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Re: First Treatment

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I would say only do this if you know why your low if you don't know find out.

In most men that are low do to a low grade infection or high Iron levels even

high Estradiol fixing this problem your levels will come back up on there own.

You need the following labs go to Dr. site and read TRT A recipe for

Success in this are labs you need and why. Find out first if you don't you

might be on TRT for life. www.allthingsmale.com

Also read the following links.



Men have low Testosterone and need to be on meds for life if there Testis

stopped working or they have a Pituitary Problem. The rest if you can find out

what it is and fix it levels will come back up.



> From: ???????? <bharrell68@...>

> Subject: First Treatment


> Date: Monday, April 12, 2010, 10:49 AM

> My Dr just prescribed testosterone

> therapy for low testosterone.  I am 42.  I will

> receive my first treatment by injection 4/14.


> I am nervous because of all side effects listed on internet

> websites.  Just need some reassurance.  Maybe you

> can respond with good and bad experiences.




> ------------------------------------



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Did you have any labs done, if so post them up with the ranges.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

First Treatment

My Dr just prescribed testosterone therapy for low testosterone. I am 42. I

will receive my first treatment by injection 4/14.

I am nervous because of all side effects listed on internet websites. Just need

some reassurance. Maybe you can respond with good and bad experiences.

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  • 7 months later...

Ray, I refuse to answer your question on the grounds that it might incriminate me.   Or upset you.My comment after my first shot was " Whomever was the idiot that coined the term flu like symptoms needs to be shot! "  Ain't never had a flu like that.  I was sick like that with every single shot.  Mine lasted for days though.  I had the " flu " for 48 weeks.  Hopefully it was just your body freaking out over the first interaction with Interferon...  maybe the next shot won't be as bad... 

Drink lots of fluids... lots of them.  Hang in there...  you'll know more next week.  You can pretty much judge how your treatment will go by the first 3 shots.  Some people get used to it pretty quick.  I never did.  But I'm also a big wimp.

Hugs,TeriOn Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 6:31 PM, hooverrwh <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term " sick as a dog " ? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.


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Oh no.. those pills aren't a help.. they are more of the same...  you do need to make sure you take them though.. every 12 hours.  The Ribavirin is an important part of the treatment.  I never actually threw up on treatment but I was always afraid I would.  i couldn't tell if I was nauseous or hungry... I was afraid if it wasn't hunger I'd puke so I didn't eat!  Bad move on my part!  But yep, it can be pretty intense.  Glad you made it thru the first go around.

Hugs,TeriOn Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 7:58 PM, Hoover <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Thanks Teri, at least I know now I wasn't having an allergic reaction. I don't look forward to sleeping in my 2nd bed, you know, the floor beside the toilet...lol. I have never been that sick even in my younger days when I mixed liquor and beer in huge doses. I still wonder if the  pills are to help with that or are they for another reason? As always I appreciate your help. Thanks,


From: Theresa Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...>

Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 8:39:32 PMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT


Ray, I refuse to answer your question on the grounds that it might incriminate me.   Or upset you.

My comment after my first shot was " Whomever was the idiot that coined the term flu like symptoms needs to be shot! "  Ain't never had a flu like that.  I was sick like that with every single shot.  Mine lasted for days though.  I had the " flu " for 48 weeks.  Hopefully it was just your body freaking out over the first interaction with Interferon...  maybe the next shot won't be as bad... 

Drink lots of fluids... lots of them.  Hang in there...  you'll know more next week.  You can pretty much judge how your treatment will go by the first 3 shots.  Some people get used to it pretty quick.  I never did.  But I'm also a big wimp.


On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 6:31 PM, hooverrwh <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term " sick as a dog " ? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.


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I thought because I hadn't taken them is why I got so sick. I've taken them since just cause I'm supposed to. I don't give up easy so I'll continue to fight this.

From: Theresa Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...> Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 9:11:23 PMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT

Oh no.. those pills aren't a help.. they are more of the same... you do need to make sure you take them though.. every 12 hours. The Ribavirin is an important part of the treatment. I never actually threw up on treatment but I was always afraid I would. i couldn't tell if I was nauseous or hungry... I was afraid if it wasn't hunger I'd puke so I didn't eat! Bad move on my part! But yep, it can be pretty intense. Glad you made it thru the first go around.



