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In a message dated 8/1/99 6:22:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, cjdevoll@...



I'll let you know. Since I have lupus I am wary of anything which purports

to " stimulate " my immune system as it just exacerbates the lupus.

From another lymie interested in Noni,



I have a question. I have lyme, babs, and echr. When I was first diagnosed

with lyme I tested positive for lupus over and over again. I went to a

rematologists and he said that it was a false positive because my immune

system was soo out of wack. Do you think that's possible. Did you find out

you had lupus before lyme.



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In a message dated 8/1/99 9:40:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Prinny328@...


<< When I was first diagnosed

with lyme I tested positive for lupus over and over again. I went to a

rematologists and he said that it was a false positive because my immune

system was soo out of wack. Do you think that's possible. >>

you know...I would not consider it a false positive...

your immune system is confusing specific organs as the enemy instead of the

bacteria...so if you test positive...it is showing a prescence of antibodies

against a specific site....b

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In a message dated 8/1/1999 9:40:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Prinny328@... writes:

> Cheryl,

> I have a question. I have lyme, babs, and echr. When I was first



> with lyme I tested positive for lupus over and over again. I went to a

> rematologists and he said that it was a false positive because my immune

> system was soo out of wack. Do you think that's possible. Did you find



> you had lupus before lyme.


> Thanks,

> chrisitne

Hello Cheryl:

I also have a question....what tests did you have that made your

LUPUS diagnosis final?? I had been told for years I MAY have

Lupus..(since I was 25...I am almost 43)...but no doctor would commit

themselves to a positive

diagnosis. I had positive ANA's for years. (antinuclear antibodies)

Thanks for info!


NJ Seashore

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  • 1 year later...

Dear Madeline, Thanks for this info as the only thing I am certain about is

that I do have an autoimmune illness which does respond to antibiotics. I

cannot tolerate antibiotics for very long so was glad to read about

" pulsing " . I also learned at my docs office when I called to ask about LYme

that IV antibiotics may be less stressful for my body!!!! I was amazed to

hear this - Canary Alice

- [ ] Lupus

Hi Canary Alice,Lupus has been found to be caused by infection just like

Lyme, CFS, fibromyalgia, Gulf War Sickness, rheumatoid arthritis, and

others. You should be tested for mycoplasma infection and treated with abx.

I gather most lupus and RA people take minocycline as a first choice. You

should go to the Roadback Foundation website--www.roadback.com for info on

this. They have a public bulletin board which is similar to this list but

the format is different. That site is more for the autoimmune diseases than

CFS or Lyme but they use abx and are recovering and that is the similar

part--that all these things are caused by infection and abx is the way to

kill them. You can get info on the site. By the way whoever asked about

words clumping together--my paragraphs always clump together and long

messages are cut off mid-message because I post directly through the site

not by my own email. I do this with all my egroups and they always have

this problem. I have complained to egroups more times and got worthless

replies or none at all. They aren't doing anything to fix it as far as I

can see. The owner of another list I'm on contacted them about it too.


Many thanks to our founder and friend, Marta McCoy, for making what

it is today.

Easy Reference:

Send a blank email message to:

-Subscribeegroups - Subscribe to the list through email

-Unsubscribeegroups - Unsubscribe from the list

-Digestegroups - Switch your subscription to a digest format

-Normalegroups - Switch your subscription to normal

Please send messages not related to Lyme disease to


Archives can be accessed at lyme-aid

Please visit the sister site at


This is the primary chat site for .


voted #1 search engine! http://www.iwon.com why wouldn't you?


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  • 3 months later...

The other day I read an advertisement/article on Lupus and the symptoms.

Joint pain, hair loss, weight loss, etc. It reminded me about when I first

thought that something was wrong with me and how I was diagnosed with lupus.

I had several miscarriages and when tested they said my body was rejecting

the fetus. With this evidence and getting a rash from the sun, a

rheumatologist was certain I had lupus but the followup tests did not

conclude this. In fact, they took a biopsy of skin that had the rash, and

thought it was drug induced (I was on abx for a strep throat the month

before). Reading these symptoms again however made me think, can I have

both? Lyme and Lupus???? This hair loss thing is driving me nuts and I'm

wondering .... any thoughts????


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My lupus test came out positive so my doctor wanted me to see a

rematolgoist... He said that I didn't have lupus and my test was false

positive because the lyme can make your body test positive for other


Good luck,

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--- Reading these symptoms again however made me think, can I have

>both? Lyme and Lupus???? This hair loss thing is driving me nuts and I'm

>wondering .... any thoughts????



