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Beyza, The changes in eating habits are hard to navigate sometimes.

It just takes practice. You're right to not go for anothet fill until

you are having NO or VERY little trouble with eating. more fill will

only cause more trouble - never less.

We all want good weight loss, but if it comes becuase we are barfing

a lot or having other trouble, it is dangerous and will not last -

and can even cause band slips or worse.

Meats usually need to be moist to go down easily. Be sure to start

with a TINY bite - pea-sized, and then chew at least 15 times. Use

sauces, marinades, gravies, BBQ sauce, creamy horseradish, au jus to

make the bite very moist. And try alternating with a bite of

something esier to swallow - like the veggies. A few people just

can't manage red meat (lots of meat fibers) , so they will have to

depend more on fish, chicken, lamb, and pork, as well as the non-meat

sources of good protein. Soft stew meat is ideal for those having


I don't know how big these slices of roast beef were, but 3 might

just have been too much, especially if the first one went down pretty

much ok. For many people, about a 2-3 oz serving of meat is about all

they can manage, and then maybe 1/2 cup of veggies or whatevere else.

The thin-cut deli-type turkey or ham might work better for you.

TRy this, too - wrap a piece of this thin deli meat around a slice of

lowfat cheese to make a " roll. " Dip it in deli mustard, lowfat ranch

dressing, creamy horseradish, or whatever you like. The meat and

cheese together are great protein and " softens " the texture of the

neat alone, and the dip " lubricates " it. They ar also easy to " make

and take " . I often had these for lunch --and 1-2 with a few crackers

was plenty.

The BAND itself is pretty indestructible - but the STOMACH and STOMA

are not. They get hurt when you barf and pb - they get irritated,

swell, and then need a rest priod. any time you barf or pb, you

should stop eating then, and then have fluids only for the next meal

or two to allow rest and healing. If you don't , you can cause more

swelling and trouble and gete into a bad cycle.

A good goal for most women bandsters is 1200-1500 cal a day, after

they get to a good fill level. With good choices, this will be 3

decent small meals, plus 1-2 good protein snacks, if needed. People

starting heavier may need more calories at first. Be sure some decent

daily exercise - even a walk - is part of the frmula, as that starts

to build some better muscle, which is the key to better fat-burning,

both now and later.

Keep the faith and keep practicing with different foods and

techniques to see what is good for you. Your doc up there is

excellent - does he have a banded person in the office who might have

some hints, too? Sandy R


> Hi All,


> I have 6cc's in my band now, had my 2nd fill awhile ago but haven't

> started loosing weight. I lost around 24lbs after the surgery,


> was on Dec.14/05, mostly during December and first weeks of Jan.


> Now I am stuck. I started with 3cc, then went up to 6cc. I feel the

> restrictions of the 6cc, but still not loosing. So I decided to be

> extra careful and restrict my calorie intake to 1800 cals. I did


> Benedict formula and found out I need around 2200cals to

> loose weight.


> I am trying to eat protein first but here is what happens. Protein

> always gets stuck! During last week, I had something got stuck

> everyday! Yesterday I had 3 slices of very thinly sliced cold cut

> roast beef. First slice went almost ok. 2nd slice got stuck. I

> waited for it to go down. It did in about 5 mins. So I took another

> slice. Chewed really well. I had another slice and oh man did it


> stuck! I chocked, my back hurt like hell, I slimed for 20 mins. My

> mouth was full of saliva and I couldn't swallow my own saliva. Same

> happens with tuna, chicken and fish too. These are all the lean

> proteins I need to eat and I am having trouble eating them.


> My questions are:

> 1. How can I make proteins pass easier? Even when I chew them 40

> times, they don't get moist enough and I don't like adding mayo.

> 2. Does it cause damage to the band when I get something stuck?


> couple weeks, I had something stuck every single day. Does it


> my pouch or make my band slip?

> 3. I feel I need another fill but I am scared that with things

> getting stuck already, it will be worse.


> Thanks in advance for your answers.

> Beyza

> Dec14/05 Dr.Yau

> Sweedish Band

> 330 / 323 / 306


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If you do everything Sandy suggested and still have trouble, maybe you

should discuss a slight unfill with your doc? I have just learned

that I had too tight a fill for the better part of the last TWO YEARS

and that has probably played a big role in my lack of progress (along

with my drinking with meals). If you can't eat the right things, you

start eating around the band and don't lose, or even gain. But surely

try all the things Sandy suggested (tiny bites, different meats,

lubricants) to see if you can manage " as is " .


