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Re: My T levels crashed on Androgel

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First I have never seen it stop working this fast are you putting it on after a

shower when your dry. You put half he dose on one side then the other half on

the other side. Putting it on your upper arms and shoulders and down your back

as far as you can reach don't rub it in spread it around and let is dry from

wet. When you do labs do a shower get our blood taken first the go home and put

the gel on. If you can't do this put the gel on but keep it away from the stop

you have the blood taken from and do lab after the gel is on 6 hrs.

Do you have a Thyroid Problem men with this problem have a thicker skin and the

gel would not have worked good at all. I would call the Dr. tell him you feel

so bad you can't get to work this will wake him up but he is an Endo and they

are not good at this yours sounds like he is good just the waiting and your

suffering so make it sound worse then it is and Check your Estradiol levels

sounds to me like they are high men with low T can still get it up for sex but

is Estradiol is high they get ED big time.

Tell him you want to do shot at 100 mgs per week to start and you want him to

show you how to do your own shots. Go to Dr. 's site www.allthingsmale.com

and read TRT: A Recipe for Success and his HCG update printt his out and give it

to your Dr. Tell him Dr. sees more men from all over the world for this

problem and he puts this out there on his site free for you and your Dr.



> From: generalusgrant <generalusgrant@...>

> Subject: My T levels crashed on Androgel


> Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 3:57 PM

> I was diagnosed with low T. last

> April. I was prescribed Androgel because my testosterone was

> measured at 317. At that low level, I had virtually no

> libido, ambition, drive or aggresion. Initially the Androgel

> worked fabulously well for me. On 8 pumps a day my levels

> got up to 1,000, and then lowered to between 770-830. It was

> obviously absorbing well and I felt better than I had in

> years!


> By October my levels were down to 475. I started to feel

> less well, but not terrible. My endocronologist said he

> wanted me between 550-600 and to 'wait and see.'


> The last two months I have felt absolutely dreadful. I nap

> during my lunch hour, I drag around, my anxiety level is

> horrible and my libido is so non-existent I can't even

> maintain an erection when receiving oral sex, which is

> embarassing for both myself and my wife (she feels

> undesirable). All this time, I am still on 8 swipes a day.


> Last week I had another blood test. I knew I was low again

> because of all the old symptoms returned. I was shocked when

> my level was 114!!!


> The endocronologist had the nerve to say, " Let's wait 2

> more weeks for another blood test to confirm this low

> level. " All the while I feel like absolute garbage. I know

> he'll want to put me on Testim, but I cannot stand the smell

> of that, nor can my wife. He's already told me my HMO while

> only give t. shots as " a last resort. "


> I can't continue to live like this... sexless, feeling like

> a neuter and riddled with anxiety and depression. Any

> suggestions on what I should say to demand my right to get

> t. shots? Thanks in advance.




> ------------------------------------



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Phil, I put on the gel exactly as you describe, in the places you mentioned...

upper back, flanks and upper arms. I am completely dry and wait to put my shirt

on for 5 minutes even though Androgel dries quite quickly, as you probably know.

The problem isn't with where I'm putting the gel, it's just that it stopped

absorbing... I don't know why. No, I have no thyroid problems.

You have never heard of Androgel stopping working after 7 months? Boy, it has

with me.

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Yes I thought you just started on it my head in not where I need it my son in

law is in the hosp. and we don't know yet what is wrong. It looks like middle

ear or a stroke he can't touch his left finger to his nose but he can with the

right hand. He bent over to tie his shoes this morning and passed out.

Yes we have men that is just stops working it is not getting though there skin

you can try your thighs and see if this works. But you need shots.



> From: generalusgrant <generalusgrant@...>

> Subject: Re: My T levels crashed on Androgel


> Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 5:17 PM

> Phil, I put on the gel exactly as you

> describe, in the places you mentioned... upper back, flanks

> and upper arms. I am completely dry and wait to put my shirt

> on for 5 minutes even though Androgel dries quite quickly,

> as you probably know. The problem isn't with where I'm

> putting the gel, it's just that it stopped absorbing... I

> don't know why. No, I have no thyroid problems.


