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Re: hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia

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Hi Dan.

I've had iron deficiency that has responded to iron supplements. I have

Celiac disease, so there's a high chance my gut can't absorb things well,

such as iron. That probably explains why I felt low iron growing up (too bad

iron was never tested). When a person has iron deficiency ruling out a

problem with gluten is a very good idea. My digestion has greatly improved

on a 100% gluten-free diet and I don't have problems absorbing supplements

like before, although I still need to supplement iron.

Hypothyroidism will decrease iron absorption and iron utilisation even just

from lowering bone marrow temperature. It's a vicious cycle as low iron

causes thyroid hormone metabolism to get messed up and then that can worsen

hypothyroidism, which further undermines iron usage and absorption.

What's being tested to check iron status? Do you take iron?


On 14 February 2011 20:46, Dan Meatheany <dmeatheany@...> wrote:



> Has anyone else experienced hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia? I have

> struggled with anemia for 10 years and it is due to low iron. I have low T4

> and low normal TSH and average T3. I wonder if I have a pituitary issue

> which has resulted in both hypogonadism and possibly hypothyroidism. Anybody

> in the same boat or have a suggestion? I have never had a MRI but have not

> had symptoms that suggest a tumor.


> I also struggle with ED even after taking arimidex to control E2 and

> absolutely no sex drive.


> Any advice would be appreciated.


> Arkansas


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Yes I suffer from the when I first got sick 30 yrs ago after a head injury that

we found damaged my Pituitary some 23 yrs later. The first set of labs showed

my Iron very low. The following cut and paste is old but might help you out



First I want to thank the mods here at STTM for telling me to get my Ferritin


My labs I feel have showed a problem with my blood but Dr.'s only look for above

or below normal on labs not trends.

The first lab test on my Ferritin was done on 10/07 it was 18 low with a range

of 20 to 380 ng/mL. I later found out most younger men test between 100 to 170.

We are trying to get me up past 70 I am not there yet.

At this time my Free T3 was 364 range 230 to 420 pg/dL on 4 grains of Armour you

will see this go up as my iron levels come up.

Here is what my blood looked like at the time I tested Ferritin.

Red Blood Cell Count 5.42 range 4.20 to 5.80 Million/uL.

Hemuglobin 14.2 on the low side range 13.2 to 17.1 g/dL.

Hematocrit 44 on the low side range 38.5 to 50%.

MCV 81.1 on the low side range 80 to 100 fL.

MCH 26.2 below normal range 27 to 33 pg.

I allways get a copy of my labs and I called my Dr. and told him how low this is

and asked how do we treat this.

I went on 2 Iron pills one in between the morning meal and lunch and the other 4

hrs after dinner. You need to take Iron pill with some Vit. C. On an empty

stomach about 4 hrs before eating for it to work it's best. Yet some Iron pills

are very hard on the stomach. So my Dr. put me on the following because I

suffered from Heartburn and Reflux.

Ferrous Fumarate 324 mg - 106 mg Elemental Iron so I was doing 212 mgs of

Elemental Iron here is a link to where I got this.

http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp?CATID=100155 & navAction=jump & navCount=\

1 & id=prod1194792

And this is the Vit. C I take with each Iron pill.


I have been on this now 11 months and little by little my Ferritin levels were

coming up very slow as follows.

After 8 weeks testing on 12/07 I went up from 18 to 24 and my above blood count

all went just above normal my Dr. said not to worry this was because on the Iron


He also started testing my Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity levels as


Iron Total 83 range 45 to 170 mcg/dL.

Iron Binding Capacity 391 range 250 to 425 mcg/dL.

% Saturation 21 range 20 to 50% (calc).

My Free T3 364 to 365.

On 02/08 labs for Ferritin come up from 24 to 31 and blood count still above


Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity levels as follows.

Iron Total 89 up from 83 range 45 to 170 mcg/dL.

Iron Binding Capacity 345 down from 391 range 250 to 425 mcg/dL.

% Saturation 26 up from 21 range 20 to 50% (calc).

My Free T3 went up from 365 to 372.

At this time I was having Hyper Thyroid symptoms I know TSH is nothing but mine

show very low .03. I was have very high heart beat sweating and my temps avg

went up to over 99.4. So my Dr. lowered my Armour down from 4 to 3 grains I

later found this was to low. Also at this time my Heartburn and Reflux were

gone and my Breathing and Engery was so much better I was able to come of 3 meds

I was on for this. I never thought I could feel this good again.

On 04/08 labs for Ferritin come up from 31 to 43 and blood count still above


Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity levels as follows.

Iron Total 117 up from 89 range 45 to 170 mcg/dL.

Iron Binding Capacity 334 down from 345 range 250 to 425 mcg/dL.