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Thanks Liz. Its hard to adjust but I will try small bites!


> > 1. How can I make proteins pass easier? Even when I chew them 40

> > times, they don't get moist enough and I don't like adding mayo.


> Hi Beyza,


> I read the files in smartbandster and remember one of them


> that bite size should be the size of your little finger's nail bed


> pink part). I find if I get the bite that small, and chew well, I


> eat almost any protein. If I'm extra tight or the meat is too

dry, I

> use applesauce, chutney, or fruit salsa to give it the needed


> Trader Joe's has some nice fruit based salsas that are very low

> calorie and I'm enjoying trying those out.


> Hope these suggestions help!


> Liz in Bellevue, WA

> -32 since 10/26/05


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Hi Sandy,

Thanks a lot for thelong reply.

Ok.. the meat I had was cold cut deli roast beef. They were really

thin. Thats why I got them. But I felt they were fibrous. I now

understand that might have been problem.

I guess I will try to soften my meat more. I was trying not to eat

soupy or too fluidy meats to stay full longer but seems like I need

the lubrication.

When food gets stuck and passes thru later, does it extend my pouch?

I am so scared of puch extension.

I will talk to Kathy P. who works at my docs office.

Thanks again,


> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> > I have 6cc's in my band now, had my 2nd fill awhile ago but


> > started loosing weight. I lost around 24lbs after the surgery,

> which

> > was on Dec.14/05, mostly during December and first weeks of Jan.

> >

> > Now I am stuck. I started with 3cc, then went up to 6cc. I feel


> > restrictions of the 6cc, but still not loosing. So I decided to


> > extra careful and restrict my calorie intake to 1800 cals. I did

> the

> > Benedict formula and found out I need around 2200cals to

> > loose weight.

> >

> > I am trying to eat protein first but here is what happens.


> > always gets stuck! During last week, I had something got stuck

> > everyday! Yesterday I had 3 slices of very thinly sliced cold


> > roast beef. First slice went almost ok. 2nd slice got stuck. I

> > waited for it to go down. It did in about 5 mins. So I took


> > slice. Chewed really well. I had another slice and oh man did it

> got

> > stuck! I chocked, my back hurt like hell, I slimed for 20 mins.


> > mouth was full of saliva and I couldn't swallow my own saliva.


> > happens with tuna, chicken and fish too. These are all the lean

> > proteins I need to eat and I am having trouble eating them.

> >

> > My questions are:

> > 1. How can I make proteins pass easier? Even when I chew them 40

> > times, they don't get moist enough and I don't like adding mayo.

> > 2. Does it cause damage to the band when I get something stuck?

> Past

> > couple weeks, I had something stuck every single day. Does it

> extend

> > my pouch or make my band slip?

> > 3. I feel I need another fill but I am scared that with things

> > getting stuck already, it will be worse.

> >

> > Thanks in advance for your answers.

> > Beyza

> > Dec14/05 Dr.Yau

> > Sweedish Band

> > 330 / 323 / 306

> >


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I definately will follow the suggestions. I am not sure about the

defill. I only have 60% (6cc for my sweedish band) of my band full.




> If you do everything Sandy suggested and still have trouble, maybe


> should discuss a slight unfill with your doc? I have just learned

> that I had too tight a fill for the better part of the last TWO


> and that has probably played a big role in my lack of progress


> with my drinking with meals). If you can't eat the right things,


> start eating around the band and don't lose, or even gain. But


> try all the things Sandy suggested (tiny bites, different meats,

> lubricants) to see if you can manage " as is " .

> wendy


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Meliha -

I've been banded a little over a year and feel like I've been through

enough of the " band experience " that I can give you the Readers Digest

version of life with a band. When I was first considering getting the

band, I had the opinion that the band would cause me to lose weight.

I've found from reading the emails here from others that have gone

before me and from my own experience that this is not correct - to state

it correctly, the band helps you make positive changes to your eating

habits that cause you to lose weight.