On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 7:58 PM, Hoover <hooverrwh@...> wrote:

Thanks Teri, at least I know now I wasn't having an allergic reaction. I don't look forward to sleeping in my 2nd bed, you know, the floor beside the toilet...lol. I have never been that sick even in my younger days when I mixed liquor and beer in huge doses. I still wonder if the pills are to help with that or are they for another reason? As always I appreciate your help. Thanks,


From: Theresa Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...> Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 8:39:32 PMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT

Ray, I refuse to answer your question on the grounds that it might incriminate me. Or upset you.

My comment after my first shot was "Whomever was the idiot that coined the term flu like symptoms needs to be shot!" Ain't never had a flu like that. I was sick like that with every single shot. Mine lasted for days though. I had the "flu" for 48 weeks. Hopefully it was just your body freaking out over the first interaction with Interferon... maybe the next shot won't be as bad...

Drink lots of fluids... lots of them. Hang in there... you'll know more next week. You can pretty much judge how your treatment will go by the first 3 shots. Some people get used to it pretty quick. I never did. But I'm also a big wimp.


On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 6:31 PM, hooverrwh <hooverrwh@...> wrote:

Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term "sick as a dog"? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.Ray

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My first shot was too bad to describe. REALLY BAD. But the next 3-4 shots were easier. Still unpleasant but I took them and then took a couple of advil and went to bed. Oh yeah, if you haven't drank enought water, it will kick your a$s! Then about two months in I can't even tell I took the shot. Just my experience; but the first is worst of all. Heck, you just injected a poison that your body has never had before.http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 " "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae Westhttp://oktravels.wordpress.com http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx On Dec 7, 2010, at 6:31 PM, "hooverrwh" <hooverrwh@...> wrote:

Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term "sick as a dog"? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.


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My first shot was too bad to describe. REALLY BAD. But the next 3-4 shots were easier. Still unpleasant but I took them and then took a couple of advil and went to bed. Oh yeah, if you haven't drank enought water, it will kick your a$s! Then about two months in I can't even tell I took the shot. Just my experience; but the first is worst of all. Heck, you just injected a poison that your body has never had before.http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 " "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae Westhttp://oktravels.wordpress.com http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx On Dec 7, 2010, at 6:31 PM, "hooverrwh" <hooverrwh@...> wrote:

Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term "sick as a dog"? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.


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Not a reaction to worry about. Sounds about normal, if BAD is normal.http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 " "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae Westhttp://oktravels.wordpress.com http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx On Dec 7, 2010, at

6:31 PM, "hooverrwh" <hooverrwh@...> wrote:

Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term "sick as a dog"? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.


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Thanks Trudy,

Like I said, I thought I was dying sitting there on the throne trying to decide what to do and dying was the easy way out and I never take that route! Hopefully they'll get better.


From: "trudykinsey@..." <trudykinsey@...>" " < >Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 10:01:25 PMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT

My first shot was too bad to describe. REALLY BAD. But the next 3-4 shots were easier. Still unpleasant but I took them and then took a couple of advil and went to bed. Oh yeah, if you haven't drank enought water, it will kick your a$s! Then about two months in I can't even tell I took the shot. Just my experience; but the first is worst of all. Heck, you just injected a poison that your body has never had before.http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 " "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West



On Dec 7, 2010, at 6:31 PM, "hooverrwh" <hooverrwh@...> wrote:

Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term "sick as a dog"? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.Ray

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Thanks againTeri,

A new q for you guys. Is there any foods that are better for me to take or drinks. I know water is good and I love 7up and Dr. Pepper. Thanks again,


From: Theresa Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...> Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 10:25:34 AMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT


I had days where I was sure that I needed to feel better just to die. I totally understand buddy. Hopefully the next shot won't be quite so horrible. BUT, you now know the worst that this treatment can dish out. The first shot was by far the worst one. Mostly because you don't know what you don't know and therefore have no idea what to expect. You have one down... and as Steve put it, you never have to take that ONE again... 47 more.. you can do it. Be good to yourself okay?



On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 9:12 PM, Hoover <hooverrwh@...> wrote:

Thanks Trudy,

Like I said, I thought I was dying sitting there on the throne trying to decide what to do and dying was the easy way out and I never take that route! Hopefully they'll get better.


