Guest guest Posted March 23, 1999 Report Share Posted March 23, 1999 At 09:21 18.03.99 -0600, you wrote: >From: Nichols <nichols@...> >Dusan, >You were just talking about a bowel cleanse and mentioned Ozonated Olive Oil. Are you saying you would incorporate that into a bowel cleanse by taking it orally? I just finished the Day Ultimate fast and it is really marvelous. Felt great the whole 8 days with very little discomfort. I have done many fruit fasts and water fasts and they took a lot of determination to stay on, >but not the lemonade fast. I just finished 4 months of extensive ozone therapy and I am wondering if that was a big factor in the ease which this fast was endured. I've never had the energy to stay on my feet and work all day with little sleep, but I sure did this time. I did a liver cleanse two weeks ago and will do another one in a week or two. I have searched all your web >pages and find them to be very informative. Thanks for all your work. > Tanks , Jim Lambert have been using Homozon orally and he have cleansed his liver with Homozon. Every liver cleanse is in the same time a form of bowel cleanse, because Bile is one of the best and most natural bowel cleanser: Jim Lambert: When I started on Homozon (ozonated olive oil ) several months ago I chose to take it with the juice of a whole lemon in a glass of orange juice. I took this twice a day with the Homozon. Every time I visited the toilet I noticed my movements were pea green and I swore I saw soft cholesteral stones passing. In about 7 weeks my liver was all cleaned out, and my bowel movements turned a light brown & have stayed that way. All of the upper back pains I had are gone, I can drink coffee again (tho I only do it rarely) and I can eat pork without getting a headache. All of these things confirm my liver is flushed out. The Homozon is optional for this. IMO it is better to do it with the Homozon, because the constant trips to the toilet keeps the toxins being flushed from being reabsorbed on their way out. jim jim@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 1999 Report Share Posted April 26, 1999 Madonna, thank you for the update and I will be thinking of you both. Please take care. Dianne ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 28, 1999 Report Share Posted May 28, 1999 Hi Kim, Welcome to the list. Everyone here is really nice and will help you thru this. I have to work, since I am the insurance earner. It is awful. I feel like just laying down in the halls at school instead of going to my car. Because of work, nothing and I mean nothing gets done at home. Everything is piled everywhere and you know what I don't care anymore. If I have any energy, I do things for lyme or with my grandgirls. hang in there and research as much as you can. Do you need any information sent to you. I have lots of studies. Do you have Dr. B's treatment guide. You can get it at or I will mail it to you. You can e-mail me privately if you like. Hugs and lots of them, Connie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 29, 1999 Report Share Posted May 29, 1999 Hi Kim, Welcome to the group, but not the world of Lyme. Great slogan by the way. I am so sorry that you lost your job, and now have to worry about income on top of being sick. Be sure to apply for Social Security Disability as soon as possible. You may have to be out six months, but your doctor has to fill out the papers saying that you will most likely be ill for up to one year. Be sure to stress to the doctor what a hardship this illness is for you. I had difficult time working myself, my bite was July 96, I lasted til early October, and I only worked part time at the time. I was entitled to SSDI benefits March 97, six months after the disability date of October 96. Many on this list are able to continue working, they are on stronger meds than you are. Are you satisfied that your doctor is Lyme literate? If not please post where you live approximately and we will be happy to find you a good doctor who understands Lyme disease. As for the kidney infection, I suffered many symptoms of that during my Lyme treatment, but all of the tests were negative. I swore up and down something was wrong, until I learned that the bladder is a favorite playground for the spirochete. I had the whole gamut of awful testing by the urologist, and the final decision was it was caused by Lyme disease. Here is a short abstract you can share with your doctor about this: J Urol 1993 Jan;149(1):26-30 Urinary dysfunction in Lyme disease. Chancellor MB, McGinnis DE, Shenot PJ, Kiilholma P, Hirsch IH Department of Urology, Jefferson Medical College, Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Lyme disease, which is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, is associated with a variety of neurological sequelae. We describe 7 patients with neuro-borreliosis who also had lower urinary