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Thanks Phil and others for your thoughts on my shrinking nuts.

To Bill, I am a Jockey Shorts guy myself and have had to wear them since

age 14 to not look obscene. I guess that is why I am grieving the loss of

size today. I have had to grieve the loss of so many things with age such

as no nighttime and morning erections, lessening erectile health, d

iminishing libido, sleepiness and fatique after a light evening meal.

I find that those things are better now that I am on arimidex. I have

more energy, more stamina, less nighttime fatique, more libido, better erectile

health- - - - - - - I just wasn't ready to experience smaller nuts when

everything else looked to be on the up and up.

Thanks again guys. Keep up the good work here. I will heed all the good

advice and read the article you linked Phil.

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I know very little compared to many here, but I just can't seem to understand

how reducing high estradiol could possibly shrink your testicles?

I sure hope not, as mine is high also, and I may have to use Arimidex myself.

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Hi ,

I think that supplement tries to get your brain to seen more LH and FSH to your

testis to get them to make more Testosterone.  If your testis are getting

smaller it can mean they are not working or able to make T you need to do some

labs.  Checking Total T, Estradiol and LH with FSH.

You can take HCG doing 500 IU's 3x's a week for about 15 shots then do labs see

if your Testosterone levels come up if your levels on your first test show your

low.  If your levels don't go up on the HCG it means your Testis are not able to

make T it's called Primary Hypogonadism.

And when you stop the HCG your body will go right back to were you were before

you tried it.

But do labs first if your Estradiol is too high this will shut your testis down

from making T that supplement might be driving up your Estradiol and .25 mgs of

Arimidex every 3 days might not be enough.




> From: charles <cottonfarm7@...>




> Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 10:21 AM

> I lurk on this board and have learned

> much from Phil, Randy and others.


> In the last two weeks or so I have started arimidex

> (quarter tab every three day) and have greatly benefitted

> from it with great nighttime and morning wood and shrinking

> fat deposits in my over sixty male body which hits the gym

> daily.


> I am on no prescription TRT choosing instead for the last

> couple of years to supplement my T with ISA-Test, a natural

> T booster which helped me.  I noted that the arimidex

> made me feel 15 to 20 years younger in all respects: Libido,

> erectile quality, mood, etc. The ingredients of ISA-Test are

> here:

http://www.supplementwarehouse.com/viewitem.asp?idproduct=161664 & pxc=1 & sh=10 

>    ISA-Test purports to increase T by

> 154%.   


> This morning after two weeks or so on the arimidex, I noted

> that my nuts were a third to one-half smaller than

> regular.  I am not a happy camper this morning. 


> Questions: (1) Do you think that the ISA-Test is now kicked

> into high gear and with the arimidex. supplying so much of

> my T that my nuts are not putting out and atrophying. 

> (2) Has anyone here noted atrophying nuts as quickly as

> shrinking one third to one half their volume in two weeks

> after arimidex or with prescription TRT?  (3) Can

> anyone give me any insight into what is going on here or

> point me to the answers in literature on shrinking nuts on

> the web.


> I am amazed that my nuts would shrink on ISA-Test with the

> addition of arimidex.  They did not do that for almost

> two years on ISA-Test until I added the arimidex. I would

> have thought that the arimidex would have freed up more free

> T and that my nuts would be bigger in anything and not

> smaller. 


> I thank you all for your help and insight.




> ------------------------------------



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Because you have this wrong it's high Estraidol levels that can shut down your

LH and FSH messages to your Testis that tell them to make Testosterone. So all

I was saying is test this even though your taking the generic arimidex 3x's a

week your levels might still be to high taking that supplement your on to keep

your levels up. Only way to tell is test your Estraidol, Total Testostoene and

your LH and FSH.

When your brain sees high levels of Estradiol E2 it thinks it is Testosteone and

sees it as a very high levels. Because E2 is made from T it can't tell the

diff. so when your E2 is to high your brain thinks it's T and slows down sending

the LH and FSH message to your Testis and they stop working.



> From: marc200134470 <cfs38@...>




> Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 12:38 PM

> I know very little compared to many

> here, but I just can't seem to understand how reducing high

> estradiol could possibly shrink your testicles?


> I sure hope not, as mine is high also, and I may have to

> use Arimidex myself.






> ------------------------------------



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Phil,.....I understand how that works. You were the one that told me initially

on my own tests.

I was referring specifically to Arimidex making your testes shrink.

That is what this member seems to think. I agree that you MUST have figures from

blood work. Short of that you have no clue where you are.


> > From: marc200134470 <cfs38@...>



> >

> > Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 12:38 PM

> > I know very little compared to many

> > here, but I just can't seem to understand how reducing high

> > estradiol could possibly shrink your testicles?

> >

> > I sure hope not, as mine is high also, and I may have to

> > use Arimidex myself.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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I can't understand why anybody would worry about shrinking nuts. Mine shrunk

down considerably but then came back a little. But who cares wether they are

big or little. I was glad when mine shrunk because they were always in the way,

getting sat on, or cramped in my jockey shorts. If you are feeling horny, doing

well on testosterone shots or gels, that is all I care about.

From: pmgamer18@...

