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New here, looking for answers

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Hello everyone, I'm new to your group. I have some questions that I hope you

can answer.

I'm 34 years old, married, and have 1 child. I was diagnosed with low T in Jan

of this year after my wife begged me to get my levels check since she though my

libido had dropped of a cliff. My total T level was 159. My doc prescribed me

androgel 7.5 grams per day. I asked my doc specifically if there where any side

effects and he flatly told me no. So being naive I just started applying it.

Last week I haphazardly found out that taking testosterone therapy can atrophy

my testicles and make me infertile. (I want to have more kids). Why my doc

failed to mention this to me is unfathomable. I guess I should have been more

proactive and researched before I just did as he said. Since then, I've done a

lot of research on this website and others, finding out about all the other

tests my doc should have done and alternative therapies he could have

recommended but didn't. I've found a new doctor that prescribed the pellets as

is recommended, I hope he can help. My first appointment is next week.

My question is that now that I am already on T replacement therapy, what kind

of labwork can my new doc order for me? Won't the fact that I'm on androgel

skew any results? I want to know if I have primary or secondary hypogonadism,

but how is this possible now? What should I ask my doctor when I go?

BTW, I'm still on the androgel, I don't want me testosterone to go to nothing.

My last labs it was 535.

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Hi amoonintexas and Welcome,

Not all men can't have kids on TRT one needs to have there sperm checked before

going on it. If it's good I tell men to have some frozen for a back up.

At Dr. 's forum one the guys that did not want a baby again there are going

to have one. So it happens it just depends on the guy and how sick he is before

going on TRT.

As for Pellets they are dam good if you can find a good Dr. that knows how to

dose them most men need 1500 mgs of pellets to last 3 to 4 months.

Here is a link to a search " ernestnolan pellets " he over 70 now been on pellets

for many yrs. if the link does not work just do a search. Read them you find

all kinds of info about them.


lets & submit=Search & charset=utf-8

The way I found out I am Secondary my labs when they were first done my Total T

was 120 and my LH was very low still Dr.'s told me I am Primary meaning my

testis don't work. After being on TRT 23 yrs I got my Dr. to let me try HCG I

went on 300mgs 3x's a week with a Depo T shot of 150 mgs.

My Total T went from 600 to 1200 after the 15th shot of HCG so this told my new

Dr. my Testis work we then did an MRI on my Pituitary it was good no tumor. So

when I first got sick it was after an auto accident where I had a head injury.

We also found a lot of my hormones were low like Cortisol so we did an ACTH

Stim. test this showed I was Secondary.

So you can do labs to tell, if your Dr. tested your LH and FSH when you were

first tested if they were low you might be Secondary. But still it's hard to

tell because going on TRT shuts down your pituitary from sending LH and FSH.

Testing is still a very good idea to have done to rule out things like low

Cortisol, Thyroid, Iron and so on.

If you go to Dr. s site and read TRT: A Recipe for Success in this are labs

you needed done and why.


Check this out and get the ones done that were not done.



> From: amoonintexas <no_reply >

> Subject: New here, looking for answers


> Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 5:49 PM

> Hello everyone, I'm new to your

> group.  I have some questions that I hope you can

> answer.


> I'm 34 years old, married, and have 1 child.  I was

> diagnosed with low T in Jan of this year after my wife

> begged me to get my levels check since she though my libido

> had dropped of a cliff.  My total T level was

> 159.  My doc prescribed me androgel 7.5 grams per

> day.  I asked my doc specifically if there where any

> side effects and he flatly told me no.  So being naive

> I just started applying it.

> Last week I haphazardly found out that taking testosterone

> therapy can atrophy my testicles and make me infertile. (I

> want to have more kids).  Why my doc failed to mention

> this to me is unfathomable.  I guess I should have been

> more proactive and researched before I just did as he

> said.  Since then, I've done a lot of research on this

> website and others, finding out about all the other tests my

> doc should have done and alternative therapies he could have

> recommended but didn't.  I've found a new doctor that

> prescribed the pellets as is recommended, I hope he can

> help.  My first appointment is next week.


> My question is that now that I am already on T replacement

> therapy,  what kind of labwork can my new doc order for

> me?  Won't the fact that I'm on androgel skew any

> results?  I want to know if I have primary or secondary

> hypogonadism,  but how is this possible now?  What

> should I ask my doctor when I go?


> BTW, I'm still on the androgel, I don't want me

> testosterone to go to nothing.  My last labs it was

> 535. 




> ------------------------------------



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