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Re: I may have pituitary problem. - - Pain meds cause low T

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Hi Bill,

Sometimes pain meds are a necessary evil. I know with out the pain

meds I wouldn't even want to get out of bed. Just wish I had of known

before that it could cause low T at least we could have been watching for it

instead of wondering what was wrong and not knowing.

Another thing I wish I had known is that taking BLOOD PRESSURE

MEDICATIONS (beta blockers) CAUSE PEYRONIE'S DISEASE! That is a abnormal

curvature of the erect penis. It can totally destroy your sex life.

Blood pressure meds are handed out like candy and does the manufacture

bother to tell you the damage that they can do. Heck NO! If they told

people the damage they did no one would buy them! The manufactures know

this stuff but they aren't telling. And they don't want people to know

because if you did you probably would never take these dangerous

medications. Now you know.



I hope you all don't mind if I keep repeating this. I am mad as hell

about it and I want others to know the truth. Brett

PS: The good news is I have seen a small remission since I stopped

taking carvedilol at the end of January.

Re: I may have pituitary problem. - - Endos

Interesting, the one time that I did see a Endo he was talking about me

going off the T so that we could determine what was the cause of my low T.

Considering how I was before starting T that wasn't even something I even

gave a second thought. According to Dr Dach men taking opiate medications

will have low T.

http://jeffreydach. com/2010/ 02/26/low- testosterone- from-pain- pills-by-

jeffrey-dach- md.aspx

So I assume my low T is likely due to that but now that I know the symptoms

I am sure that I was having low T long before I started regular use of

opiate meds. I had taken the maxim prescription dose of ibuprofen for a

long time before that so I have to wonder what that does to ones T level.

Anyone know? Not to mention the added stress of pain, disability and the

extraordinary financial and relational stress that so often goes with

disability. I have come to the conclusion that I am also suffering from

adrenal fatigue and there definitely is a interplay between it and

Hypogonadism. So to start out with a Endo and get everything checked out, I

would think that would be a good thing but many some at least of them are

pretty clueless once your already on TRT. The one I saw wasn't up on the

latest protocol for TRT treatment so I saw no point in going back to him for

TRT treatment. My PA sent me to him because I was asking so many questions

that he the PA didn't know the answer to but this Endo didn't know either.

" That's my story and I am sticking to it. " Brett

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I am on

•Atenolol 50 mg. 1x/day morning for heart beta-blocker.

After having heart by-pass sugary they did an Ablation about 8 weeks after to

get my heart to beat right and took me off this med. Then when they let me out

of the hosp. They gave my wife a list of meds I needed and dam if they did not

put this dam med on the list. I seen my Dr. 8 weeks later and he said I should

not have went back on this med now I can't stop taking it. The crap that

happens to us.



> From: Brett Savage <brshop@...>

> Subject: Re: I may have pituitary problem. - - Pain meds cause

low T


> Date: Monday, May 3, 2010, 3:48 AM

> Hi Bill,

>      Sometimes pain meds are a

> necessary evil.  I know with out the pain

> meds I wouldn't even want to get out of bed.  Just

> wish I had of known

> before that it could cause low T at least we could have

> been watching for it

> instead of wondering what was wrong and not knowing.


>     Another thing I wish I had known is that



> That is a abnormal

> curvature of the erect penis. It can totally destroy your

> sex life.

>     Blood pressure meds are handed out like candy

> and does the manufacture

> bother to tell you the damage that they can do.  Heck

> NO!  If they told

> people the damage they did no one would buy them!  The

> manufactures know

> this stuff but they aren't telling.  And they don't

> want people to know

> because if you did you probably would never take these

> dangerous

> medications.  Now you know.




>     I hope you all don't mind if I keep repeating

> this.  I am mad as hell

> about it and I want others to know the

> truth.   Brett

>     PS:  The good news is I have seen a

> small remission since I stopped

> taking carvedilol at the end of January.

> Re: I may have pituitary problem. -

> - Endos



> Interesting, the one time that I did see a Endo he was

> talking about me

> going off the T so that we could determine what was the

> cause of my low T.

> Considering how I was before starting T that wasn't even

> something I even

> gave a second thought. According to Dr Dach men taking

> opiate medications

> will have low T.

> http://jeffreydach. com/2010/ 02/26/low- testosterone-

> from-pain- pills-by-

> jeffrey-dach- md.aspx

> So I assume my low T is likely due to that but now that I

> know the symptoms

> I am sure that I was having low T long before I started

> regular use of

> opiate meds. I had taken the maxim prescription dose of

> ibuprofen for a

> long time before that so I have to wonder what that does to

> ones T level.

> Anyone know? Not to mention the added stress of pain,

> disability and the

> extraordinary financial and relational stress that so often

> goes with

> disability. I have come to the conclusion that I am also

> suffering from

> adrenal fatigue and there definitely is a interplay between

> it and

> Hypogonadism. So to start out with a Endo and get

> everything checked out, I

> would think that would be a good thing but many some at

> least of them are

> pretty clueless once your already on TRT. The one I saw

> wasn't up on the

> latest protocol for TRT treatment so I saw no point in

> going back to him for

> TRT treatment. My PA sent me to him because I was asking so

> many questions

> that he the PA didn't know the answer to but this Endo

> didn't know either.

> " That's my story and I am sticking to it. " Brett




> ------------------------------------



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