tract dysfunction. Urodynamic evaluation revealed detrusor hyperreflexia in 5 patients and detrusor areflexia in 2. Detrusor external sphincter dyssynergia was not noted on electromyography in any patient. We observed that the urinary tract may be involved in 2 respects in the course of Lyme disease: 1) voiding dysfunction may be part of neuro-borreliosis and 2) the spirochete may directly invade the urinary tract. In 1 patient bladder infection by the Lyme spirochete was documented on biopsy. Neurological and urological symptoms in all patients were slow to resolve and convalescence was protracted. Relapses of active Lyme disease and residual neurological deficits were common. Urologists practicing in areas endemic for Lyme disease need to be aware of B. burgdorferi infection in the differential diagnosis of neurogenic bladder dysfunction. Conservative bladder management including clean intermittent catheterization guided by urodynamic evaluation is recommended. I hope that this is helpful for you, please keep us posted on how you are doing. Hugs, Marta - My name is Kim and I was diagnosed by my fam doc as having Lyme on 5/10/ 99, but with a neg blood test. I have lots of questions for you all. I have been on doxycycline 200 mg. daily until 5/26. Iwas then switched to 500 mgs of Cipro 2x/day as I seemed to have developed a kidney infection. There is much pain on breathing and I also have the tremors that I am reading about. Also hot flashes and fever. It is my understanding that the spirochete likes urine for hosting, they took a urine culture and we will know by Tues of next week the specific bacteria in it. I wasn't surprised that the bacteria seems to have migrated and settled in the kidney, due to the reading I have been doing here, and the web in general, but my doc seemed a little surprised. I wanted him to up my meds once I read on the web of reccomended dosages and his reply was that all of his lyme patients have responded to the lower doses. As far as a slogan, The phrase 'Living with Lyme is like Serving Time' has been going thru my head, As I feel that this is like a jail sentence. I lost my job (I am a self employed nanny) the day before this was diagnosed, and we are going to be hard pressed to pay the mortgage this month with out my income. I have no short or long term disability insurance, I was wondering how you all work with the disease? I can barely run an errand with out exhausting myself. And if I do have the good fortune to have a good day, I pay for it by being completely laid out for the next two- worse than normal. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 29, 2001 Report Share Posted March 29, 2001 Hi , I've been away from the group for a long time too. I hope all is well. How are you feeling? Are you still taking Budesonide?(sp). Glad to hear from you, Barbara Ann AIH tx 12/94 BE AN ORGAN DONOR - OVER 75,000 WAITING! --- <sabsunny@...> wrote: > Well I finally got the energy to deal with this PC and I'm back on > line..... > > I'm still gonna just stick to the web for a while... and hope I can > keep up. > > I hope this all finds you well, and if anyone would like to contact > me, I have a new email address... sabsunny.ince@... > > I hope this finds you all well > > AIH > > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 29, 2001 Report Share Posted March 29, 2001 Hello Barbara I'm doing well.... and yes I am still taking Entocort (budsoinde) And my liver functions are still normal, it's been way over a year now:) I'm now putting on weight though... But still have few side effects:) How are u? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 5, 2001 Report Share Posted May 5, 2001 Lynn Welcome to the group. What are you're symptoms . What treatments have you tried? Ken hello all Hello Everyone, I just joined the group and am very excited about what I may learn from you all. I have been under-the-weather for the past 5 years and then 3 years ago found out that I have systemic candida. Obviously, this is what was causing me to feel lousy. I am fighting it every day and always looking for things that will make my case better. I have learned that restoring health to the colon is very important (for everyone but in my case candida sufferers in particular). So, this has lead me to you. I look forward to learning about bowel health from all of you. Sincerely, Lynn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 6, 2001 Report Share Posted May 6, 2001 Ken, My symptoms are horrible thrush, lethargy, fatigue, depression, bruising easily, being cold all the time (even in 80+ degree weather), constipation, food cravings, gas/bloating, headaches, low blood sugar, insomnia, worse than usual PMS symptoms, and last but certainly not least--cronic vaginal yeast infections. I know that sounds like a lot but the list of symptoms for yeast is extremely long so I only display maybe 20 to 