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Low TSH/T4

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I've been treated for Hypothyroidism for the last year. I am also being treated

for Hypogonadism due to a pituitary adenoma. My endo has been treating me with

synthroid, 88 mcg. I had also requested earlier in the year to start cytomel,

but discontinued it three months ago. I just had blood work done and my TSH is

low (.34) and my T4 is 0.9. My dr is puzzled by this change. The cytomel dropped

my TSH but now that I am off it, it should have gone back up. My dr. is now

thinking I have secondary hypothyroidism, perhaps due to the pituitary

problem. I also have an 8mm nodule on my thyroid. They won't biopsy it until it

is 1cm. I go for a new pituitary MRI in early Feb. I go for a reimage of the

thyroid in April. Does any of this make sense? About 4-5 weeks ago I started

feeling tired again. I am on 150mg T shots a week and the T situation seems to

be well under control. Estradiol is under control with Arimidex. I posted on

the hypothyroid group but haven't gotten a response.


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Hi Joe sorry you posted and we missed it.

I am Hypopituitary and need Testosterone, Cortef HC for low Adrenals, Armour for

Thyroid, Iron for low Ferritin, Florinef for low Aldosterone and Growth Hormone.

Synthroid does not cut it it is a T4 only med and most people with a bad Thyroid

can't convert the T4 into T3 so we use desiccated thyroid I use Armour but now

you can't get it so there is NatureThyroid and Westhyroid but there is a

shortage of them do to the FDA stopping Armour from being made. But you can get

Canada’s “Thyroid†by Erfa here is a link.


One thing I need to tell you that most Dr.'s don't do and it's in the desk

manual you need to check your Cortisol levels if your low your Thyroid meds will

not work good you need Cortisol to carry the Thyroid hormones out of your blood

into your cells so they can convert from T4 into T3 with low levels of Cortisol

the Thyroid hormone builds up in your blood and can make you feel dam sick.

Read this link in it are labs and a FAQ's about Adrenals.


In this link is how I got started treating my Adrenals and Thyroid it's a long

process that needs to be done slow.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=24

And a must read my story and the heart update.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=9239

I say this all the time Endo's are not good Dr.'s for your problem I have seen 7

in the last 27 yrs and not one got it right. My wife see them for 15 yrs. for

her thyroid problem she has Hashimoto's and was on Synthroid never feeling

better. The Endo's would tell her her labs are good this is bull shi* and good

Dr. would go by how you feel not your labs and all they checked was her TSH WTF

is with that.

When I found out after 23 yrs on TRT being told I am Primary that I was

Secondary my New Dr. started treating all my hormones and I got my wife to see

him he put her on Armour and after 15 yrs she now feels great.

Endo's suck all they are good for is low and high sugar Dr.'s think they are the

best on hormones but it's there name that dose this. I hear one bad story after

the other about people seeing Endo's and not doing well.

One Endo told my wife to lose weight how can someone lose weight with there

thyroid is not leveled. She was told she is Depressed and offered her Prozac

this is the carp they do.

When your on Synthroid your T4 is going to be low and your TSH the TSH is low

because your on meds your brain is saying you don't need more because it sees

the T4 in your blood. TSH is the message to tell your Thyroid to make more


I don't let my Dr. test my TSH because it's below the normal level of the range.

I am on Armour and you can't dose ones meds by TSH. You stopped the T3 why.

Here is what I have tested.

Free T4

Free T3

Total T3

Total T4


Total Iron

Iron Binding Capacity

Iron % Saturation



Most people with a Thyroid problem have low levels of Ferritin and need Iron


Here are some good sites to read about Thyroid and how bad Synthroid is for most





http://forums.about.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?nav=messages & webtag=ab-thyroid



> From: noonanjg <jgnoonan@...>

> Subject: Low TSH/T4


> Date: Friday, January 1, 2010, 11:37 AM

> I've been treated for Hypothyroidism

> for the last year. I am also being treated for Hypogonadism

> due to a pituitary adenoma. My endo has been treating me

> with synthroid, 88 mcg. I had also requested earlier in the

> year to start cytomel, but discontinued it three months ago.

> I just had blood work done and my TSH is low (.34) and my T4

> is 0.9. My dr is puzzled by this change. The cytomel dropped

> my TSH but now that I am off it, it should have gone back

> up. My dr. is now thinking I have secondary hypothyroidism,

> perhaps due to the pituitary

> problem. I also have an 8mm nodule on my thyroid. They

> won't biopsy it until it is 1cm. I go for a new pituitary

> MRI in early Feb.  I go for a reimage of the thyroid in

> April. Does any of this make sense? About 4-5 weeks ago I

> started feeling tired again.  I am on 150mg T shots a

> week and the T situation seems to be well under

> control.  Estradiol is under control with Arimidex. I

> posted on the hypothyroid group but haven't gotten a

> response. 


