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Reduced or Eliminated Need for Anti-depressants

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Many years ago, my doctor prescribed Trazodone for mild insomnia, anxiety and

depression. I didn't then and don't now have sleep apnea. However, even though

falling asleep wasn't too much of an issue, I'd wake up many times during the

night. Often, all I would do when I woke up was check the alarm clock to see if

it was time to get up yet or not. Of course the more I did this, the more

anxious I'd become. Fortunately, Trazodone seemed to do the trick, allowing me

to sleep through the night.

At that time, I was taking 300 mg just before retiring for the night. One

problem I experienced was that I'd feel groggy the next morning until about

mid-day. Eventually, I cut back on the amount of Trazodone I was taking. At the

same time, I began taking Wellbrutrin XL to treat depression. This course of

treatment for depression continued with some variances over the next fifteen


Since beginning TRT last August, I've discontinued taking both Welbutrin and

more recently Trazodone. So far, I've not felt at all depressed, which is great.

Perhaps the TRT is helping relieve any depression I felt before.

It has been about two weeks since I stopped taking Trazodone. My ending dosage

was 75 mg per night. I should have tapered off, but I ran out and thought what

the heck, I'll just quit now. I don't recommend doing this. Coming off Trazodone

can make one feel really sick with flu like symptoms. My sleep patterns are not

as good as they were while on Trazodone, but they are gradually getting better.

I feel rested most of the time.

Has anyone else had similar experiences with reduced or an eliminated need for

anti-depressant medications since beginning TRT?

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