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Re: Re: test results -- after 3 months on T

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Hey Bill - this URO is out of touch. You need a minimum of 500 ng/dl of T to

function properly. When did you take your last injection relative to the day you

were tested? If your shooting 100 mg then your spike (Day 1 to 2) should be ~

1400 and decay off from there. I suspect your value was wrong and would suggest

another test. We all react differently but this seems really high. For your

size, 100 mg every 7 days should be good.



> From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> Subject: Re: Heading to the docs (UK) this week and could use

>some advice please...


> Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> Has anyone here heard of balance

> problems related to testosterone?


> My father has told me of some of his symptom and I suspect

> he may have low test also. His most recent complaint was his

> balance which I haven't heard of being caused by low T.




> ------------------------------------



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WTF this is why I say Endo's and Uro's are not good Dr.'s for low Testosterone

run from this SOB he is so out in left Field about this he dose not know what he

is talking about.

That test you did when did you do your last shot and how much. I have lost

count as to how many times my labs came back high like this over the last 29 yr

the were an error.

Today my Dr. never changes my meds on one set of labs like my last set 6 weeks

ago my Ferritin came back at 300 I have low level and take Iron pills I stop the

iron pills 5 days before doing labs my levels in the last 4 yrs are never above

80. You just know this is a error.

Did you find this Dr. in the Database section here if you did tell me his name

so I can take him off the list.

You need a Dr. up on TRT once you start on it yes your body shuts down sending

the LH message that tells your Testis to make T so to fix this we take HCG it

acts like the LH message and keeps your testis working the best they can.

If you come off TRT cold like this Dr. is telling you your going to crash. I

know I have been sent to see 7 Endo's in the last 29 yrs each one took me off

TRT said they needed to get some base line set of labs. Each time they did this

all they found out was how dam sick they made me. And still got it wrong

telling me I am Primary it took me 23 yrs to figure out I am Secondary meaning

my Pituitary does not tell my testis to make Testosterone, Cortisol, Thyroid,

Ferritin or Iron and the list is long.

Each time they took me off TRT I ended up on sick leave in bed.

If you need help finding a good Dr. read at the home page " Finding a Male

Hormone Dr. " then Phone or Email some Compounding Pharmacy's and ask them for

the name and number of Dr.'s in your area that by Testosterone meds from them.

Then call them and ask Questions like how many men do they treat for low T. Do

they test for Estradiol and use Arimidex to keep it down. Will they use HCG with

Testosterone meds. You will know when you have found a good one.


Or do a search on them to find more.

Or Drive out to see Hardasnails and the Dr. he works with Dr. O

Overbeck hardasnails1973@... 484-868-0916 contact 1100 fayette

st Conshohocken Internal medicine Male and female hormone disorders and

metabolic disorders 610-828-2026

Email him.

Or see if you can find a Dr. that will work with Dr. over the phone he dose






> > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > Subject: Re: Heading to the docs (UK)

> this week and could use

> >some advice please...

> >

> > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > problems related to testosterone?

> >

> > My father has told me of some of his symptom and I

> suspect

> > he may have low test also. His most recent complaint

> was his

> > balance which I haven't heard of being caused by low

> T.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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thanks for the info hank.  i live in nj and have heard so many positive

responses i am seriuosly considering the therapy.  i am trying to get copies of

all my prior testosterone levels and have a current test done.  would love to

be over the 500 mark.  thaks again.  adam

From: ttrr93 <hank.pace@...>

Subject: Re: test results -- after 3 months on T

Date: Thursday, November 25, 2010, 5:31 PM


Hey Bill,

If you're in the DFW metroplex, I live in Arlington. I have a doctor in Wichita

Falls that is treating me for deficient T. He uses the SottoPelle Testosterone

pellets. I've had one implant of pellets and has changed my life. He isn't an

insurance provider but the cost is comparable with monthly T treatment. His name

is Dr. Blaine Purcell. Website is www.ibhrt.com. He is my cousin also but I

would definitely recommend an opinion from him. He is up on how low testosterone

should be treated. I am still seeing an Endo in Dallas for other deficiencies

but he wasn't giving me enough testosterone. Dr. Purcell is also knowledgeable

on HCG and Thyroid also. Purcell is the only doctor I've seen in 20 years that

suggested testing my Estradiol level.

