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HCG Diet

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How about " increase nutritional density and reduce carbohydrate " .

Easy diet..



> Shooting myself with hormones and eating 500 calories a day?  No thanks.





> " I already know an awful lot of people and until one of them dies I couldn't

possibly meet anyone else. " -  Reggie Lampert






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  • 6 months later...

It depends on how much you are eating (some people don't eat the full allotment of veggies for example, because no specific quantity is given), how much hCG you are taking and whether it is true, physical hunger or recreational eating hunger for a specific food favorite.

Some people find that by "snacking" on their daily foods throughout the day they don't get hungry. So rather than eating all of their lunch at lunch, they may eat half of it then and the rest at 3 PM for example.


From: jamielynn4993 <jamielynn4993@...> Sent: Wed, November 4, 2009 10:08:37 PMSubject: hcg diet

hello I am on day 4 of the vlcd and i am starving!I thought i wasn't susposed to be hungry!someone please help! Did I get bad hcg or what?

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Hello. I'm new to this group. I just saw this post and had the same question.

Today is my first day of the VLCD. I'm doing the homeopathic drops.

What exactly is the full allotment of veggies? Is that something I can snack on

during the day? Am I limited?


> It depends on how much you are eating (some people don't eat the full

allotment of veggies for example, because no specific quantity is given), how

much hCG you are taking and whether it is true, physical hunger or recreational

eating hunger for a specific food favorite.


> Some people find that by " snacking " on their daily foods throughout the day

they don't get hungry.  So rather than eating all of their lunch at lunch, they

may eat half of it then and the rest at 3 PM for example.


> Judith


> ________________________________

> From: jamielynn4993 <jamielynn4993@...>


> Sent: Wed, November 4, 2009 10:08:37 PM

> Subject: hcg diet



> hello I am on day 4 of the vlcd and i am starving!I thought i wasn't susposed

to be hungry!someone please help! Did I get bad hcg or what?


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  • 7 months later...
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So is Dr. Crisler starting to somewhat support this diet? I guess I could see

with your heart maybe it wouldn't be the best.


From: philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>

Sent: Mon, June 28, 2010 9:43:39 AM

Subject: Re: HCG Diet

First thing I need to run this past my heart Dr. All ready Dr. posted to me

he feels with my problmes I sould not go on this diet. He said this just after

I read this.

Here is a link to the forum I joined you need to read this " Dr. Simeon's HCG

Protocol " and this his paper the " Download PDF.

They start with 125 IU's Of HCG every morning the first 3 days you need to eat a

lot of food they call this loading but no starch or sugar. Then when you start

on the 500 cal.'s you have enough in your stores to get your doing so your body

starts to live off your Fat this is not just any kind of fat it's your storage

fat and you don't lose muscle on this your stroge fat will be = to about 2000

Cals so your never hungery.


Here is a copy of my reply.


I hear you and as I am learning about this I am getting the feeling this might

not be healthy for me one part that I read about was this a cut and paste.

I have enough of this all ready.


Muscular Fatigue

Towards the end of a full course, when a good deal of fat has been rapidly lost,

some patients complain that lifting a weight or climbing stairs requires a

greater muscular effort than before. They feel neither breathlessness nor

exhaustion but simply that their muscles have to work harder. This phenomenon,

which disappears soon after the end of the treatment, is caused by the removal

of abnormal fat deposited between, in, and around the muscles. The removal of

this fat makes the muscles too long, and so in order to achieve a certain

skeletal movement - say the bending of an arm - the muscles have to perform

greater contraction than before. Within a short while the muscle adjusts itself

perfectly to the new situation, but under HCG the loss of fat is so rapid that

this adjustment cannot keep up with it. Patients often have to be reassured that

this does not mean that they are " getting weak " . This phenomenon does not occur

in patients who regularly take

vigorous exercise and continue to do so during treatment.



> From: Thornton <brianee93@...>

> Subject: HCG Diet


> Date: Monday, June 28, 2010, 9:33 AM

> Phil--I know you said Dr. Crisler

> might be rethinking the HCG diet. I have heard the dose to

> be anywhere from 100 to 150IU per day. What is the latest on

> the dose? When is the ideal time for this dose? Morning or

> evening?



