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I decided to follow valid advice and switch to pregnenolone from

DHEA; it works marvelously, hopefully without running my

testosterone too high. Jo-Anne is taking 25 mg too to go with her HGH

increaser SomaLife gHP; I'm starting another 10-month SomaLife

program this week.

(Jo has been on SomaLife gHP for more than a year now; the latest

guess on her age was 28 again a couple of days ago (she's 47) and now

we can both outrun our peer group :)

all good,


> > >

> > > > I have tried natural progesterone pills which doc prescribed me

and i

> > > > already got side effect: drowsiness. i have red it could be from


> > > > much of progesterone. I can cut dose to 1/4 to see if it help but


> > > > not i will have to quit.

> > > > In addition to that I worry that it can cause again candida


> > > > One expert write that some women have candida from


> > > > treatment.My doc don`t know about such research. There is

the link:

> > > >

> > > > http://candida-international.blogspot.com/2007/05/interview-


> > > > christine-tomlinson-phd.html<

> > >

> > http://candida-international.blogspot.com/2007/05/interview-with-


> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > I would like to ask if somebiody took progesterone and if it


> > > > your candida symptoms?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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ABSOLUTELY it does. I spent 6 years taking progesterone (in a skin cream)

and could not figure out why I had such Bad Candida and finally had to stop

using the Progesterone.



From: candidiasis [mailto:candidiasis ] On

Behalf Of imsinfo

Sent: February 10, 2009 5:10 PM


Subject: Progesterone

I have tried natural progesterone pills which doc prescribed me and i

already got side effect: drowsiness. i have red it could be from too

much of progesterone. I can cut dose to 1/4 to see if it help but if

not i will have to quit.

In addition to that I worry that it can cause again candida overgrow.

One expert write that some women have candida from progesterone

treatment.My doc don`t know about such research. There is the link:





I would like to ask if somebiody took progesterone and if it increase

your candida symptoms?

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It seems it can make candida worse even in crea. I thought I can

swithch to cream. But the same time I have red that progesterone

deficiency cause craving for sweets and sugar. I hope that it can

help to reduce craving to food in generally too. I am overeating and

my cholesterol and trygiceraides are high not.I was following Bee`s

diet high in fat and now is the result. My doc said I can`t digest

fat properly though I love it especially clarifyed butter.

I started taking Muti Grandular supplement which has a lot of Spleen

and no sugars. I have red in my book that it can help to fight

bacterial infections like candida. It has a little bit of adreanal

tissie too so probably it can help for my low adrenals too.


> ABSOLUTELY it does. I spent 6 years taking progesterone (in a skin


> and could not figure out why I had such Bad Candida and finally

had to stop

> using the Progesterone.


> Bonnie


> _____


> From: candidiasis

[mailto:candidiasis ] On

> Behalf Of imsinfo

> Sent: February 10, 2009 5:10 PM

> candidiasis

> Subject: Progesterone




> I have tried natural progesterone pills which doc prescribed me

and i

> already got side effect: drowsiness. i have red it could be from


> much of progesterone. I can cut dose to 1/4 to see if it help but


> not i will have to quit.

> In addition to that I worry that it can cause again candida


> One expert write that some women have candida from progesterone

> treatment.My doc don`t know about such research. There is the link:


> http://candida-

> <http://candida-international.blogspot.com/2007/05/interview-with->

> international.blogspot.com/2007/05/interview-with-

> christine-tomlinson-phd.html


> I would like to ask if somebiody took progesterone and if it


> your candida symptoms?










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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I feel it's a feminizing hormone as per Dr. and men should not use it.

Unless you want to cry at sad movies and such. If your low and the other

hormones are off like DHEA you can try Pregnenolone Cream it's at the top of the

hormone tree and will convert into other hormones that one needs.


Here is a link from the files section at the home page called " Dr. 's

Steroid Pathway.pdf "


If this link does not work go there and look it up you will see how this works.

Dr. feels there is a lot of crap out on the web about men doing

Progesterone and feels most of his men got gyno on it and high levels of

Estradiol, with hot flash's and such.



> From: Rouse <michael.hugh.rouse@...>

> Subject: Progesterone


> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 5:25 PM

> Hi Group,


> Where does progesterone place in all of this?  Mine is

> pretty low and my doc

> said that she will eventually add this in.  However,

> she did say that it can

> be tricky with men.  So, what do you guys think about

> it for men?


> Thanks,


> --

> Mike




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  • 1 month later...
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I had a battle with high E2, its look likes its under control now. It measured

22 in two recent tests.

But I'm still having problems i.e. libido, ED(i can get erections, but sometimes

they are strong, other times, they are weak.

I also noticed, it takes me longer to re-cooperate after ejaculation.

I also noticed that ejaculation volume has decreased. I used to be like


I never had progestrone tested, is it possible this is high?

I am 26 and was in the best shape of my life (thx to MMA training). I did some

TRT and tried to restart my body with Nolvadex. I felt better after a lil

while, and then I used the TRT cream again for one day. It went down hill from

there (maybe the true effects of what I did to my body are just finally showing

after time).

I am going to see Dr. June 3rd.

After the whole TRT and Nolvadex incident, my Lh went from a baseline of 3.4 to

10.1, and future tests showed it at 6.1, and now from about a month ago 7.1.

I'm not sure what is going on here. I do have some minor atrophy, but all my

tests on T came back high all around 820.

Very confusing, I was thinking maybe after the nolvadex incident and then taking

TRT right after, caused my DHT to go up (I lost hair) and my E2 was high. I

never had progestrone tested. Maybe it still high?

Any thoughts? Thank you.


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