From: "trudykinsey@..." <trudykinsey@...>" " < >Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 10:01:25 PMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT

My first shot was too bad to describe. REALLY BAD. But the next 3-4 shots were easier. Still unpleasant but I took them and then took a couple of advil and went to bed. Oh yeah, if you haven't drank enought water, it will kick your a$s! Then about two months in I can't even tell I took the shot. Just my experience; but the first is worst of all. Heck, you just injected a poison that your body has never had before.http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 " "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West



On Dec 7, 2010, at 6:31 PM, "hooverrwh" <hooverrwh@...> wrote:

Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term "sick as a dog"? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.Ray

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Oh Ray....   The Dr. Pepper has to go.  Too much caffeine.  It will knock your socks off during treatment.  I was and still am a huge Coca Cola drinker.  During treatment however, not a one.  Not even a cup of coffee.  I think I had coffee once during treatment when my hubs took me out for breakfast.  For liquids...  no caffeine..  7up is good, Gatorade was my constant companion.  I kept 2 bottles by the bed at all times.  I never went anywhere without Gatorade.  I drank it constantly.  You will find that you're going to get dehydrated..  Gatorade does wonders for that.  BUT you need to drink a lot.  Water is great.  Herbal tea if you're cold helps a bunch.  Juices that you dilute with water...  There is going to come a time when you can't drink juice full force and you'll want to water it down..  stick with non acid juices if you can..  I avoided orange and grapefruit but did well with apple juice and cranberry juice with half water.  Grape juice was good too.  

Food wise..  whatever you can tolerate.  There is this crazy metal taste that you will start having in your mouth.  Makes everything taste horrible.  You can get that to go away with Junior Mints..  you can also pop those in the freezer.  Any kind of dark chocolate helps and believe it or not, so do pickles.  Any of those will calm the metal taste down for a bit.  

Food for me was anything bland.  Stuff started tasting stupid for some reason.  My hubs grilled some steaks one night and I was sure he had put sugar on mine.  He didn't but it tasted like it.  I ate a ton of watermelon and fruit of any kind.  turkey sandwiches with Miracle  Whip and avocado and cheese (I would be lucky to finish a half a sandwich).  Oatmeal.  Baked Potatoes.  All bland mushy stuff for me anyway.  I didn't eat very well..  I actually lost 100 pounds during treatment.  Don't worry, I found it again.  But as far as food goes, it's going to be whatever you can tolerate.  It's different with everybody.  Trudy can eat corndogs.  The thought of a corndog would make me  throw my guts up.  So that part is a figure out as you go along...  hopefully you'll be able to tolerate food better than some of us did.  

Hope that helps...  Oh.. water water water..Hugs,TeriOn Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 9:33 PM, Hoover <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Thanks againTeri,

A new q for you guys. Is there any foods that are better for me to take or drinks. I know water is good and I love 7up and Dr. Pepper. Thanks again,


From: Theresa Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...>

Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 10:25:34 AMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT



I had days where I was sure that I needed to feel better just to die.  I totally understand buddy.  Hopefully the next shot won't be quite so horrible.  BUT, you now know the worst that this treatment can dish out.  The first shot was by far the worst one.  Mostly because you don't know what you don't know and therefore have no idea what to expect.  You have one down... and as Steve put it, you never have to take that ONE again...  47 more..  you can do it.  Be good to yourself okay?



On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 9:12 PM, Hoover <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Thanks Trudy,

Like I said, I thought I was dying sitting there on the throne trying to decide what to do and dying was the easy way out and I never take that route! Hopefully they'll get better.


From: " trudykinsey@... " <trudykinsey@...>

" " < >

Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 10:01:25 PMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT 

My first shot was too bad to describe. REALLY BAD. But the next 3-4 shots were easier. Still unpleasant but I took them and then took a couple of advil and went to bed. Oh yeah, if you haven't drank enought water, it will kick your a$s! Then about two months in I can't even tell I took the shot. Just my experience; but the first is worst of all. Heck, you just injected a poison that your body has never had before.

http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877   "        " A well- behaved woman never made history " ...Mae West




On Dec 7, 2010, at 6:31 PM, " hooverrwh " <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term " sick as a dog " ? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.


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Whoops!  Sorry.  Funny thing is.. as addicted as I was, and am again to Coke.  I didn't miss it.  I didn't want it.  The carbonation made me crazy.  And it didn't taste the same while I was on treatment either.  Good news.. when treatment was over..  it tasted normal again!   As I sit here with an open one right next to me!

