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Joan thanks for mail... I have a name of a lyme lit doc.... am going to see

my nuero monday.. and if he not going to do anything.. then I will get in

touch with him.

Thanks and feel well


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Hi Bridie,

Yes, I do have heartburn. I've read where acid reflux is a common

symptom of Lyme Disease. Do you have a Lyme-Literate MD? If not, maybe

Kay or someone else could recommend one to you.

Feel Better,

Joan LI NY

1st Known Deer Tick Bites & Sx: '85

1st (Neg): '89

Cont'd Sx, Neg. s & No LD Dx: '90-'99 1st WB: 4+ Specific Bands:


Late Neuro-LD Dx: 6/99

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  • 1 year later...

Heartburn is my main symptom.I can find no rhyme or reason as to cause.

For example, yesterday,had buckwheat pancake with fresh stevia sweetened

applesauce. Veggie & chicken breast stir fry for lunch.Had heartburn

most of day. Last night went to Christmas party, had pizza,shrimp with

red sauce & glass of beer!! No heartburn!! I take Betain

Hydrochloride,with pepsin tabs. & Gastrozyme before meals.I've had upper

GI, & everything checked out normal. No signs of gerd.Lora

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Yeast is afunny thing, but have read that it can give you heart burn,

problem with me is that it doesn't hurt near my hear it goes right through

and practically burns my nipples off ( sorry but true) this only really

started going through my breasts after surgery last year. very strange.

I may get stuck a lot in life, but at least I stick with it:)

Re: heartburn

Heartburn is my main symptom.I can find no rhyme or reason as to cause.

For example, yesterday,had buckwheat pancake with fresh stevia sweetened

applesauce. Veggie & chicken breast stir fry for lunch.Had heartburn

most of day. Last night went to Christmas party, had pizza,shrimp with

red sauce & glass of beer!! No heartburn!! I take Betain

Hydrochloride,with pepsin tabs. & Gastrozyme before meals.I've had upper

GI, & everything checked out normal. No signs of gerd.Lora

Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to


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  • 9 months later...

Hello ,

I've just written to before reading your post. Celiac

and candida are so close. If you have celiac, you're highly

likely to have candida. However, it's not usually the other

way... Fancy you mentioning the two!


> This reminds me yet again of my late mother in law, who

> ate Rolaids like candy and, yes, had an implacable

> cough almost every time she ate. She was once told

> that it was a form of celiac disease, but in any event

> I think candida was the culprit!

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I am writing in regards to 's response to

heartburn. I fing that the heartburn is the worst

after sugar. Also I have seen the talks about gluten

intolerance, celiac, I just got tested a few weeks ago

and am waiting for the results. All I have been able

to eat in the past four months is rice and chicken.

My system is slowly recovering. I don't know what

other foods my body will handle. I'm just thankful

that I'm getting better.


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  • 2 years later...
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Hi, a question about heartburn. My husband has been complaining that

recently he

has heartburn a few times a week. Having never experienced it I don't

know how it

feels, but I would like to be able to tell him why it happens and how

to stop it.

Any advice, thank you

Hi, :

Yes, heartburn is absolutely horrible and painful. First, years ago my

husband had it after 15 treatments of radiation. He had testicular cancer and


safety measures, he was treated in radiation in about 1991. We think that

this caused his heartburn after a few months. I have read since that in his

case, the scaring of the radition causes it. The first time that he had it, he

went to ER thinking that he was having a heart attack. They quickly figured out

that he wasn't and gave him something to drink that very quickly numbed it

and stopped it. He hasn't had it in a long time.

Then when I first started having gallbladder problems, which it dawn on me at

first thinking that it was gallbladder problems, I had heartburn. My first

experience was waking up in the middle of the night in absolute horrible pain.

Finally, after drinking some Gaviscon (sp?), it went away. Later when I

figured out it was GB attacks, I still occasionally had heartburn with those.

All I can say to you is that changing diet helps. I don't know what your

husband eats, but I can tell you that maybe he should study Dr. Cabot's

liver-cleansing diet, which has helped a lot of people. Used to you could find

her at liverdoctor.com unless that's changed. If you need to find her info,

then you can always type in Dr. Cabot, which will pull up her Web sites.

He also needs to be aware that eating late increases his heartburn. Eat

earlier, maybe than 6:00 p.m., take a walk and if he gets hungry, have some


or something. Whatever the case may be, he quickly needs to get control of

this because the stomach acids can damage the esophagus. Also, your stomach

acids are there to protect you from dangerous bacteria. This is why antiacids

are dangerous in the long run. I did find that buying some aloe vera juice and

mix some papaya juice mixed together help this a lot. You can get it at

health food stores. Those enzymes in this stuff help digestion of foods and are

extremely beneficial to everyone.

Another point, please have sympathy for him. It truly is a very painful

condition. You can really feel like you're having a heart attack. It's just


Hope this helps!