If you misuse the band so that you skip the behavior modification step,

you're not going to get to the losing weight part. Tightening the band

further isn't going to get you where you want to go if you're skipping

the middle step.

I read your description of eating the slices of roast beef. You wrote

that you had problems getting slice number two down and then you went

for slice number three. Why would you do that? Nothing required that

you eat the third slice. If I have a tough time getting a second car in

my garage because of all of the junk, the last thing I'm going to do is

try to get a third car in there.

The difficulty you had with slice number two was your band telling you

to throw in the towel. You should have declared victory and moved on to

some other part of your day. I know this because I used to think the

same way. I was conditioned that I needed to eat a certain volume of

food and that habit is tough to break.

You ask " Do I need another fill now? " I ask " Are you listening to the

last fill yet? " I know things got a lot better for me when I learned to

listen to my band.

Meliha Beyza Yazicioglu wrote:

>Hi All,


>I have 6cc's in my band now, had my 2nd fill awhile ago but haven't

>started loosing weight. I lost around 24lbs after the surgery, which

>was on Dec.14/05, mostly during December and first weeks of Jan.


>Now I am stuck. I started with 3cc, then went up to 6cc. I feel the

>restrictions of the 6cc, but still not loosing. So I decided to be

>extra careful and restrict my calorie intake to 1800 cals. I did the

> Benedict formula and found out I need around 2200cals to

>loose weight.


>I am trying to eat protein first but here is what happens. Protein

>always gets stuck! During last week, I had something got stuck

>everyday! Yesterday I had 3 slices of very thinly sliced cold cut

>roast beef. First slice went almost ok. 2nd slice got stuck. I

>waited for it to go down. It did in about 5 mins. So I took another

>slice. Chewed really well. I had another slice and oh man did it got

>stuck! I chocked, my back hurt like hell, I slimed for 20 mins. My

>mouth was full of saliva and I couldn't swallow my own saliva. Same

>happens with tuna, chicken and fish too. These are all the lean

>proteins I need to eat and I am having trouble eating them.


>My questions are:

>1. How can I make proteins pass easier? Even when I chew them 40

>times, they don't get moist enough and I don't like adding mayo.

>2. Does it cause damage to the band when I get something stuck? Past

>couple weeks, I had something stuck every single day. Does it extend

>my pouch or make my band slip?

>3. I feel I need another fill but I am scared that with things

>getting stuck already, it will be worse.


>Thanks in advance for your answers.


>Dec14/05 Dr.Yau

>Sweedish Band

>330 / 323 / 306








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I have to second on this. Remember that it is just a tool. I was

banded on December 15, 2005 and I too have the Swedish band. I stopped

losing weight for a couple of weeks but it started coming off again when I

added exercise to the daily routine. First I could only do 15 minutes now I

am up to an hour (3 miles) and I'm working out with a personal trainer 3

times a week. I eat 3 small well balanced meals a day and 2 low sugar

protein shakes (6 oz) 2 times a day because I am working out so much. I

feel better than I have in years and I've lost 34 lbs and several inches. I

rarely eat beef unless its ground beef and I try to stick to salmon,

chicken, tuna and turkey. For some reason when I eat tuna it sticks when

nothing else seems to. I never eat 1800 calories - ever. I do eat the

proteins I mentioned and fresh vegetables steamed. I eat a few carbs but try

to keep very balanced. I wish you the best.

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Thanks . I understand now what you mean.

This weekend, I stopped when it hurt and i did not have as many

problems. I just have to get into the mind set and get used to it

more. I will wait untill I get used to this, before I get a second


Thanks a lot



> >Hi All,

> >

> >I have 6cc's in my band now, had my 2nd fill awhile ago but


> >started loosing weight. I lost around 24lbs after the surgery,


> >was on Dec.14/05, mostly during December and first weeks of Jan.

> >

> >Now I am stuck. I started with 3cc, then went up to 6cc. I feel


> >restrictions of the 6cc, but still not loosing. So I decided to


> >extra careful and restrict my calorie intake to 1800 cals. I did


> > Benedict formula and found out I need around 2200cals to

> >loose weight.

> >

> >I am trying to eat protein first but here is what happens.