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Thanks Phil. I downloaded the PDF. I still don't understand how HCG works in

this diet. I will read through this as soon as I can.

I wonder if it would if it would be less pronounced while on TRT? I could see

the normal overweight person who's hormones are in the crapper and you give them

HCG it would perk up their system.


From: philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>

Sent: Mon, June 28, 2010 9:43:39 AM

Subject: Re: HCG Diet

First thing I need to run this past my heart Dr. All ready Dr. posted to me

he feels with my problmes I sould not go on this diet. He said this just after

I read this.

Here is a link to the forum I joined you need to read this " Dr. Simeon's HCG

Protocol " and this his paper the " Download PDF.

They start with 125 IU's Of HCG every morning the first 3 days you need to eat a

lot of food they call this loading but no starch or sugar. Then when you start

on the 500 cal.'s you have enough in your stores to get your doing so your body

starts to live off your Fat this is not just any kind of fat it's your storage

fat and you don't lose muscle on this your stroge fat will be = to about 2000

Cals so your never hungery.


Here is a copy of my reply.


I hear you and as I am learning about this I am getting the feeling this might

not be healthy for me one part that I read about was this a cut and paste.

I have enough of this all ready.


Muscular Fatigue

Towards the end of a full course, when a good deal of fat has been rapidly lost,

some patients complain that lifting a weight or climbing stairs requires a

greater muscular effort than before. They feel neither breathlessness nor

exhaustion but simply that their muscles have to work harder. This phenomenon,

which disappears soon after the end of the treatment, is caused by the removal

of abnormal fat deposited between, in, and around the muscles. The removal of

this fat makes the muscles too long, and so in order to achieve a certain

skeletal movement - say the bending of an arm - the muscles have to perform

greater contraction than before. Within a short while the muscle adjusts itself

perfectly to the new situation, but under HCG the loss of fat is so rapid that

this adjustment cannot keep up with it. Patients often have to be reassured that

this does not mean that they are " getting weak " . This phenomenon does not occur

in patients who regularly take

vigorous exercise and continue to do so during treatment.



> From: Thornton <brianee93@...>

> Subject: HCG Diet


> Date: Monday, June 28, 2010, 9:33 AM

> Phil--I know you said Dr. Crisler

> might be rethinking the HCG diet. I have heard the dose to

> be anywhere from 100 to 150IU per day. What is the latest on

> the dose? When is the ideal time for this dose? Morning or

> evening?



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I called my Heart Dr. this morning about this so I am waiting for a call back.

Dr. is rethinking this diet. I am sure in time he will have some good

input about it.




> > From: Thornton <brianee93@...>

> > Subject: HCG Diet

> >

> > Date: Monday, June 28, 2010, 9:33 AM

> > Phil--I know you said Dr. Crisler

> > might be rethinking the HCG diet. I have heard the

> dose to

> > be anywhere from 100 to 150IU per day. What is the

> latest on

> > the dose? When is the ideal time for this dose?

> Morning or

> > evening?

> >

> >

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No I talked to one of the guys on TRT that lost 80lbs he said he did it in 3

rounds of 40 shots each the you stop for a time and go back on it P4 is when you

hit your goal weight. You will need to stop things like fish oil and

supplements that have starch or sugar in them.

What I was thinking is I might need to cut my T shots down so my T levels don't

go to high. I am Secondary doing HCG everyday my T and E2 levels go up.




> > From: Thornton <brianee93@...>

> > Subject: HCG Diet

> >

> > Date: Monday, June 28, 2010, 9:33 AM

> > Phil--I know you said Dr. Crisler

> > might be rethinking the HCG diet. I have heard the

> dose to

> > be anywhere from 100 to 150IU per day. What is the

> latest on

> > the dose? When is the ideal time for this dose?

> Morning or

> > evening?

> >

> >

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The Phases are used at this forum they are not part of the Dr.'s paper on this

they got the this from a book that Trudeau did later about this diet. In

his book P1 was a detox your did in this forum P1 I is that load part of the

diet you do when you first start on the HCG shots. You eat all you can of good

foods that don't have starchs or sugers in them. Here are some cut and pastes

not in order about them. I hope this helps and here is a link to the site and

you can click on Forums and read my thread.

Starting the HCG Diet I need help?



