc.

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Your welcome the oil gets in my eyes from my eye lids it took seeing an Eye Dr.

to figure this out. Sounds strange but just using a baby wipe to wipe my face

and eye lids dose the job.



> From: hopein4change <hopein4change@...>

> Subject: Re: TRT side effects: toothache, eye irritation


> Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 10:48 AM




> > As for you eyes I had this problem for a dam long time

> going on TRT found out it is the Testosterone making my face

> oily and the oil would get into my eyes my Eye Dr. has me

> wipe my eyes with a baby wipe 3 to 4 x's a day this stopped

> it.

> >


> >

> > Co-Moderator

> > Phil

> >

> >

> >

> My skin is definitely more oily than before TRT. I will

> monitor this and thanks for all the reference material.




> ------------------------------------



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Thank you and everyone else for information.



> > I believe 7 to 12 days after stopping gel he started me on IM testosterone

cyp/lido in oil 75mg/5...1cc every two weeks. Roller coaster ride all the way to



> predictable....


> 75mg every 2 weeks is probably short dosing you... and 2 weeks is to long

between injections.


> suggest something along the lines of 100mg weekly (self-injected into the

thigh, it's not hard and that way you don't have to make time for an office



> get tested after a month for both total and free test... AND a -sensitive- E2

test (not the standard for women test... you're looking for e2 (estradiol)

numbers in the 20s-30s ideally) and if you're high (say over 40) low doses of

arimidex (1/4mg (which is 1/4 tablet) every 3-4 days depending on your numbers)


> I'd guess most of the people on the board are doing some variation of that...

some people's body just EAT test... I do 175mg/week and 1/4mg arimidex every 3

days with 250iu of HCG on days 5 and 6 (the 2 days before the testosterone



> there are some good docs to print out in the files section to show the doc.


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