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Re: test results -- after 3 months on T

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Hi Bill,

I can't tell you what to do but I can tell you you did you labs the wrong way.

You need to do your labs in the morning on the day of your next shot not 2 days

after it. When you do a shot your levels will peak in 2 to 3 days and be very


But not 2269 maybe 1500 this labs test is in error I have had this happen to me

so many times I have lost count. Today my Dr. will not change my dose on one

set of labs.

If I were you I would call your Dr. and tell him you just took your T shot when

you did them labs and this is why the levels are so high.

Here is what I have done at Quest labs.

Estradiol sensitive Code #4021

Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable & Total LC/MS/MS Code # 14966X.

I do a 100 mg shot every 3 days and my labs are lucky to be up into the 1000

level doing labs the morning of my next shot.

And to over come your testis not working add some HCG 250 IU's the 2 days each

before your next shot try to do your shots every week.

Go to www.allthingsmale.com and read TRT: A Recipe for success and his HCG





> > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > Subject: Re: Heading to the docs (UK)

> this week and could use

> >some advice please...

> >

> > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > problems related to testosterone?

> >

> > My father has told me of some of his symptom and I

> suspect

> > he may have low test also. His most recent complaint

> was his

> > balance which I haven't heard of being caused by low

> T.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Hey Bill - Phil is right - for a 250 pound man doing one shot a week, to get

2600 ng/dl at the beginning of the shot cycle you would have to be injecting >

200 mg of Depo T. What volume are you shooting and are you using the 200mg/cc

testosterone? If so a 100 mg shot is only 0.5 cc.




> > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > Subject: Re: Heading to the docs (UK)

> this week and could use

> >some advice please...

> >

> > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > problems related to testosterone?

> >

> > My father has told me of some of his symptom and I

> suspect

> > he may have low test also. His most recent complaint

> was his

> > balance which I haven't heard of being caused by low

> T.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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I'm not really sure what it is so I got the perscription package...it reads

Testosterone CYP200 MG/ML...and the instruction is to inject 1cc intramuscularly

every 2 weeks.  I know the " every 2 weeks " is not what is recommended so I was

injecting something less than 1cc every week.  I'm a bit annoid with my doc who

wants me to come back after another 5 months for bloodwork when my test results

were so high the reading would be considered incorrect and that i had taken a

shot 2 days before the test...I wish i could test my levels myself...anyway, i'm

thinking of getting a new doc..

I'm in the dallas / fort worth area so i'm sure theres one on the " good " list

somewhere here.



From: Dan Meatheany <dmeatheany@...>

Sent: Thu, November 11, 2010 4:14:55 PM

Subject: Re: test results -- after 3 months on T


Hey Bill - Phil is right - for a 250 pound man doing one shot a week, to get

2600 ng/dl at the beginning of the shot cycle you would have to be injecting >

200 mg of Depo T. What volume are you shooting and are you using the 200mg/cc

testosterone? If so a 100 mg shot is only 0.5 cc.




> > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > Subject: Re: Heading to the docs (UK)

> this week and could use

> >some advice please...

> >

> > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > problems related to testosterone?

> >

> > My father has told me of some of his symptom and I

> suspect

> > he may have low test also. His most recent complaint

> was his

> > balance which I haven't heard of being caused by low

> T.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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A ml is the same as a cc so doing a 1cc shot of 200mgs/ml your doing a big 200

mgs shot every 2 weeks this is very old. Best to do .5cc this is 100 mgs/wk.

Men just starting on TRT need labs every 8 week until they are leveled off and

feel better.

To find a better Dr. go to the Database Section at the home page in this is a

list of Dr.'s men see here. If you can't find out try reading in the Files

section " Finding a New Male Hormone Dr. " and then try calling some Compounding

Pharmacy's and ask for the names of Dr.'s and there number that order

Testosterone meds from then in your area.



523 Parkway View Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15205

877-788-8908 (ph)

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Monday - Friday (9am - 6pm)

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> >

> > > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > > Subject: Re: Heading to the docs

> (UK)

> > this week and could use

> > >some advice please...

> > >

> > > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > > problems related to testosterone?

> > >

> > > My father has told me of some of his symptom and

> I

> > suspect

> > > he may have low test also. His most recent

> complaint

> > was his

> > > balance which I haven't heard of being caused by

> low

> > T.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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Standard practice these days is to inject 0.5 cc every 7 days which is 100 mg

every 7 days. Some need more but some need less.




> > From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> > Subject: Re: Heading to the docs (UK)

> this week and could use

> >some advice please...

> >

> > Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> > Has anyone here heard of balance

> > problems related to testosterone?