Hope this helps.

Hank Pace

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this is the doc. i went to...he's in the data base that says he knows about

sexual health...


The time I went for my 2nd lab, I had taken my t shot 2 days prior...and told

the lab that..they said it would be fine..but now I know that it probably

elivated my levels...although to that degree? , I still think the second test

was faulty....For my appointment with the urologist (who I thought was going to

be worth-while)..I had not had a shot in 10 days...(intentionally thinking he

might want labs done to verify levels)..he did not want that at all..just want's

me off the T...it's now 11 days and i'm anxious and feel like i need to take a

shot (joints hurt, feel lathargic, low,...last shot was one 1/2 of the usual

dose...)...If someone is in the dallas fort worth area and has a good doc that

can actually give me a good assessment, I'd really appreciate a recommendation.


I did get the note from the person in north texas but I'd like to find someone

who takes insurance.


suggestions would be appreciated.







From: philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>

Sent: Thu, November 25, 2010 10:24:37 AM

Subject: Re: Re: test results -- after 3 months on T

WTF this is why I say Endo's and Uro's are not good Dr.'s for low Testosterone

run from this SOB he is so out in left Field about this he dose not know what he

is talking about.

That test you did when did you do your last shot and how much. I have lost count

as to how many times my labs came back high like this over the last 29 yr the

were an error.

Today my Dr. never changes my meds on one set of labs like my last set 6 weeks

ago my Ferritin came back at 300 I have low level and take Iron pills I stop the

iron pills 5 days before doing labs my levels in the last 4 yrs are never above

80. You just know this is a error.

Did you find this Dr. in the Database section here if you did tell me his name

so I can take him off the list.

You need a Dr. up on TRT once you start on it yes your body shuts down sending

the LH message that tells your Testis to make T so to fix this we take HCG it

acts like the LH message and keeps your testis working the best they can.

If you come off TRT cold like this Dr. is telling you your going to crash. I

know I have been sent to see 7 Endo's in the last 29 yrs each one took me off

TRT said they needed to get some base line set of labs. Each time they did this

all they found out was how dam sick they made me. And still got it wrong telling

me I am Primary it took me 23 yrs to figure out I am Secondary meaning my

Pituitary does not tell my testis to make Testosterone, Cortisol, Thyroid,

Ferritin or Iron and the list is long.

Each time they took me off TRT I ended up on sick leave in bed.

If you need help finding a good Dr. read at the home page " Finding a Male

Hormone Dr. " then Phone or Email some Compounding Pharmacy's and ask them for

the name and number of Dr.'s in your area that by Testosterone meds from them.

Then call them and ask Questions like how many men do they treat for low T. Do

they test for Estradiol and use Arimidex to keep it down. Will they use HCG with

Testosterone meds. You will know when you have found a good one.


Or do a search on them to find more.

Or Drive out to see Hardasnails and the Dr. he works with Dr. O

Overbeck hardasnails1973@... 484-868-0916 contact 1100 fayette

st Conshohocken Internal medicine Male and female hormone disorders and

metabolic disorders 610-828-2026

Email him.

Or see if you can find a Dr. that will work with Dr. over the phone he dose






> > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > Subject: Re: Heading to the docs (UK)

> this week and could use

> >some advice please...

> >

> > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > problems related to testosterone?

> >

> > My father has told me of some of his symptom and I

> suspect

> > he may have low test also. His most recent complaint

> was his

> > balance which I haven't heard of being caused by low

> T.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Can you ask him if we can put his name and number in the Database section For

Physician Reference.

It helps outhers to find Dr.'s when they look in there.



