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Advice needed from new member

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I am very happy to have found this group!

First off I am 48 years old,.....6 feet tall, and 186 pounds.

Thought that might help explain my physical condition in terms of being over

weight per se. Maybe 5 pounds around the gut at most.

Anyway,....I noticed a slow change happening about a year ago.

It has gotten progressively worse by the month. Constant fatigue, moodiness, no

libido, morning erections becoming far less frequent, muscle wasting and

soreness. My physical endurance is very low, and I am a contractor that does

physical work. Not good for my business needless to say.

I had my T levels tested a couple of months ago and the total T was shockingly


Total T-209

Free T-65.2 considered normal range

Free T percent-3.12 and considered high

My doctor is going to test Prolactin, FSH, and LH plus is ordering an MRI of my

head. I assume to look for a pituitary tumour.

I have been having headaches, and vision disturbances as well recently.

He has already said I will surely need HRT, and he suggests Testim. No scrip

until my tests are all done though.

Needless to say I have spent the last few days reading as much as I can on this


I am concerned about excess estrogen, and also testicular atrophy which seem to

be side-effects of the T gels.

Any and all guidance would be very much appreciated, as this whole thing is

making me a bit nervous. I have been a quite healthy guy by and large short of

hypertension. Diagnosed at about 41 and been on Cozaar ever since then. I also

have issues with GERD, and take Nexium from time to time but that is about it

for me problem wise.

I feel horrible,.....almost like I am slowly turning into a woman.

My body hair is thinning, and the hair on my head grows very slowly.

My fairly muscular frame is slowly disappearing. I have no energy to work out

after I get home from work, as I feel like all I can do is drag myself into the

house and look forward to going to bed.

I rarely think about sex anymore, and I have always been VERY active until the

last year. My formerly flat chest seems to be building a small amount of fat

underneath like tiny breasts.

Once again, anything that those with experience can do to guide me through this

will be much appreciated.

Sorry for the novel, and thanks.

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