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Re: Random hCG Question

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In a message dated 2/7/2010 2:31:12 PM Pacific Standard Time,

pmgamer18@... writes:

On the stim. test you do bigger shots of HCG how much are you doing and how


1000 IU every third day for 30 days...

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I think this is the million dollar question. Dr. Crisler has commented

that " HCG is known to increase aromatase activity. "

I don't believe there are studies to compare the treatment options, hCG

or injected T, or a combination of both in relation to Estradiol

conversion. Even if there are studies, what occurs for you might be


I think your answer will need to be as a result of dose trialing once

you become established on a TRT plan. Right now, if you have total T

levels at 1500 you are likely exceeding your bodies set point for T and

the excess is converting to E. This will change once you modulate your

total T level to that of a normal male range, eg <1100.

Determining your optimum T level is a balancing act. Some men feel

better with T levels in the upper range but then have to reduce E via

such means as Arimidex. Other men feel OK with or elect to have lower

levels of T in order to keep E2 in check without adding another med.

If hCG is working this well I will presume you are secondary or mixed

sec/prim as a result of late onset hypogonadism and that the doctor will

rule out other causes. In that event, you will likely want to be on hCG

alone or a combo of T and hCG depending upon several factors including

your age. At that point you would adjust hCG and T dosages for your

best response.


> Does hCG increase E2 to greater extent *relative to the amount of

> testosterone hCH causes to be released* than an identical amount of


> testosterone would?


> In other words, if I inject hCG and end up with a total testosterone

> reading of 1500, will my E2 levels be higher than if I were to inject


> amount of testosterone I'd need to get a testosterone reading of 1500?


> I ask because I am on an hCG stimulation test and my nipples are


> am curious to know if this is solely a reflection of the increase in

> testosterone, or if there is some other mechanism of action goin'





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On the stim. test you do bigger shots of HCG how much are you doing and how

often. Your nipples can get sore and hard just from your T levels going up. I

was on TRT doing shots once a week 150 mgs of Depo T. When I added HCG doing

500 IU's 3x's a week after the 15th shot we did labs and my Total T went up from

600 to 1200 so my testis kicked in and made 600 more points of testosterone.

But my Estradiol shot up I feel it's a small price to pay to have to take some

Arimidex to keep Estradiol levels down and feel this good. To much HCG more

then your testis can handle will convert into Estradol.



> From: WithBACON@... <WithBACON@...>

> Subject: Random hCG Question


> Date: Sunday, February 7, 2010, 4:36 PM

> Does hCG increase E2 to greater

> extent *relative to the amount of

> testosterone hCH causes to be released* than an identical

> amount of injected

> testosterone would?


> In other words, if I inject hCG and end up with a total

> testosterone

> reading of 1500, will my E2 levels be higher than if I were

> to inject whatever

> amount of testosterone I'd need to get a testosterone

> reading of 1500?


> I ask because I am on an hCG stimulation test and my

> nipples are sore...I

> am curious to know if this is solely a reflection of the

> increase in

> testosterone, or if there is some other mechanism of action

> goin' on...




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Do you feel a low ache in your testis I did it was them going back to work.

When you do your labs after this test make sure you test your Estradiol E2

levels do a Sensitive Estradiol test for men at Quest labs #4021 to see if your

levels are up best level is 20 pg/ml some men feel fine at 30 if your over 30

and don't have night time and morning wood your to high. And this can make your

nipple sore and hard and kill your sex life. High levels of Estradiol can lower

your Testosterone levels and your labs can look like your Secondary.

What happens is your brain sees high levels of Estradiol as Testosterone because

it can't tell the diff. between them. So as your Estadiol levels go to high

your brain thinks it's Testosterone and slows down sending the LH and FSH so

your testis stop making T and you look like your Secondary or have a Pituitary


All a guy with this problem needs to do is get the Estradiol levels down and his

brain will see his T levels low and it will start sending more LH and FSH and

your T levels can go back up some 200 to 300 points.

Read these links.

In this link it's about older men but I see this in younger men.





I am just giving you a heads up about this before you go on TRT for life you

might not need it.



> From: WithBACON@... <WithBACON@...>

> Subject: Re: Random hCG Question


> Date: Sunday, February 7, 2010, 8:52 PM


> In a message dated 2/7/2010 2:31:12 PM Pacific Standard

> Time,

> pmgamer18@...

> writes:


> On the stim. test you do bigger shots of HCG how much are

> you doing and how

> often.


> 1000 IU every third day for 30 days...




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