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Less than a month before I got pg with my baby I had

lung surgery. I had more chest x-rays than a normal

person gets in a life time. I also had lots of drugs

and was on strong pain meds when I first got pregnant.

I often wonder if this had anything to do with his

problems. I have been told they did not, but still as a

mom we wonder. I think we were built to blame ourselves

for every little thing that might possibly be wrong with

our children. NO matter how much we know it isn't our



> , as you know I have 2 children and both have an immune deficiency. The


> have not been able to say whether it is a hereditary deficiency but it seems

> more than just a coincidence to me!

> Still, there are other medical problems they share, such as the hypothyroidism

> and intestinal dymotility. I developed a segmental DVT leading to my heart


> had a PE while pregnant with my eldest, , at 32 weeks. For the remainder

> of the pregnancy I was on anticoagulants, and switched to oral anticoagulants

> when b/feeding. I was on the same med regime with s pregnancy/

> breastfeeding, so we cant help wonder if perhaps these meds contributed to


> problems?


> , and s mum




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  • 4 years later...
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It is more common in older people,

gastric problems that is! As the body ages so does the insides and all

the muscles relax, causing problems. As my grandmother gets older she is

now having issues and so is my mother, both have hernias! They say there

is no genetic link with this disease. Who knows. Maybe our bodies think

we are old LOL.

C Warren




achalasia [mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf Of Tamara

Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 1:14 AM


Subject: Hereditary?

O.K. I probaly did not spell that right. I am

tired I do apoligize.

Anyway I just got back from Washington and was taking care of my Aunt.

I have found out that her my cousin as well as my Grandfather all wich

are all on my mothers side. They all have the early signs of " A " . I

have talked to my Aunt and I think I have her convinced to go get the

testing done. The more I look into my family history the more I find

clues to " A " although most are not as severe as mine. The signs are

still there. Has anyone else noticed a pattern in their families.

However small maybe just maybe there is some sort of genetic link. I

mean come on although I personally have only traveled to Japan I have

never been in South America to be bitten by some bug there. No offense

to anyone who is from there. just my thoughts any takers?


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  • 1 year later...
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does anyone know of A passing on in families. ..


It can in some very rare versions, not the primary achalasia most of us

have. Achalasia is rare and having a family connection is very rare. In

such types of genetically related problems it is much much more likely

to find siblings that share a disorder than a parent and child, unless

one parents had it and other also had it or at least carried the

gene(s), which would be very unlikely. In the case of Meghan you would

expect that even if she has a genetic version the father of her son

would have to also be carrying the gene(s), which is very unlikely. It

is possible but not at all probable.


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Dear ,

It is lovely to hear from you. I still have my photograph of the 3 of you. Now of course it is 4 and your Easter grandson is already a year old.

I believe that the information from Notan is very intelligent and I think it would be wrong of you to speculate at this time. I honestly think it is unlikely that he will have achalasia. There are many different things that this could be caused by and probably will turn out to be something treatable and something to move on from.

You are in the good situation where you are armed with a lot of knowledge about the oesophagus and stomach, as is Hannah. This means that you will be able to have an informed discussion with the technicians and doctors and are much more likely to understand what is going on. This knowledge will empower you.

Please let us all know the outcome. I will be thinking of you. Please give Hannah my fondest love.

From Ann XXX

From: Dixon <wendixon@...>Subject: hereditary?achalasia Date: Sunday, 13 April, 2008, 5:18 PM

Hello againI only come on now and again but am always watching and reading!My daughter has had A since she was 19 - now 28 - she was quite illbefore receiving treatment - but is doing quite well at the moment.she has two lovely children Meghan 2 and who is just 1.Ever since he was born he has not been able to feed properly and is very small. He is going for a swallow x ray at Alder Heyin Liverpool on 28th April - although his symptoms are different in that he wretches when he tries to eat - does anyone know of A passing on in families. I can remember that my daughterwhen she was little was very particular with eating - only eating smallpieces and refused to eat solids until she was past the age of one. The sad part is he really wants to eat!! Hope everyone is doing well - Hi Lilac Ann!____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

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Thanks Ann

Lovely to hear from you to - will pass on your love to Hannah

and will let you know the outcome of the hospital visit on 28th April.


hereditary?achalasia@grou ps.comDate: Sunday, 13 April, 2008, 5:18 PM

Hello againI only come on now and again but am always watching and reading!My daughter has had A since she was 19 - now 28 - she was quite illbefore receiving treatment - but is doing quite well at the moment.she has two lovely children Meghan 2 and who is just 1.Ever since he was born he has not been able to feed properly and is very small. He is going for a swallow x ray at Alder Heyin Liverpool on 28th April - although his symptoms are different in that he wretches when he tries to eat - does anyone know of A passing on in families. I can remember that my daughterwhen she was little was very particular with eating - only eating smallpieces and refused to eat solids until she was past the age of one. The sad part is he really wants to eat!! Hope everyone is doing well - Hi Lilac Ann!____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

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  • 2 years later...
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Hello everyone,

While going throught the begining stages of diagnosisng and managing my low t I

have confided alot in my father. He has really opened up and andmitted he went

through alot of the same signs and symptoms that I have recently begun

experiencing. Is there any evednece that low t is hereditary? My father never

had his testosterone checked.

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No as far as I know it's not Hereditary at T-Nation a fellow mod KSman has a get

sticky about how your T can go low. And by the why he is in the hosp. ICU for

health Problems we are all praying for him.





> From: Shaun <shaunskel@...>

> Subject: Hereditary?


> Date: Sunday, July 18, 2010, 6:59 PM

> Hello everyone,


> While going throught the begining stages of diagnosisng and

> managing my low t I have confided alot in my father. He has

> really opened up and andmitted he went through alot of the

> same signs and symptoms that I have recently begun

> experiencing. Is there any evednece that low t is

> hereditary? My father never had his testosterone checked.




> ------------------------------------



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