% Saturation 35 up from 26 range 20 to 50% (calc).

My Free T3 went down from 372 to 309 but I felt fine.

On 06/08 labs for Ferritin come up from 43 to 64 and blood count Just at the top

of normal.

Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity levels as follows.

Iron Total 118 up from 117 range 45 to 170 mcg/dL.

Iron Binding Capacity 354 up from 345 range 250 to 425 mcg/dL.

% Saturation 33 dowm from 35 range 20 to 50% (calc).

My Free T3 has not been done my Dr. has a new lab tech and my labs are not

getting done right.

At this point my Dr. lower me down from 2 Iron pills to one a day I still felt


On 08/08 labs for Ferritin went down and I feel it 52 from 64 and due to new lab

tech no blood count labs.

Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity levels as follows.

Iron Total 105 down from 118 range 45 to 170 mcg/dL.

Iron Binding Capacity 351 down from 354 range 250 to 425 mcg/dL.

% Saturation 39 dowm from 33 range 20 to 50% (calc).

My Free T3 is not done when it rains it pores not that I really need it the lab

tech is not asking for it I think my Dr. Fired the person.

He is do a new test Folate RBC and I am below normal this is not good with

Anemia 212 range >280 ng/mL RBC.

I told him I take a double dose of Folic Acid how can this be. He said I might

need a different kind here is what I am taking.


This is what I need to take.


I am not feel very good I have the Heartburn and Reflux back and feel now like I

am hypo on my Thyroid so my Dr. upped my dose 30mgs of Armour now on 3.5 grains.

And I have a bad upper respiratory infection now going on 3 weeks just finishing

my second set of Antibiotics.

A good friend of mine Hardasnails1973 told me about adding B-12, Folic Acid and

a Multi-Vit to some DMSO and putting an eye dropper full on my forearms. I ran

this past my Dr. telling him in the link the Phd said it helps to bring up Iron

levels he said try it. Here is a link to the site one needs to read the links

below Heath Notes on Anemia, DMSO and Crohn's Disease. Here is a cut and past

on mixing it. When I tried this wow it felt like I took a big B-12 shot. Now I

don't know if this is going to bring up my Iron levels until my next set of labs

the end of this month but I am still on one Iron pill doing this DMSO 2x's a

week after a morning shower. My breathing is much better and I feel much better

and I am still sick with the infection.




I use a two ounce bottle with an eyedropper, add 10mg of vitamin B12 sublingual

(ten 1000 mcg tablets), 9.6 mg of folic acid (twelve 800 mcg tablets) and a

single multivitimin-multimineral tablet and fill it with 99.9% DMSO (leaving a

bubble at the top so it can be mixed when shaken). All ingredients were obtained

from my local health food store. The tablets are mostly binder and take a few

days to fall apart. They don't fully dissolve, but that doesn't seem to matter

in terms of potency. I now use this regularly on approximately a once every

month or two basis. It serves as a reasonable mood elevator for me, and I

believe it contributes significantly to my general health. My interpretation is

I seem to become deficient in vitamin B12 even though I take oral supplements




I also found a better brand of Iron to take that is easy on your stomach and

stronger. I am going to try this here is cut and paste about it from this link.




Product Description

Feosol Carbonyl Iron Supplement is a pure form of Iron, and the No. 1 doctor

recommended iron supplement. Designed to be gentle to your stomach. the

supplement is made up of 45 milligrams of elemental iron per caplet (250 percent

of Daily Value). Most ordinary iron products contain iron salts that can upset

your stomach, but Feosol caplets are different. They contain pure iron micro

particles called carbonyl iron. This advanced formula is specially designed to

be well absorbed by your body and gentle on your stomach. The caplets also comes

in an easy to carry bottle. (Note: The 45 milligrams of Elemental Iron per

Feosol Caplet is the same amount of Elemental Iron as in 225 milligrams of

Ferrous Sulfate USP.)



I am also going to try this for my Heartburn and Reflux, Natural Factors - DGL

Chewable Tablets -Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root Extract - T - 90


I am getting relief using this taking 3 tablets in the middle of each meal.


I do feel I have been Anemic for over 25 yrs from the fist time I got sick and

seen a Dr. he told me after labs I was Anemic after a time on iron pills and not

getting better I was sent to see a Blood Dr. this guy I was told is the best yet

he did not speak good English I had a hard time understanding him. Also he

ordered new labs but did not tell me to stop the Iron pills I was on a week

before doing the labs. So when the labs came back he said I was fine that my

Dr.'s labs were not anygood. I figured this out when my Dr. told me to stop

iron pills 5 to 7 days before doing labs.

The following is a Cut and Paste of what Janie might have put in her new book

" Stop The Thyroid Maddness " .