> You have never heard of Androgel stopping working after 7

> months? Boy, it has with me.




> ------------------------------------



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At least your worked for 7 months. I started using it and after the 3rd day I

started getting depressed and anxious for no reason. Still waiting for doctor to

call me to see if it was androgel or thyroid meds? Must be the gel because I

felt pretty good before I started the gel.


> Phil, I put on the gel exactly as you describe, in the places you mentioned...

upper back, flanks and upper arms. I am completely dry and wait to put my shirt

on for 5 minutes even though Androgel dries quite quickly, as you probably know.

The problem isn't with where I'm putting the gel, it's just that it stopped

absorbing... I don't know why. No, I have no thyroid problems.


> You have never heard of Androgel stopping working after 7 months? Boy, it has

with me.


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Phil, I am so sorry to hear about your son in law..do you know any more this

evening about what may have occurred? My father in law had such an incident last

month and it was a TIA..same situation...warm thoughts being held for you all


> Yes I thought you just started on it my head in not where I need it my son in

law is in the hosp. and we don't know yet what is wrong. It looks like middle

ear or a stroke he can't touch his left finger to his nose but he can with the

right hand. He bent over to tie his shoes this morning and passed out.

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I was fine all day and around 7pm as it became night I started getting

depressed. Can it be my already low t-levels dropping at night or maybe I have

vitamin d deficiency? Really bizarre, cant wait to talk to doctor next week.


> >

> > Phil, I put on the gel exactly as you describe, in the places you

mentioned... upper back, flanks and upper arms. I am completely dry and wait to

put my shirt on for 5 minutes even though Androgel dries quite quickly, as you

probably know. The problem isn't with where I'm putting the gel, it's just that

it stopped absorbing... I don't know why. No, I have no thyroid problems.

> >

> > You have never heard of Androgel stopping working after 7 months? Boy, it

has with me.

> >


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Here is a copy of that I tell men starting on gels.


Yes this happens a lot you start on a low starting dose 5 grams when your brain

sees the testosterone in your blood even just a little it slows down even stops

sending the LH and FSH message to your testis to make the Testosterone you were

making. So lets say your labs for Total T were 350 you add this dose of gel

your brain sees this and you lose the base level you had before the gel.

Now lets say you need more then 5 grams most do so now all your left with is

what the gel is doing so lets say it's doing 200 so you lost 150.

The reason you feel good is your levels go up that 200 the gel is doing in the

first 2 weeks so your levels go up to 550 in theory. The brain sees this and

you fall back.

Why can this happen it might be how your putting on the gel with Androgel you

need to spread it over your upper arms and shoulders and down your back as far

as you can reach this is half of your dose then do the other side. Just spread

it over the area but don't rub it in.

The other thing is it's not getting through your skin good so you need more. If

you have a thyroid problem your skin will become thicker and gels and creams

don't get through the skin and you need to switch to shots.

I tell men when they go on Gels to retest in 2 weeks because you can end up

feeling worse. Most me just need more gel. Dr.'s that tell men to go on 5

grams of gel and come back in 8 to 12 weeks for labs don't know much about the

use of gels. Dr.'s that treat a lot of men for low T on gels see this happen

and test them again in 2 weeks.

Call your Dr. and tell him this and that your not feeling good you were but fell




> From: andrenym007 <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: My T levels crashed on Androgel


> Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 6:38 PM

> At least your worked for 7 months. I

> started using it and after the 3rd day I started getting

> depressed and anxious for no reason. Still waiting for

> doctor to call me to see if it was androgel or thyroid meds?

> Must be the gel because I felt pretty good before I started

> the gel.



> >

> > Phil, I put on the gel exactly as you describe, in the

> places you mentioned... upper back, flanks and upper arms. I

> am completely dry and wait to put my shirt on for 5 minutes

> even though Androgel dries quite quickly, as you probably

> know. The problem isn't with where I'm putting the gel, it's

> just that it stopped absorbing... I don't know why. No, I

> have no thyroid problems.

> >

> > You have never heard of Androgel stopping working

> after 7 months? Boy, it has with me.

