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RE: Fwd: email from god

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Refresh my memory, Jan, did you recently have a hystorectomy? That can play havoc with mood swings, too. Keep us posted. It's very important to keep some lines of communication open. -dz-"Lynne (E-mail)" <Lynne@...> wrote:

Think it is time, to go back to the doctor or at least call and get your meds doses changed. This has happen with many friends of mine and it happens quickly, so the doses have to altered. Don't forget we are women and our hormones play a big part in our chemical make-up. Call your doctor. We love you Lynne

-----Original Message-----From: Janet [mailto:jfw4359@...]Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 12:41 AM Subject: RE: [ ] Fwd: email from god

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

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Hi Rick..Congrats on your son's wedding..Sorry to hear about your dog though..Did ya see where I have a new one..Well I started vacumming and he ran off and hid somewhere..Hope he comes out soon..LOL..Hope tohear from ya again soon..

r dorick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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Sorry about your dog.

sharonrick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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Thanks Terry, how have you been buddy?Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Good hearing from you Rick. I'm sorry about your dog, I know it is hard. Terryrick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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ty Jan, starting week from hell here lol. wife got me trying on clothes and things for the wedding. told her going to wear bike boots and shorts tank top may work lol.

talk to you soon

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hi Rick..Congrats on your son's wedding..Sorry to hear about your dog though..Did ya see where I have a new one..Well I started vacumming and he ran off and hid somewhere..Hope he comes out soon..LOL..Hope tohear from ya again soon..

r dorick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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thanks SharonSharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote:

Sorry about your dog.

sharonrick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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We are doing well, keeping me busy at work & Mom keeps us busy here. Terryrick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

Thanks Terry, how have you been buddy?Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Good hearing from you Rick. I'm sorry about your dog, I know it is hard. Terryrick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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Good luck on that one Rick. Let us know if you get away with it. Terryrick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

ty Jan, starting week from hell here lol. wife got me trying on clothes and things for the wedding. told her going to wear bike boots and shorts tank top may work lol.

talk to you soon

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hi Rick..Congrats on your son's wedding..Sorry to hear about your dog though..Did ya see where I have a new one..Well I started vacumming and he ran off and hid somewhere..Hope he comes out soon..LOL..Hope tohear from ya again soon..

r dorick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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It's probably better to do what your told on this one. Remember the 2 words that make a happy marriage are "yes dear" lol

SharonTerry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Good luck on that one Rick. Let us know if you get away with it. Terryrick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

ty Jan, starting week from hell here lol. wife got me trying on clothes and things for the wedding. told her going to wear bike boots and shorts tank top may work lol.

talk to you soon

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hi Rick..Congrats on your son's wedding..Sorry to hear about your dog though..Did ya see where I have a new one..Well I started vacumming and he ran off and hid somewhere..Hope he comes out soon..LOL..Hope tohear from ya again soon..

r dorick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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Rick that sounds just like you!! LOL..My kind of man!!

rick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

ty Jan, starting week from hell here lol. wife got me trying on clothes and things for the wedding. told her going to wear bike boots and shorts tank top may work lol.

talk to you soon

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hi Rick..Congrats on your son's wedding..Sorry to hear about your dog though..Did ya see where I have a new one..Well I started vacumming and he ran off and hid somewhere..Hope he comes out soon..LOL..Hope tohear from ya again soon..

r dorick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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lol well Tery dont think its going to work but we will see lmao

RickTerry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Good luck on that one Rick. Let us know if you get away with it. Terryrick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

ty Jan, starting week from hell here lol. wife got me trying on clothes and things for the wedding. told her going to wear bike boots and shorts tank top may work lol.

talk to you soon

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hi Rick..Congrats on your son's wedding..Sorry to hear about your dog though..Did ya see where I have a new one..Well I started vacumming and he ran off and hid somewhere..Hope he comes out soon..LOL..Hope tohear from ya again soon..

r dorick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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if i pull it off will send pic lol


Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Rick that sounds just like you!! LOL..My kind of man!!

rick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

ty Jan, starting week from hell here lol. wife got me trying on clothes and things for the wedding. told her going to wear bike boots and shorts tank top may work lol.

talk to you soon

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hi Rick..Congrats on your son's wedding..Sorry to hear about your dog though..Did ya see where I have a new one..Well I started vacumming and he ran off and hid somewhere..Hope he comes out soon..LOL..Hope tohear from ya again soon..

r dorick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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Good luck trying to get ny on that one with Becky..LOL..Hey dress like that anyway and send a pic!!!

rick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

if i pull it off will send pic lol


Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Rick that sounds just like you!! LOL..My kind of man!!

rick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

ty Jan, starting week from hell here lol. wife got me trying on clothes and things for the wedding. told her going to wear bike boots and shorts tank top may work lol.

talk to you soon

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hi Rick..Congrats on your son's wedding..Sorry to hear about your dog though..Did ya see where I have a new one..Well I started vacumming and he ran off and hid somewhere..Hope he comes out soon..LOL..Hope tohear from ya again soon..

