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Too fat?

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Hi Phil

to cut a long story short, i saw a rubbish dr today, in the UK regarding my low

T levels.

latest test result at 9am, 8.3, range 7.5 - 27 I think. Oestradiol last month

was 48, range 50-several hundred.

this dr said all my prboelms were down to being overweight, all of them. he was

very rude and unpleaant.

i am 260lbs. my T is 8.3. when I was at 224lbs, my T was 9.2 . When I was at

203lbs, i still had symptoms of fatigue, low mood, sennsitivity to cold etc,

inability to build muscle. i am age 31, nearly 32.

I have very high LDL and triglyeride levels, triglys about 7.5 i think, normal

was <1.5 , fasting blood sugar was ok, 5.0, range <6.0

Phil, what do you think is going onhere? do you think Low T is causing myh being

too fat, or the low T is causing problems? In my late teens early 20s i went

impotent for 2 years, couldn't do a thing, no morning wood i think you call it

there, nothing, took 2 yrs to recover.

this dr would not give me anything to help at first, he would not give

metformin, tho i gather this can help with metabolic syndrome which he said i

had. he kept going on about orlistat, i do not want that rubbish.

he just kept saying lose weight. i said how hard it is to exercise, do

anything, i am weak i said. he then decided to offer a 3 month of T treatment

to boost me he said, 3x monthly injections.

i have been told that if i take T now it will turn into estragen. is this right?

in which case I have no hope really do i?

Phil please can you offer some advice or thoughts on this, what is happening

here, is this man talking bs? should i take something like DIM now and see if

that helps? I had symptoms even when i slim. when i went impotent in my 20s i

was about 155lbs, how can this be weight related unless the Low T's been there

ages and is now causing this?

Please help i am very depressed and despndent about this i don't know what to do

or think now.

thank you


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