> >





> ------------------------------------



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My Daughter and her husband ate at a new restaurant a week ago my Daughter to

very sick later that night with it coming out both ends. She was dam sick and

we were kidding her about trying new places to eat.

One of her friends was searching the web yesterday and remembered how sick she

was after eating at this new place. She came across a link about Botulism and

called her at the hosp. and told her she called me and asked me to read about it

and dam if all the things that are wrong with him happen to people with


Here is what he is feeling from this link.


She told the nurse last night and she called the Dr. later they took more blood

but we still don't know for sure yet.

I thought he had a stroke but this so far is ruled out.



When to contact a doctor

U.S. National Library of Medicine

Find this content and more from trusted sources.


Botulism is a rare but serious illness caused by Clostridium botulinum bacteria.

The bacteria may enter the body through wounds, or they may live in improperly

canned or preserved food.


Symptoms usually appear 8 - 36 hours after consuming contaminated food. There is

NO fever with this infection.

In adults, symptoms may include:

Abdominal cramps

Breathing difficulty that may lead to respiratory failure

Difficulty swallowing and speaking

Double vision

Dry mouth


Temporary lack of breathing


Weakness with paralysis (equal on both sides of the body)



> From: mbmom123 <lathe30248@...>

> Subject: Re: My T levels crashed on Androgel


> Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 6:47 PM

> Phil, I am so sorry to hear about

> your son in law..do you know any more this evening about

> what may have occurred? My father in law had such an

> incident last month and it was a TIA..same situation...warm

> thoughts being held for you all --El



> > Yes I thought you just started on it my head in not

> where I need it my son in law is in the hosp. and we don't

> know yet what is wrong.  It looks like middle ear or a

> stroke he can't touch his left finger to his nose but he can

> with the right hand.  He bent over to tie his shoes

> this morning and passed out.





> ------------------------------------



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It sounds like your dose is not getting your levels higher and your brain is

seeing the Testosterone that is getting into your blood and is not telling your

testis to make the Testosterone levels that they were making before you went on

the gel. When this happens you can end up lower then you started. Call your




> From: andrenym007 <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: My T levels crashed on Androgel


> Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 10:59 PM

> I was fine all day and around 7pm as

> it became night I started getting depressed. Can it be my

> already low t-levels dropping at night or maybe I have

> vitamin d deficiency? Really bizarre, cant wait to talk to

> doctor next week. arrrgggghhh



> > >

> > > Phil, I put on the gel exactly as you describe,

> in the places you mentioned... upper back, flanks and upper

> arms. I am completely dry and wait to put my shirt on for 5

> minutes even though Androgel dries quite quickly, as you

> probably know. The problem isn't with where I'm putting the

> gel, it's just that it stopped absorbing... I don't know

> why. No, I have no thyroid problems.

> > >

> > > You have never heard of Androgel stopping working

> after 7 months? Boy, it has with me.

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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with in 24 hours of exposure lugols solution may be able to help knock it out of

her. Lugols in used in expeditions in africa and put drops in water to kill just

about ever known parsite that exists in water. Hope this helps

research it for your self...



> > From: mbmom123 <lathe30248@...>

> > Subject: Re: My T levels crashed on Androgel

> >

> > Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 6:47 PM

> > Phil, I am so sorry to hear about

> > your son in law..do you know any more this evening about

> > what may have occurred? My father in law had such an

> > incident last month and it was a TIA..same situation...warm

> > thoughts being held for you all --El

> >

> >

> > > Yes I thought you just started on it my head in not

> > where I need it my son in law is in the hosp. and we don't

> > know yet what is wrong.  It looks like middle ear or a

> > stroke he can't touch his left finger to his nose but he can

> > with the right hand.  He bent over to tie his shoes

> > this morning and passed out.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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She is fine I hope she was sick one day after eating there her husband is the

one that is dam sick we called EMS yesterday morning they took him to the ER we

think the problem is Botulism. Still not confirmed yet I just pray he did not

have a stroke.



> From: hardasnails1973 <hardasnails1973@...>

> Subject: Re: My T levels crashed on Androgel


> Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 10:03 AM

> with in 24 hours of exposure lugols

> solution may be able to help knock it out of her. Lugols in

> used in expeditions in africa and put drops in water to kill

> just about ever known parsite that exists in water. Hope

> this helps


> research it for your self...

