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I was recently diagnosed with low Testosterone from my doctor. According to my

test result I am currently at 160 with a 220-800 normal range ng/dl. Not sure if

that is extremely low or what that means.

I am 49 with Type II Diabetes (under control via diet and Metformin at 1500mg a

day), hypothyroidism (under control with Levothroid at .150mg, and have sleep


I am totally new to having the low T level so I have been reading a lot. My doc

told me I needed to have the injection as that would be best for me under the

circumstances of everything else going on with me.

Since I haven't taken my first injection yet (tomorrow), I'm not sure what to

expect. I'm going in to learn how to do it myself and which, I seriously am in

fear of needles so this ought to be fun!

All I know is I feel terrible right now with no energy, etc. etc. so I am hoping

this helps me out. Maybe even have the energy to lose some weight.

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Hi and Welcome,

I tell all men this don't go on TRT until you know for sure why your low. Go to

www.allthingsmale.com Dr. 's site read his FAQ's then read his paper called

TRT: A Recipe for Success in this are labs you needed done and why.

If you start on TRT and there is some thing wrong causing this problem that can

be treated when it's fixed your Testosterone levels might go back up.

For one thing sleep apnea can make your levels go to low you need Rem sleep to

make good hormones when your sleeping.

I was told I have apnea but there is no way I could use the machine at night.

So I lost weight and sleep on my side to keep from sleeping on my side I had my

wife sow a ball in the back of my T shirt so I don't sleep on my back. I also

us noise strips to help me breath.

One thing most Dr.'s not up on TRT or testing for it don't test is for high

Estradiol levels. If they are high your brain sees this as Testosterone and

slows down sending the LH and FSH messages to your Testis and they stop making


Men with higher levels of Estradiol E2 have problems with there sex drive even

get ED, will have sore and hard nipples, feel hot and sweat, look red on there

upper body and face, even have Panic Feelings and it mess's with your Thyroid


So if your Dr. tested your Total Testosterone and your 160 with low LH and FSH I

hope he tested this.

And your Estradiol E2 levels are very high over 30 pg/ml best at 20. You need

to get this down and retest your TT levels can go up some 300 points.

If the above labs were done and your E2 was good at 20 pg/ml then this means you

are Secondary you need an MRI on your Pituitary gland to rule out a tumor it's

rare to be cancer.

Now if your labs for TT are low and they are but your E2 levels are good and

your LH and FSH levels are very high this means your Primary meaning your testis

don't work and you need to be checked out by an Uro for cancer of your testis or

prostate before trying TRT.

Men with low T knowing why they are low and needing to go on TRT find there

Diabetes gets better some stop meds don't need them anymore.

As for your Thyroid I am on the same meds was on Armour. But I add in 5mcgs of

T3 only 2x's a day this helps me feel better. Did you have your Cortisol levels

checked before going on Thyroid meds. A lot of Dr.'s don't know how to test for

this and do it wrong. You need good Cortisol levels to carry the Thyroid

hormones out of your blood into your cells.

Read these links about testing this.



I tell men that need to go on TRT to try gels first Androgel or Testim is your

Health Care Plan will cover the cost. If not do shots I use a small 27g 1ml x

1/2 " lg. needle and shoot into my thigh using this I have dam good levels and

feel no pain.

The oil comes out of the Vial slow so I just pull the plunger all the way down

and hold it to get my dose.

It takes about a min.

In this link it shows you how to do shots and read the info page.


Here is a cut and paste on causes just some of them from this link.



According to the Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab, these are the causes of


chronic/systemic illness




premature aging

testicular trauma


Kleinfelter's syndrome

autoimmune damage

tobacco and alcohol

sleep apnea

excessive heat







In this link it is a study about low T in older men for high levels of E2.





And try to read this link first you will learn about this problem and help you

when you see your Dr. the more you learn the better off you will be.




> From: <ke7ucw@...>

> Subject: New Today


> Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 11:55 PM

> Hello,

> I was recently diagnosed with low Testosterone from my

> doctor. According to my test result I am currently at 160

> with a 220-800 normal range ng/dl. Not sure if that is

> extremely low or what that means.


> I am 49 with Type II Diabetes (under control via diet and

> Metformin at 1500mg a day), hypothyroidism (under control

> with Levothroid at .150mg, and have sleep apnea.


> I am totally new to having the low T level so I have been

> reading a lot. My doc told me I needed to have the injection

> as that would be best for me under the circumstances of

> everything else going on with me.


> Since I haven't taken my first injection yet (tomorrow),

> I'm not sure what to expect. I'm going in to learn how to do

> it myself and which, I seriously am in fear of needles so

> this ought to be fun!


> All I know is I feel terrible right now with no energy,

> etc. etc. so I am hoping this helps me out. Maybe even have

> the energy to lose some weight.






> ------------------------------------



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