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Re: Question about using Erfa

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No not really you need to start slow and change one thing at a time and each

time you make a change give it 4 weeks. Do you take Cortef HC meds for low

Cortisol levels is so then you will need to start slow and work up on lower

dose's I would try 30 mgs to start hold this for 2 weeks if you feel OK then

fall back add 15 to 30 mgs more up to 90 mgs the you would need to hold this for

8 weeks from now on. Do labs if your Free T3 is very high back off your T3 only

meds don't add more T4 hold 8 weeks test again soon you will see Free T3 coming

down then try more T4 or NTH meds. Val is great at this have her help you with

this most of the people that come to me on T3 only meds went very hyper and

there Dr. took them off it cold and they were starting all over again you don't

what to about it this way. If you have to read this link from my Thyroid forum

on how I started treating my Adrenals and Thyroid in this are links to how to

track this by taking your

temps and going by your avg. temp to tell how your doing.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=24



> From: <cinkourk@...>

> Subject: Question about using Erfa


> Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 4:29 PM

> Phil,


> I have another question to ask you about possibly bringing

> the ERFA back into my system.   If I do

> decide to try to go back on the nautral thyroid, I realize

> it will effect my Testosterone and Estrogen levels but,

> should it bother my Progesterone levels?  I'm curious

> since I find myself once again trying to tweek my doses and

> find the sweet spots for everything at present.  If I

> decide to start on ERFA I will find myself trying to once

> again level all the hormones, right?






> ------------------------------------



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I had adrenal fatigue, panic attacks,weight gain, dry skin, hairloss,

etc.etc....I could go on and on.  I first started with Val's groups almost

three years ago.   I was on HC for a year and a half and recently weaned off

about six months ago.  Last saliva testing for the adrenals looked great.  Val

was very happy for me!  My temps have finally been normal after years and years

of not knowing what was really wrong and also numerous Dr.'s not having a clue

what was wrong with me.  Yes, she has been my saving grace!  Without her I

don't know where I'd be today.  She is amazing! 


> From: <cinkourk@...>

> Subject: Question about using Erfa


> Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 4:29 PM

> Phil,


> I have another question to ask you about possibly bringing

> the ERFA back into my system.   If I do

> decide to try to go back on the nautral thyroid, I realize

> it will effect my Testosterone and Estrogen levels but,

> should it bother my Progesterone levels?  I'm curious

> since I find myself once again trying to tweek my doses and

> find the sweet spots for everything at present.  If I

> decide to start on ERFA I will find myself trying to once

> again level all the hormones, right?






> ------------------------------------



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Yes you said a mouth full she is a great gift from GOD.

I am Hypopituitary and will need all them hormones and Iron pills for life.




> > From: <cinkourk@...>

> > Subject: Question about using Erfa

> >

> > Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 4:29 PM

> > Phil,

> >

> > I have another question to ask you about possibly

> bringing

> > the ERFA back into my system.   If I do

> > decide to try to go back on the nautral thyroid, I

> realize

> > it will effect my Testosterone and Estrogen levels

> but,

> > should it bother my Progesterone levels?  I'm

> curious

> > since I find myself once again trying to tweek my

> doses and

> > find the sweet spots for everything at present.  If

> I

> > decide to start on ERFA I will find myself trying to

> once

> > again level all the hormones, right?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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