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Re: HCG/Arimidex mixing/dosage

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First let me say I don't feel the Androgel is working for you 7.5 grams and your

levels are only 290 you need your levels above 600. You can try doing 10 grams.

If I were you would talk to your Dr. about doing shots ask him to show you how

to do them your self shooting into your thigh. Start with a 100 mgs per week.

Now for mixing your HCG only put 2 mls of water into the vial this will give you

1000 IU's / ml to do a 250 IU's shot you need to draw out .25 mls of the mix.

When you mix it put the water in slow so it dose not foam and swirl it don't

shake it. Then keep this in the fridge. Do this every 3 days on gels if you

switch to shots do this the 2 days each just before your next shot of T.



> From: Wharff <robertwharff@...>

> Subject: HCG/Arimidex mixing/dosage


> Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 5:53 PM

> A little background.I'm 44 years old.

> I'm currently using Androgel, 6 pumps

> (7.5 grams).  My last blood test was total T of 290.

> I've been on Androgel

> for a little over a year.  I started at 4 pumps (5

> grams) total T went from

> 80 to 90 (all morning blood tests).  I went to 6

> pumps, and it went up to

> 290, with a late afternoon blood test. 




> I received some 2000iu HCG and plan to mix it with 8ml of

> bac water to get a

> solution that is 250iu/ml.  Please let me know if I

> have that mixing

> correct.  I'm going to start with a 250iu/ml dose

> every 3 days.  I also have

> some Arimidex that I intend to add when I get my estradiol

> test results in

> about 3 weeks.  While I have the symptoms of high

> estradiol (anxiety, sore

> nipples, difficulty having an orgasm) I just had the blood

> test to confirm.

> Should I start taking the Arimidex now (1/4 mg every 3

> days), or wait for

> the blood test to confirm?  Also, should I do the HCG

> and Arimidex on the

> same day or different days?




> Thanks for your input,




> .





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Why is it so important for the HCG to not foam?

I ask because I mixed my first batch this last week and hadn't heard to

be so " careful " about it and although I didn't go crazy with it, it did

foam up a bit, but the bubbles went away.... so why the worry about

foam? Does it hurt the HCG?

On 2/22/2010 6:42 PM, philip georgian wrote:


> First let me say I don't feel the Androgel is working for you 7.5

> grams and your levels are only 290 you need your levels above 600. You

> can try doing 10 grams. If I were you would talk to your Dr. about

> doing shots ask him to show you how to do them your self shooting into

> your thigh. Start with a 100 mgs per week.


> Now for mixing your HCG only put 2 mls of water into the vial this

> will give you 1000 IU's / ml to do a 250 IU's shot you need to draw

> out .25 mls of the mix. When you mix it put the water in slow so it

> dose not foam and swirl it don't shake it. Then keep this in the

> fridge. Do this every 3 days on gels if you switch to shots do this

> the 2 days each just before your next shot of T.

> Co-Moderator

> Phil




> > From: Wharff <robertwharff@...

> <mailto:robertwharff%40robertwharff.com>>

> > Subject: HCG/Arimidex mixing/dosage

> >

> <mailto: %40>

> > Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 5:53 PM

> > A little background.I'm 44 years old.

> > I'm currently using Androgel, 6 pumps

> > (7.5 grams). My last blood test was total T of 290.

> > I've been on Androgel

> > for a little over a year. I started at 4 pumps (5

> > grams) total T went from

> > 80 to 90 (all morning blood tests). I went to 6

> > pumps, and it went up to

> > 290, with a late afternoon blood test.

> >

> >

> >

> > I received some 2000iu HCG and plan to mix it with 8ml of

> > bac water to get a

> > solution that is 250iu/ml. Please let me know if I

> > have that mixing

> > correct. I'm going to start with a 250iu/ml dose

> > every 3 days. I also have

> > some Arimidex that I intend to add when I get my estradiol

> > test results in

> > about 3 weeks. While I have the symptoms of high

> > estradiol (anxiety, sore

> > nipples, difficulty having an orgasm) I just had the blood

> > test to confirm.

> > Should I start taking the Arimidex now (1/4 mg every 3

> > days), or wait for

> > the blood test to confirm? Also, should I do the HCG

> > and Arimidex on the

> > same day or different days?