> http://quailwoodherbal.com/Lugol.html



> >

> > > From: mbmom123 <lathe30248@...>

> > > Subject: Re: My T levels crashed

> on Androgel

> > >

> > > Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 6:47 PM

> > > Phil, I am so sorry to hear about

> > > your son in law..do you know any more this

> evening about

> > > what may have occurred? My father in law had such

> an

> > > incident last month and it was a TIA..same

> situation...warm

> > > thoughts being held for you all --El

> > >

> > >

> > > > Yes I thought you just started on it my head

> in not

> > > where I need it my son in law is in the hosp. and

> we don't

> > > know yet what is wrong.  It looks like middle

> ear or a

> > > stroke he can't touch his left finger to his nose

> but he can

> > > with the right hand.  He bent over to tie his

> shoes

> > > this morning and passed out.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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We just found out he had a stroke but they don't know why he is very fit and

healthy. Last night before they left him his motor skills were back to normal

but his speech is off a little.




> > From: hardasnails1973 <hardasnails1973@...>

> > Subject: Re: My T levels crashed on

> Androgel

> >

> > Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 10:03 AM

> > with in 24 hours of exposure lugols

> > solution may be able to help knock it out of her.

> Lugols in

> > used in expeditions in africa and put drops in water

> to kill

> > just about ever known parsite that exists in water.

> Hope

> > this helps

> >

> > research it for your self...

> > http://quailwoodherbal.com/Lugol.html

> >

> >

> > >

> > > > From: mbmom123 <lathe30248@...>

> > > > Subject: Re: My T levels

> crashed

> > on Androgel

> > > >

> > > > Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 6:47 PM

> > > > Phil, I am so sorry to hear about

> > > > your son in law..do you know any more this

> > evening about

> > > > what may have occurred? My father in law had

> such

> > an

> > > > incident last month and it was a TIA..same

> > situation...warm

> > > > thoughts being held for you all --El

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Yes I thought you just started on it my

> head

> > in not

> > > > where I need it my son in law is in the

> hosp. and

> > we don't

> > > > know yet what is wrong.  It looks like

> middle

> > ear or a

> > > > stroke he can't touch his left finger to his

> nose

> > but he can

> > > > with the right hand.  He bent over to tie

> his

> > shoes

> > > > this morning and passed out.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------------------------------

> > > >

> > > >

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Gosh, I am so sorry to hear that; prayers are with you and family; in my father

in laws situation, they put him on Plavix, as they feel a plaque broke off in

his carotid and caused it...El

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It looks like it runs in his mothers side of the family on the men only. They

don't know how this happened so they are still looking. He is much better no

damage and the Dr. said when he gets out of the hosp. he can go right back to

work. THANK YOU GOD and every one that prayed for him.

He has had his share of bad luck been laid off from work he was in skilled

trades. He works for one of the Big 3 and in the Union. I kept telling him to

go to collage and get a degree he did and just started back to work in a new job

and get got it at the same Co. none Union but but much higher pay. He has only

been on the new job 2 months. His boss come to the hosp. to find out how he was

doing 2 hrs after he was admitted. He told my Daughter she should be proud of

him he is one of the best new workers they ever had and his job will be there

waiting for him.

He had this stroke on both sides of the back part of his brain. Yet he is fine




> From: mbmom123 <lathe30248@...>

> Subject: Re: My T levels crashed on Androgel


> Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 3:13 PM

> Gosh, I am so sorry to hear that;

> prayers are with you and family; in my father in laws

> situation, they put him on Plavix, as they feel a plaque

> broke off in his carotid and caused it...El





> ------------------------------------



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Looks like his luck has turned from bad to good! Thank goodness for his return

to health...such a blessing for you all!!! El


> It looks like it runs in his mothers side of the family on the men only. They

don't know how this happened so they are still looking. He is much better no

damage and the Dr. said when he gets out of the hosp. he can go right back to

work. THANK YOU GOD and every one that prayed for him.

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