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Re: High Cortisol and Low Testerone- Help Please

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Have they tested for Cushing's Disease? It's one that needs to be ruled out

when cortisol is high. Stress is another cause of high cortisol.


> Hi All,


> I wrote in December about my Fiancee Alijah's test results. Phil said that the

high Estrogen was causing his low testosterone and to start Arimidex. He's

taking that plus multivitamin and 50mg zinc.


> He's lost 20lbs since thanksgiving but still extremly overweight (320 lbs at

6'3 " ). Since on Arimidex the frequency of being " in the mood " has increased and

been able to keep an erection for longer. Still no nighttime or morning

involuntary erections. He still has very bad sleep apnea, fatigue, dry skin, and

brain fog.


> We just got his CPAP yesterday to address sleep apnea. We also received his

cortisol test results and I was supprised to see how high they were.



> 8AM 4.3 (3.7-9.5 ng/mL)

> 12PM 9.5 (1.2-3.0 ng/mL) HIGH

> 5PM 2.0 (0.6-1.9 ng/mL) HIGH

> 8PM 2.2 (0.4-1.0 ng/mL) HIGH


> Dec (before Arimidex)

> Estradiol 41.9 (7.5-42.6 pg/mL) HIGH

> Free Test 5.5 (9.3-26.5 pg/mL) LOW

> Tot Test 175 (280-800 ng/mL) LOW

> Free T4 1.18 (0.82-1.77 ng/mL)

> Free T3 3.7 (2.0-4.4 pg/mL)


> Questions:

> 1. How does cortisol tie into the testosterone and estrogen issue?

> 2. Can he start thyroid meds with high cortisol? I know if cortisol is low you

are supposed to fix that before thyroid meds.


> Thanks so much,

> Jennie


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He is in the early stages or Adrenal Fatigue here is a link that shows what the

Saliva labs look like as this gets bad.


In this link it talks about this problem with Adrenals to Thyroid and in this is

a FAQ's I helped do full of info and links. You must treat the Adrenals first

then the thyroid.


In this like I talk about how I got started treating my Adrenals and Thyroid.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=24

I do feel his sleep apnea is stressing his Adrenals and using the CPAP might

help to bring down his levels.

At bedtime he can take this supplement to keep his levels down so he can sleep



If you need more help with this I am dam good at it but not a Dr. and just ask I

will help all I can.



> From: jrmoidel <jrmoidel@...>

> Subject: High Cortisol and Low Testerone- Help Please


> Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 3:20 PM

> Hi All,


> I wrote in December about my Fiancee Alijah's test results.

> Phil said that the high Estrogen was causing his low

> testosterone and to start Arimidex. He's taking that plus

> multivitamin and 50mg zinc.


> He's lost 20lbs since thanksgiving but still extremly

> overweight (320 lbs at 6'3 " ). Since on Arimidex the

> frequency of being " in the mood " has increased and been able

> to keep an erection for longer. Still no nighttime or

> morning involuntary erections. He still has very bad sleep

> apnea, fatigue, dry skin, and brain fog.


> We just got his CPAP yesterday to address sleep apnea. We

> also received his cortisol test results and I was supprised

> to see how high they were.



> 8AM 4.3 (3.7-9.5 ng/mL)

> 12PM 9.5 (1.2-3.0 ng/mL) HIGH

> 5PM 2.0 (0.6-1.9 ng/mL) HIGH

> 8PM 2.2 (0.4-1.0 ng/mL) HIGH


> Dec (before Arimidex)

> Estradiol  41.9  (7.5-42.6 pg/mL) HIGH

> Free Test   5.5  (9.3-26.5 pg/mL) LOW

> Tot Test  175    (280-800 ng/mL) LOW

> Free T4     1.18 (0.82-1.77 ng/mL)

> Free T3     3.7  (2.0-4.4 pg/mL)


> Questions:

> 1. How does cortisol tie into the testosterone and estrogen

> issue?

> 2. Can he start thyroid meds with high cortisol? I know if

> cortisol is low you are supposed to fix that before thyroid

> meds.


> Thanks so much,

> Jennie




> ------------------------------------



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