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks for your input,

> >

> >

> >

> > .

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I agree, the Androgel isn't working. I'd like to try a compounded

transdermal before I jump to the shot. The more natural peaks and valleys

of the transdermals make sense to me if I can find one that works. However,

I also understand that it could be an absorption issue, and the shots may be

my best bet.

Thanks for the mixing correction. That makes sense to only shot .25 ml

instead of 1. How about starting the Arimidex?


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of philip georgian

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 4:42 PM

Subject: Re: HCG/Arimidex mixing/dosage

First let me say I don't feel the Androgel is working for you 7.5 grams and

your levels are only 290 you need your levels above 600. You can try doing

10 grams. If I were you would talk to your Dr. about doing shots ask him to

show you how to do them your self shooting into your thigh. Start with a 100

mgs per week.

Now for mixing your HCG only put 2 mls of water into the vial this will give

you 1000 IU's / ml to do a 250 IU's shot you need to draw out .25 mls of the

mix. When you mix it put the water in slow so it dose not foam and swirl it

don't shake it. Then keep this in the fridge. Do this every 3 days on gels

if you switch to shots do this the 2 days each just before your next shot of




> From: Wharff <robertwharff@

<mailto:robertwharff%40robertwharff.com> robertwharff.com>

> Subject: HCG/Arimidex mixing/dosage

> @ <mailto: %40>

> Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 5:53 PM

> A little background.I'm 44 years old.

> I'm currently using Androgel, 6 pumps

> (7.5 grams). My last blood test was total T of 290.

> I've been on Androgel

> for a little over a year. I started at 4 pumps (5

> grams) total T went from

> 80 to 90 (all morning blood tests). I went to 6

> pumps, and it went up to

> 290, with a late afternoon blood test.




> I received some 2000iu HCG and plan to mix it with 8ml of

> bac water to get a

> solution that is 250iu/ml. Please let me know if I

> have that mixing

> correct. I'm going to start with a 250iu/ml dose

> every 3 days. I also have

> some Arimidex that I intend to add when I get my estradiol

> test results in

> about 3 weeks. While I have the symptoms of high

> estradiol (anxiety, sore

> nipples, difficulty having an orgasm) I just had the blood

> test to confirm.

> Should I start taking the Arimidex now (1/4 mg every 3

> days), or wait for

> the blood test to confirm? Also, should I do the HCG

> and Arimidex on the

> same day or different days?




> Thanks for your input,




> .





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If you got a little foam it's OK I think they say this so it does not build up

to much pressure in the vial still I am not sure. When I mix my HGH is says the

same thing don't shake it.



> >

> > > From: Wharff <robertwharff@...


> > <mailto:robertwharff%40robertwharff.com>>

> > > Subject: HCG/Arimidex

> mixing/dosage

> > >


> > <mailto: %40>

> > > Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 5:53 PM

> > > A little background.I'm 44 years old.

> > > I'm currently using Androgel, 6 pumps

> > > (7.5 grams). My last blood test was total T of

> 290.

> > > I've been on Androgel

> > > for a little over a year. I started at 4 pumps

> (5

> > > grams) total T went from

> > > 80 to 90 (all morning blood tests). I went to 6

> > > pumps, and it went up to

> > > 290, with a late afternoon blood test.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I received some 2000iu HCG and plan to mix it

> with 8ml of

> > > bac water to get a

> > > solution that is 250iu/ml. Please let me know if

> I

> > > have that mixing

> > > correct. I'm going to start with a 250iu/ml dose

> > > every 3 days. I also have

> > > some Arimidex that I intend to add when I get my

> estradiol

> > > test results in

> > > about 3 weeks. While I have the symptoms of high

> > > estradiol (anxiety, sore

> > > nipples, difficulty having an orgasm) I just had

> the blood

> > > test to confirm.

