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Re: So what is too low? - - sleep apnea

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He asked if my wife noted I was gasping for breath. Shoot I could dance on our

Temper,Pedic and sheLd sleep right through it...no joke.

As far as adrenal fatigue who knows. I was supposed to go in for a sleep study

three years ago and canceled figuring my fatigue was medical not a sleep issue.

But if true the apnea does not just make you tired it plummets the testosterone

creating a glandular fatigue.

I hope to have my new results today and my MRI once approved. Unexpectedly I am

guessing my next step may be a sleep study.


> Ill be, sleep apnea, that's just what my new DO doctor said he thought was

> causing me to be tired and feeling like crap in the morning. I thought it

> was adrenal fatigue but who knows? You would think there would be some

> clues to this sleep apnea thing. Wouldn't you think at least the person you

> sleep with might pick up on it if that is what it is? Brett

> Re: So what is too low?



> > Just left the endocrenologist. Actually it went ok I think. He seemed to

> > know what he was doing. Sugeested no TST as we are going throug fertilty

> > and it can drop sperm count. He said you don't want to raise the level

> > you want to find out the cause so he ordered a bunch of thyroid, cortisol,

> > growth hormone, free tst and PSA test and recommended a brain mri of the

> > pituitary.

> > The odd one was he said he suspects the issue is sleep apnea. He said the

> > most common cause of low testosterone is sleep apnea. I guess that is

> > better than a lifetime of drugs. Still seems like a stretch given

> > myblabs.


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Sleep apnea over time can give you bad Adreanls.



> From: Brett Savage <brshop@...>

> Subject: Re: Re: So what is too low? - - sleep apnea


> Date: Monday, May 24, 2010, 11:41 PM

> Ill be, sleep apnea, that's just what

> my new DO doctor said he thought was

> causing me to be tired and feeling like crap in the

> morning.  I thought it

> was adrenal fatigue but who knows?  You would think

> there would be some

> clues to this sleep apnea thing.  Wouldn't you think

> at least the person you

> sleep with might pick up on it if that is what it

> is?   Brett

> Re: So what is too low?



> > Just left the endocrenologist.  Actually it went

> ok I think.  He seemed to

> > know what he was doing.  Sugeested no TST as we

> are going throug fertilty

> > and it can drop sperm count.  He said you don't

> want to raise the level

> > you want to find out the cause so he ordered a bunch

> of thyroid, cortisol,

> > growth hormone, free tst and PSA test and recommended

> a brain mri of the

> > pituitary.

> > The odd one was he said he suspects the issue is sleep

> apnea.  He said the

> > most common cause of low testosterone is sleep

> apnea.  I guess that is

> > better than a lifetime of drugs.  Still seems

> like a stretch given

> > myblabs.




> ------------------------------------



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Sleep apnea develops slowly over years, so the snoring gets louder and louder,

and the gasping for breath and waking up a thousand times a night becomes common


there is also the possibility she also has it and is too tired to notice.

I have sleep apnea, I sleep with my machine every night. its probably one of

the contributing causes of my low testosterone.

the being tired during the day is one of the hallmark symptoms, or always

feeling drowsy when driving. Driving is actually one of the more dangerous

activities for people with undiagnosed sleep apnea.

On another note, anything sedative like will make it worse, so if you drink any

alchohol or take anything that is muscle relaxant, its time to talk to the

doctor about going off them.

Just before I started my machine 5 years ago, the doctore gave me some anti

anxiety meds, I would take them and sleep 12-14 hours, go to work, come back

home and sleep another 12-14 hours of dangerous, possibly life threatening


There is also the affect it has on your heart over time, it makes the walls

thicker from all of the addrenaline pumping through your body every time you

stop breathing.

Other treatments other than the cpap machine: The cpap is the most reliable,

best treatment available. Its annoying thinking about wearing that stupid thing

for the rest of your life, but it will extend out your life quite a bit.

> > Ill be, sleep apnea, that's just what my new DO doctor said he thought was

> > causing me to be tired and feeling like crap in the morning. I thought it

> > was adrenal fatigue but who knows? You would think there would be some

> > clues to this sleep apnea thing. Wouldn't you think at least the person you

> > sleep with might pick up on it if that is what it is?

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