Hugs,TeriOn Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Hoover <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Thanks Teri, You just ruined my life with the no DR. Pepper stuff!!! I don't think I can survive with one in my hand...lol.  Started drinking them  when gas was 25 cents a gallon!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

From: Theresa Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...>

Sent: Thu, December 9, 2010 12:53:20 AMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT


Oh Ray....   The Dr. Pepper has to go.  Too much caffeine.  It will knock your socks off during treatment.  I was and still am a huge Coca Cola drinker.  During treatment however, not a one.  Not even a cup of coffee.  I think I had coffee once during treatment when my hubs took me out for breakfast.  For liquids...  no caffeine..  7up is good, Gatorade was my constant companion.  I kept 2 bottles by the bed at all times.  I never went anywhere without Gatorade.  I drank it constantly.  You will find that you're going to get dehydrated..  Gatorade does wonders for that.  BUT you need to drink a lot.  Water is great.  Herbal tea if you're cold helps a bunch.  Juices that you dilute with water...  There is going to come a time when you can't drink juice full force and you'll want to water it down..  stick with non acid juices if you can..  I

avoided orange and grapefruit but did well with apple juice and cranberry juice with half water.  Grape juice was good too.  

Food wise..  whatever you can tolerate.  There is this crazy metal taste that you will start having in your mouth.  Makes everything taste horrible.  You can get that to go away with Junior Mints..  you can also pop those in the freezer.  Any kind of dark chocolate helps and believe it or not, so do pickles.  Any of those will calm the metal taste down for a bit.  

Food for me was anything bland.  Stuff started tasting stupid for some reason.  My hubs grilled some steaks one night and I was sure he had put sugar on mine.  He didn't but it tasted like it.  I ate a ton of watermelon and fruit of any kind.  turkey sandwiches with Miracle  Whip and avocado and cheese (I would be lucky to finish a half a sandwich).  Oatmeal.  Baked Potatoes.  All bland mushy stuff for me anyway.  I didn't eat very well..  I actually lost 100 pounds during treatment.  Don't worry, I found it again.  But as far as food goes, it's going to be whatever you can tolerate.  It's different with everybody.  Trudy can eat corndogs.  The thought of a corndog would make me  throw my guts up.  So that part is a figure out as you go along...  hopefully you'll be able to tolerate food better than some of us did.  

Hope that helps...  

Oh.. water water water..


On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 9:33 PM, Hoover <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Thanks againTeri,

A new q for you guys. Is there any foods that are better for me to take or drinks. I know water is good and I love 7up and Dr. Pepper. Thanks again,


From: Theresa Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...>

Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 10:25:34 AMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT 


I had days where I was sure that I needed to feel better just to die.  I totally understand buddy.  Hopefully the next shot won't be quite so horrible.  BUT, you now know the worst that this treatment can dish out.  The first shot was by far the worst one.  Mostly because you don't know what you don't know and therefore have no idea what to expect.  You have one down... and as Steve put it, you never have to take that ONE again...  47 more..  you can do it.  Be good to yourself okay?



On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 9:12 PM, Hoover <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Thanks Trudy,

Like I said, I thought I was dying sitting there on the throne trying to decide what to do and dying was the easy way out and I never take that route! Hopefully they'll get better.


From: " trudykinsey@... " <trudykinsey@...>

" " < >

Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 10:01:25 PMSubject: Re: [ ] FIRST TREATMENT 

My first shot was too bad to describe. REALLY BAD. But the next 3-4 shots were easier. Still unpleasant but I took them and then took a couple of advil and went to bed. Oh yeah, if you haven't drank enought water, it will kick your a$s! Then about two months in I can't even tell I took the shot. Just my experience; but the first is worst of all. Heck, you just injected a poison that your body has never had before.

http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877   "        " A well- behaved woman never made history " ...Mae West




On Dec 7, 2010, at 6:31 PM, " hooverrwh " <hooverrwh@...> wrote:


Well everyone, I thought I'd have a dull statement to make about the 1st treatment but to me it was anything but. You've heard the term " sick as a dog " ? Well I was sick as 10 dogs.From 11:00am to about 10:am this morning I thought I was dying...lol. Thats how sick I was. I got so sick after the shot I never had a chance to take the pills and now I wonder if the pills were to help in limiting the effect of the shot. I dont know but I hope to hell its not like this everytime I get the shot. let me know if anyone had a similar experience or if I might have been having a reaction of some sort. Thanks to you all.


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