Though it's most common with women, men are not immune from having low ferritin.

Phil, a thyroid, adrenal and pituitary patient who specializes in men's issues,


I had a lot of problems and couldn't pinpoint what was holding me back. My

testosterone levels on meds were good; my HC meds were working; my thyroid

levels were better; bI didn't get sick anymore in the winter.

Still I went to bed fatigued and got up fatigued. I had a high pulse rate over

110 bpm at rest. I was out of breath just from getting a glass of water.

Sometime, I felt as if I would pass out. I had mucus stuck in my throat just at

the bottom of my neck, and had to hack over and over to get it up so I could


To be honest with you I felt like I had congestive heart failure. Here I am on

Florinef for low aldosterone levels, yet I was holding water so bad that I

needed to take water pills every other day. It made no sense.

Finally, the women on a group I belong to pushed me into testing Ferritin. My

levels come back below normal. I was at 18 and the low end of the range is 29.

After taking 212 mgs. of elemental iron from Ferrous Fumarate 324 mg., my

Ferritin come up to only 24 after taking this for 7 weeks.

Yet my breathing is so much better. I fly up and down stairs without getting

our of breath. I stopped taking meds to help me breathe, as well as a med for

reflux. I have dropped 22 lbs since using iron while being on the Weight

Watchers program, while before, I gained on Weight Watchers. I am now getting

exercise and not housebound. My feelings of depression have lessened, and hell,

my sex life is better. I asked my Dr. why my iron levels are so low, and he

feels it's the hypopituitary problem with so many low hormones.



I Pray I did not bore you all to death with this long post and hope this helps

others. As I do more labs I will add to this.


Here are is a copy of my last set of labs Ferritin is very high normal but we

think it's from being on Preg. and Prog. cream. On these labs I only was taking

one iron pill / day.


Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity.

Iron, Total 118 range 45 – 170 mcg/dL.

Iron, Binding Capacity 326 range 250 – 425 mcg/dL.

% Saturation 36 range 20 – 50 % (calc).

Ferritin 330 range 20 – 380 ng/mL.

Vitamin B12 995 range 200 – 1100 pg/mL.

Folate, Serum > 24.0 ng/mL.



> From: Dan Meatheany <dmeatheany@...>

> Subject: hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia


> Date: Monday, February 14, 2011, 9:46 PM

> Has anyone else experienced

> hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia?  I have

> struggled with anemia for 10 years and it is due to low

> iron. I have low T4 and low normal TSH and average T3. I

> wonder if I have a pituitary issue which has resulted in

> both hypogonadism and possibly hypothyroidism. Anybody in

> the same boat or have a suggestion? I have never had a MRI

> but have not had symptoms that suggest a tumor.


> I also struggle with ED even after taking arimidex to

> control E2 and absolutely no sex drive.


> Any advice would be appreciated.


> Arkansas







> Don't pick lemons.

> See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.

> http://autos./new_cars.html



> ------------------------------------



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My ferritin was 6 so my Dr. started me out on 2 iron pills a day. After 3

months, my ferritin rose to 16. (They would like to get it to >50). I then

backed off to 1 pill a day after 30 days ferritin was 22. Not increasing like it

should. I have had a colonoscopy - negative and 2 stool cards - both negative so

no lower track bleeding. I have been off the iron for 3 weeks and going in for

another sample next week to see if things go down again. My hematocrit and

hemaglobin were both above the limit as was my iron.



> Has anyone else experienced hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia? I have

> struggled with anemia for 10 years and it is due to low iron. I have low T4

> and low normal TSH and average T3. I wonder if I have a pituitary issue

> which has resulted in both hypogonadism and possibly hypothyroidism. Anybody

> in the same boat or have a suggestion? I have never had a MRI but have not

> had symptoms that suggest a tumor.


> I also struggle with ED even after taking arimidex to control E2 and

> absolutely no sex drive.


> Any advice would be appreciated.


> Arkansas


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Thanks Phil - I just think it is strange that I have so many symptoms that could

be associated with the pituitary - probably should get a MRI but I am always low

on the hormones that are affected by the pituitary. I go back in next week for

another round of blood samples for anemia after being off the supplement for a

month. My guess is I will be back on 2 a day for a long time.



> From: Dan Meatheany <dmeatheany@...>

> Subject: hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia


> Date: Monday, February 14, 2011, 9:46 PM

> Has anyone else experienced

> hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia?  I have

> struggled with anemia for 10 years and it is due to low

> iron. I have low T4 and low normal TSH and average T3. I

> wonder if I have a pituitary issue which has resulted in

> both hypogonadism and possibly hypothyroidism. Anybody in

> the same boat or have a suggestion? I have never had a MRI

> but have not had symptoms that suggest a tumor.