> >

> > My father has told me of some of his symptom and I

> suspect

> > he may have low test also. His most recent complaint

> was his

> > balance which I haven't heard of being caused by low

> T.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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  • 2 weeks later...

more problems..

my test results on 7/16/10, Testosterone, total, males 224 collected at 1pm

my test results on 11/9, Testosterone, total, males 2269 (abn: H).....normal

range 241 - 827 collected at 11 am.

my doctor said to switch my injections to once a month and to come see him in 4

months for another test....I knew this was not the right thing to do...(more

frequent shots, smaller amounts)....I was concerned he didn't want to retest me

because I think the reading was probably wrong.

anyway, I decided to go to a doctor on the list in Fort Worth and I brought all

my test results and my medications i'm taking (liscinopril for High BP), and the

testosterone vile.

he said i should not be taking t...and wants me off it ...ween myself from

it...even though I feel good using it..have lost 30 lbs., have lots of energy,

and feel alive...enjoy morning wood and a greater sex drive...he said my nuts

would shrivil and so would my dick...he said all i need is cialis or

viagra...and to get off the T....

this is without running any tests....he's a urologist and said he doesn't

believe in t replacement because it causes your body to shut down (my body will

stop producing t if I continue to take a shot)...he didn't mention any other

drugs that would counter this...just said get off it and use viagra when you

need it.  i told him i had injured a nut a couple years ago and maybe it wasnt'

producing like it should ...he still said no to the t....now i don't know if i

should get off it...or if i should stay on it...he said i'd be on it for

life...(yeah...like my blood pressure meds of today...??? - why is one good and

one not?)....I mentioned it could also be of benefit to my heart (my dad died of

a heart attach...so any benefit to it would be good)...he said no, it will only

hurt it...

what now??



From: kingsway807 <kingsway807@...>

Sent: Thu, November 11, 2010 2:32:55 PM

Subject: test results -- after 3 months on T

Hey guys...I'm new to this low T thing and I've read the white paper that is

referenced in the emails and it is very enlightning...but has caused me some

worry.  I'm 49 soon to be 50.

I went to the doc about 4 months ago...feeling bla, low sex drive, difficulties

getting arroused....he wanted to do lab work to see how my test. level was...he

said it was below 200 and asked if i wanted to use a testosterone gel or

shot...i thought the shot would be a better choice because I didn't want to

" gel " up and deal with it on a daily basis...not really knowing what i was

getting into. (lesson for others..know what your getting into -- i didn't know

it would be for life).

He wanted me to do 100 mg every 2 weeks...after a month of that and reading up

on it, I decided to change to 75mg every 7 or 8 days...

Anyway, i've been waiting for a followup lab work test to see what's going on

and since i' never looked at the original labs...just took from the doc. what i

needed...the t worked..i have great energy, get morning wood (and it had been a

while)...and jerk off or have sex daily now...I do think my nuts are a bit

smaller than they were but my dick looks bigger (maybe it's just my

imagination)...anyway, I've also gone from 277 lbs to 247 lbs in the past 3

months...combination of weight watchers, more energy, and excersize...I'm built

real solid and now my belly is flat (i look and feel 10 years younger)....

Anyway, i got the lab work back (and asked for the actual results to send to the

group)...i had asked if he requested the estrodial levels or the free T levels

and the nurse said he only needed the full T level and a Panel (?)..not knowing

what that was i went along with it....

Here are my results:

lab work was done 2 days after my injection of T.

glucose 94

Potassioum 4.8

sodium 139

chloride 104

CO2 33

Calcium 9.2

urea nitrogen 12

creatinine 1.2

bun/creatinine ratio 10

total protein 7

albumin 3.8

globulin 3.2

a/g ratio 1.2

total bilirubin 1.5 (abnor: H)

Alkaline phosphatase 38.0 (abnor: H)

AST/sgot 33


PSA 0.28

Testosterone, total, males 2269 (abn: H).....normal range 241 - 827

he said to take the 100mg shot once a month insead of every 2 weeks...I asked if

I could do 25 every week so i don't peak and valley...he will get back to me on

that (via the nurse).

He wants to see me in May for more blood work.....

what do you all think...i wish i knew what my original t was...but this is now

super high ...should i be worried?...i know I can't just stop using it...





From: philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>

Sent: Thu, November 11, 2010 1:56:03 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Heading to the docs (UK) this week and could use

some advice please...


It's hard to say low T means weak muscles and this can mess with ones balance.



> From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> Subject: Re: Heading to the docs (UK) this week and could use

>some advice please...


> Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> Has anyone here heard of balance

> problems related to testosterone?


> My father has told me of some of his symptom and I suspect

> he may have low test also. His most recent complaint was his

> balance which I haven't heard of being caused by low T.