30% of the symptoms. As far as treatments, I have used all of the over-the-counter medicines for yeast infections until I am immune to all of them. I have almost exhausted Terazol and Diflucan (prescription medicines). For the past 2 years I have gone on and off yeast free diets (no sugar, no carbohydrates, and a few more other things) while at the same time taking herbal supplements (acidophilus, grape seed extract, garlic, biotin, bentonite, pau d' arco, and caprylic acid) to purge my body. I know I need to stick with the diet and herbs continuously for at least 5-6 months but usually I just diet until I can tolerate myself and then procede with life as if I am "normal." Then, when I get bad off again I will hit the diet/herbs hard once more. You mentioned you have fungus on or under one of you toenails. This is more than likely yeast. I don't know if there is a medicine you can treat just your nail with that will actually work. I do know, however, that people who have bad nail fungus on one of more of their toes or fingers need to do the yeast-free diet to correct their problem from the inside out. Yeast grows a long time in the body before it is noticed by the individial and usually when yeast problems manifest themselves their whole body has candida in it and not just a nail or tongue or any other single area. There could be other reasons why you have fungus on or under your toe nail but I don't know what those reasons may be. My hunch is it is candida. Sincerely, Lynn hello all Hello Everyone, I just joined the group and am very excited about what I may learn from you all. I have been under-the-weather for the past 5 years and then 3 years ago found out that I have systemic candida. Obviously, this is what was causing me to feel lousy. I am fighting it every day and always looking for things that will make my case better. I have learned that restoring health to the colon is very important (for everyone but in my case candida sufferers in particular). So, this has lead me to you. I look forward to learning about bowel health from all of you. Sincerely, Lynn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 7, 2001 Report Share Posted May 7, 2001 In a message dated 5/5/01 8:49:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Deltalady75@... writes: Hello Everyone, I just joined the group and am very excited about what I may learn from you all Welcome to the group....happy cleansing!!! Namaste, HerbalMomma Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 7, 2001 Report Share Posted September 7, 2001 --- kaytarot2001@... wrote: > Hi everybody, > I hope everyone is doing good and is in good > spirits. > Im so glad to be back. It took me about an > hour > to get back on... so, me still having wacked out > sleeping > hours, Im going to bed now. The first day its been > burr cold here. Where did the summer go? > Bye for now, good to be back, > Lydia Kay > (clueless in Colo) > > Hi Lydia, Welcome back. You dont know me, I joined the group in April. Burr cold caught my eye.For the first time in my life Im looking forward to winter in the midwest. The meds I take have turned my thermostat up to roast LOL. I dont post often but read a lot on here. Anyway, welcome home. Ann AIH 4/1/01 pred 20mg imuran 100mg __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 18, 2002 Report Share Posted January 18, 2002 In a message dated 1/18/02 8:46:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, JustHrz@... writes: In my search for information about Autoimmune Hepatitis, which by the way isn't always easy, I happened upon this site. I thought I'd say Hello, and I hope to finally be able to share information, stories, jokes even with folks that 'understand'. I look forward to meeting and talking with you. Kimberlee* Welcome to the group, Kimberlee. How are things going for you? Harper (AIH dx 5/00) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 19, 2002 Report Share Posted January 19, 2002 Welcome Kimberlee! You will find much information here. Sit down and enjoy meeting all of us! debby AIH 7/01 [ ] Hello All In my search for information about Autoimmune Hepatitis, which by the way isn't always easy, I happened upon this site. I thought I'd say Hello, and I hope to finally be able to share information, stories, jokes even with folks that 'understand'. I look forward to meeting and talking with you.Kimberlee* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 20, 2002 Report Share Posted January 20, 2002 tdcc2000@... (tdcc) wrote: n Welcome n Kimberlee! You will find much information here. Sit n down and enjoy meeting all of n us!debby Thanks Debby, Look forward to it Kimberlee* ========Original Message======== Subj: Re: [ ] Hello All Date: 1/19/02 12:01:36 AM Eastern Standard Time From:  tdcc2000@... (tdcc) Reply-to:  To:  Welcome Kimberlee! You will find much information here. Sit down and enjoy meeting all of us! debby AIH 7/01 [ ] Hello All In my search for information about Autoimmune Hepatitis, which by the way isn't always easy, I happened upon this site. I thought I'd say Hello, and I hope to finally be able to share information, stories, jokes even with folks that 'understand'. I look forward to meeting and talking with you. Kimberlee* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 20, 2002 Report Share Posted January 20, 2002 In reference to your comment: è Welcome to the group, è Kimberlee.  