> >always gets stuck! During last week, I had something got stuck

> >everyday! Yesterday I had 3 slices of very thinly sliced cold cut

> >roast beef. First slice went almost ok. 2nd slice got stuck. I

> >waited for it to go down. It did in about 5 mins. So I took


> >slice. Chewed really well. I had another slice and oh man did it


> >stuck! I chocked, my back hurt like hell, I slimed for 20 mins.


> >mouth was full of saliva and I couldn't swallow my own saliva.


> >happens with tuna, chicken and fish too. These are all the lean

> >proteins I need to eat and I am having trouble eating them.

> >

> >My questions are:

> >1. How can I make proteins pass easier? Even when I chew them 40

> >times, they don't get moist enough and I don't like adding mayo.

> >2. Does it cause damage to the band when I get something stuck?


> >couple weeks, I had something stuck every single day. Does it


> >my pouch or make my band slip?

> >3. I feel I need another fill but I am scared that with things

> >getting stuck already, it will be worse.

> >

> >Thanks in advance for your answers.

> >Beyza

> >Dec14/05 Dr.Yau

> >Sweedish Band

> >330 / 323 / 306

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi ,

What is your fill level right now?

Do you have an idea how many calories you are getting in a day?

Thanks a lot.



> Meliha:


> I have to second on this. Remember that it is just a tool.

I was

> banded on December 15, 2005 and I too have the Swedish band. I


> losing weight for a couple of weeks but it started coming off

again when I

> added exercise to the daily routine. First I could only do 15

minutes now I

> am up to an hour (3 miles) and I'm working out with a personal

trainer 3

> times a week. I eat 3 small well balanced meals a day and 2 low


> protein shakes (6 oz) 2 times a day because I am working out so

much. I

> feel better than I have in years and I've lost 34 lbs and several

inches. I

> rarely eat beef unless its ground beef and I try to stick to


> chicken, tuna and turkey. For some reason when I eat tuna it

sticks when

> nothing else seems to. I never eat 1800 calories - ever. I do eat


> proteins I mentioned and fresh vegetables steamed. I eat a few

carbs but try

> to keep very balanced. I wish you the best.



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  • 6 months later...

we also have them in MP3


At 02:38 PM 9/18/2006 +0200, you wrote:

>Hi .


>I know that you are a healer and not from the technical department.

>Many years ago my daughter made me aware of Immunics.org, ever since I

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>much about it.

>I joint the immunics university and I can`t get anywhere without the Real


>I will not ever download the Real Player as it is known that Real Player

>is the biggest spy once can download.

>So I cancelled my subscription with Immunics.

>If there is any other known software which can be used to download from

>your site I would be very, very happy.

>I couln`t find any other system under the technical help page.

>But I ask you kind to pass my email on to the technical department.


>Thanks for your time


>With kind Regards


>Renate Andersch

Your friend,



32,000 cures and counting

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  • 3 months later...


> I have come down with a wierd symptom and I don't know what to

think of it. Certain parts of my body such as my low back, hip

area, legs, etc. hurt immensely.


> It all started last night after dinner. The only difference is

that I took a digestive enzyme. Today I felt ok & but now it has

started all over again.


> Is this die-off or something else?

==>It is die-off symptoms for sure. The toxins are moving around a

lot and it can cause muscle pains. The understand more about

natural healing see the 1st section of articles on my new website:

http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com, or do a site search.

==>Epsom salt baths, do dry skin brushing, lemon & sea salt drink,

and coffee enemas really will help it. Also ensure you are

following the diet carefully. This too shall pass my friend. Hang

in there.

Luv, Bee

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I am wondering if these symptoms are being caused by the digestive

enzymes that I just purchased. The ingredients are: Calcium (as

calcium carbonate), Betaine (from 1,200 mg betaine HCI), Pepsin (UPS

1:10,000), Papaine (2,000 USP units/mg), Bromelain (2,000 DGDU/g).

Other ingrediets: Cellulose, stearic acid, cellulose & glycerin

coating, silica, magnesium sterate, vanilla.

I hardly slept at all last night.




> I have come down with a wierd symptom and I don't know what to

think of

> it. Certain parts of my body such as my low back, hip area, legs,

> etc. hurt immensely.


> It all started last night after dinner. The only difference is

that I

> took a digestive enzyme. Today I felt ok & but now it has started


> over again.


> Is this die-off or something else?


> Thanks!


