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Blood work back, low T, Doc won't do anything

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I guess it's good news bad news. I went in to see the endo because I had a

crazy low test level on Total T (44) and hoped to get some answers. That doc of

course figured there was a testing problem and ordered bunch more and when he

got those back he ordered and MRI (good news), the MRI showed nothing, the

pituitary was fine. No tumors, nothing. So we went over the blood - still

crazy, in my eyes, here goes:

Cortisol: 10.9 - Ref (7.0 - 25.0) One of the few that was ok.

Thyroid/TSH: 0.20 - Ref (.3 - 5.0) Low

T4 Free: 1.0 - Ref (.6 - 1.6) Normal

T3 3.6 - Ref (2.0- 3.5) Slightly elevated

ACTH (Adrenal): 12.1 - Ref (10.0 - 60) Low but in range

GH (Pitutary) : <0.01 - Ref (.01 - .97) Low

Prolactin: 5 Ref (3 - 13) In range

Insul Like Growth Factor: 75 Ref (98 - 261) Doc was concerned on this

FSH: 1.8 Ref (1.0 - 18.0) In range but low

LH: 1.3 Ref (1.8 - 8.6) Low

TESOSTERONE 120 Ref (240 - 950) Very low

Testoterone Bio-A 54 Ref (61 - 213) Low

So that's about it. There were a few other general chemisty items but nothing

too interesting. I am slightly anemic and all the docs every say is well that's

interesting since you are a relatively young male and we expect that in females.

Here's my issue. This doc said that based on the fact that my previous labs

showed low T and these labs three months later again verify it, the doc said I

clearly do have have it will need treatment. But then, he said we should spend

the next couple of months doing sleep studies to fully rule out sleep apnea

before looking at medication. Then if apnea is rulled out he said I should

consider HGC 100 x 3 week. And do that until we clearly are no longer wanting

children then he would add testosterone. Here is the next issue, I said I was

moving in the next 60 days and really can't spend the next 90 days doing sleep

studies before we start. I asked if we could just get started and I would

continue treatment once I move. He refused. He advised that he will write up a

report that the next doctor order a sleep study and take it from there.

So here I sit, you can see my results above. And with that I am on nothing.

The doctor even said that it appears I will be treating for the test of my life.

But he was unwilling to be the one who gets me started. I am so ready to start

feeling better but now I am still months away.

Based on these results, does it look like I will be able to begin a treatment or

am I going to have to go searching for a doctor to treat me? Thanks

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