How are things going for you? Harper hi Harper, Doing pretty well thank you for asking. ========Original Message======== Subj: Re: [ ] Hello All Date: 1/18/02 1:36:13 PM Eastern Standard Time From:  flatcat9@... Reply-to:  To:  In a message dated 1/18/02 8:46:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, JustHrz@... writes: In my search for information about Autoimmune Hepatitis, which by the way isn't always easy, I happened upon this site.  I thought I'd say Hello, and I hope to finally be able to share information, stories, jokes even with folks that 'understand'.  I look forward to meeting and talking with you. Kimberlee* Welcome to the group, Kimberlee.  How are things going for you? Harper (AIH dx 5/00) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 10, 2002 Report Share Posted June 10, 2002 Sherry, I hope you continue to feel better. Try to take care of yourself. Carol jim spicer wrote: Hi! Well it has been awhile since I have been on. There are a lot of new ones, so hello to all. i have been pretty sick. i have tried to keep up, but i just couldn't. I have been in the hospital two times last month. But I am better now. I guess my meds need moved around a little . I am back on the urso, and all the rest, water pill now to. I have been very tried. Going to Col. next month, if not before. Need to go for now Ill try and keep up a little better. When I read I see my self in just about all of you. So good luck to you all!!! This is the best place for support and info. Hugts Sherry Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2002 Report Share Posted August 24, 2002 Hi ! It's nice to see you here - too! Have you tried out Hepatitis C yet? It's also a great site - and with a VERY nice doctor who shares his time and advice to any who need it. Just thought I'd mention it since we run into each other everywhere else! I think it's great - kind of like seeing an old friend walk through the door. Do you know if you have genotype 1a or a 1b? And any idea how long you will be waiting? If Schering doesn't get on the ball Pegasys will be available and lots of people will choose it over the Peg-Intron. (I would). Anyway, welcome to the WebWarriors. I think you'll like it here too. Claudine __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2002 Report Share Posted August 24, 2002 Hi I'm Bill, it sounds like you'll do fine. I'm on shot #33 Sunday night after work, have very minimal sides. You have a wonderful attitude and are active and that is a huge part of it. I took a year before treatment to get in shape, now I'm addicted to it, went from 225 to 155 I run 7-10 miles seven days a week, do weights, quit sugar, eat alot of raw veggies and fruits. I operate a train 12 hour a day 5 days a week and commute 3 hours a day and have not missed a day of work since starting treatment. I am 53 a 1a and live in Central Ca. Good Luck! If you have any questions feel free to ask. There is alot of info about hcv on the internet. Bill From: " Kane" Reply- Subject: [ ] Hello All Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:03:51 -0700 Aloha, New member here... from Sacramento (moving to Kona, Hawaii once I do treatment), 50, type 1 with a viral load of about 3,890,000. Liver biopsy shows 2-3 on inflammation and 3-4 fibrosis. have registered for treatment and waiting for my access assurance number. Am a member of several list servs as well as a poster on: I am very active in my health decisions and am preparing for treatment by doing yoga 3-4 times a week, working with a personal trainer 3 times a week, acupressure every other week, working with a nutritionist and drinking water, water, water. I am also the Chairperson for the 2003 California LiverWalk - Sacramento (I was the high fundraiser last year). Figure I am going into this thing full tilt and beat the odds. Mahalo for all the support that I see here, Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click Here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2002 Report Share Posted August 24, 2002 Hi ne....we have to quit meeting like this - LOL. Thanks for the tip on Hepatitis C. I have just gone in and joined. I am a genotype 1 (the lab didn't differentiate between a or b and my doctor said he wouldn't bother to spend the money to find out a or b as he would treat the same - especially given my biopsy results. I am hoping to be on treatment by the end