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 10:28:21 -0700



Because you have this wrong it's high Estraidol levels that can shut down your

LH and FSH messages to your Testis that tell them to make Testosterone. So all I

was saying is test this even though your taking the generic arimidex 3x's a week

your levels might still be to high taking that supplement your on to keep your

levels up. Only way to tell is test your Estraidol, Total Testostoene and your

LH and FSH.

When your brain sees high levels of Estradiol E2 it thinks it is Testosteone and

sees it as a very high levels. Because E2 is made from T it can't tell the diff.

so when your E2 is to high your brain thinks it's T and slows down sending the

LH and FSH message to your Testis and they stop working.



> From: marc200134470 <cfs38@...>




> Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 12:38 PM

> I know very little compared to many

> here, but I just can't seem to understand how reducing high

> estradiol could possibly shrink your testicles?


> I sure hope not, as mine is high also, and I may have to

> use Arimidex myself.






> ------------------------------------



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Here is info on Compounding I think I gave you the wrong dose the pills are made

into it's .05 mgs.


Most compounding pharmacies will require a prescription from a doctor, before

they do this.

Once your prescription says " 300 caps x 0.1mg " or " 600 caps x 0.05mg "

anastrozole " from 1 to 4 daily " , (anastrozole = generic arimidex) then they will

compound your arimidex, or generic anastrozole, and they will usually supply the

arimidex as compounded into the caps you require.

My compounding pharmacist was prepared to allow me to supply the arimidex too.

If you have several boxes of arimidex in your cupboard, then you may want to ask

your pharmacist to do this for you.

If you don't have any arimidex stores, then just let the compounding pharmacy

supply the whole lot.


A pack of 30 tabs of 1.0mg arimidex will give 300 caps at 0.1mg-per-cap, or 600

caps at 0.05mg-per-cap.

So if your pharmacy chooses to supply arimidex as opposed to generic

anastrozole, then your pharmacy will most likely not agree to only charge you

for a half-a-box of arimidex, and most likely they'll charge for a whole box,

even if your prescription says 300 caps at 0.05mg-per-cap (total of 15mg)




> From: cottonfarm7@... <cottonfarm7@...>




> Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 4:31 PM

> Thanks Phil and others for your

> thoughts on my shrinking nuts.


> To Bill, I am a Jockey Shorts guy myself and have had to

> wear them since 

> age 14 to not look obscene.  I guess that is why I am

> grieving the loss of 

> size today.  I have had to grieve the loss of  so

> many things  with age such

> as no nighttime and morning erections, lessening erectile

> health,  d

> iminishing libido, sleepiness and fatique after a light

> evening meal. 


> I find that those things are better now that I am on

> arimidex.  I have 

> more energy, more stamina, less nighttime fatique, more

> libido, better erectile

> health- - - - - - - I just wasn't ready to experience

> smaller nuts when 

> everything else looked to be on the up and up.


> Thanks again guys.  Keep up the good work here. 

> I will heed all  the good

> advice and read the article you linked Phil. 




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One's testicles is an individual thing. For some it is really important and for

some it may not be worth the effort to get them back to size. It is proven that

if you inject HCG, your testicles will return to their previous volume for the

majority of men. With that said, injecting HCG is another balancing act because

it increases your T which also increases your conversion to E2 which negates the

benefits of the higher T. If your willing to deal with this added condition,

then you can get your testicles back in volume. You can also get implants if you

want to go that far.



From: <gibcast@...>



" " < >

Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 4:30 PM


Sometimes when I hear about side effects of all this, I'm thinking...... Maybe I

an just die early - With no meds - But at least I'll go with my nuts intact!!!

My equipment is THAT important to me!


Sendt fra min iPhone

Den 16. sep. 2010 kl. 22.31 skrev cottonfarm7@...:

Thanks Phil and others for your thoughts on my shrinking nuts.

To Bill, I am a Jockey Shorts guy myself and have had to wear them since

age 14 to not look obscene. I guess that is why I am grieving the loss of

size today. I have had to grieve the loss of so many things with age such

as no nighttime and morning erections, lessening erectile health, d

iminishing libido, sleepiness and fatique after a light evening meal.

I find that those things are better now that I am on arimidex. I have

more energy, more stamina, less nighttime fatique, more libido, better erectile

health- - - - - - - I just wasn't ready to experience smaller nuts when

everything else looked to be on the up and up.

Thanks again guys. Keep up the good work here. I will heed all the good

advice and read the article you linked Phil.

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I am a very visual person. One of my testicles died when I got the mumps at

about age 14. After it died, it atrophied to the size of a pea. As an adult, I

had the doctor remove the dead testicle and replace it with a prosthetic. It was

still smaller than the other testicle unfortunately.

I have no idea what it might feel like to have one's nuts get in the way or to

sit on them because my one real and other fake testicle stay up close to my body

all the time. Actually, I'm a bit jealous of you for having had this problem.

My suspicion is that a lot of guys care about the possibility of their testicles

shrinking up regardless of how much their sex drive and function is improved by

TRT. I am one of those guys. I just received my order of HCG from All Day

Chemist and I cannot wait to start on it.

Call me a nut lover.


> > From: marc200134470 <cfs38@...>



> >

> > Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 12:38 PM

> > I know very little compared to many

> > here, but I just can't seem to understand how reducing high

> > estradiol could possibly shrink your testicles?

> >

> > I sure hope not, as mine is high also, and I may have to

> > use Arimidex myself.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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