> Lynn


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> I am wondering if these symptoms are being caused by the digestive

> enzymes that I just purchased. The ingredients are: Calcium (as

> calcium carbonate), Betaine (from 1,200 mg betaine HCI), Pepsin (UPS

> 1:10,000), Papaine (2,000 USP units/mg), Bromelain (2,000 DGDU/g).

> Other ingrediets: Cellulose, stearic acid, cellulose & glycerin

> coating, silica, magnesium sterate, vanilla.


> I hardly slept at all last night.

==>Hi Lynn. No I do not believe your digestive enzyme caused a

problem. Sleep problems are also caused by die-off. The diet alone

will cause many symptoms because it will kill off candida even without

antifungals. That's why you'd start on the diet first (only take

coconut oil and Pau D'Arco tea as antifungals because coconut oil

provides many other health benefits, and Pau D'Arco is a very mild

antifungal). Some people need to stay on the diet and supplements for

3-6 months before they can tolerate antifungals. I was on the them

for 6 months before I finally had to bite the bullet and start on

antifungals, and still they caused severe die-off. Cut back on the

coconut oil so you can tolerate your symptoms. You might want to also

have less foods that kill off candida, i.e. the onion and cabbage

family of foods. But everyone has to go through die-off symptoms in

order to get better. It's not easy, and it takes time and patience.

Hang in there. This too shall pass.


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  • 7 months later...

Hi Ange, I am not awware of any problems with it at the moment, but it does seem like there are awfully few going thru this morning. Last week it took 3 days for one of my e-mails to go thru. maurineMax <max.walker@...> wrote: Any problems with the list? i am not getting any mails and I sent one earlier. Ange

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  • 5 months later...

Even if it is pneumonia I would get the band totally unfilled to help with whatever is going on. Nina mzducati900ss <mzducati900ss@...> wrote: I have a question... I remember reading awhile ago about someone who couldn't lay down because the would feel sick or choke. On Saturday night, I ate and got sick 20 minutes later. Then 2 hours later and for the next 3 hours I would feel sick and cough up clear liquids.. looked like water but I

hadn't drank anything. So I sipped on some milk because that usually settles my stomach and I felt a little better, so I went to sleep. At 4 am I woke up choking, went to the restroom because I felt sick and threw up blood and then I seemed ok until I layed down and then it happened again, by the 3 time I was scared to death because now I could only take shallow breathes because my chest hurt so bad I felt like my lung had collapsed or something. So I went to the hospital and after a full day, x rays, blood work and a CT (they said the band position was a little off but didn't look slipped) they decided to treat me for Pneomonia (sorry if I hacked the spelling) I went home and was OK that night stay on liquids but the very next night it happened again, I can't lay down because I feel like my chest fills up with water, so now sleep straight up and down.... Any help would be appreciated.Thank


Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr Aceves888 344 3916 , 619-962-8142nina_eguia@...

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One issue I want to add to what Nina writes is that when they refer to band positioning. If you were at the ER it was likely not a bariatric surgeon reading the film? Many times ER docs don't know what band positioning is supposed to look like. They don't know the range of " normal " as it is not their area of expertise. There have been US docs that swear the band is wrapped around a person's esophagus. It isn't. Matter of fact, this is why Dr. Currie from Ohio won't do a post op barium swallow on his patients anymore (poor excuse, though) because the radiologist kept saying the band was too high. It isn't, it's just fine many times.

Not sure what the specific issue the ER doc was looking at but I just wanted to throw that out in case it is a possibility.I agree with Nina, get an unfill until you are over this. I had the flu and I was coughing my ovaries up! Or at least it felt like it. Sunday morning Dr. Campos did an unfill. I feel soooo much better now. I wish I would have done it when I first got sick.