of September. Figure Pegasys would put me another 1/2 year behind and I am pretty anxious to get started as we have already put off our move to Hawaii (we close on our house there in 1 week) until after I finish treatment. I have a friend who is on Pegasys now - 1b, non-responder in 92....undetectable at 8 weeks....she is on shot 25....having a rough time - headaches, anemia, rashes, etc. Glad to meet up with you again - we now have a whole 'nother group to confuse - claudia? claudine? !!!! Aloha, Re: [ ] Hello All Hi ! It's nice to see you here - too! Have you tried out Hepatitis Cyet? It's also a great site - and with a VERY nice doctor who shareshis time and advice to any who need it. Just thought I'd mention itsince we run into each other everywhere else! I think it's great -kind of like seeing an old friend walk through the door. Do you know if you have genotype 1a or a 1b? And any idea how longyou will be waiting? If Schering doesn't get on the ball Pegasys willbe available and lots of people will choose it over the Peg-Intron.(I would). Anyway, welcome to the WebWarriors. I think you'll like ithere too.Claudine__________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2002 Report Share Posted August 24, 2002 Hi Bill and thanks for the welcome! I have been really studying the disease. Where in Central CA are you? Maybe you can join us for the LiverWalk in Sacramento in June....I'll keep you posted. Great to hear you are doing so outlook sounds alot like yours. [ ] Hello All Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:03:51 -0700 Aloha, New member here... from Sacramento (moving to Kona, Hawaii once I do treatment), 50, type 1 with a viral load of about 3,890,000. Liver biopsy shows 2-3 on inflammation and 3-4 fibrosis. have registered for treatment and waiting for my access assurance number. Am a member of several list servs as well as a poster on: I am very active in my health decisions and am preparing for treatment by doing yoga 3-4 times a week, working with a personal trainer 3 times a week, acupressure every other week, working with a nutritionist and drinking water, water, water. I am also the Chairperson for the 2003 California LiverWalk - Sacramento (I was the high fundraiser last year). Figure I am going into this thing full tilt and beat the odds. Mahalo for all the support that I see here, Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click Here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2002 Report Share Posted August 24, 2002 I also went negative when tested after 24 weeks. I sweat my butt off every day, drink a couple gallons of water(at least 1 1/2) and eat all day long. My wife tested negative and we've had unprotected sex for many many years (I don't advise it though) she has been such a blessing through all this. We live in the Los Banos area and I commute to San daily, by the end of the year we're going to rent both our places out here and move closer, it will cut my commute by 90 miles a day. Time to go exercise and get on with my day. Take care. Bill From: " Kane" Reply- Subject: Re: [ ] Hello All Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 06:21:37 -0700 Hi Bill and thanks for the welcome! I have been really studying the disease. Where in Central CA are you? Maybe you can join us for the LiverWalk in Sacramento in June....I'll keep you posted. Great to hear you are doing so outlook sounds alot like yours. [ ] Hello All Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:03:51 -0700 Aloha, New member here... from Sacramento (moving to Kona, Hawaii once I do treatment), 50, type 1 with a viral load of about 3,890,000. Liver biopsy shows 2-3 on inflammation and 3-4 fibrosis. have registered for treatment and waiting for my access assurance number. Am a member of several list servs as well as a poster on: I am very active in my health decisions and am preparing for treatment by doing yoga 3-4 times a week, working with a personal trainer 3 times a week, acupressure every other week, working with a nutritionist and drinking water, water, water. I am also the Chairperson for the 2003 California LiverWalk - Sacramento (I was the high fundraiser last year). Figure I am going into this thing full tilt and beat the odds. Mahalo for all the support that I see here, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click Here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2002 Report Share Posted August 24, 2002 Hello, I am pretty new to this group. I am sorry it has taking me so long to introduce myself, I been pretty busy. and then I hurt my back. so it has been rough. anyway, my name is lulu and my fiancé has hep c. he is a carrier and has no effects as of yet. he has known that he has had this since 1995. he is in good shape and takes really could care of himself. what Bill just said, sure did help me ease my worries. and I both were worried about this. I