> Joe




> ------------------------------------



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Phil: Thanks for the detailed response. My dr has ordered a 24 hour urine

cortisol and creatinine test for my next round of tests in early February as

well as ACTH, prolactin, the usual T tests (Total, free, CBC, bioavailable and

SHBG), Vitamin D, IGF-1, insulin, TSH, Free T4, the comprehensive metabolic

panel and the lipid panel. She doesn't seem to care at all about T3 or the

other ones you mentioned. I have another MRI for early Feb. If I can't make

any progress after that, I will switch dr. My PCP is useless and would not

follow Dr. 's document. Someone on the board gave me a suggestion for a dr.

but they don't take my plan so I'm kind of stuck. I have an HMO and they're a




> > From: noonanjg <jgnoonan@...>

> > Subject: Low TSH/T4

> >

> > Date: Friday, January 1, 2010, 11:37 AM

> > I've been treated for Hypothyroidism

> > for the last year. I am also being treated for Hypogonadism

> > due to a pituitary adenoma. My endo has been treating me

> > with synthroid, 88 mcg. I had also requested earlier in the

> > year to start cytomel, but discontinued it three months ago.

> > I just had blood work done and my TSH is low (.34) and my T4

> > is 0.9. My dr is puzzled by this change. The cytomel dropped

> > my TSH but now that I am off it, it should have gone back

> > up. My dr. is now thinking I have secondary hypothyroidism,

> > perhaps due to the pituitary

> > problem. I also have an 8mm nodule on my thyroid. They

> > won't biopsy it until it is 1cm. I go for a new pituitary

> > MRI in early Feb.  I go for a reimage of the thyroid in

> > April. Does any of this make sense? About 4-5 weeks ago I

> > started feeling tired again.  I am on 150mg T shots a

> > week and the T situation seems to be well under

> > control.  Estradiol is under control with Arimidex. I

> > posted on the hypothyroid group but haven't gotten a

> > response. 

> >

> > Joe

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Joe a lot of guys don't see Dr.'s that are or take your plain Dr. will not

take any. But the cost of seeing him is low after your first time seeing him.

I know a huge amount of men that see Dr.'s like this it your heath.



> From: noonanjg <jgnoonan@...>

> Subject: Re: Low TSH/T4


> Date: Saturday, January 2, 2010, 2:47 PM

> Phil:  Thanks for the detailed

> response.  My dr has ordered a 24 hour urine cortisol

> and creatinine test for my next round of tests in early

> February as well as ACTH, prolactin, the usual T tests

> (Total, free, CBC, bioavailable and SHBG), Vitamin D, IGF-1,

> insulin, TSH, Free T4, the comprehensive metabolic panel and

> the lipid panel.  She doesn't seem to care at all about

> T3 or the other ones you mentioned.  I have another MRI

> for early Feb.  If I can't make any progress after

> that, I will switch dr.  My PCP is useless and would

> not follow Dr. 's document.  Someone on the board

> gave me a suggestion for a dr. but they don't take my plan

> so I'm kind of stuck.  I have an HMO and they're a



> Joe



> >

> > > From: noonanjg <jgnoonan@...>

> > > Subject: Low TSH/T4

> > >

> > > Date: Friday, January 1, 2010, 11:37 AM

> > > I've been treated for Hypothyroidism

> > > for the last year. I am also being treated for

> Hypogonadism

> > > due to a pituitary adenoma. My endo has been

> treating me

> > > with synthroid, 88 mcg. I had also requested

> earlier in the

> > > year to start cytomel, but discontinued it three

> months ago.

> > > I just had blood work done and my TSH is low

> (.34) and my T4

> > > is 0.9. My dr is puzzled by this change. The

> cytomel dropped

> > > my TSH but now that I am off it, it should have

> gone back

> > > up. My dr. is now thinking I have secondary

> hypothyroidism,

> > > perhaps due to the pituitary

> > > problem. I also have an 8mm nodule on my thyroid.

> They

> > > won't biopsy it until it is 1cm. I go for a new

> pituitary

> > > MRI in early Feb.  I go for a reimage of the

> thyroid in

> > > April. Does any of this make sense? About 4-5

> weeks ago I

> > > started feeling tired again.  I am on 150mg T

> shots a

> > > week and the T situation seems to be well under

> > > control.  Estradiol is under control with

> Arimidex. I

> > > posted on the hypothyroid group but haven't

> gotten a

> > > response. 

> > >

> > > Joe

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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