One more thing. If he's in the middle of having an attack, get him a raw

carrot and have him walk around and eat that carrot....slowly. That is an old

naturopathic doctor trick. The carrot takes in the high acid. He also needs to

drink plenty of water on daily basis, not guzzling it.

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  • 3 years later...
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> I've always had a little heartburn...not too bad, just need a few

> tums when I lie down at night.

==>You'd be much better off taking 1/4 tsp of baking soda in warm

water instead of Tums.

> Usually going low carb eliminates it. Since starting on Bee's diet

on Monday, I have had heartburn almost constantly....am I to assume

that is a die-off symptom? I had a headache one day and mildly achy

joints, but other than that no die-off to speak of except this pesky

heartburn. But if it is die-off, I will take it!

==>Yes that is die-off Kathleen. Ensure you are improving your

digestion by eating 1-2 tbl. of sauerkraut or kimchi with every meal

and taking digestive enzymes. Heartburn is caused by too little

stomach acid because stomach acid helps keep the valve to the

esophagus closed like it should be. See my candida article for " How

to Improve Digestion " or do a search on my website Digestion.

The best, Bee

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi ,

I don't think the Egg Drink causes heartburn. It is more likely that it causes

die-off since it have 3 antifungals in it. It sounds to me like you might be


I got this information from Bee's website:

" ...many others assume that an upset stomach and heartburn means high stomach

acid, however exactly the opposite is true!

Because of today's standard diet the stomach is not able to produce enough acid!

To see whether your own stomach produces enough acid see Stomach Acid Problems &

Help. "

Here is the link:


Hope that helps!


> Does the egg drink cause heartburn or is this a die-off reaction? I haven't

changed anything in my diet lately except started drinking the egg drink. I'm

wondering if it has too much fat for me and causing heartburn? I did used to get

really bad heartburn though prior to the diet.

> Thanks!



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  • 5 months later...


> Hi Bee,


> Just wondering if suffering heartburn can be a sign of die off or is it just a

sign of continuing overgrowth.


> I have been having some die off recently (feeling massively hungover and my

dry mouth and bowels have been improving but in the last day or so the heartburn

has started again. Could this be die off?

+++Hi Mike. Heartburn can be die-off symptoms since candida interferes with the

production of stomach acid, and heartburn is caused by low stomach acid.

However, you should ensure you are doing everything to Improve Digestion, which

includes taking hydrochloric acid supplements, in this section of my article

(scroll down to How to Increase Stomach Acid Production):


If you have had heartburn in the past your body will be " retracing " each and

every episode according to Hering's Law of Cure, just like it will all previous

symptoms, diseases, illnesses, injuries, :


Don't forget that during retracing your body detoxifies itself too, which

includes drugs, alcohol (drinking), anesthetics, novacaine (used during dental

procedures), toxins in foods, drinks, personal care products, cleaning products,

paint fumes and solvents, and lots of other toxins - so you will feel the

affects of such toxins.

For more information about Healing Reactions, Retracing, etc. see this article:


Hang in there Mike. This too shall pass.

Onward & upward, Bee

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


> Hi,

> My son (16 y.o.) gets heartburn quite a bit. He's been working towards getting

on Bee's diet since June. The lemon electrolyte drink sometimes sets it off (he

thinks) which is odd because he usually gets relief from a little salt in water.

He is doing hcl almost every meal. I get concerned because he sometimes gets

heartburn and we're away from home without any salt water. Maybe something else

would relieve it that I could carry in my purse or he could carry in his pocket.

+++Hi Cassandra,

It is possible your son is one of those people who cannot tolerate lemons, and

the Electrolyte Drink is optional anyway.

Just ensure he gets the right amount of sea salt on his foods, or just add it to

good water for him.

He can take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda mixed well into water to alleviate

heartburn. Or if he can handle it, put a little bit of baking soda on his

tongue washed down by water.


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  • 3 months later...

For the past couple of weeks I have had issues with heartburn. At first, I

thought it might be caused by HCG, but now I realize it is more noticeable on

the days that I inject Testosterone Cypionate. Has anyone else experienced

heartburn as a result of test injections?

Presently, I am taking Pepto Bismo and added calcium to my vitamin regime.

However, nothing seems to help completely. I have noticed that the heartburn

subsides a bit right after eating something. Additionally, I have started

belching a bit.

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I had this and it resulted from an H Pylori infection. Acid reflux can also

be caused by thyroid/adrenal problems and/or inflammation. If you want to

pursue the H Pylori infection, your doctor will have a simple breath test

you can do.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Primemuscle <Primemuscle@...>wrote:



> For the past couple of weeks I have had issues with heartburn. At first, I

> thought it might be caused by HCG, but now I realize it is more noticeable

> on the days that I inject Testosterone Cypionate. Has anyone else

> experienced heartburn as a result of test injections?


> Presently, I am taking Pepto Bismo and added calcium to my vitamin regime.

> However, nothing seems to help completely. I have noticed that the heartburn

> subsides a bit right after eating something. Additionally, I have started

> belching a bit.