When you were vomiting blood, was it streaks of blood or was it all blood? If it was all blood, what did it look like? The appearance and color will be different according to " what " is bleeding.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:35 AM, nina eguia <nina_eguia@...> wrote:

Even if it is pneumonia I would get the band totally unfilled to help with whatever is going on. Nina mzducati900ss <mzducati900ss@...> wrote:

I have a question... I remember reading awhile ago about someone who couldn't lay down because the would feel sick or choke. On Saturday

night, I ate and got sick 20 minutes later. Then 2 hours later and for the next 3 hours I would feel sick and cough up clear liquids.. looked like water but I

hadn't drank anything. So I sipped on some milk because that usually settles my stomach and I felt a little better, so I went to sleep. At 4 am I woke up choking, went to the restroom because I felt sick and threw up blood and then I seemed ok

until I layed down and then it happened again, by the 3 time I was scared to death because now I could only take shallow breathes because my chest hurt so bad I felt like my lung had collapsed or something. So I went to the hospital and after a full day, x rays,

blood work and a CT (they said the band position was a little off but didn't look slipped) they decided to treat me for Pneomonia (sorry if I hacked the spelling) I went home and was OK that night stay on

liquids but the very next night it happened again, I can't lay down because I feel like my chest fills up with water, so now sleep straight up and down.... Any help would be appreciated.Thank


Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr Aceves888 344 3916 , 619-962-8142nina_eguia@...

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It was black and all blood. Why can't I lay down?Bipley <Bipley@...> wrote: One issue I want to add to what Nina writes is that when they refer to band positioning. If you were at the ER it was likely not a bariatric surgeon reading the film? Many times ER docs don't know what band positioning is supposed to look like. They don't know the range of "normal" as it is not their area of expertise. There have been US docs that swear the band is wrapped around a person's esophagus. It isn't. Matter of fact,

this is why Dr. Currie from Ohio won't do a post op barium swallow on his patients anymore (poor excuse, though) because the radiologist kept saying the band was too high. It isn't, it's just fine many times.Not sure what the specific issue the ER doc was looking at but I just wanted to throw that out in case it is a possibility.I agree with Nina, get an unfill until you are over this. I had the flu and I was coughing my ovaries up! Or at least it felt like it. Sunday morning Dr. Campos did an unfill. I feel soooo much better now. I wish I would have done it when I first got sick.When you were vomiting blood, was it streaks of blood or was it all blood? If it was all blood, what did it look like? The appearance and color will be different according to "what" is bleeding. On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:35 AM, nina eguia <nina_eguia > wrote: Even if it is pneumonia I would get the band totally unfilled to help with whatever is going on. Nina mzducati900ss <mzducati900ss > wrote: I have a question... I remember reading awhile ago about someone who couldn't lay down because the would feel sick or choke. On Saturday night, I ate and got sick 20 minutes later. Then 2 hours later and for the next 3 hours I would feel sick and cough up clear liquids.. looked like water but I

hadn't drank anything. So I sipped on some milk because that usually settles my stomach and I felt a little better, so I went to sleep. At 4 am I woke up choking, went to the restroom because I felt sick and threw up blood and then I seemed ok until I layed down and then it happened again, by the 3 time I was scared to death because now I could only take shallow breathes because my chest hurt so bad I felt like my lung had collapsed or something. So I went to the hospital and after a full day, x rays, blood work and a CT (they said the band position was a little off but didn't look slipped) they decided to treat me for Pneomonia (sorry if I hacked the spelling) I went home and was OK that night stay on liquids but the very next night it happened again, I can't lay down because I feel like my chest fills up with water, so now sleep straight up and down.... Any help would be appreciated.Thank

you,MAKDOB08-08-07237/159/160ish Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr Aceves888 344 3916 , 619-962-8142nina_eguia

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Well, first off let me congratulate you on your loss, I haven't seen your numbers lately, you are doing awesome!!! I'm sorry you are having problems! I would think after all the xray's etc that it is the pneumonia giving you the choking feeling etc. I haven't experienced these issues so I'm sorry I'm not more help, just want you to know you have support. Are you having any issues taking antibiotics, I'm assuming they gave you a script? Let us know how you are doing. CyrenaDOB: 1/19/07240/143/145-----

Original Message ----From: mzducati900ss <mzducati900ss@...> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 9:31:16 AMSubject: Problems

I have a question... I remember reading awhile ago about someone who

couldn't lay down because the would feel sick or choke. On Saturday

night, I ate and got sick 20 minutes later. Then 2 hours later and

for the next 3 hours I would feel sick and cough up clear liquids..