> ------------------------------------



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Hey Bill,

If you're in the DFW metroplex, I live in Arlington. I have a doctor in Wichita

Falls that is treating me for deficient T. He uses the SottoPelle Testosterone

pellets. I've had one implant of pellets and has changed my life. He isn't an

insurance provider but the cost is comparable with monthly T treatment. His name

is Dr. Blaine Purcell. Website is www.ibhrt.com. He is my cousin also but I

would definitely recommend an opinion from him. He is up on how low testosterone

should be treated. I am still seeing an Endo in Dallas for other deficiencies

but he wasn't giving me enough testosterone. Dr. Purcell is also knowledgeable

on HCG and Thyroid also. Purcell is the only doctor I've seen in 20 years that

suggested testing my Estradiol level.

Hope this helps.

Hank Pace

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This uro is doing you a disservice with his half-truths. It seems like he has

underlying prostate concerns (regardless of your PSA or actual prostate health)

or perhaps suspects T worsening your blood pressure and is using lesser

rationales to try to discourage you from using T. Besides that, a blanket

statement that testosterone is bad for your heart is simply false. The only

studies which suggest testosterone is bad for the heart (rather than simply

comparing life expectancy of males and females then blaming testosterone for the

difference) have looked at testosterone ( & perhaps other drugs in conjunction)

being used in athletes at supraphysiological levels- more than you would get

through your doctor. (Again, that's assuming the athletes used testosterone,

when many of them purchased products on the black market labeled as

testosterone, the ever reliable bastion of quality control.) High

estradiol/estrogen poses a risk of heart attack and stroke, and low testosterone

is among the factors that worsens heart health (potentially through decreased

red blood cell production/anemia, greater propensity toward obesity, & other


Can you get hard ( & keep penis size) on Cialis without T? Maybe. But you have

a way better chance of getting hard with both Cialis *and T* as recent studies

have shown the combo is better than Cialis alone. But why resort to Cialis

instead when T is working? Ask a Male to Female pre-op transwoman if taking

androgen blockers and cialis is enough. Many will tell you they can't get as

frequent erections, & erections are softer and smaller. If your testicles

haven't shrunken from going on T, they may after withdrawing from it. There are

medications like hCG which both maintain testicular testosterone production and

testicular size (whether or not you're on testosterone itself), but with a

damaged testicle, hCG and related drugs may not work well. Would the uro you

visited even bother to check for testicular function? With such a low

testosterone result prior to replacement therapy, it's possible you may have

only had one testicle working, and it may not have been working particularly

well. Without further testing, no one could know.

It's true that taking testosterone replacement usually decreases natural

testosterone production (though I've read of some strange exceptions), but what

is the relevance of this point? You're making significant improvement, and the

lab result from a 100 mg/dL shot is suspect, as Dan said. Given the details of

your dosage, the uro should be verifying the precision of this test before

telling you to come off of T. Many lab facilities, including well-known ones

like Quest, have had systematic errors in particular tests like vitamin D

(http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/08/business/08labtest.html) .

An equal if not greater concern is how you may fare mentally/emotionally being

off T cold turkey. Coming off of it suddenly (or gradually without substitution

like hCG)

is like coming off any medication that has psychological effects such as

antidepressants. Many of us can vouch for severe depression prior to initiating

TRT which decreased upon getting stabilized on T. It's a possibility that you

may become very depressed upon discontinuation of T.

I find this uro's recommendation to be reckless. I can't give you medical

advice instead, but I can advise comparing this advice to that which you'd find

in doctors known for good testosterone replacement, like Dr. Crisler and




> more problems..

> my test results on 7/16/10, Testosterone, total, males 224 collected at 1pm

> my test results on 11/9, Testosterone, total, males 2269 (abn: H).....normal

> range 241 - 827 collected at 11 am.


> my doctor said to switch my injections to once a month and to come see him in


> months for another test....I knew this was not the right thing to do...(more

> frequent shots, smaller amounts)....I was concerned he didn't want to retest


> because I think the reading was probably wrong.


> anyway, I decided to go to a doctor on the list in Fort Worth and I brought


> my test results and my medications i'm taking (liscinopril for High BP), and


> testosterone vile.


> he said i should not be taking t...and wants me off it ...ween myself from

> it...even though I feel good using it..have lost 30 lbs., have lots of energy,

> and feel alive...enjoy morning wood and a greater sex drive...he said my nuts

> would shrivil and so would my dick...he said all i need is cialis or

> viagra...and to get off the T....


> this is without running any tests....he's a urologist and said he doesn't

> believe in t replacement because it causes your body to shut down (my body


> stop producing t if I continue to take a shot)...he didn't mention any other

> drugs that would counter this...just said get off it and use viagra when you

> need it.  i told him i had injured a nut a couple years ago and maybe it


> producing like it should ...he still said no to the t....now i don't know if i

> should get off it...or if i should stay on it...he said i'd be on it for

> life...(yeah...like my blood pressure meds of today...??? - why is one good


> one not?)....I mentioned it could also be of benefit to my heart (my dad died


> a heart attach...so any benefit to it would be good)...he said no, it will


> hurt it...


> what now??

> Bill





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