am hoping to gain some information on this for both him and I, thank you for your time. lulu [ ] Hello All Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:03:51 -0700 Aloha, New member here... from Sacramento (moving to Kona, Hawaii once I do treatment), 50, type 1 with a viral load of about 3,890,000. Liver biopsy shows 2-3 on inflammation and 3-4 fibrosis. have registered for treatment and waiting for my access assurance number. Am a member of several list servs as well as a poster on: I am very active in my health decisions and am preparing for treatment by doing yoga 3-4 times a week, working with a personal trainer 3 times a week, acupressure every other week, working with a nutritionist and drinking water, water, water. I am also the Chairperson for the 2003 California LiverWalk - Sacramento (I was the high fundraiser last year). Figure I am going into this thing full tilt and beat the odds. Mahalo for all the support that I see here, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click Here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2002 Report Share Posted August 24, 2002 Both of my husbands (ex and current) as well as my kids tested negative....think it really shows that this is a blood-borne virus and very unlikely transmitted by sexual doctors said no need to change anything on that level....being self-employed I'd go nuts with that kind of commute. I am waiting to do treatment and then we are off to Hawaii - negative or not! [ ] Hello All Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:03:51 -0700 Aloha, New member here... from Sacramento (moving to Kona, Hawaii once I do treatment), 50, type 1 with a viral load of about 3,890,000. Liver biopsy shows 2-3 on inflammation and 3-4 fibrosis. have registered for treatment and waiting for my access assurance number. Am a member of several list servs as well as a poster on: I am very active in my health decisions and am preparing for treatment by doing yoga 3-4 times a week, working with a personal trainer 3 times a week, acupressure every other week, working with a nutritionist and drinking water, water, water. I am also the Chairperson for the 2003 California LiverWalk - Sacramento (I was the high fundraiser last year). Figure I am going into this thing full tilt and beat the odds. Mahalo for all the support that I see here, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click Here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 1, 2002 Report Share Posted November 1, 2002 REBECCA I ALSO HAVE AIH, AND SICCA SYNDROME NEUROPATHY NUMBNESS I LIMS - STARTED WITH PINS AND NEEDLES THEN PAIN - EXTREME PAIN TILL SENSATION WENT - NOW HAVE NO FEELING IN RIGHT ARM PARTIAL LEFT AND FEET LEGS, BITS AND PIECES ELSEWHERE EG. HEAD FACE SIDE - THIS PROGRESSED RAPIDLY AND I WISH I HAD INSISTED IT BE LOOKED INTO FURTHER SOONER BUT WE NEVER WANT TO MAKE A FUSS AS DOCTORS ARE BUSY MEN AND WE THINK THERE ARE OTHERS WORSE OFF - IF I HAD BEEN TREATED SOONER I MAY STILL HAVE BEEN ABLE TO WORK, WRITE, DRESS MYSELF IN PROPER CLOTHES DO MY HAIR ALL TASKS WHICH ARE NOW A STRUGGLE - I AM 34 WITH 2 YOUNG CHILDREN AND THE FUTURE IS NO LONGER SOMETHING TOLOOK FOREWARD TO, BUT MUSNT COMPLAIN -NO ONE EVEN THOUGH THEY ASK WANTS TO KNOW HOW YOU REALLY ARE. TAKE CARE CATHY [ ] Hello all > Hi everyone, > > Ok, I admit it...I am a lurker. I was diagnosed with AIH almost 1 > year ago (Dec. 2001). I am currently on 5mg prednisone and 75mg > Imuran. The last 6 months has been very strange and frightening for > me. I am having an increasing number of symptoms. Joint pain, > FATIGUE, peripheral neuropathy (numbness and burning in feet, hands > and face), back pain... The strange thing is my blood tests look > great...liver is functioning VERY well, all LFTs normal. > > So, I am worried about connective tissue disease, and I really think > one is brewing for me. I was wondering if any of you have > experienced my latest symptom. It sounds strange, but my fingernails > hurt. Ok, I know it isn't really my fingernails, but the tissue > underneath them is so very tender. I notice it most when I > type...ouch. I get the same feeling in my toes. Anyone else > experienced this? > > I am going to see a rheumatologist in a couple of weeks. Saw one > last June and nothing came of it, but I feel I am getting worse. My > gastro agrees. She has been great about taking me seriously...other > docs haven't been so great at that! > > Anyway, thanks for all of your ongoing support guys. I know I don't > post much (working full time and can't seem to get ahead!), but I do > check back now and again...lots of new folks lately! Welcome to you > all. My liver functions became normal very quickly, and I wish you > all the same rapid response!! It definitely IS possible. > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 1, 2002 Report Share Posted November 1, 2002 Hi - I've never heard of this