r dorick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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lol will do Jan, and hope you are doing great.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Good luck trying to get ny on that one with Becky..LOL..Hey dress like that anyway and send a pic!!!

rick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

if i pull it off will send pic lol


Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Rick that sounds just like you!! LOL..My kind of man!!

rick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

ty Jan, starting week from hell here lol. wife got me trying on clothes and things for the wedding. told her going to wear bike boots and shorts tank top may work lol.

talk to you soon

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hi Rick..Congrats on your son's wedding..Sorry to hear about your dog though..Did ya see where I have a new one..Well I started vacumming and he ran off and hid somewhere..Hope he comes out soon..LOL..Hope tohear from ya again soon..

r dorick martin <r_martin85@...> wrote:

WAY TO GO JR. Hi all i am still kicking. getting ready for sons wedding this weekend.

We had to put my dog down friday, he was 17 years old. and of all things his liver failed.

well hope all is fine, see you soon.

RickJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

I think Jeff got the shaft too Terry..It wasn't fair at all..Jr. did so good though..I forgot where Waltrip finished..I like him too and hey Kenny Wallace was in this one..What was wrong with Harvic?? HIs left arm was numb and Petty had to race for him...Don't know the whole story to that one yet..Hope all had a good weekend..I slept good for the first time last night..My moods are better but it seems it doesn't take much to set them off..Had my son alll weekend so that was a n=big plus..I knew I didn't want him to see me break and I did warn him and he understood..I let him drive all the way back to his dad's..Now for me to let him do that I had trust in him or I am really nuts!! He did good..He would always say I didn't need to tell him how to slow down or anything and I told him I earned that right 15 years ago when he was born!! I can do that!! Get in touch everyone!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

It was a good race, Jr deserved this weekend after all he has been through the last several weeks. I was glad to see Jimmy doing so well after his last 3 race's. I thank Jeff got the shaft. Being told to go ahead, then to get called back in. I don't thank he had the car to beat Jr tonight. But he would of been in the top 5. So far this year Jeff has 5 wins & Jr has 4.

I thank it will be between Jeff Jimmy & Jr for the champion ship this year. Terry

Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

iHey Terry did you see who won Bush and Nextel???? La La La..Hum Hum Hum..Boogity..Boogity..Boogity!!! Yes in deed it was Jr..He done it and won it twice!!!

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor & let him know what your going through. It might be that all you need is slight adjustment in your meds. Take care of your self, we need you around. If just to keep Dave & I in line. TerryJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Ok I have a confession..I am the one who is bipolar..I was put on wellbutrin and prozac..300mg of wellbutrin and 50mg of prozac..SOMETHING HAPPENED cause one day and it was comiong I know now I even took my shoes off and threw them at my husband..After thaat I didn't want to t alk to anyone and when I did I cried all the time embrassing myself..I syayed in the house in my room for 3 days..Today I woke up and said ok it'[s over..Well gues what?? Itt wasn't..I had 2 spells as I calll them today..This shit has to quit..I'm not me anymore..I don't know where this stranger came from and took over me but I want her out!!!

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

That's the killer. My wife, like myself is a recovering alcoholic. Any treatment for depression is basically useless in the presence of alcohol or recreational drug use. I have learned that many people in recovery suffer from other problems which contribute to their struggles with drugs. I have been dx with ADD and my dr told me that I was probably trying subconciously to medicate myself. With ADD, like a bipolar in a manic episode, I was always playing with danger and excitement. -dz-Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Debbie, thanks for the posting. I'm glad stable now. Susy & I pray that becomes stable. mixes her meds with other drugs pot coke & booz. Then the Doctor takes her off the meds till she's clean up. She will be off her meds & doing drugs several monthes. Then she cleans up, get's on her meds. I pray that your son is able to become stable. I have known others with bipolar to become & stay stable. So I know that it can be done. Belive me, we have tried helping . Right now she has to want to help herself. She knows we are here for her.

Right now she thanks that there is nothing wrong with her. When she desides she wants to stop the merry go round & starts helping herself, we will give her all the help we can. TerryDebbie <hepslandslide@...> wrote:


I am bipolar and I was uncontrollable in my youth. I have my ups and downs but for the most part have been very stable since 30. My son is bipolar and im fighting my parents now..he cant take meds due to liver illness. For the most part he is a great kid. Just has a problem. Dealing with it all my life I guess makes it easier for me to deal. I hope someday she comes around..the problem with therapy is finding the right



A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Fwd: email from god n Josh Munstermann ,Toni , Watts ,Judy Berner , Carole Bill ,Pastor Bill Eth , Bob ,jim/linda bodard , MARLENE BUTCHER ,danandmaria ,duncan , Joy ,

, Terry Long ,MJB

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the inappropriate behaviour that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. When the angel returned, he told God, "Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are not." God thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I had better send down a econd angel to get another opinion." So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time. When that angel returned he went to God and said, "Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving and 5% are being good." God was not pleased. So while he was debating what to do about the 95% He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good to encourage them - give them a little something to help them keep

going. Do you know what that E-mail said? No? I didn't get one either.--

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!



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