looked like water but I hadn't drank anything. So I sipped on some

milk because that usually settles my stomach and I felt a little

better, so I went to sleep. At 4 am I woke up choking, went to the

restroom because I felt sick and threw up blood and then I seemed ok

until I layed down and then it happened again, by the 3 time I was

scared to death because now I could only take shallow breathes

because my chest hurt so bad I felt like my lung had collapsed or

something. So I went to the hospital and after a full day, x rays,

blood work and a CT (they said the band position was a little off but

didn't look slipped) they decided to treat me for Pneomonia (sorry if

I hacked the spelling) I went home and was OK that night stay on

liquids but the very next night it happened again, I can't lay down

because I feel like my chest fills up with water, so now sleep

straight up and down.... Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,




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ER didn't address this at all? That's surprising, usually they would have scoped you and done a great deal. It seems as though they addressed everything but vomiting blood according to the diagnostics you listed.

You really need to go back to ER or call your doc. If you haven't slipped then something else is going on, probably not band related. But do get an unfill if you are coughing so hard you are vomiting. If you can't lay down that could be from the pneumonia or it could be that you are too tight from stoma irritation, another reason for an unfill.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Mz Ducati <mzducati900ss@...> wrote:

It was black and all blood. Why can't I lay down?

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Guest guest

The question here is that the doctor said that it wasn't pnemonia but

some on the problems I had were similar so he was going to treat me

for that. He didn't call the bariatric surgeon and talk with him. I

stopped the blod however I have this constant burning sensation in my

throat. I can hold down liquids and mushies I am afraid of anything

else right now. My fill doctor comes back from vacation on Mondsy so

I will see if she can squeeze me in for a look. I have only had one

fill and my funds are kind of tight so I would really hate to have an

unfill but how I feel now I would take it! Thanks again for all of

the support. My mom is considering the surgery herself, she has

been overweight for the last 25 years and is continuing to climb!


DOB 08-08-07



> Well, first off let me congratulate you on your loss, I haven't

seen your numbers lately, you are doing awesome!!! I'm sorry you are

having problems! I would think after all the xray's etc that it is

the pneumonia giving you the choking feeling etc. I haven't

experienced these issues so I'm sorry I'm not more help, just want

you to know you have support. Are you having any issues taking

antibiotics, I'm assuming they gave you a script? Let us know how

you are doing.


> Cyrena

> DOB: 1/19/07

> 240/143/145



> Problems


> I have a question... I remember reading awhile

ago about someone who

> couldn't lay down because the would feel sick or choke. On


> night, I ate and got sick 20 minutes later. Then 2 hours later and

> for the next 3 hours I would feel sick and cough up clear liquids..

> looked like water but I hadn't drank anything. So I sipped on some

> milk because that usually settles my stomach and I felt a little

> better, so I went to sleep. At 4 am I woke up choking, went to the

> restroom because I felt sick and threw up blood and then I seemed


> until I layed down and then it happened again, by the 3 time I was

> scared to death because now I could only take shallow breathes

> because my chest hurt so bad I felt like my lung had collapsed or

> something. So I went to the hospital and after a full day, x rays,

> blood work and a CT (they said the band position was a little off


> didn't look slipped) they decided to treat me for Pneomonia (sorry


> I hacked the spelling) I went home and was OK that night stay on

> liquids but the very next night it happened again, I can't lay


> because I feel like my chest fills up with water, so now sleep

> straight up and down.... Any help would be appreciated.


> Thank you,



> DOB08-08-07

> 237/159/160ish





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Hey Mak,

I think I spoke to you before.Do you live close to me.

Im in VA.For some reason Im thinking your in MD?

Who are you using as a fill doc?

Oh yeah! Congrats on your weight loss.

DOB 12/6/07


--- mzducati900ss <mzducati900ss@...> wrote:

> The question here is that the doctor said that it

> wasn't pnemonia but

> some on the problems I had were similar so he was

> going to treat me

> for that. He didn't call the bariatric surgeon and

> talk with him. I

> stopped the blod however I have this constant

> burning sensation in my

> throat. I can hold down liquids and mushies I am

> afraid of anything

> else right now. My fill doctor comes back from

> vacation on Mondsy so

> I will see if she can squeeze me in for a look. I

> have only had one

> fill and my funds are kind of tight so I would

> really hate to have an

> unfill but how I feel now I would take it! Thanks

> again for all of

> the support. My mom is considering the surgery

> herself, she has

> been overweight for the last 25 years and is

> continuing to climb!