They really can be so similar....but my lupus tests are all negative.....and

my hair fell out with Lyme for a while there....it grew back.

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'onsetted by a severe illness'...



In a message dated 12/12/00 8:07:54 AM, Deb_Shea@... writes:

<<My Dad has Lupus and from what I know about Lupus it is a genetic

predisposition to the condition. Onsetted by a sever illness. Is this not

right? Deb


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Hi Irene,

Yes, I feel it is the same disease, steroids will control lots of things,

but unknowlingly he lyme accelerates.

Have you read " Twice an Angel " by Umpress. Her daughter had to be on

high steroids for seizures, but her lyme kept getting worse.

It is a hard read and sad, but truthful. I am sure they can find

somethings that may be truly lupus, but no one does the research and thinks

of lyme so the symptoms are never compared.


Connie MI

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  • 8 years later...
  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Here is the experience of some with lupus


dr berkson always says in the confrences that he sees good results

with lupus.

You can search in you tube low dose naltrexone berkson

I am using the Free version of SPAMfighter.SPAMfighter has removed 219 of my spam emails to date.Do you have a slow PC? Try free scan!

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I take LDN for lupus, but I don't have kidney involvement. It has really helped

with the arthritis, dizzy spells, pain, and other symptoms. I still have some

mild sun sensitivity and have to watch what I eat (I avoid gluten, dairy, and

animal protein), but I can work full time and usually my energy levels are

pretty normal.




> I am about to go on LDN for lupus, kidney involvement. Can anyone with lupus

share the experience?


> Mira


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  • 1 month later...

Some months ago I posted my Son In Law had a small stoke he recovered from it

very fast but has not felt good a lot of fatigue much like we have. Dr.'s

tested him and his hormones his Total T is up in the mid 400's top of Quest

range on that test is in the 800's.

But his labs show he has Lupus we think this has been active for the last 2 yrs

he has a red rash off and on on his face below his eyes and to the sides of his


The Dr. said he has a mild case of it and it was the reason for his stroke.

Anyone here have this problem or know of someone with it.

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I have not seen his labs but I was told his TSH was 1.5 the Dr. tested all his

hormones still I want to see them labs. The Dr. said his Lupus is very mid but

needs to be watched no meds for now.



> From: Barb <baba@...>

> Subject: Re: Lupus


> Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 4:03 PM

> Lupus tends to be autoimmune, and the

> symptoms are similar to being hypothyroid.  I would

> suggest testing all his thyroid hormones and

> antibodies:  TSI, TBII aka TRab, TPO, TGab, and the

> usual Free Ts for thyroid, etc.  If he tests low in

> anything, at least the thyroid part is treatable.  I

> test low positive for ANA antibodies (lupus) but don't show

> any symptoms.  However, I also test positive for all

> the Graves' and Hashi's antibodies and had RAI, so just

> treat for hypo now.


> This site mentioned some interesting triggers like sulfa

> antibiotics and even echinacea.  I once went into

> anaphylactic shock from sulfa antibiotics and had to go to

> the ER.


> http://www.hopkins-arthritis.org/arthritis-info/lupus/


> Best,

> Barb




> >

> > Some months ago I posted my Son In Law had a small

> stoke he recovered from it very fast but has not felt good a

> lot of fatigue much like we have.  Dr.'s tested him and

> his hormones his Total T is up in the mid 400's top of Quest

> range on that test is in the 800's.

> >

> > But his labs show he has Lupus we think this has been

> active for the last 2 yrs he has a red rash off and on on

> his face below his eyes and to the sides of his face.

> >

> > The Dr. said he has a mild case of it and it was the

> reason for his stroke.

> >

> > Anyone here have this problem or know of someone with

> it.

> >





> ------------------------------------



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DH's first labs:

TSH 1.47

FT3 249 (230-420)

Yes, it would be a good idea to see the labs yourself.

> > >

> > > Some months ago I posted my Son In Law had a small

> > stoke he recovered from it very fast but has not felt good a

> > lot of fatigue much like we have.� Dr.'s tested him and

> > his hormones his Total T is up in the mid 400's top of Quest

> > range on that test is in the 800's.

> > >

> > > But his labs show he has Lupus we think this has been

> > active for the last 2 yrs he has a red rash off and on on

> > his face below his eyes and to the sides of his face.

> > >

> > > The Dr. said he has a mild case of it and it was the

> > reason for his stroke.

> > >

> > > Anyone here have this problem or know of someone with

> > it.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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His Total Testosterone is 425 top of range at this Quest lab is 860 something. 

