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test results -- after 3 months on T

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Hey guys...I'm new to this low T thing and I've read the white paper that is

referenced in the emails and it is very enlightning...but has caused me some

worry.  I'm 49 soon to be 50.

I went to the doc about 4 months ago...feeling bla, low sex drive, difficulties

getting arroused....he wanted to do lab work to see how my test. level was...he

said it was below 200 and asked if i wanted to use a testosterone gel or

shot...i thought the shot would be a better choice because I didn't want to

" gel " up and deal with it on a daily basis...not really knowing what i was

getting into. (lesson for others..know what your getting into -- i didn't know

it would be for life).

He wanted me to do 100 mg every 2 weeks...after a month of that and reading up

on it, I decided to change to 75mg every 7 or 8 days...

Anyway, i've been waiting for a followup lab work test to see what's going on

and since i' never looked at the original labs...just took from the doc. what i

needed...the t worked..i have great energy, get morning wood (and it had been a

while)...and jerk off or have sex daily now...I do think my nuts are a bit

smaller than they were but my dick looks bigger (maybe it's just my

imagination)...anyway, I've also gone from 277 lbs to 247 lbs in the past 3

months...combination of weight watchers, more energy, and excersize...I'm built

real solid and now my belly is flat (i look and feel 10 years younger)....

Anyway, i got the lab work back (and asked for the actual results to send to the

group)...i had asked if he requested the estrodial levels or the free T levels

and the nurse said he only needed the full T level and a Panel (?)..not knowing

what that was i went along with it....

Here are my results:

lab work was done 2 days after my injection of T.

glucose 94

Potassioum 4.8

sodium 139

chloride 104

CO2 33

Calcium 9.2

urea nitrogen 12

creatinine 1.2

bun/creatinine ratio 10

total protein 7

albumin 3.8

globulin 3.2

a/g ratio 1.2

total bilirubin 1.5 (abnor: H)

Alkaline phosphatase 38.0 (abnor: H)

AST/sgot 33


PSA 0.28

Testosterone, total, males 2269 (abn: H).....normal range 241 - 827

he said to take the 100mg shot once a month insead of every 2 weeks...I asked if

I could do 25 every week so i don't peak and valley...he will get back to me on

that (via the nurse).

He wants to see me in May for more blood work.....

what do you all think...i wish i knew what my original t was...but this is now

super high ...should i be worried?...i know I can't just stop using it...





From: philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>

Sent: Thu, November 11, 2010 1:56:03 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Heading to the docs (UK) this week and could use

some advice please...


It's hard to say low T means weak muscles and this can mess with ones balance.



> From: blackers1100 <blackers1100@...>

> Subject: Re: Heading to the docs (UK) this week and could use

>some advice please...


> Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:03 PM

> Has anyone here heard of balance

> problems related to testosterone?


> My father has told me of some of his symptom and I suspect

> he may have low test also. His most recent complaint was his

> balance which I haven't heard of being caused by low T.




> ------------------------------------



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