> I also struggle with ED even after taking arimidex to

> control E2 and absolutely no sex drive.


> Any advice would be appreciated.


> Arkansas




> __________________________________________________________

> Don't pick lemons.

> See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.

> http://autos./new_cars.html



> ------------------------------------



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My MRI showed nothing but my first Testosterone test was TT and LH both were at

the bottom yet they told me I am Primary.

What showed us I am Secondary is when I added HCG to my Test C shot of 150 mgs /

week. We added 500 IU's of HCG 3x's / wk. And after the 15th shot we did labs

my labs went from 600 to 1200 for TT.

And my 600 was very low at the time the lab we were using there top of the range

was 1592. So this told us my Testis work and made enough T to bring my levels

up to 1200.

Then we did an ACTH Stim. test my cortisol before going on HC meds was at 9

first thing in the morning. Doing the ACTH test after they gave me the shot in

30 min.'s my cortisol levels went up over 3x's my low level of 9. This told us

I am Secondary meaning my Pituitar does not tell my Adrenals to make enough






> > From: Dan Meatheany <dmeatheany@...>

> > Subject: hypogonadism and iron

> deficient anemia

> >

> > Date: Monday, February 14, 2011, 9:46 PM

> > Has anyone else experienced

> > hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia?  I have

> > struggled with anemia for 10 years and it is due to

> low

> > iron. I have low T4 and low normal TSH and average T3.

> I

> > wonder if I have a pituitary issue which has resulted

> in

> > both hypogonadism and possibly hypothyroidism. Anybody

> in

> > the same boat or have a suggestion? I have never had a


> > but have not had symptoms that suggest a tumor.

> >

> > I also struggle with ED even after taking arimidex to

> > control E2 and absolutely no sex drive.

> >

> > Any advice would be appreciated.

> >

> > Arkansas

> >

> >

> >

> >

> __________________________________________________________

> > Don't pick lemons.

> > See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.

> > http://autos./new_cars.html

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Dan, if you're on ferrous sulphate that does not easily absorb at all. It's

a terrible iron supplement and some can't get their levels up unless they

take very high elemental iron doses. Iron bisglycinate works much much

better. Many people report finally getting their iron up on this form when

they couldn't before on ferrous sulphate. You can get it online at places

like iHerb.com or vitacost. Another good iron form is ferrous fumarate if

you happen to find that one instead.

It's been suggested that you get ferritin to at least 80. Some things can

falsely elevate ferritin, so doing the whole iron panel (TIBC/serum

iron/saturation) is good as well.

Dehydration can elevate hematocrit and hemaglobin.


On 15 February 2011 11:59, Dan Meatheany <dmeatheany@...> wrote:



> My ferritin was 6 so my Dr. started me out on 2 iron pills a day. After 3

> months, my ferritin rose to 16. (They would like to get it to >50). I then

> backed off to 1 pill a day after 30 days ferritin was 22. Not increasing

> like it should. I have had a colonoscopy - negative and 2 stool cards - both

> negative so no lower track bleeding. I have been off the iron for 3 weeks

> and going in for another sample next week to see if things go down again. My

> hematocrit and hemaglobin were both above the limit as was my iron.


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FYI: an mri does not always show damage to the pituitary gland.

On Feb 15, 2011 12:02 PM, " philip georgian " <pmgamer18@...> wrote:

My MRI showed nothing but my first Testosterone test was TT and LH both were

at the bottom yet they told me I am Primary.

What showed us I am Secondary is when I added HCG to my Test C shot of 150

mgs / week. We added 500 IU's of HCG 3x's / wk. And after the 15th shot we

did labs my labs went from 600 to 1200 for TT.

And my 600 was very low at the time the lab we were using there top of the

range was 1592. So this told us my Testis work and made enough T to bring my

levels up to 1200.

Then we did an ACTH Stim. test my cortisol before going on HC meds was at 9

first thing in the morning. Doing the ACTH test after they gave me the shot

in 30 min.'s my cortisol levels went up over 3x's my low level of 9. This

told us I am Secondary meaning my Pituitar does not tell my Adrenals to make

enough cortisol.




> From: Dan Meatheany <dmeathean...

> Subject: Re: hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia

> groups (DOT) ..

> Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 1:12 PM

> Thanks Phil - I just think it is

> strange that I have so many symptoms that could be

> associate...

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I would like to take a CT or MRI Scan. Do you think a scan can detect chest

muscle and espougous muscle damage?

Re: hypogonadism and iron deficient anemia

> groups (DOT) ..

> Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 1:12 PM

> Thanks Phil - I just think it is

> strange that I have so many symptoms that could be

> associate...

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