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Advice for a Newbie?

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Hi everyone,

I just joined the group and have been enjoying reading your posts.

I am brand new to TRT--I just started 3 days ago after a diagnosis of

hypogonadism. I believe it is not " primary, " as my LH levels were low normal.

I was wondering whether any of you experienced TRT'ers have any advice for a

newbie--things you wish you had known when you first started.

One concern I have right off the bat is testicular atrophy. I think I already

notice my testicles shrinking, which I'm finding a little distressing. Can

anything be done at this early stage?

Thanks to all,


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Hi CH and Welcome,

I tell all men make dam sure you know why your Testosterone levels are low

before going on TRT. Once you start it's dam hard to figure out what did this.

If you feel your not Primary with a lower level of LH you first needed to test

your Estradiol E2 levels with this. Your brain sees high levels of E2 as

Testosterone E2 is made from Testosterone and it can't tell the diff.

So if a man has low T with a lower LH and FSH and Higher E2 level it's the high

E2 doing this. The Pituitary in your brain sees E2 as higher levels of

Testosterone and slows down sending the LH and FSH messages to your Testis and

your Testosterone levels will fall and your Testis will stop working and get


You did not say what kind of TRT you started on but if I were you and you don't

know what is the cause of this I would stop until you can figure this out.

Men with a low T level and lower levels of LH and FSH and having a good E2

levels say less then 30 best at 20 pg/ml. Need to have an MRI on there

Pituitary to rule out a tumor it's rare to be cancer.

If men have low T with with good E2 and very high levels of LH and FSH then it

means they are Primary and need to see a Uro to look at why there testis are not


I am going to give you a few links about low T to read you need to learn about

this so when you see your Dr. your up on this and you will know if he is any

good at this. The big problem we men have is a good Dr.

Also we have a links and files section at the home page on the left it's full of

good info go there and read up on this.

Also go to Dr. 's site and read it read TRT: A Recipe for Success in this

are labs you needed and why also read the HCG Update adding this to your TRT

will get your testis working HCG acts like the LH message. He also has a FAQ's

read it it's dam good he puts this out there free for you and your Dr.


I feel he is one of the best male hormone Dr.'s there is.

Going on TRT you need to get your Total T levels up into the upper 1/3 of your

labs range the go by how you feel. Also test your E2 levels and keep them down

to about 20 pg/ml. I gage this by my night time and morning wood that we get

from rem sleep if you don't have them it can mean your E2 is to low or to high.



In this link it's about older men but I see this happen to younger men.


This is what most of us use to keep E2 levels down.


Get your sperm tested if its good have some frozen for a back up if you want

kids later on.

We are here to help so if you need to know anything just ask.



> From: cylonhippy <cylonhippy@...>

> Subject: Advice for a Newbie?


> Date: Sunday, October 3, 2010, 7:31 PM

> Hi everyone,


> I just joined the group and have been enjoying reading your

> posts.


> I am brand new to TRT--I just started 3 days ago after a

> diagnosis of hypogonadism.  I believe it is not

> " primary, " as my LH levels were low normal.


> I was wondering whether any of you experienced TRT'ers have

> any advice for a newbie--things you wish you had  known

> when you first started.


> One concern I have right off the bat is testicular

> atrophy.  I think I already notice my testicles

> shrinking, which I'm finding a little distressing.  Can

> anything be done at this early stage?


> Thanks to all,

> CH




> ------------------------------------



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A question on your statment:

" " Men with a low T level and lower levels of LH and FSH and having a good E2

levels say less then 30 best at 20 pg/ml. Need to have an MRI on there Pituitary

to rule out a tumor it's rare to be cancer. " "

When My T, LH,FSH were low my Endo ordered a Pituitary MRI to rule out tumor but

he did not check my E2 levels. I think he should have checked my E2. But why

would E2 go up ... like what reasons ?

This low T started after 5 months of starting on Synthroid. do you think I can

go back and check ? I am planning on seeing Dr. or atleast having my Doc

talk to Dr. and see what's wrong.




> > From: cylonhippy <cylonhippy@...>

> > Subject: Advice for a Newbie?

> >

> > Date: Sunday, October 3, 2010, 7:31 PM

> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > I just joined the group and have been enjoying reading your

> > posts.

> >

> > I am brand new to TRT--I just started 3 days ago after a

> > diagnosis of hypogonadism.  I believe it is not

> > " primary, " as my LH levels were low normal.

> >

> > I was wondering whether any of you experienced TRT'ers have

> > any advice for a newbie--things you wish you had  known

> > when you first started.

> >

> > One concern I have right off the bat is testicular

> > atrophy.  I think I already notice my testicles

> > shrinking, which I'm finding a little distressing.  Can

> > anything be done at this early stage?

> >

> > Thanks to all,

> > CH

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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