> > > Should I start taking the Arimidex now (1/4 mg

> every 3

> > > days), or wait for

> > > the blood test to confirm? Also, should I do the


> > > and Arimidex on the

> > > same day or different days?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks for your input,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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I am sorry when I was typing your reply I hit some strange Key and lose

everything. So I was retyping and for got to tell you. Yes is you have sore

and hard nipples with no morning wood start on .25 mgs every 2 days. When you

labs come in if your above 50 pg/ml do .5 mgs every 2 days and read this I put

together for men on Arimidex so they don't go down to low on there Estradiol



What I found is if you go to low taking arimidex, it's the length of time your

to low, if your too low say for 8 weeks it can take your body a longer time to

make more Estradiol. Bottom line is to know how not to go to low. Keep a log on

your dose and how you feel men going to low can't get it up taking Viagra. I

went to low when I first tried Arimidex and did not know about going to low or

how one feels to low, so I was low a good 8 weeks. I did not know I was low

until my next labs.

The best gage I have found to control your Estradiol levels is to gage your

night time and morning wood. At good levels or what I call the sweet spot you

get your night time and morning wood back so strong it will wake you up and you

can hang a coat on it.

Most men do good taking .25 mgs or 1/4 of a 1mg. pill, I use a pill cutter to

cut the small pill in half then I stand it on the cut end and use a single edge

razor to cut this in half. A good way to take arimidex is by how high your

levels are. I tested over 90 pg/ml so we tried doing .5 mgs every other day

after 8 weeks my next set of labs showed it did not move below 90, test said

>90. So we did .5 mgs. every day in about 2 weeks I got some strong night time

and morning wood back after not having them for many yrs.

I kept doing this dose and in 8 weeks my next set of labs said <20 back in the

day labs were like this they did not have to good labs we have today they could

not read lower the 20. My Dr. told me this looks to low to stop taking the

Arimidex. The one thing I noticed was my wood stopped and stopping the Arimidex

my wood came back in about 7 weeks my next test at 8 weeks was 24 pg/ml. So we

went back on the Arimidex but the Dr. told me to take .5 mgs every 3 days I was

on this dose not a week and lost wood. This is when I figured out going to low

you lose wood. And the longer your too low the longer it takes to get levels

back up.

I stopped the arimidex right away and got my wood back in 4 days. I then after

playing with the dose for a time found the best dose is .25mgs every 2 to 3


So lets say your labs are less the 50 pg/ml if your take .5 mgs you can go down

so dam fast your miss the sweet spot of your wood and go to low. It's best with

lower levels 50 and under to do less Arimidex .25mgs every 2 days if later your

lose wood when it comes back go to every 3 days.

I have found estradiol is the hardest hormone to control, it goes up or down

from month to month some times I need .25mgs every 2 days other times I need

..25mgs everyday most of the time I do well on every 3 days.

So between wood and labs I do great and so do most of the men I have told this

to. I keep a log on how much I am taking and how I feel. Doing this and reading

back in my log I was able to tell when I was going to high or to low my Dr. lets

me dose my arimidex by how I feel.

Over the yrs. I have posted this story until I am blue in the face.




> > From: Wharff <robertwharff@

> <mailto:robertwharff%40robertwharff.com>

> robertwharff.com>

> > Subject: HCG/Arimidex mixing/dosage

> > @

> <mailto: %40>


> > Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 5:53 PM

> > A little background.I'm 44 years old.

> > I'm currently using Androgel, 6 pumps

> > (7.5 grams).  My last blood test was total T of

> 290.

> > I've been on Androgel

> > for a little over a year.  I started at 4 pumps

> (5

> > grams) total T went from

> > 80 to 90 (all morning blood tests).  I went to 6

> > pumps, and it went up to

> > 290, with a late afternoon blood test. 

> >

> >

> >

> > I received some 2000iu HCG and plan to mix it with 8ml

> of

> > bac water to get a

> > solution that is 250iu/ml.  Please let me know if

> I

> > have that mixing

> > correct.  I'm going to start with a 250iu/ml

> dose

> > every 3 days.  I also have

> > some Arimidex that I intend to add when I get my

> estradiol

> > test results in

> > about 3 weeks.  While I have the symptoms of

> high

> > estradiol (anxiety, sore

> > nipples, difficulty having an orgasm) I just had the

> blood

> > test to confirm.

> > Should I start taking the Arimidex now (1/4 mg every

> 3

> > days), or wait for

> > the blood test to confirm?  Also, should I do the


> > and Arimidex on the

> > same day or different days?

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks for your input,

> >

> >

> >

> > .

> >

> >

> >

> >

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