> From: ttrr93 <hank.pace@...>

> Subject: Re: test results -- after 3 months on T


> Date: Thursday, November 25, 2010, 5:31 PM

> Hey Bill,


> If you're in the DFW metroplex, I live in Arlington. I have

> a doctor in Wichita Falls that is treating me for deficient

> T. He uses the SottoPelle Testosterone pellets. I've had one

> implant of pellets and has changed my life. He isn't an

> insurance provider but the cost is comparable with monthly T

> treatment. His name is Dr. Blaine Purcell. Website is

> www.ibhrt.com. He is my cousin also but I would definitely

> recommend an opinion from him. He is up on how low

> testosterone should be treated. I am still seeing an Endo in

> Dallas for other deficiencies but he wasn't giving me enough

> testosterone.  Dr. Purcell is also knowledgeable on HCG

> and Thyroid also.  Purcell is the only doctor I've seen

> in 20 years that suggested testing my Estradiol level.


> Hope this helps.


> Hank Pace




> ------------------------------------



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Bill if this Dr. is in our Database section for Physician Reference I need his

name so I can remove him.

To find a new Dr. read in the files section " Finding A Male Hormone Dr. " then

send or call Compounding Pharmacy's and ask for the names and numbers of Dr.'s

in your area that by Testosterone meds from them.



523 Parkway View Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15205

877-788-8908 (ph)

877-788-8948 (fax)

Monday - Friday (9am - 6pm)

Saturday 10am - 2pm


Then call them first ask how many men do they treat for low testosterone and if

they test for high Estradiol and use Arimidex to bring it down. Also ask if

they treat men that are Secondary with HCG. You will know when you have a good


Don't see Endo's or Uro's they are not good Dr.'s for this problem.



> >

> > > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > > Subject: Re: Heading to the docs

> (UK)

> > this week and could use

> > >some advice please...

> > >

> > > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > > problems related to testosterone?

> > >

> > > My father has told me of some of his symptom and

> I

> > suspect

> > > he may have low test also. His most recent

> complaint

> > was his

> > > balance which I haven't heard of being caused by

> low

> > T.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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the doctor i went to that was on the list is Dr. Bamberger, at 416 S

, Fort Worth TX, 817-338-4636.  He was on the link under the group


section of the hypogonadism site.



From: philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>

Sent: Fri, November 26, 2010 10:20:14 AM

Subject: Re: Re: test results -- after 3 months on T


Bill if this Dr. is in our Database section for Physician Reference I need his

name so I can remove him.

To find a new Dr. read in the files section " Finding A Male Hormone Dr. " then

send or call Compounding Pharmacy's and ask for the names and numbers of Dr.'s

in your area that by Testosterone meds from them.



523 Parkway View Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15205

877-788-8908 (ph)

877-788-8948 (fax)

Monday - Friday (9am - 6pm)

Saturday 10am - 2pm


Then call them first ask how many men do they treat for low testosterone and if

they test for high Estradiol and use Arimidex to bring it down. Also ask if they

treat men that are Secondary with HCG. You will know when you have a good one.

Don't see Endo's or Uro's they are not good Dr.'s for this problem.



> >

> > > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > > Subject: Re: Heading to the docs

> (UK)

> > this week and could use

> > >some advice please...

> > >

> > > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > > problems related to testosterone?

> > >

> > > My father has told me of some of his symptom and

> I

> > suspect

> > > he may have low test also. His most recent

> complaint

> > was his

> > > balance which I haven't heard of being caused by

> low

> > T.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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Bill Thank you I found it and took it off the site the thing I don't like about

links like this is Dr. sine up on them and don't know anything about TRT.

Sorry you went through this the list we have is in a Database Section called

Physician Reference.

Yet still I try to tell men went going to see a new Dr. for TRT call them and

ask quetions like how many men do they treat for low T do they test to see why

the man is low. Do they test Estradiol levels and if high use arimidex to bring

levels down. And if men are Secondary do they use HCG.



> > >

> > > > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > > > Subject: Re: Heading to the

> docs

> > (UK)

> > > this week and could use

> > > >some advice please...

> > > >

> > > > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > > > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > > > problems related to testosterone?

> > > >

> > > > My father has told me of some of his symptom

> and

> > I

> > > suspect

> > > > he may have low test also. His most recent

> > complaint

> > > was his

> > > > balance which I haven't heard of being

> caused by

> > low

> > > T.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------------------------------

> > > >

> > > >

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