He was talking to his Ant a RN she told him his Testosterone levels are to low

and this might be why he is feeling fatigued.

He has no problems with his night time and morning wood or sex.

His Ant told him to take 50 mgs of DHEA to bring up his Testosterone levels.  I

told him this only works on women in men if you do to much it will make your

Estradiol levels go up.

There are supplements that men have tied to get there Testosterone levels up. 

Do you or anyone know about this and if they work.

I told him about Pregnenolone Cream I just started on this today.


But I am not sure it will bring up his T levels.

Here is a copy of an Email I sent him this morning about supplements that help

bring up Testosterone if you or anyone knows about this or has tried it let me



Hi DHEA in men is a good supplement but dose not bring up Testosterone levels

and if you take to much of it it can bring up your Estrogen or Estradiol E2

levels not good. I would not take more then 25 mgs / day.

Here is a link about supplements that can bring up your levels some.



Natural Testosterone Supplements

The popularity of natural testosterone supplements is mounting high with more

and more men opting for them. These natural supplements are a blend of herbs and

other nutrients that have been used since ages to enhance male sexual functions

and increase testosterone production.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus is one of the rare herbs that can actually increase testosterone

production. This herb is more popularly called the Puncture Vine. It is an

important ingredient in many Chinese and Indian medicines that are formulated to

treat health problem in men. It helps increase the production of the Lutenizing

Hormone (LH) which stimulates the production of testosterone by the testes.

This herb is highly effective in curing sexual or erectile dysfunction and

premature ejaculation in men.

Tongat Ali or Long Jack

This is another herb that is native to Malaysia. It is a highly effective

testosterone booster and is also known as Pasak Bumi. It is a highly effective

sexual stimulant and like Tribulus Terrestris it is also used in a wide range of

herbal medications for curing sexual problems in men.


Zinc is the most crucial trace mineral that is highly important in the

production of testosterone. Lack of zinc leads to low testosterone levels. There

are certain foods that are rich in zinc and can do wonder for your sex drive and


It is zinc that makes oysters a great aphrodisiac or love food. Zinc or zinc

oxide is a crucial ingredient in natural testosterone boosting supplements.

There are many other herbs that are used in a perfect blend in such supplements.

Some of them include panax ginseng, ginkgo biloba, muira pauma etc., These herbs

not only boost testosterone production but also increase blood circulation and

reduce stress. Here it is important to note that stress is a major cause of a

slow down in testosterone production.

Benefits of Natural Testosterone Supplements

Some of the benefits of such supplements can be cited as below:

improved libido and powerful erections

gain in lean muscle

reduced body fat and weight loss

increased energy levels

mood elevation

improved sleep quality

increased mental alertness etc.,

Moreover, such natural supplements do not have any side effects.

However, these natural supplements are not regulated by FDA. Hence, it is

important that you choose one that is manufactured in a cGMP certified or FDA

approved lab.

Find out more on the most popular and highly acclaimed Natural Testosterone

Supplements that are clinically approved, endorsed by reputed doctors and have

helped thousands of men enhance their testosterone levels without any effects

over the past decade.


I don't know much about using supplements but have talked to men that had some

luck using them you need to talk to your Dr. about this print this and show it

to him.

Provacyl in this link looks good.


The big problems with buying supplements is there is a lot of junk sold out


I found this cream at amazon.com

Testosterone Booster (Bio-Identical) Cream Formulated for Men 4 oz. Jar -

Unscented & Paraben-Free


In this link you can read Reviews one thing you don't want to do is take

something that has Testosterone in it if you do it will shut down your brain

from telling your Testis to make it and you will end up on it for life to keep

your levels up.

The supplements listed help your body make more if it's any good.




> From: Barb <baba@...>

> Subject: Re: Lupus


> Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 4:51 PM

> DH's first labs:

> TSH 1.47

> FT3 249 (230-420)


> Yes, it would be a good idea to see the labs yourself.



> > > >

> > > > Some months ago I posted my Son In Law had a

> small

> > > stoke he recovered from it very fast but has not

> felt good a

> > > lot of fatigue much like we have.� Dr.'s

> tested him and

> > > his hormones his Total T is up in the mid 400's

> top of Quest

> > > range on that test is in the 800's.

> > > >

> > > > But his labs show he has Lupus we think this

> has been

> > > active for the last 2 yrs he has a red rash off

> and on on

> > > his face below his eyes and to the sides of his

> face.

> > > >

> > > > The Dr. said he has a mild case of it and it

> was the

> > > reason for his stroke.

> > > >

> > > > Anyone here have this problem or know of

> someone with

> > > it.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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