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Re: Hello to every one

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Hi everyone sorry I haven't been on the past couple of days but been REAL busy here..First going through tests on my back and then we are trying to find a place to move..I have been on the go constantly since Tuesday..I don't stop.I get up at 6:00 every morning and don't get to bed till almost 11:00..Tomorrow we are going to my in-laws in Beaumont for the weekend..I am so tired but I did want to say I have all of you in my heart and prayers..I will try to be on over the weekend..I have plenty of access to pC's over there.LOL..I'll be on checking up on all of you...Love to all..Tomorrow I'll find out the results of my CT on my back..I'll let yall know ok?

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Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share some good news about a girl who was in our group...

Remember Baby Zorba and the Ice Cream Incident? Well she keeps in touch

with me and a few days ago she wrote me that she had resigned herself to

the uncertain life of Hep C and had been very depressed. Well she had

decided to go and have blood drawn one last time.... She had already

told herself that she would do no more treatment because she didn't

respond. She prayed so much that she was almost giving up on faith....

Well her results came back and Praise the Lord.. She was totally

undetectable. She is sooooooo happy that she feels like she has been

reborn. She is now aware of the little things that we all take for

Granted. The rustling of leaves and the sun shining etc. I just had to

share that with everyone because she was in this group when we all came

to be. Hope everyone is doing Good!!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Yes please let us know the results of the CT on your back. Hugs and love and Prayers Fluffy Re: [ ] Hello to every one Hi everyone sorry I haven't been on the past couple of days but been REAL busy here..First going through tests on my back and then we are trying to find a place to move..I have been on the go constantly since Tuesday..I don't stop.I get up at 6:00 every morning and don't get to bed till almost 11:00..Tomorrow we are going to my in-laws in Beaumont for the weekend..I am so tired but I did want to say I have all of you in my heart and prayers..I will try to be on over the weekend..I have plenty of access to pC's over there.LOL..I'll be on checking up on all of you...Love to all..Tomorrow I'll find out the results of my CT on my back..I'll let yall know ok?

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Hi Jan

I know that this reply is a little late, but I haven't had any time to be on the computer the last couple of days. I hope that you have a good time in Beaumont over the weekend.

Re: [ ] Hello to every one

Hi everyone sorry I haven't been on the past couple of days but been REAL busy here..First going through tests on my back and then we are trying to find a place to move..I have been on the go constantly since Tuesday..I don't stop.I get up at 6:00 every morning and don't get to bed till almost 11:00..Tomorrow we are going to my in-laws in Beaumont for the weekend..I am so tired but I did want to say I have all of you in my heart and prayers..I will try to be on over the weekend..I have plenty of access to pC's over there.LOL..I'll be on checking up on all of you...Love to all..Tomorrow I'll find out the results of my CT on my back..I'll let yall know ok?

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Thank you Sharon

Re: [ ] Hello to every one

> It's good to hear from you . I'm just sorry you

> had to get sick to have any time. Glad you got a job

> though.

> Sharon

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Hi Dave

In some ways this job is a little better.

There are some bad things about it though. I work in the rendering department. That is the department that processes all of the non edible parts of the cow after it is killed. The temperature in the building is probably around 160 degrees when all of the cookers and machines are running. Luckily I work the night shift so before morning it starts to cool off a little.

This job is for someone a little younger and in better physical condition than I am, but nobody really wants to work in that department. They do seem to take care of those of us that do, probably so we don't quit on them.From what I understand most people don't last there more than a few weeks before they quit. I've found that as I get more acclimated to the job that it isn't all that bad. Because of the heat we get to take frequent breaks.

Well I guess I better go for now.

Re: [ ] Hello to every one

Yeah , I hope thing straighten out for you financially and employment wise. I don't recall if this job is comparable with the job you lost or not. I have been lucky to survive several rounds of layoffs at our plant. I think we're down to a bare minimum staff, so I feel better about my chances to stick around. We're getting to the age where our age becomes a factor in whether a company wants to hire us or not. Hope you are feeling better. -dz-

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The last thing I got was rest this weekend..We had to take stuff out of storage in Texas and put it in storage here till we find another place..I am TOTALLY EXHAUSTED but had to tell you all hi..I was going to try to get on line in Texas but dingy me forgot my password..How ya like that..I still don't know it..LOL..I'll try to be on touch tomorrow..Hope all of you had a good weekend...Love to all..

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Hi !!!!!!! Sure have missed hearing from you!!!!!! Hope the job is

going ok.... I will saya prayer for you !!!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hi Diane

Thanks for the prayer.

Yes the job is going ok. It's very strenuous work and only night shifts, but

I can live with that for now. I'm starting to become accustomed to the night

work without too much trouble.

Re: [ ] Hello to every one

> Hi !!!!!!! Sure have missed hearing from you!!!!!! Hope the job is

> going ok.... I will saya prayer for you !!!!!!!


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity







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