I don't know anyone on here who did P1. That's Trudeau's thing. He also

named the phases which we use for reference. But there was no P1 in Simeon's

protocol, unless you want to call loading P1.


Phil, the only people who don't do loading are those that are cycling or have

taken an " Unforeseen Interruptions of Treatment " per P & I. If you don't load, you

will be very, very hungry. I would advise against skipping loading.


I agree with J Beanie completely. My first round I assumed loading meant eating

like I always eat cuz obviously I eat too much and that's why I'm fat, right? So

I just ate normal like I always do.

I almost died!!!! By the end of the first week I thought something was really

wrong with me. I ended up having to cheat with some orange juice and whatnot

just to feel almost normal.

Definitely don't skip loading, just load with lots of good fat and good protein,

not carbs and sugars.


What loading is supposed to do is fill up your normal fat cells full of fat, so

that when you start the 500 calorie diet, the fat you start losing is the

abnormal, excess fat. It will also help to keep you from being hungry the first


So loading is more effective if you try to eat more fat, and less sugar or

carbs. So concentrate on things like butter, oils, fried foods, cheese, fatty

meats, etc.

I loaded with cheesecake without the crust, bacon and eggs, chocolate,

cheeseburgers without the buns, pork roast, veggies with butter.


I'm not sure anyone ever counts how much they eat loading. They just eat til

they can't anymore. Basically as much as you want or until you think you are

gonna puke! Whichever comes first!

Think 3 good fatty meals and maybe a snack or two.


That's why it's called " loading " , you're supposed to drastically overeat. As

much as you can handle.

The weight you gain from those two days will be lost in the first few days of

the 500 cal. diet, and then some.

One good thing about maintenance on this diet, is that you will be doing

multiple rounds in order to reach your goal weight. So you will be doing

multiple P3 and P4's, where you will learn what you can and cannot eat in order

to stay at that weight. If you mess up and gain, you'll do a steak day to lose

it. You'll have plenty of practice by the time you reach your final goal weight.


Everyone is different. But when we hit Phase 3, the phase after the low calorie

part, We amp up our calories as quickly as we can (hard to eat a lot of food

right away after eating so little). It seems the big problems come with eggs,

dairy, and nuts. So it is suggested to add the " iffy " foods one at a time. For

example you might add eggs your first two days, and if you weight doesn't spike,

assume those are ok, then add cheese, etc. It the weight spikes over 2 lbs, you

do a steak day to get it back down. that is nothing all day but water, tea and

coffee, then for dinner the biggest steak you can manage, at least 1.5 lbs and a

raw tomato or apple if you like.

Many people find they have to eat a lot of meats and veggies and good fats the

first week and start introducing the iffy foods closer to the second week. But

again, everyone is different.

It seems we all aim to get 2000 plus calories if we can. This is harder than one

might think when you aren't eating any processed foods or starches or sugars (a

P3 no no).

There are different ideas about what stable is, but at least a week of not

having to do steak days is a good start. Then you move onto P4 when you can add

sugars and starches back in and again, see how you do. Steak days are for life

so if you spike in P4, do a steak day.

In P4 people usually discover they don't have to eat as many calories as they

were in P3, but they aren't restricting.

And, in P3, people absolutely do gain weight back if they they eat too few

calories or not enough protein.

This is because on hcg, your body thinks it is consuming at least 2000 calories

a day, the 500 you are eating plus the 1500+ your body is dumping. So once you

get to P3 if you were consuming less than that 2000 it would suddenly think you

aren't feeding it and start holding onto it. Make sense?

It all makes much more sense once you get into it but it is good to read up and

have the basics so you know how to start P3. People have messed up the first

couple of days of P3 badly enough to have to cycle into another round and try




> From: rickwalia <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: HCG Diet


> Date: Monday, June 28, 2010, 1:57 PM

> Darn my HcG of 100 iu might be too

> low =[... BTW where can i read about the phases??




> ------------------------------------



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  • 1 month later...

I just do the shots myself. They are so easy to do, and don't hurt.

From: mother4luv <mary.medeiros@...> Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 12:17:40 PMSubject: hcg diet

anyone in the group in Toronto? Any doctor available in Toronto to do the shots?

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  • 2 months later...



