Guest guest Posted February 11, 2010 Report Share Posted February 11, 2010 Hopefully you all can help me? I am a 21 year old male with no known major illnesses. Never sustained major physical or mental trauma of any sort. Yearly physicals (though not throughough by any means) are always shown to be healthy. Chronologically: *Healthy childhood (ate tons of seafood though: mercury?) *At 12-15 was given methylphenidate and SSRIs *At about 17 I was told that I had a vericose veine and a hydroseal that were causing left testicle pain. Stopped playing Rugby and pain went away. Apperently the ultrasound showed otherwise healthy testicles *At 18 was diagnosed with ADHD *From 18-20 I was always sick. Removed Tosils when 20 and had a few months of good health. *From 19-20 took dexidrine for ADHD, helped tons mentally but ruined my sex drive and performance. *Random blood test revealed: Bottom of range LH & Test. Top of range E2, T3 & T4. Very low TSH. *Recently fought of a intense HA-MRSA (basically staff) infection. I was told I should not have had to be hospitilized if my immune system was in check. *Recovering from MRSA slowly. Given Endo refferal to try and find out why my immune system is subpar. Symptoms: (Especially for the last two years) *Only normal sex drive a few days of the week. Otherwise low sex drive. (Frustrating when trying to start a relationship and being a mentaly very sexual person) *Very mild depression/anxiety/ennui that comes and goes but feels like it is not linked to how I should feel. *Premature ejaculation (not terrible but very annoying) *Minimal secondary hair growth *Intense ADHD: impulsive, no focus, troubles reading, etc. (High IQ though) *Worst short term memory of anyone I know *Insomnia so bad it severly disrupts my life *Frequent infections *Always Hungry *The amount of time I spend working would make most people jacked but I simply have to do it for maintenence. *Motivation totally escapes me sometimes *Moderate alcohol consumption (30+ drinks a week, sometims significantly more) *Very Sweaty *Always Hot *Dark around eyes *Always upbeat but 'Energy Swings' from being super social and gogogo to complete lethargy and anti-social lazyness. *Gained ~15lb of mostly fat Possible Causes: (Total guesses on my part) **I'm guessing low Test has lead to my low immune system *Secondary Hypogonadism leads to low LH & Test -> Everything else? *Pituitary damage/tumor causes hypopituitaryism? *Some sort of inteference with normal puberty from SSRIs? *Heavy metal poisinging of my pituitary (kind of a reach)? *ADHD caused by low Test? Solutions: (Just brainstorming) *MRI rule out tumor/damage *Blood tests: LH, T3, T4, Free-Test, SHBG, E2, Prolactin, TSH, I missing any? *Low dose Clomid for 2 months to try and permenantly raise Test & LH. *Some sort of Thyroid treatment? *Talk to an Endo in about a year when the Canadian medical system finds me an appointment. *Chelate heavy metals and/or remove mercury fillings and stains from mouth. **So far Intense excersise, low stress living, and high protien diet have helped me the most but still leave significant symptoms that really inhibit my quality of life. I'm planning on printing this out and handing it to the Endo when I finally get an appointment. Am I missing anything significant? I always leave things out when I'm actually at the Dr.'s. In the mean time would it be safe to try something like 25mg Clomid/Day for 2 months then retest my LH, E2, & Test? I am so tired of being sick all the time. Even more so: I'm so tired of flings that end when I lose sexual interest, ability, or just get lazy. I would love to actually see the gains I work for in the gym, pursue women as phsycially passionatly as I am mentally, make it to class without having to take a week off for some sort of infection, and basically live a long and meaningful life. I'm new here but after reading previous posts it seems like there are some very knowledgeable people here. If you could take the time to read all this I'd really appreciate it. Even more so if you have any sort of response. If you had a similar situation or just know how I should proceed you could be a huge help in my search for better living! Thanks! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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