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I have added a new file and the pathway to the files section. This is called

Testosterone Modulation in Men. This has some good information in it on the use

of various things like HCG and Arimidex. I started this search based on the

paper published by the Endochronolical Society on the test of Arimidex in

elderly men (also in the files section) that basically caused men with low Total

T to increase the T by ~ 56% using 1 mg per day of arimidex only. This also

resulted in a decrease in E2 significantly.

My baseline Total T was a little under 200 ng/dl when I started TRT 6 years ago

- never have determined why. I never have responded to TRT well (low libido and

ED). Wondering if anyone was actually doing this treatment (arimidex only) and

how it worked?

Thanks - Arkansas

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