> Hi Bee,

> Has anyone ever answered your question about " what is the HCG diet? " I would

be curious as to what you think about it. It is about injecting yourself with

pregnant women hormone and eating 500 specific calories per day (NO fat). After

a 30 day period of doing that you eat high fat and no carbs. It changes your

metabolism. For those who follow the rules the weight stays off. The fat melts

off of your body and changes a lot of things for the good. Men usually loose

1lb. per day and women 1/2 lb. The research looks fascinating. You can google

Dr. Simeons OR Pounds and Inches.

+++Hi Debbie,

I don't think it is any good, even if it does help people lose weight, since all

human bodies require the same set of nutrients in order to be healthy, which

means weight eventually normalizes to what it should be.

Taking hormones in any form has a powerful effect on the body, throwing off

hormone, nutrient, etc. balances, and forcing the body into situations that

aren't healthy.

I feel this program is more powerful and better since it follows Nature's Laws

on Health allowing your body to do as it sees fit. God didn't make any stupid

bodies, and Nature gets it right.

All the best, Bee

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was listening to the directory of the diet and weight loss center at

Scripps Medical Center, one of the more prestigious medical centers in

California. He was asked about the HCG diet. His reply is paraphrased as


1. He had been asked to contribute a chapter on the topic in a book, so he

had researched it extensively.

2. It was invented by a guy in the 1890's as a diet program for women. The

inventor's claim was that women could keep their shape while engaging in

extreme dieting by using female hormones.

3. Studies have shown that 40% of people who are injected with HCG or with

saline solution will lose weight successfully. Studies have shown that it

does not matter whether it is a placebo or HCG. The important thing is that

the patient believes that the injection will help them.

4. There is no physiological reason to think that HCG should be of any

benefit to dieters.

5. A starvation diet for most men is around 700-800 calories per day.

Anything below that threshold causes the bodies metabolism to slow down


6. When the diet stops, rapid weigh gain is often seen because the body's

metabolism rate does not ramp back up as fast as people start eating again.

Based on actual studies, one technique that he suggested is using a protein

bar or a protein drink which has a know caloric count in place of meals that

are a problem. So, if you tend to eat too much at lunch, or at dinner, to

try this at those times.

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I have seen numerous people who dieted this way.They all lost significant amts

of weight.They also regained most if not more once they stopped.I have kept 80

lbs off for 23 months eating an extremely low carb, high fat diet with little

regard for caloric intake.I have very little body fat and have become much more

muscular without weight training.Worked very well for me.Something I can

continue forever. Taubes " good calories, bad calories " inspired me.


> I was listening to the directory of the diet and weight loss center at

> Scripps Medical Center, one of the more prestigious medical centers in

> California. He was asked about the HCG diet. His reply is paraphrased as

> follows:


> 1. He had been asked to contribute a chapter on the topic in a book, so he

> had researched it extensively.

> 2. It was invented by a guy in the 1890's as a diet program for women. The

> inventor's claim was that women could keep their shape while engaging in

> extreme dieting by using female hormones.

> 3. Studies have shown that 40% of people who are injected with HCG or with

> saline solution will lose weight successfully. Studies have shown that it

> does not matter whether it is a placebo or HCG. The important thing is that

> the patient believes that the injection will help them.

> 4. There is no physiological reason to think that HCG should be of any

> benefit to dieters.

> 5. A starvation diet for most men is around 700-800 calories per day.

> Anything below that threshold causes the bodies metabolism to slow down

> 10-20%.

> 6. When the diet stops, rapid weigh gain is often seen because the body's

> metabolism rate does not ramp back up as fast as people start eating again.


> Based on actual studies, one technique that he suggested is using a protein

> bar or a protein drink which has a know caloric count in place of meals that

> are a problem. So, if you tend to eat too much at lunch, or at dinner, to

> try this at those times.




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A high fat diet can satisfy your hunger with relatively few calories.

If you weight is stable, it's almost certain that you are not consuming more

calories than you burn.

I have bacon and eggs nearly every morning and that keeps my hunger satisfied

for a long time. No toast, no butter, no potatos.

What do you think of Dr Haub's Twinkie diet?