complaint but the pins & needles and then pain in the legs is so familiar. I have asked docs in the past and they said its nothing to worry about and I havent. What is Sicca syndrome? Is this a permanent state for you ? or does it improve over time? Sadly a lot of people switch off when faced with a person with a chronic illness. Its like .. Oh are you still sick?? and scuttle off quickly into the sunset!! Regards Jan [ ] Hello all > > > > Hi everyone, > > > > Ok, I admit it...I am a lurker. I was diagnosed with AIH almost 1 > > year ago (Dec. 2001). I am currently on 5mg prednisone and 75mg > > Imuran. The last 6 months has been very strange and frightening for > > me. I am having an increasing number of symptoms. Joint pain, > > FATIGUE, peripheral neuropathy (numbness and burning in feet, hands > > and face), back pain... The strange thing is my blood tests look > > great...liver is functioning VERY well, all LFTs normal. > > > > So, I am worried about connective tissue disease, and I really think > > one is brewing for me. I was wondering if any of you have > > experienced my latest symptom. It sounds strange, but my fingernails > > hurt. Ok, I know it isn't really my fingernails, but the tissue > > underneath them is so very tender. I notice it most when I > > type...ouch. I get the same feeling in my toes. Anyone else > > experienced this? > > > > I am going to see a rheumatologist in a couple of weeks. Saw one > > last June and nothing came of it, but I feel I am getting worse. My > > gastro agrees. She has been great about taking me seriously...other > > docs haven't been so great at that! > > > > Anyway, thanks for all of your ongoing support guys. I know I don't > > post much (working full time and can't seem to get ahead!), but I do > > check back now and again...lots of new folks lately! Welcome to you > > all. My liver functions became normal very quickly, and I wish you > > all the same rapid response!! It definitely IS possible. > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 1, 2002 Report Share Posted November 1, 2002 Thanks , As I said in my personal email to you, my grandmother has Sjogren's, which I think is the same as " sicca syndrome " , just a different name. It is an autoimmune disease too. Maybe that is what is going on. I hope this new rheumy can tell me something! , I really hope you are able to find some help! In @y..., " Bell " <arthur.bell1@n...> wrote: > REBECCA > I ALSO HAVE AIH, AND SICCA SYNDROME NEUROPATHY NUMBNESS I LIMS - STARTED > WITH PINS AND NEEDLES THEN PAIN - EXTREME PAIN TILL SENSATION WENT - NOW > HAVE NO FEELING IN RIGHT ARM PARTIAL LEFT AND FEET LEGS, BITS AND PIECES > ELSEWHERE EG. HEAD FACE SIDE - THIS PROGRESSED RAPIDLY AND I WISH I HAD > INSISTED IT BE LOOKED INTO FURTHER SOONER BUT WE NEVER WANT TO MAKE A FUSS > AS DOCTORS ARE BUSY MEN AND WE THINK THERE ARE OTHERS WORSE OFF - IF I HAD > BEEN TREATED SOONER I MAY STILL HAVE BEEN ABLE TO WORK, WRITE, DRESS MYSELF > IN PROPER CLOTHES DO MY HAIR ALL TASKS WHICH ARE NOW A STRUGGLE - I AM 34 > WITH 2 YOUNG CHILDREN AND THE FUTURE IS NO LONGER SOMETHING TOLOOK FOREWARD > TO, BUT MUSNT COMPLAIN -NO ONE EVEN THOUGH THEY ASK WANTS TO KNOW HOW YOU > REALLY ARE. > TAKE CARE > > CATHY > > [ ] Hello all > > > > Hi everyone, > > > > Ok, I admit it...I am a lurker. I was diagnosed with AIH almost 1 > > year ago (Dec. 2001). I am currently on 5mg prednisone and 75mg > > Imuran. The last 6 months has been very strange and frightening for > > me. I am having an increasing number of symptoms. Joint pain, > > FATIGUE, peripheral neuropathy (numbness and burning in feet, hands > > and face), back pain... The strange thing is my blood tests look > > great...liver is functioning VERY well, all LFTs normal. > > > > So, I am worried about connective tissue disease, and I really think > > one is brewing for me. I was wondering if any of you have > > experienced my latest symptom. It sounds strange, but my fingernails > > hurt. Ok, I know it isn't really my fingernails, but the tissue > > underneath them is so very tender. I notice it most when I > > type...ouch. I get the same feeling in my toes. Anyone else > > experienced this? > > > > I am going to see a rheumatologist in a couple of weeks. Saw one > > last June and nothing came of it, but I feel I am getting worse. My > > gastro agrees. She has been great about taking me seriously...other > > docs haven't been so great at that! > > > > Anyway, thanks for all of your ongoing support guys. I know I don't > > post much (working full time and can't seem to get ahead!), but I do > > check back now and again...lots of new folks lately! Welcome to you > > all. My liver functions became normal very quickly, and I wish you > > all the same rapid response!! It definitely IS possible. > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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