> DOB 08-08-07

> 237/159/160ish




> >

> > Well, first off let me congratulate you on your

> loss, I haven't

> seen your numbers lately, you are doing awesome!!!

> I'm sorry you are

> having problems! I would think after all the xray's

> etc that it is

> the pneumonia giving you the choking feeling etc. I

> haven't

> experienced these issues so I'm sorry I'm not more

> help, just want

> you to know you have support. Are you having any

> issues taking

> antibiotics, I'm assuming they gave you a script?

> Let us know how

> you are doing.

> >

> > Cyrena

> > DOB: 1/19/07

> > 240/143/145

> >

> >

> > Problems

> >

> > I have a question... I remember

> reading awhile

> ago about someone who

> > couldn't lay down because the would feel sick or

> choke. On

> Saturday

> > night, I ate and got sick 20 minutes later. Then

> 2 hours later and

> > for the next 3 hours I would feel sick and cough

> up clear liquids..

> > looked like water but I hadn't drank anything. So

> I sipped on some

> > milk because that usually settles my stomach and I

> felt a little

> > better, so I went to sleep. At 4 am I woke up

> choking, went to the

> > restroom because I felt sick and threw up blood

> and then I seemed

> ok

> > until I layed down and then it happened again, by

> the 3 time I was

> > scared to death because now I could only take

> shallow breathes

> > because my chest hurt so bad I felt like my lung

> had collapsed or

> > something. So I went to the hospital and after a

> full day, x rays,

> > blood work and a CT (they said the band position

> was a little off

> but

> > didn't look slipped) they decided to treat me for

> Pneomonia (sorry

> if

> > I hacked the spelling) I went home and was OK that

> night stay on

> > liquids but the very next night it happened again,

> I can't lay

> down

> > because I feel like my chest fills up with water,

> so now sleep

> > straight up and down.... Any help would be

> appreciated.

> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> > MAK

> > DOB08-08-07

> > 237/159/160ish

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> solid #666;

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=== message truncated ===



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  • 2 months later...
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> Just read your May 8 Newsletter # 1245. Unable to open or receive

Register or any other of the messages highlighted in the article. 3

opened with totally blank page and bottom statement my computer said

" Done " . 4th on was " web page cannot be opened. " I was going to add my

little bit about Statins. I've STOPPED!


> _______________________________________________

> No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding.

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  • 5 months later...

martine518 wrote:

> Good Morning!!!!

> I have problems when creating my blend. My

problem is my top middle and

> base blend is so small in amounts. Should I dilute all my essential oils or

prefill each test tube

> with jojoba oil before making each top, middle and base blend. I ran into the

problem when I

> tried to get a drop of certain top blend that I have made and the amount was

so small. I feel

> so inspired to make something but I am running to a wall. Please advise all

will be

> appreciated.


Hi e:

I'm confused about what you're describing. IIRC, you're studying Mandy's

workbook. She gives very precise directions. Are you following them, or

using some other process?


Sincerely, Anya

Anya's Garden http://AnyasGarden.com - perfumes, aromatics, classes,


Natural Perfumers Guild + blog with daily updates


1600+ member Natural Perfumery group -


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Good morning Anya!!!!!

I have studied Mandy's workbook. It had said to put 5 ml of carrier in a beaker.

I have

made so many accords in test tubes. i was trying to stretch what I have, because


amount were so small. I have a Peach accord that i made in a test tube and I

wanted to a

finish perfume with it. The amount was so small. Now i am going to add jojoba in

it that

way i can sample it with my accords and not waste it. Does that make sense or

I " m being

to thrifty. Thanks for responding to me.



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Good morning Anya!!!!!

I have studied Mandy's workbook. It had said to put 5 ml of carrier in a beaker.

I have

made so many accords in test tubes. i was trying to stretch what I have, because


amount were so small. I have a Peach accord that i made in a test tube and I

wanted to a

finish perfume with it. The amount was so small. Now i am going to add jojoba in

it that

way i can sample it with my accords and not waste it. Does that make sense or

I " m being

to thrifty. Thanks for responding to me.


e518 (DOT) com


Hi e

I don't see any reason that wouldn't work as long as the Peach accord isn't

already diluted. A lot of perfumers like to work with essences in their diluted

state because they sometimes smell different than at full strength.


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