Reading @cbsnews: Twinkie Diet for Weight Loss: Is Professor Haub on to

Something? - CBSNews: http://bit.ly/bqkiJ6


> I have seen numerous people who dieted this way.They all lost significant amts

of weight.They also regained most if not more once they stopped.I have kept 80

lbs off for 23 months eating an extremely low carb, high fat diet with little

regard for caloric intake.I have very little body fat and have become much more

muscular without weight training.Worked very well for me.Something I can

continue forever. Taubes " good calories, bad calories " inspired me.


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Here is a link to where I read about the HCG Diet.


At Dr. 's forum men on TRT using HCG have tied this diet and find it's


http://www.musclechatroom.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s= & daysprune= & f=2



> From: k0cm <Randy@...>

> Subject: Re: HCG Diet


> Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 6:29 PM

> If you want to explore the HCG diet,

> read the seminal work on the subject:  Dr. A.T.W.

> Simeons " Pounds and Inches " .


> You can Google up an original copy without much

> difficulty.


> It's not as simple as taking some HCG and trying not to

> eat. Lots of folks will give their interpretations of what

> Dr. Simeons wrote, but I recommend you read his own words.


> Randy Hoops




> >

> > CBS news NY, covered the HCG diet the other

> night.  It is interesting to here the Endo discourage

> increasing T through HCG.  The net result of the

> newscast is a likely upswing in HCG sales.  Get your

> HCG for HRT before the diet hysteria comes to another peak!

> >

> > http://wcbstv.com/video/?id=138549@...

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Right it's all about how much you eat.



> From: k0cm <Randy@...>

> Subject: Re: HCG Diet


> Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 9:13 PM

> A high fat diet can satisfy your

> hunger with relatively few calories.


> If you weight is stable, it's almost certain that you are

> not consuming more calories than you burn.


> I have bacon and eggs nearly every morning and that keeps

> my hunger satisfied for a long time.  No toast, no

> butter, no potatos.


> What do you think of Dr Haub's Twinkie diet?


> Reading @cbsnews: Twinkie Diet for Weight Loss: Is

> Professor Haub on to Something? - CBSNews: http://bit.ly/bqkiJ6



> >

> > I have seen numerous people who dieted this way.They

> all lost significant amts of weight.They also regained most

> if not more once they stopped.I have kept 80 lbs off for 23

> months eating an extremely low carb, high fat diet with

> little regard for caloric intake.I have very little body fat

> and have become much more muscular without weight

> training.Worked very well for me.Something I can continue

> forever. Taubes " good calories, bad calories " inspired

> me.

> >





> ------------------------------------



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I read my HCG insert last week. I hadn't noticed before, but now they have a

long disclaimer that says there's no scientific evidence to support the claims

of weight loss through HCG.

I'm rather skeptical about the HCG diet. Good lord, how many " magic diets " have

we seen? I can think of Hoodia, green tea, Chromium, vitamin E, spirulina, some

kind of coral, ephedra, all kinds of thermogenic diets, and I don't think any of

them do much. I even read last week about a chocolate milk diet, I kid you not!

If you want to lose weight, you have to expend more calories than you consume.

Although having your testosterone and thyroid tuned up can make a huge

difference. In a normal, healthy person without hormone deficiencies, eat less

and exercise to lose weight.


> CBS news NY, covered the HCG diet the other night. It is interesting to here

the Endo discourage increasing T through HCG. The net result of the newscast is

a likely upswing in HCG sales. Get your HCG for HRT before the diet hysteria

comes to another peak!


> http://wcbstv.com/video/?id=138549@...


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I diagree that fat a high fat diet is nutrionally poor.Meat has all the needed

vitamins.A nice beefsteak is about 75% Fat and rest protein.


> > >

> > > I have seen numerous people who dieted this way.They all lost significant

> > amts of weight.They also regained most if not more once they stopped.I have

> > kept 80 lbs off for 23 months eating an extremely low carb, high fat diet

> > with little regard for caloric intake.I have very little body fat and have

> > become much more muscular without weight training.Worked very well for

> > me.Something I can continue forever. Taubes " good calories, bad

> > calories " inspired me.

> > >

> >

> >

> >




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If your beef is 75% fat, then you need a new butcher.