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Thanks Mike for the information regarding H Pylori infection and the possibility

of thyroid/adrenal issues. Hopefully, my heartburn is the result of something

simple and will pass soon. I have only recently started having this problem.

Maybe this problem is due more to the fact that I am currently working the

election 2010 campaign for my union. This work schedule has messed with my

normal eating habits which is to eat small amounts and eat often. Additionally,

I have not been able to free up time for the gym which is a big part of my

normal routine. Anyway, November 2nd isn't far off and after the election my

life should get back to normal.



> >

> >

> > For the past couple of weeks I have had issues with heartburn. At first, I

> > thought it might be caused by HCG, but now I realize it is more noticeable

> > on the days that I inject Testosterone Cypionate. Has anyone else

> > experienced heartburn as a result of test injections?

> >

> > Presently, I am taking Pepto Bismo and added calcium to my vitamin regime.

> > However, nothing seems to help completely. I have noticed that the heartburn

> > subsides a bit right after eating something. Additionally, I have started

> > belching a bit.

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Mike




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You could also try getting a good pro biotic supplement from your local

health food store. Also, DGL may be helpful as well. Good luck and I hope

it subsides once election season is over.


On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Primemuscle <Primemuscle@...>wrote:



> Thanks Mike for the information regarding H Pylori infection and the

> possibility of thyroid/adrenal issues. Hopefully, my heartburn is the result

> of something simple and will pass soon. I have only recently started having

> this problem. Maybe this problem is due more to the fact that I am currently

> working the election 2010 campaign for my union. This work schedule has

> messed with my normal eating habits which is to eat small amounts and eat

> often. Additionally, I have not been able to free up time for the gym which

> is a big part of my normal routine. Anyway, November 2nd isn't far off and

> after the election my life should get back to normal.


> Jay





> >

> > >

> > >

> > > For the past couple of weeks I have had issues with heartburn. At

> first, I

> > > thought it might be caused by HCG, but now I realize it is more

> noticeable

> > > on the days that I inject Testosterone Cypionate. Has anyone else

> > > experienced heartburn as a result of test injections?

> > >

> > > Presently, I am taking Pepto Bismo and added calcium to my vitamin

> regime.

> > > However, nothing seems to help completely. I have noticed that the

> heartburn

> > > subsides a bit right after eating something. Additionally, I have

> started

> > > belching a bit.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > Mike

> >

> >

> >

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  • 7 months later...
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-- In , april <aprilmaybemay@...> wrote:


> Hi Bee,

> I'll make some ginger tea right now.

> I was taking Vit C every 2 hours as described in the constipation article.

> I started out with Ascorbic Acid crystals and when that ran out I switched

> to the Natural Factors C with bioflavinoids, rutin and hesperedin.


> I don't feel I can take any C now until the heartburn goes away. Is there a

> possibility it could have been caused by a coffee enema instead? It started

> a little bit after doing a coffee enema (which I discovered was too strong

> for me because I got very wired. next time I'll make it weaker).

+++Hi April,

Your heart burn couldn't possibly be caused by the coffee enema.

Ascorbic acid (crystals) mixed in water can upset the stomach so it is best to

take it with meals. It also be be hard on the teeth, so rinse your mouth well

after drinking it.

Vitamin C tablets or capsules would be easier on the stomach.

Also, if you were ever constipated before in your life, i.e. before starting on

this program, then your body will retrace each and every past episode you had.

You need to do my 9-Day Program, but stay on all liquid and pureed foods for

more than 2 days - follow the instructions for that in the article. Some people

need to stay on all liquid and pureed foods for a long time, i.e. months. You

wouldn't do the coffee enemas for the 9 days you are doing clear water enemas.


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This is my 4th or 5th day on the 9 day program now, I'm having only egg

drink, pureed veg, pureed chicken and pureed beef.

I am taking C capsules now, not crystals, but wouldn't I still take it every

2 hours? Should I take a mouthful of puree or egg drink with each dose?

Wouldn't I keep taking C until it improves?

There has been no change with the constipation at all. I know that I'm

probably retracing from the past, but I have to do something to get my

bowels moving at least a little. There's nothing happening at all and I'm

getting worried about it. Thanks for your help.


On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:




> -- In , april <aprilmaybemay@...> wrote:

> +++Hi April,


> Ascorbic acid (crystals) mixed in water can upset the stomach so it is best

> to take it with meals. It also be be hard on the teeth, so rinse your mouth

> well after drinking it.


> Vitamin C tablets or capsules would be easier on the stomach.


> Also, if you were ever constipated before in your life, i.e. before

> starting on this program, then your body will retrace each and every past

> episode you had.


> You need to do my 9-Day Program, but stay on all liquid and pureed foods

> for more than 2 days - follow the instructions for that in the article. Some

> people need to stay on all liquid and pureed foods for a long time, i.e.

> months. You wouldn't do the coffee enemas for the 9 days you are doing clear

> water enemas.


> Bee






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