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 1:56 PM, phil <phildude43@...> wrote:



> I diagree that fat a high fat diet is nutrionally poor.Meat has all the

> needed vitamins.A nice beefsteak is about 75% Fat and rest protein. Phil




> > > >

> > > > I have seen numerous people who dieted this way.They all lost

> significant

> > > amts of weight.They also regained most if not more once they stopped.I

> have

> > > kept 80 lbs off for 23 months eating an extremely low carb, high fat

> diet

> > > with little regard for caloric intake.I have very little body fat and

> have

> > > become much more muscular without weight training.Worked very well for

> > > me.Something I can continue forever. Taubes " good calories, bad

> > > calories " inspired me.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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Here is a link to the nutritional data for a top sirloin steak

http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/beef-products/3588/2 . It is a very good

site. You can see that a top sirloin is 38% nutritionally complete, and a

good source of protein, scoring 94% for amino acid ratio.

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Spanky <spankysd@...> wrote:

> If your beef is 75% fat, then you need a new butcher.


> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 1:56 PM, phil <phildude43@...> wrote:




>> I diagree that fat a high fat diet is nutrionally poor.Meat has all the

>> needed vitamins.A nice beefsteak is about 75% Fat and rest protein. Phil




>> > > >

>> > > > I have seen numerous people who dieted this way.They all lost

>> significant

>> > > amts of weight.They also regained most if not more once they stopped.I

>> have

>> > > kept 80 lbs off for 23 months eating an extremely low carb, high fat

>> diet

>> > > with little regard for caloric intake.I have very little body fat and

>> have

>> > > become much more muscular without weight training.Worked very well for

>> > > me.Something I can continue forever. Taubes " good calories, bad

>> > > calories " inspired me.

>> > > >

>> > >

>> > >

>> > >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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  • 4 months later...
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thats great about your losses- are you on drops or injections? I tried this a couple diffrent times on drops and thought I was going to starve to death and gave up- this time I'm on shots and litteraly forget to eat and have a hard time eating all my food. So if you are on drops, maybe you want to switch? also drink tons and tons of water :-)

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> So far I'm doing really good. I've lost 9 pounds in just 5 days but I'm about

ready to cheat because I still get hungry after only eating 500 calories. Can I

eat another fruit or maybe a cucumber and still lose weight? Any suggestions to

keep me from being hungry in between meals? Please help, I don't wanna give up!

Let me know if you still lose the weight eating more than 500 calories. I'm

really excited about my weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!


You should not be starving. If you are that hungry your dosage may be off and

will need to be adjusted. You also need to determine if you are having mental or

physical hunger. Are you doing injections, drops or pellets? Once I find out

what you are doing I can help you with your dose.

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I'm on the drops!Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: "grene_iz_69" <hughes.lana@...>Sender: Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2011 13:35:41 -0000< >Reply Subject: Re: hcg diet >> So far I'm doing really good. I've lost 9 pounds in just 5 days but I'm about ready to cheat because I still get hungry after only eating 500 calories. Can I eat another fruit or maybe a cucumber and still lose weight? Any suggestions to keep me from being hungry in between meals? Please help, I don't wanna give up! Let me know if you still lose the weight eating more than 500 calories. I'm really excited about my weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!>You should not be starving. If you are that hungry your dosage may be off and will need to be adjusted. You also need to determine if you are having mental or physical hunger. Are you doing injections, drops or pellets? Once I find out what you are doing I can help you with your dose.

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How many drops are you taking a day? Make sure you don't eat or drink anything

30 mins before and after your drops. How long are you leaving them under your

tongue? Do you feel hungry all day or more so at night? Please don't tell me

you bought them from GNC! There are no HCG in the ones GNC sells. On your

bottle it should have something like 3x, 6x, 12x etc.

> >

> > So far I'm doing really good. I've lost 9 pounds in just 5 days but I'm

about ready to cheat because I still get hungry after only eating 500 calories.

Can I eat another fruit or maybe a cucumber and still lose weight? Any

suggestions to keep me from being hungry in between meals? Please help, I don't

wanna give up! Let me know if you still lose the weight eating more than 500

calories. I'm really excited about my weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!

> >



> You should not be starving. If you are that hungry your dosage may be off and

will need to be adjusted. You also need to determine if you are having mental or

physical hunger. Are you doing injections, drops or pellets? Once I find out

what you are doing I can help you with your dose.


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